CIMComp to share the culmination of its dedicated research at JEC World 2024

The EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub (CIMComp), announces its participation in JEC World 2024, taking place from the 5th – 7th March in Paris. Hub teams members will be available to discuss CIMComp’s cutting-edge advancements in composite manufacturing, with a focus on the impactful results of its portfolio of projects.

CIMComp to share the culmination of its dedicated research at JEC World 2024

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This year, CIMComp takes centre stage at JEC World 2024 to share the culmination of its dedicated research. Over the last 7 years, CIMComp has funded 50 research projects aligned with five key priority areas identified in collaboration with industry partners and the Composites Leadership Forum:

  • High-rate deposition and rapid processing technologies
  • Design for manufacture via validated simulation
  • Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures
  • Inspection and in-process evaluation
  • Recycling and re-use

These priorities ensure that CIMComp’s research directly addresses the evolving needs of the composite industry, driving impactful solutions and fostering continued advancement.

In addition to providing training to the next generation of composite engineers, these collaborations bring together the expertise of leading academics and researchers from 16 UK universities, working together with industry partners to tackle critical challenges in composite manufacturing.

Meet CIMComp team at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth T62 as part of the Composites UK pavilion.

More information www.cimcomp.ac.uk