Sigmatex achieves double ISO certification for UK operation

Sigmatex, a producers of carbon fibre textiles, has achieved a double ISO Certification for its UK manufacturing operation. The Runcorn-based business has secured both ISO14001 and ISO45001 endorsing its best practice principles in the areas of environmental management and the health, safety, and wellbeing of its employees.

Sigmatex achieves double ISO certification for UK operation

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Commenting on the award of these accreditations, Managing Director Paul McMullan said: “Achievement of both standards is an important milestone in our determination to be recognised as an industry leader in Health, Safety and Environmental practises, and something we are very proud of. Over the next few years, we will continue to push forward in these areas to achieve further successes, demonstrating to all our stakeholders our firm commitment and determination to be a responsible business.”

ISO14001 is an internationally recognised Environmental Management standard that provides a structured and demanding approach to the sustainability practices employed by a business. Achieving this accreditation demonstrates that Sigmatex is fully committed to reducing its environmental footprint, driving its sustainability principles both at an organisational level and within its industry. Several initiatives have been implemented over the past two years that have reduced its environmental impact, including achieving zero waste to landfill, reducing energy consumption through the adoption of more energy efficient technologies, and investing in the use of renewable energy sources.

“Today, 100% of our electricity comes from renewable sources, which is a major achievement for our business and something we are very proud of. We are continually focused on driving our sustainability principles and producing the most environmentally friendly carbon fibre textiles which are being demanded by our customers. This focus extends up and down our supply chains, working in collaboration with our partners to pioneer the move towards carbon neutrality,” commented Mr. McMullan

Meanwhile, the achievement of the internationally recognised ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety standard demonstrates Sigmatex’s commitment to OH&S. This also ensures its legal compliance, via a framework to engage with colleagues across the business on the collective importance of driving up safety standards and ensuring the adoption of industry best practise.

“The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and wider stakeholders is of paramount importance to everyone at Sigmatex. We aspire to be a zero-harm business that puts safety standards above everything else. The challenges of the pandemic taught us to recognise that we could and should do a lot more as an organisation, widening our scope beyond just physical safety to include mental health and wellbeing. As part of this expansion, we are determined to be a best-in-class business that really puts our people first through proactive actions that reduce or prevent incidents,” concluded Mr. McMullan.

More information www.sigmatex.co.uk