The CONNECT project kick-off

The Jules Verne Institute of Technological Research and its project partners, Airbus Atlantic, Airbus Operations, Daher Aerospace, Latecoere, Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse, Université de Nantes (LTeN) and Cero have just launched the CONNECT (Composite Overmolding stampiNg from simulatioN to procEss Chain for Thermoplastic) project for a duration of 30 months and a budget of 2,7 M€.

The CONNECT project kick-off

30 secondes

Previous projects COSMOS / COSMOS-PEEK were completed in 2022 with the main objective of improving the technological feasibility of the stamping and over-molding processes applied to high-performance materials for the aeronautical industry. The CONNECT project aims at demonstrating the process robustness and at developing a numerical simulation chain to accelerate the certification of aeronautics parts.

Main objectives 

  • Define a methodology for the qualification of over-molded interfaces
  • Evaluate the repeatability of stamping and over-molding processes (2steps with localized heating)
  • Define specific test methods and samples for over-molded interfaces
  • Develop specific adhesion laws suitable for the thermal dynamics of the over-molding process
  • Develop a predictive cohesive model for the over-molded interfaces behaviour
More information www.irt-jules-verne.fr