Advanced design of opto-mechanical systems

Cooperation between CompoTech PLUS and Meopta – Optika has started with aim on R&D activities in application of composite materials into opto-mechanical devices for optical and semiconductor industry. The advantages and disadvantages of fibre composites were tested, and several components were manufactures and successfully applied into a serial production and design chain in both companies.

Advanced design of opto-mechanical systems

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To further enhance the knowledge needed for semiconductor industry related application, a participation in the research project under National Competence Centre has been started in 2023, where the main partners of CompoTech are Meopta – Optika, Czech Technical University in Prague and HiLase. The project, which is supported by Technology Agency of Czech Republic, started in January 2023, and is planned for the next 6 years.

The project is focused on development of high-rigidity composite structural parts for opto-mechanical assemblies, like the one given on the following example. A replacement of heavy stainless steel or granite frames by light-weight composites lead to major mass reduction of structural frames. Due to the CompoTech technology, ultra-high modulus fibres are applied into the design leading to great structural stiffness, good damping behaviour. Using the benefits of low CTE properties of the fibres, the frame behaviour has very low deformations under the thermal loading.

Through the project technology development, together with simulation models and design approaches will be developed, manufactured, and tested on large structural frames, using the abilities of all participants. One of the important areas is to design the carbon frames with the surface protection, which works in semiconductor industry clean rooms

NCK – Centre of Advanced Electron and Photonic Optics (CAEPO)
Project No:      TN02000020
Who is funding: Project is co-financed with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Schedule of project: 1/2023 – 12/2028

More information www.compotech.com