Roth Composite Machinery brings innovations to filament winding

Roth’s filament winding experts will be showcasing their innovative automation concept for reliable fibre changing as well as the new special winding software “µRoWin” at CAMX.

Roth Composite Machinery brings innovations to filament winding

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Fast and safe fibre change

This innovation emerged from the company’s own development work and proves to be very powerful already in the trial phase. It is an innovative automation concept in which compressed air is used to swirl the individual fibres for all fibre strands in parallel to create a secure connection with the changeable fibres. Until now, the rovings have either been knotted or spliced by hand when changing – a process being not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. The automated process, together with the corresponding machine, can realise the fibre changing process quickly and safely.

Special software optimises simulation and process

The new winding software µRoWin for generating programs for the machine movement was specially developed for Roth Composite Machinery’s high-level filament winding machines. It offers a fluent workflow and allows the checking of all relevant input parameters at any time. This transparency and precision of the algorithms anchored in the software ensure the highest placement accuracy of the fibres – and is thus an important instrument for quality assurance.

The powerful and user-friendly special software not only optimises the winding process, but already ensures maximum efficiency beforehand: the structure can be designed and optimised via 3D simulation. This “digital twin” can then be transferred to the machine as a control code simply by pressing a button.

Photo: Automation, safety and time saving are the focus of Roth Composite Machinery’s trade show appearance at CAMX 2023. (Photo: Roth Composite Machinery)

More information www.roth-industries.com