Pinette PEI partners with Composites Expert

Strategic partnership to democratise industrial processes for the production of composite parts.

Pinette PEI partners with Composites Expert

2 minutes, 20 secondes

Pinette PEI and Composite Expert announced that they have entered into a strategic partnership that will promote and disseminate the E-Learning Composites Academy by Composites Expert training courses at the very heart of the industrial ecosystem for the transformation of composite materials, as well as the future integration of the simulator, a genuine E-Learning Composites Academy by Composites Expert teaching tool, into Pinette PEI machines to assist in the development and offer a better understanding of the production processes for parts made of thermoplastic composite materials.

Thanks to this partnership, Pinette PEI stands out from its competitors by taking a further step towards becoming a technology supplier with vertical integration in composite processing. This agreement will enable users of composite processing machines to understand the phenomena occurring within the material and therefore the influence of the various process parameters on the quality of parts.

This partnership marks a unique turning point in the composite materials processing industry, providing a decision-making aid that will increase the skills of all those involved – operators, developers, designers, etc. – and make composite processing accessible to more companies. This will enable the democratization of lightweight material manufacturing, reducing CO2 emissions.

This agreement brings together Pinette PEI’s network of customers and installed machines (more than 6,000 worldwide) with Composites Expert’s worldwide reputation and unique expertise.

Pinette PEI customers can now access the E-Learning Composites Academy by Composites Expert training courses in addition to the existing training catalogue.

For many years, Pinette PEI has relied on three pillars to underpin its development: innovation, partnership and international expansion. Today, the association with Composites Expert meets all these pillars; a further demonstration of Pinette PEI’s desire to develop partnerships, an innovative training method: e-learning, simulators connected to our equipment – and all this in several languages so that we can offer it to all our international customers. With this new tool, we are bringing skills and knowledge to our customers’ teams, so that they can understand the transformation processes and optimise the use of our high-tech equipment. Pinette PEI: giving our customers a head start“, said Erick Rousseau, Deputy Managing Director Pinette PEI.

The integration of our training module on stamping technology was carried out in partnership with the leader in the field, Daher. This teaching approach is linked to a digital twin designed using Pinette PEI’s press architecture. The learner is given highly educational guidance throughout his or her training.
Our partnership will involve integrating the stamping simulator into the Pinette PEI press programme. This will ensure that the generic and educational training courses complement each other, and that the process parameters are optimised.
Integrating the software into the Pinette PEI presses will help to improve control of the process, while at the same time enhancing its database. The more this database is fed, the more the digital twin will refine the specific parameters.
E-Learning Composites Academy, a partner of Pinette PEI, is keen to offer the integration of an innovative teaching method in real-life conditions, to help acquire new skills and performance
“, added Jean-Pierre Cauchois, Chairman and founder of Composites Expert.

More information www.pinetteemidecau.eu