Success for the first test flight of the EcoPulse hybrid electric aircraft

Developed by Daher, Safran, and Airbus, the demonstrator of a distributed hybrid-electric propulsion aircraft, named EcoPulse, successfully completed its first test flight at the end of November 2023. A new milestone on the path to decarbonized aviation.

Success for the first test flight of the EcoPulse hybrid electric aircraft

1 minute, 10 secondes

On November 29, 2023, EcoPulse took off from Tarbes Airport for a test flight lasting approximately 100 minutes in hybrid-electric mode, a groundbreaking achievement. This milestone follows ground tests and initial flight hours with a non-functional electric mode.

EcoPulse explores the path to more sustainable aviation.

“Today, we confirmed that this disruptive propulsion system works in flight, paving the way for more sustainable aviation. Insights from upcoming flight tests will contribute to our technological roadmap,” rejoices Eric Dalbiès, director of strategy, R&T, and Innovation at Safran. “This is a major step for our industry,” adds Sabine Klauke, CTO of Airbus, while Pascal Laguerre, CTO of Daher, which has recently evolved its top management, highlights efforts to “converge practical and meaningful expertise in design, certification, and operations to pave the way for more sustainable aircraft in the future.”

EcoPulse stimulates collaborative working principles.

It’s worth noting that the EcoPulse demonstrator was presented at the Paris Air Show (Le Bourget) in 2019. EcoPulse is one of the major collaborative projects in Europe in the field of aviation decarbonization and is supported by CORAC (Civil Aeronautical Research Council) and co-financed by the French DGAC (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) through France Relance and NextGeneration EU. The EcoPulse, based on a Daher TBM aircraft platform, recently participated in the Green Aero Days held in Pau, in France, on December 6 and 7, 2023, featuring several experimental projects such as Rhymote by Blue Spirit Aero, Cassio S by Voltaero, Elixir by Elixir Aircraft, etc.

More information www.daher.com