JEC Composites Magazine

Covering scientific information, business, technology, manufacturing, and application sectors trends

JEC Composites Market News

Offering complete weekly coverage of the international composites news in every sector of the composites industry.

JEC Composites Informations

Compiling every two weeks the latest international news and Francophone market.

JEC Composites Website

The industry’s most visited and popular website in composites, a real crossroads for the world of composites.

JEC Composites Publications

Covering market studies, trends and forecasts, sustainability report…

JEC Composites Web TV

A platform where hundreds of videos have been spotted by JEC Group’s experts to present materials, processes, applications, business cases…

Subscribe to the JEC Composites e-Letters

Subscribe to the JEC Composites e-Letters

e-Letter(s) Subscription(s)(Required)
"JEC Composites Market News" e-Letter: compilation of the latest international news and trends with a dedicated feature each month, 4 issues per month (every Wednesday), up-to-date agenda, edit in English. "JEC Composites Informations" e-Letter: compilation of the latest international news and trends with a focus on the francophone market, 2 issues per month (alternate Thursdays), up-to-date agenda, edit in French.