The future of infrastructure

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This book identifies the areas where composites are successfully penetrating infrastructure applications with good prospects for the future.

A sweep across the broad panorama of composite applications reveals that there are four infrastructure sectors where composites have established themselves and continue to grow, namely:

  • transportation,
  • utilities,
  • civil protection
  • open-air public use

This book presents 81 tangible examples to illustrate some or all advantages of the composites, such as low weight, easy handling, durability, reparability, fire resistance, reduced life-cycle costs….


This book identifies the areas where composites are successfully penetrating infrastructure applications with good prospects for the future.

A sweep across the broad panorama of composite applications reveals that there are four infrastructure sectors where composites have established themselves and continue to grow, namely:

  • transportation,
  • utilities,
  • civil protection
  • open-air public use

This book presents 81 tangible examples to illustrate some or all advantages of the composites, such as low weight, easy handling, durability, reparability, fire resistance, reduced life-cycle costs….


Section 1: Introduction – Composites and Infrastructure

  • The purpose, scope and targeted audience
  • The definition and scope of composites as used in infrastructure
  • The breadth of composites applications in infrastructure
  • Key reasons for the use of composites in infrastructure applications
  • Key composite manufacturing processes used for infrastructure applications

Section 2: Overview of composites by major infrastructure segment

  • The attractiveness of composites for infrastructure
  • Overview of composite use in transportation infrastructure
  • Transportation infrastructure example cases:
    • Pedestrian & cycle transport
    • Road transport
    • Rail transport
    • Air transport
    • Water-based tranport
    • Mass transit
  • Overview of composite use in utilities infrastructure
  • Utilities infrastructure example cases:
    • Water infrastructure
    • Waste water & sewage infrastructure
    • Gas infrastructure
    • Electricity infrastructure
    • Telecommunications infrastructure
    • Other utilities infrastructure
  • Overview of composite use in civil protection infrastructure
  • Civil protection infrastructure example cases
  • Overview of composite use in open-air public infrastructure
  • Open-air public example cases

Section 3: Key factors and trends relating to composites use in infrastructure applications

  • In search of legitimacy
  • Opportunities in new infrastructure
  • Opportunities in repair, renovation, retrofitting and replacement
  • Building codes and design guides
  • Minimising installation or repair disruption
  • Installed cost and total cost of ownership
  • Continuing need for education and promotion

Section 4: Concluding thoughts on the future of composites in infrastructure

  • Concluding thoughts
  • Factors inhibiting growth
  • Drivers and enablers of growth
  • Growth perspectives

Publication date: December 2019