Applications – JEC Connecting the World with Composites Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:51:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Applications - JEC 32 32 191959199 Composites One joins the TPRC Consortium Mon, 08 Apr 2024 08:46:31 +0000 Read more]]> Innovation thrives on a sound fundamental understanding of materials and processes. By integrating into the TPRC’s international research network, Composites One continues to strengthen its position as a premier supplier and distributor of composite materials in North America. Composites One is dedicated to raising awareness for its customers on emerging processes and technologies that take manufacturing to the next level. The TPRC offers crucial fundamental insights into thermoplastic composite technologies necessary for this aim.

Collaborating closely with the TPRC and exchanging expertise will advance Composites One’s objective of better supporting its customers. As a leading supplier of high-performance composite materials across North America, Composites One serves over 9,000 customers across diverse sectors including marine, aerospace, wind energy, marble/solid surface, construction, industrial and ground transportation. Within these sectors, the company provides a comprehensive range of traditional and advanced materials that cover reinforcements, resins, process materials, gel coats, catalysts, core materials, shop supplies, and process equipment. Headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, Composites One operates through a network of more than 40 locations in North America.

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the TPRC Consortium, marking a significant step forward in our continued commitment to advancing aerospace technology and supporting our customers. This collaboration underscores our dedication to the innovative use of reinforced thermoplastic composites in aeronautic part design, offering unparalleled opportunities to enhance performance while also addressing important environmental challenges. By collaborating with TPRC, we aim to not only enhance the performance and efficiency of aerospace components but also to engage in meaningful initiatives around recycling and carbon emissions.” said Dave Smith, vice president of the marketing department at Composites One.

Sebastiaan Wijskamp, general manager of the TPRC said: “We are very happy with Composites One joining our research center. Composites One brings huge value to the TPRC with their extensive network and customer base in the various markets in which they operate. Their expertise on auxiliary materials and consumables needed for the processing of composites, both thermoset and thermoplastic, will open up new project opportunities for our research roadmap.”

146827JEC Group
Korean Air finalise sa commande de 33 A350 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:17:21 +0000 Read more]]> Étant donné qu’il dispose de la plus forte autonomie de tous les avions, l’A350 sera capable d’effectuer l’ensemble des liaisons intercontinentales actuelles de Korean Air avec une réduction de 25 % de la consommation de carburant et des émissions carbone par rapport aux avions de la génération précédente. L’autonomie supplémentaire de l’A350 permettra également au transporteur d’évaluer de nouvelles destinations long-courriers.

« L’autonomie exceptionnelle, l’efficacité énergétique et le confort des passagers de l’A350 en font un choix idéal pour notre réseau mondial », a déclaré Jason Yoo, directeur de la sécurité et de l’exploitation et vice-président exécutif de Korean Air. “Nous sommes convaincus que l’introduction de l’A350 dans notre flotte améliorera l’efficacité opérationnelle ainsi que l’expérience de voyage globale de nos passagers.”

Benoit de Saint Exupéry, EVP Sales, Commercial Aircraft, Airbus a déclaré : « Cette commande de Korean Air est une nouvelle reconnaissance majeure pour l’A350 en tant que leader mondial des long-courriers. La compagnie aérienne bénéficiera de nouveaux niveaux d’efficacité dans l’ensemble de ses opérations, avec une consommation de carburant et des émissions carbone considérablement réduites. L’A350 sera également la plate-forme idéale pour que le transporteur puisse propulser ses offres à bord et ses services de classe mondiale vers de nouveaux sommets. Nous remercions Korean Air pour sa confiance continue dans Airbus et ses produits, et nous sommes impatients de voir l’A350 voler avec les couleurs emblématiques de l’entreprise“.

La gamme A350 constitue la plus moderne au monde pour les gros-porteurs. Elle est fermement établie comme leader mondial en matière de vols long-courriers, avec certaines versions passagers capables de voler jusqu’à 9 700 nm / 18 000 km sans escale. Propulsée par des moteurs Rolls-Royce de dernière génération, la cellule utilise 70 % de matériaux avancés tels que des composites, du titane et des alliages d’aluminium modernes pour créer un avion plus léger et plus rentable. Tout cela se traduit par une réduction moyenne de la consommation de carburant et des émissions carbone d’environ 25 % par rapport aux avions de taille similaire de la génération précédente.

Fin février, la famille A350 totalisait 1 240 commandes provenant de 59 clients dans le monde.

146762JEC Group
Allrounder 1600 T: Automated rotary table application for the mobility sector Wed, 03 Apr 2024 12:52:29 +0000 Read more]]> The Allrounder T vertical injection moulding machines from Arburg are entirely suitable for the production of challenging moulded parts. Their servo-electric three-station rotary table can perform various rotary sequences. It has no pillars, so as not to restrict the free space for moulds and media connections.

Overmoulding of metal inserts

The Allrounder 1600 T features a rotary table with a diameter of 1,600 millimetres and 2,000 kN of clamping force. The product, a complex fluid distributor, contains different metal inserts, which are overmoulded with 35 per cent glass-fibre reinforced PBT. A 4-cavity mould from Concraft produces four finished parts in a cycle time of around 60 seconds. The shot weight is 74.5 grams.

Complex: Automation with two robotic systems

The automation system provides three different types of inserts in a tray via a three-axis micro-robot. Then a six-axis robot with Concraft grippers and a load of 10 kg picks up a total of twelve inserts from this tray, and places them in the four cavities of the mould. After each injection process, it removes both the sprue and the finished parts.

The turnkey system has been customised with a stamping unit with stamping line conveyor system, also from local partner Concraft. There, the inserts are first stamped out and have the pins separated, before they are placed in the mould and overmoulded. Implementation of the Kuka six-axis robot and the total system sequence was handled in the Arburg Technology Factory (ATF) in Pinghu.

Arbug Allrounder rotary table machine
Arbug – Connectors

Practical: Features of the Allrounder rotary table machine

The electric drive together with precision position system ensures the high accuracy of the system and thus reliably protects the mould against damage and wear. Simultaneous insertion, overmoulding and removal ensure short cycles.

The large selection of options for a flexible configuration is as advantageous as the high safety standard, which is above the CE standard. Particularly in challenging areas like medicine or mobility, the Allrounder T provides precise results – also thanks to the pressure accumulator and lots of smart features on the Selogica control system that simplify setup and operation of the systems.

Cover photo: Arbug – Allrounder 1600 T

146721JEC Group
CO2-negative construction thanks to new composite material Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:23:47 +0000 Read more]]> The DITF is leading the joint project “DACCUS-Pre*”. The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced – a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

CO2-negative wall
DITF – Structure of the wall element.

Carbon fibers in the form of technical fabrics reinforce the side walls of the wall elements. They absorb tensile forces and are intended to stabilize the building material in the same way as reinforcing steel in concrete. The carbon fibers used are bio-based, produced from biomass. Lignin-based carbon fibers, which have long been technically optimized at DITF Denkendorf, are particularly suitable for this application: They are inexpensive due to low raw material costs and have a high carbon yield. In addition, unlike reinforcing steel, they are not susceptible to oxidation and therefore last much longer. Although carbon fibers are more energy-intensive to produce than steel, as used in reinforced concrete, only a small amount is needed for use in building materials. As a result, the energy and CO2 balance is much better than for reinforced concrete. By using solar heat and biomass to produce the carbon fibers and the weathering of the stone dust, the CO2 balance of the new building material is actually negative, making it possible to construct CO2-negative buildings.

The third component of the new building material is biochar. This is used as a filler between the two rock slabs. The char acts as an effective insulating material. It is also a permanent source of CO2 storage, which plays a significant role in the CO2 balance of the entire wall element.

From a technical point of view, the already realized demonstrator, a wall element for structural engineering, is well developed. The natural stone used is a gabbro from India, which has a high-quality appearance and is suitable for high loads. This has been proven in load tests.  Bio-based carbon fibers serve as the top layer of the stone slabs. The biochar from Convoris GmbH is characterized by particularly good thermal insulation values.

The CO2 balance of a house wall made of the new material has been calculated and compared with that of conventional reinforced concrete. This results in a difference in the CO2 balance of 157 CO2 equivalents per square meter of house wall. A significant saving!

(Methods for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (Carbon Dioxide Removal) by Direct Air Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sustainable Storage after Use (DACCUS).

Cover photo: DITF – Fully assembled wall element.

146695JEC Group
Advanced Architectural Products’ Expansion in Canadian Market through Strategic Partnership with KLAD Envelope Solutions Tue, 02 Apr 2024 15:39:34 +0000 Read more]]> Advanced Architectural Products’ uniquely designed composite metal hybrid systems combine the structural integrity of steel with the thermal insulative properties of fiber-reinforced polymers.  This new partnership will fast-forward the use of Advanced Architectural Products’ systems in Canadian projects, with an emphasis on elevating building energy performance.  The company’s GreenGirt® CMH™ Clips and GreenGirt® CMH™ Delta adjustable continuous insulation system are poised to meet the growing demand in the Canadian market for top-tier building enclosure and continuous insulation systems, all while aligning with UL Canada’s stringent S134 standard for fire testing of exterior wall assemblies.

Our GreenGirt® CMH™, GreenGirt® CMH™ Clips, and GreenGirt® CMH™ Delta have been popular in Canada for years, across provinces including British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and beyond,” stated G. Matt Krause, Founder and CEO, Advanced Architectural Products. “This partnership with KLAD Envelope Solutions will deepen our impact and bring our advanced building enclosure and continuous insulation systems to more Canadian projects and contribute to meeting the nation’s ambitious emission reduction targets.

KLAD Envelope Solutions is excited to be working with Advanced Architectural Products across Canada.  A2P’s innovative engineered products are perfectly suited to help designers and contractors meet Canada’s drive to energy efficient, high-performance buildings,” stated Robert Jahnsen, Principal, KLAD Envelope Solutions. “In partnering with A2P, KLAD continues to add to our ability to provide building envelope technical solutions for architects, contractors, engineers, and building owners.”

To expand the market for Advanced Architectural Products’ building enclosure and continuous insulation systems in Canada, Cole Hansen, Business Development Manager, will focus in British Columbia and the Northern regions; Russell Macdonald, Manager of Inside Sales, will focus in the Prairies; and Lyrrad Pittard, Vice President, will lead expansion efforts in Eastern Canada.

146690JEC Group
Exel launches new partnership with Foton Bus & Coach Company for electric buses Tue, 02 Apr 2024 10:13:06 +0000 Read more]]> The agreement, signed in February 2024, will see the glass fiber profiles manufactured locally in China. These will reduce both the maintenance requirements and weight of the vehicles, due to composites’ corrosion resistant and lightweight properties. Additionally, the geometric design flexibility of composites enables wider structural engineering possibilities than traditional metals, such as steel and aluminum. 

Foton Bus and Coach Company, a subsidiary of the Chinese BAIC company, manufactures a wide range of commercial vehicles, including trucks, buses, vans, and construction vehicles. In line with industry trends, Foton has shifted its focus to electric and hydrogen vehicle manufacturing, particularly in the bus and coach sector. 

Exel will produce a series of structural composite profiles for many different bus models. These profiles, including fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) side panels, skirt panels, and fake roofs, are manufactured using pultrusion technology with glass fiber composites. These offer greater tensile strength and durability while reducing density by 30 per cent, compared to traditional aluminum profiles. 

Exel’s profiles improve our design process in ways that are only achievable with composite materials,” explained Mr. He, head of group R&D for Foton Bus and Coach Company. “The geometric possibilities are key for complex-shape structural components and weight savings of fiberglass compared to aluminum reduces strain on both the chassis and the battery. What’s more, composite panels don’t rust and can last for decades.” 

Having refined the pultrusion manufacturing process over many decades, we can produce complex geometric profiles that match the strength of traditional aluminum, while being much lighter,” explained Kathy Wang, executive VP for industrial solutions business unit at Exel Composites. “At the same time, the finished profile has a smooth surface finish, which eliminates the need for further processing

Furthermore, unlike aluminum extrusions, which are limited to 0.3 m in width and require multiple connections for larger panels, our composite profiles can extend up to 1.2 m wide and 12 m long. This ensures structural integrity and solidarity.” 

Exel Composites can also use pultrusion for applications including interior air ducts, luggage racks, side shields, and flooring – and pull-winding for small diameter tubes, further reducing the energy consumption and weight of buses.  

146649JEC Group
Korean Air to purchase 33 Airbus A350 Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:17:23 +0000 Read more]]> Korean Air’s introduction of this equipment means accelerating ESG management by introducing a new eco-friendly A350 series aircraft, while also taking advantage of the equipment in preparation for the integration of Asiana Airlines.

The A350-1000 aircraft that Korean Air will introduce is the largest aircraft in the A350 family. It is usually equipped with 350 to 410 seats. More than 50% of the fuselage is made up of carbon composite materials, increasing fuel efficiency and reducing carbon emissions by 25% compared to existing aircraft of similar class.

Meanwhile, Korean Air is accelerating the modernization of its aircraft for safe operations. Including this contract to purchase 33 Airbus aircraft, the company plans to introduce a total of 143 new aircraft, including 50 Airbus A321neo.

146612JEC Group
BYD launches YangWang U9, its first pure electric supercar Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:17:11 +0000 Read more]]> The YangWang U9 is powered by two core technologies, the e4 platform and the DiSus-X Intelligent Body Control System, “revolutionizing the pure electric supercar segment, seamlessly integrating track performance, street adaptability, and playful features“, according to BYD.

In recent tests, the YangWang U9 reaches a top speed of 309.19 km/h and can sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.36 seconds, with 0-400 m acceleration in only 9.78 seconds. Besides, after rigorous track testing, the U9 has fine-tuned its thermal management system to better resist high temperatures, resulting in a 100% increase in maximum cooling capacity. The Blade Battery facilitates discharging and cooling functions and Dual Plug-in Ultra-fast charging technology boasts a maximum charging power of 500 kW. Additionally, YangWang U9 is equipped with 12 sets of active and passive aerodynamic packages to reduce drag coefficient and enhance heat dissipation efficiency.

The YangWang U9 boasts the “Super Carbon-Fiber Cabin, a structure made of different materials”, and the next-generation CTB technology. “And it contributes to unprecedented torsional stiffness of 54425N·m/deg and the single-side compressive load of the roof exceeds 11 tons, ensuring comprehensive travel safety“, says BYD.

146593JEC Group
Hengshen’s carbon fibre materials are used in a 143-meter-long wind turbine blade Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:10:39 +0000 Read more]]> The blade is 143 meters long and has an impeller diameter of 292 meters. It is one of the wind turbine blades with the largest impeller diameter in the world. 

The carbon fibre fabric used in this blade is exclusively supplied by China’s Hengshen, “which highlights the company’s competitiveness and influence in the field of carbon fibre wind power”, according to the company.

Hengshen has five thousand-ton carbon fibre production lines with an annual production capacity of 5,000 tons of carbon fibre. The product portfolio covers raw silk, carbon fibre, sizing agents, fabrics, liquid resins, adhesives, prepregs, carbon fibre composite parts, and aviation composite structural parts. 

In 2021, Hengshen’s 24K carbon fibre, fabric and carbon plate products obtained DNV certification from the international authoritative certification agency, becoming the first domestic carbon fibre unit to obtain this certification. Up to now, Hengshen has supplied products such as carbon fibre pultruded sheets and warp-knitted fabrics in batches to domestic and foreign wind turbine manufacturers such as Envision Energy, Shanghai Electric, and Mingyang Smart Energy.

Picture : Hengshen

146568JEC Group
Syensqo inaugurates application development labs in Bollate, Italy Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:26:35 +0000 Read more]]> Syensqo is opening state-of-the-art Application Development Labs (ADL) in Bollate that will be dedicated to developing applications for the technologies and materials of the future. 

The project includes an expansion of 1,300 square meters in a new energy-efficient building and represents a €10 million investment over the past 3 years. This project comes less than a year after inaugurating the “Dry Room” laboratory for lithium batteries, reaffirming the Bollate Research Center’s pivotal role in developing new applications for high-tech industries’ evolving needs.

It will enhance Syensqo’s offering of specialty polymers solutions that are crucial for green mobility, energy efficiency, sustainable sourcing, and more. The new laboratories also boost the research center’s scientific workforce by 30%.

The ADL research center in Bollate is working in close collaboration with Syensqo’s other application development labs all over the world, such as the ones in Alpharetta in the U.S, Seoul in Korea, Fuji in Japan, Shanghai in China and Brussels in Belgium. 

Research and Innovation lies in Syensqo’s DNA with over 2.000 scientists working together worldwide. We are thrilled to inaugurate this new project, which is a concrete demonstration of our ambition to be the prime innovation partners of our customers. We want them to benefit from our innovation power and work hand in hand with them on the new technologies that will enable a more sustainable world.”, says Ilham Kadri, CEO of Syensqo.

Our ADL is a network of professionals and state of the art R&I facilities leveraging local excellence to deliver sustainable global solutions.”, says Francesco Triulzi, Head of Application Development Labs Global.

146564JEC Group
Boom announces successful flight of XB-1 demonstrator aircraft Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:17:26 +0000 Read more]]> Today, Boom announced the successful flight of XB-1, the world’s first independently developed supersonic jet, at the Mojave Air & Space Port in Mojave, California. Like Overture, Boom’s supersonic airliner, XB-1 leverages state-of-the-art technologies to enable efficient supersonic flight including carbon fiber composites, advanced avionics, digitally-optimized aerodynamics, and an advanced supersonic propulsion system.

Today, XB-1 took flight in the same hallowed airspace where the Bell X-1 first broke the sound barrier in 1947,” said Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom Supersonic. “I’ve been looking forward to this flight since founding Boom in 2014, and it marks the most significant milestone yet on our path to bring supersonic travel to passengers worldwide.” 

Flown by Chief Test Pilot Bill “Doc” Shoemaker, XB-1 took off from the Mojave Air & Space Port and flew in the same airspace that hosted many historic first flights, including the flights of the Bell X-1, the North American X-15, and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.

Everyone on the XB-1 team should be incredibly proud of this achievement,” said Bill “Doc” Shoemaker, Chief Test Pilot for Boom Supersonic. “It has been a privilege to share this journey with so many dedicated and talented professionals. The experience we have gained in reaching this milestone will be invaluable to Boom’s revival of supersonic travel.”

Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg flew the T-38 chase aircraft which monitored XB-1 in the air. Chase planes accompany new aircraft on their maiden flights to observe how the test plane is handling and verify things like altitude, airspeed, and airworthiness during flight.

T-38 chaise aircraft monitoring XB-1 during its maiden flight
T-38 chaise aircraft monitoring XB-1 during its maiden flight

Being in the air with XB-1 during its maiden flight is a moment I will never forget,” said Boom Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg. “The team has been working hard to get to this point, and seeing today’s flight through mission completion is a huge accomplishment for all of us.”

XB-1 met all of its test objectives, including safely and successfully achieving an altitude of 7,120 feet and speeds up to 238 knots (273 mph). While XB-1 was in the air, the team performed an initial assessment of the aircraft’s handling qualities, including airspeed checks with the T-38 chase aircraft, and assessing the aircraft’s stability in the landing attitude (at a high angle of attack).

Plans for XB-1 by Boom
Plans for XB-1 by Boom

Two decades after Concorde’s retirement, the first flight of XB-1 marks the return of a civil supersonic aircraft to the skies and paves the way for the revival of mainstream supersonic travel onboard Overture, Boom’s sustainable supersonic airliner. 

The XB-1 program provides the foundation for Overture’s design and development, while establishing a safety-first culture in engineering and manufacturing. XB-1 validates key technologies and Boom’s own innovations, including:

  • An Augmented reality vision system
  • Digitally-optimized aerodynamics
  • Carbon fiber composites: XB-1 is almost entirely made from carbon fiber composite materials, enabling it to realize a sophisticated aerodynamic design in a strong, lightweight structure
  • Supersonic intakes

It is fitting that XB-1 took off for the first time from the Mojave Air & Space Port, in airspace known as the home of many firsts in the world of aviation and aerospace. This region in the Mojave Desert is the proving grounds for the aerospace industry, where an aircraft broke the sound barrier for the first time in 1947 and where speed and altitude records are set.

Now that XB-1 has successfully completed its first flight, the team will systematically expand the flight envelope to confirm its performance and handling qualities through and beyond Mach 1. When XB-1 is ready for its first supersonic flight, Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenberg will be at the controls.

The inaugural flight of XB-1 takes place as Overture continues to advance toward production, with a growing global network of Tier 1 suppliers and an order book including 130 orders and pre-orders from American Airlines, United Airlines, and Japan Airlines. 

146547JEC Group
New McLaren Artura Spider: supercar « feather roof » Mon, 25 Mar 2024 14:20:44 +0000 Read more]]> Two months after the launch of the new GTS, McLaren once again impresses by revealing the new Artura Spider. It is the brand’s first hybrid convertible, and the supercar stuns with spectacular acceleration performance, very close to that of the coupe: it reaches 0 to 100 km/h in 3 seconds and 0 to 200 km/h in 8.4 seconds! To control this power, the McLaren is equipped with a high-tech braking system, featuring carbon-ceramic discs (390 mm front / 380 mm rear) paired with forged aluminum brake calipers (6 pistons front / 4 pistons rear).
Despite its 700 hp, the Artura Spider fully exploits its hybrid system and only emits 108 g/km of CO2 according to homologation tests. Moreover, the fuel consumption is rated at 4.8 l / 100 km in EU WLTP mixed cycle, with an electric-only range of 33 km.

New McLaren Artura Spider: supercar feature roof
The complete composites roof structure of the Artura Spider adds only 62 kg compared to the Artura Coupé!

The latest generations of supercars are becoming increasingly high-performing

“The new Artura is absolutely the complete next-generation supercar, whichever model you choose. We have upgraded the powertrain and the chassis systems to deliver more power, more dynamic performance and even higher levels of connection with the driver – without any compromise in everyday driving. And now alongside the new Artura coupe we have the Artura Spider, a new convertible that has all of these improvements and brings another dimension of open-air McLaren supercar exhilaration to our range”, underlines Michael Leiters, CEO, McLaren Automotive.

McLaren knows how to make the most of carbon fiber

It’s part of McLaren’s DNA, but weight reduction was one of the priorities in the Artura’s specifications, particularly for the wiring, reduced by 25%, and for the retractable roof, a crucial module for a spider. « The new Artura Spider has a dry weight of just 1,457 kg, with a curb weight (DIN) of only 1,560 kg, just 62 kg more than the Artura Coupé. These figures make the new Spider the lightest vehicle among its convertible competitors, by 83 kg », highlights a spokesman for the group, emphasizing that the Artura Spider is based on the McLaren Carbon Lightweight Architecture (MCLA). The engine and battery pack are positioned at the rear of the vehicle, mounted on a carbon fibre floor.

The first deliveries of the McLaren Artura Spider are scheduled for mid-2024.

The retractable hard top (RHT) in composites is truly impressive

As a central element for a convertible vehicle, the RHT is a showcase of high technology. Firstly, the complete structure of the roof in composites, along with its mechanism and eight small electric motors, which are very silent by the way, adds only 62 kg compared to the Coupé version! Secondly, this retractable hard top deploys or retracts in just 11 seconds. « Furthermore, the shape of the roof has been designed to channel air towards the outlet, known as the « chimney », specially repositioned to accelerate the flow of hot air from the powertrain », concludes a spokesperson for the group, noting that the first deliveries of the Artura Spider are expected in mid-2024. In the United States, the supercar is offered in standard version at $273,800. In France, it starts from €272,250.

Cover picture: A new laboratory for lightweighting, the McLaren Artura Spider leverages the full potential of carbon fibre. – All pictures: McLaren

146542JEC Group
Nouvelle McLaren Artura Spider : une supercar « toit plume » Fri, 22 Mar 2024 13:59:29 +0000 Read more]]> Deux mois après la présentation de la nouvelle GTS, McLaren frappe encore les esprits en dévoilant la nouvelle Artura Spider. Il s’agit de la première voiture décapotable hybride de la marque et la supercar affole les compteurs avec des performances d’accélération spectaculaires et très proches de celles du coupé : elle abat le 0 à 100 km/h en 3 secondes et le 0 à 200 km/h en 8,4 secondes ! Pour contrôler cette puissance, la McLaren est bien sûr dotée d’un système de freinage de haute technologie, avec des disques carbone-céramique (390 mm avant / 380 mm arrière) associés à des étriers de frein en aluminium forgé (6 pistons avant / 4 pistons arrière).

Malgré ses 700 ch, l’Artura Spider tire pleinement profit de son système d’hybridation et n’affiche qu’un niveau d’émissions de 108 g/km de CO2 à l’issue des tests d’homologation. De surcroît, la consommation ressort à 4,8 l / 100 km en cycle mixte EU WLTP, avec une autonomie en mode 100 % électrique de 33 km.

Crédit photo : McLaren – La structure complète du toit en composites de l’Artura Spider n’ajoute que 62 kg par rapport au coupé !

Les dernières générations de supercars sont de plus en plus performantes

« La nouvelle Artura est sans aucun doute la supercar la plus achevée de la prochaine génération, quel que soit le modèle choisi. Nous avons amélioré le groupe motopropulseur et les systèmes du châssis pour offrir plus de puissance, des performances plus dynamiques et des niveaux encore plus élevés de connexion avec le conducteur, sans compromis dans la conduite de tous les jours. Et maintenant, en plus du nouveau Artura Coupé, nous avons l’Artura Spider, une nouvelle décapotable qui bénéficie de toutes ces améliorations et qui apporte à cette catégorie une autre dimension d’enivrement au volant d’une supercar McLaren à ciel ouvert », se réjouit Michael Leiters, CEO de McLaren Automotive.

McLaren sait tirer le meilleur parti du carbone

Cela fait partie de l’ADN de McLaren, mais l’allègement était l’une des priorités du cahier des charges de l’Artura, notamment pour les câblages, réduits de 25 %, et pour le toit escamotable, un module névralgique pour un spider. « La nouvelle Artura Spider a un poids à sec d’à peine 1 457 kg, avec un poids en ordre de marche (DIN) de seulement 1 560 kg, juste 62 kg de plus que l’Artura Coupé. Ces chiffres font de la nouvelle Spider le véhicule le plus léger parmi les décapotables concurrentes, pour 83 kg », souligne un porte-parole du groupe, qui rappelle que l’Artura Spider repose sur l’architecture McLaren Carbon Lightweight Architecture (MCLA). Le moteur et le pack batteries sont positionnés à l’arrière du véhicule, fixés sur un plancher en fibre de carbone.

Crédit photo : McLaren – Les premières livraisons de la McLaren Artura Spider sont programmées pour le milieu d’année 2024.

Le toit rigide escamotable en composites fait forte impression

Elément central pour un véhicule décapotable, le toit rigide escamotable (ou RHT pour Retractable Hard Top) est un concentré de haute technologie. D’une part, la structure complète du toit en composites, avec son mécanisme et ses huit petits moteurs électriques, très silencieux soit dit en passant, n’ajoute que 62 kg par rapport au coupé ! D’autre part, ce toit rigide escamotable se déploie ou se replie en seulement 11 secondes. « En outre, la forme du toit a été conçue pour canaliser l’air vers la sortie, dite « chimney », spécialement repositionnée pour accélérer le passage du flux d’air chaud provenant du groupe motopropulseur », conclut un porte-parole du groupe en indiquant que les premières livraisons d’Artura Spider sont attendues pour le milieu de l’année 2024. Aux Etats-Unis, la supercar est proposée en version standard à 273 800 dollars. En France, elle s’affiche à partir de 272 250 euros.

Photo en-tête : McLaren – Nouveau laboratoire pour l’allègement, la McLaren Artura Spider exploite notamment tout le potentiel du carbone.

146528JEC Group
Un premier mât pour INEOS Britannia livré par CDK Technologies Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> La remise en question et la recherche permanente de nouveaux défis contribue à faire de CDK Technologies un chantier compétitif réputé et reconnu pour accompagner les innovations les plus ambitieuses. Ainsi, en mai dernier, lorsque INEOS Britannia lui confie la construction de deux mâts, Michel Ollivier, Directeur des projets spéciaux de CDK Technologies, Franck Lorriaux, le chef de projet, et leurs équipes s’enthousiasment pour ce nouveau challenge d’envergure: « Cela nous a obligés à nous adapter, en particulier en termes de confidentialité, mais cela a été une formidable aventure. J’ai aujourd’hui une pensée pour Hubert Desjoyeaux, le fondateur du chantier. Il aurait été très fier que CDK Technologies réalise la fabrication de pièces pour l’America’s Cup. Si elle représente le graal pour les marins, cette épreuve l’est aussi pour les constructeurs ! », assure Michel Ollivier qui, après de très nombreuses années de collaboration avec les plus grandes équipes de course au large, apporte pour la première fois son expertise et celle du chantier à un team de l’America’s Cup, la plus exigeante compétition de voile depuis 1851 !

Une expertise et un outillage de pointe recherchés

« Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé le moule sur le site de Lorient avec un suivi très particulier concernant les contrôles géométriques. Ensuite, nous avons commencé le drapage sur le site de Port-la-Forêt avec une extrême précaution dans le découpage des opérations », détaille Stéphane Digard, le Directeur Général de CDK Technologies, dont les équipes, sous la responsabilité de Michel Ollivier, ont, une nouvelle fois, réalisé un véritable travail d’orfèvre, mettant à profit leur expertise ainsi que leurs outils, et en particulier l’autoclave classe 120° / 6 bars, d’une longueur de 50 mètres et d’un diamètre de 1,80 mètre.

« Ce tube long – l’un des plus grands d’Europe – fait partie de l’outillage de pointe dont dispose CDK Technologies et qui nous permet de produire des pièces composites hautes performances de très grandes tailles et de faire des cuissons dans les règles de l’art sur des éléments hors-normes », poursuit-il. Les équipes de CDK Technologies ont naturellement dû respecter un certain nombre de paramètres afin de répondre aux critères de jauge de l’America’s Cup. « Historiquement, les mâts des bateaux de la Coupe sont conçut en Nouvelle-Zélande. C’est aujourd’hui la première fois qu’un espar destiné à cette compétition est réalisé dans un chantier en Europe et c’est une grande marque de confiance pour CDK Technologies », ajoute Stéphane Digard.

La confiance au cœur du projet

« Notre politique de transparence absolue et notre système qualité robuste représentent assurément de forts atouts. Nous cherchons perpétuellement à faire les choses le plus rigoureusement possible. Des soins extrêmes ont été apportés à chacune des étapes de la construction, mais finalement, ce que nous avons fait pour l’équipe britannique correspond à nos standards habituels d’exigence, même si certains matériaux utilisés ont forcément été un peu plus délicats en termes de mise en œuvre », souligne le dirigeant du chantier breton, qui a travaillé main dans la main avec les membres de INEOS Britannia, présents dans les locaux depuis le lancement du projet. « Nous avons véritablement œuvré en bonne intelligence », conclue Michel Ollivier qui, après la livraison de ce premier mât ce lundi 26 février, doit en fournir un second, parfaitement identique, à l’équipe britannique.

146466JEC Group
Airtech Advanced Materials Group and Additive Engineering Solutions partner to grow Large Format Additive Manufacturing applications Tue, 19 Mar 2024 13:16:25 +0000 Read more]]> Under this agreement, Airtech will provide comprehensive support to AES in additive manufacturing business opportunities and technical areas. In return, AES commits to exclusive use of Airtech products in its LFAM projects, ensuring the highest quality and performance standards.

The collaboration will extend beyond product supply, encompassing joint efforts in design practices, material characterization, tooling to part interaction, material processing, new material development, as well as market penetration strategies.

Austin Schmidt, President and Co-Founder of AES, commented, “This is a logical agreement between two market leaders in the LFAM space and we are thrilled to further our existing relationship with Airtech.” Andy Bridge, Director of Business Development at AES, added, “I have been impressed with the level of material testing, especially tool-part interaction evaluation that Airtech focuses on.”

Gregory Haye, Director of Additive Manufacturing at Airtech Advanced Materials Group, emphasized the company’s dedication to supporting AES and its clients, “Airtech is excited to expand their relationship with one of the first commercial adopters of LFAM in North America. AES is dedicated to this technology and delivering meaningful problem-solving solutions to their customers. We look forward to supporting AES customer project success by providing our industry-leading material solutions and technical support capabilities.”

The exclusive partnership between Airtech Advanced Materials Group and Additive Engineering Solutions holds significant promise for the Large Format Additive Manufacturing sector. By pooling their expertise and resources, both companies aim to deliver enhanced product quality, streamlined processes, and innovative solutions. With a focus on driving real-world results and customer satisfaction, this collaboration signifies a practical step forward in addressing industry challenges, new market penetration and meeting evolving customer needs.

146423JEC Group
Le groupe Serge Ferrari habille la résidence Taikang, une architecture fluide et organique telle une goutte d’eau à Beijing Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:33:00 +0000 Read more]]> Un projet architectural, design et engagé

La résidence Taikang est un lieu idéal, imaginé et dédié, aux personnes âgées. Elle comprend un centre de santé, des espaces de vie collectifs et individuels, ainsi qu’une zone réservée au bien-être.
L’objectif de la résidence était d’harmoniser l’architecture du bâtiment, en privilégiant des environnements ouverts et lumineux qui assurent une sensation de sécurité, de détente et de confort à ses résidents. Ainsi, les espaces deviennent de véritables îlots de bien-être, où l’expérience sensorielle se mêle à l’expérience émotionnelle.
Le toit est un véritable chef-d’œuvre d’ingénierie. Revêtu d’une membrane GF-6006 en PTFE signée Serge Ferrari, il bénéficie d’un système d’éclairage innovant de 6000 lumières, créant un effet visuel époustouflant, rappelant la lumière du soleil sur une goutte d’eau.

Une goutte d’eau signée Serge Ferrari

Illuminé, le toit de la résidence Taikang donne l’impression de flotter dans le ciel nocturne, grâce à un système d’éclairage intégré de manière transparente dans l’enveloppe textile. Cette atmosphère est rendue possible par la membrane en PTFE de Serge Ferrari, qui amplifie la transmission de la lumière grâce à ses propriétés réfléchissantes. La résidence bénéficie alors d’une abondance de lumière naturelle durant la journée et d’un éclairage adéquat la nuit.

Fiche projet

Projet : Résidence Taikang
Localisation : Beijing, Chine 
Toile Serge Ferrari installée :  GF-6006 en PTFE
Superficie : environ 9500 m²
Architectes : Fangwei-Architects
Construction: Août 2023
Installateur: Vector-foiltec China
Client : Taikang Healthcare Industry Investment Holdings Co., Ltd
Photos: Topia

146274JEC Group
Sidus Space receives signals from LizzieSat™ after successful launch and deployment on the SpaceX Transporter-10 Rideshare mission Fri, 15 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Sidus mission and launch team received multiple signals on its FCC approved prime radio frequency and continues to monitor communications with the satellite from its operations center in Merritt Island, Florida. The LizzieSat™ satellite, approximately the size of a mini-refrigerator, is considered a microsatellite with a weight of 275 pounds and is able to support multiple missions and customers from its single platform.

After a successful launch and deployment, we are very excited to report that during the launch and early operations (LEOP) stage, we received signals from LizzieSat™,” said Carol Craig, CEO at Sidus Space. “This milestone marks the beginning of Sidus’ new era as a satellite manufacturer and operator and demonstrates our ability to deliver cutting-edge space hardware while pushing the frontiers of space technology and data collection. We have methodically executed on our strategy of building a leading Space and Defense as a Service company with an experienced team, innovative and advanced technologies, a vertically integrated manufacturing facility, and a robust spacecraft supply chain. It’s exciting to show proof of this capability for government and commercial customers alike.”

Two more LizzieSat™ satellites are expected to launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station later this year and will provide tailored intelligence solutions for industries such as defense, agriculture, maritime, and oil and gas.

The solar panels of LizzieSat™ satellite are built with aluminum honeycomb with composite skin.

146343JEC Group
Storage compartment demonstrates lightweight potential of sandwich construction Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The use of fibre composite materials and in particular the sandwich construction method offer particularly great potential for lightweight construction applications in commercial vehicles. Such sandwich structures consist of highly rigid and strong cover layers and a lightweight core. In addition to high material efficiency, this combination also enables very high weight-specific bending and buckling stiffness. The sandwich architecture is therefore also suitable for heavy-duty structural components, for example in aircraft and vehicle applications. It enables potential weight savings of up to 70 percent compared to monolithic structures, with a load-bearing capacity of the components that corresponds to or even exceeds that of (significantly heavier) metallic components.

One challenge to date has been that these components can hardly be manufactured in large-scale production processes. The use of thermoplastic fibre composite sandwich semi-finished products can be the solution here. These can be produced efficiently in continuous processes and turned into components in automated manufacturing processes. The participants in the joint “HyWaSand” project, which has now been successfully completed, have shown what is possible with this.

Every gram counts when it comes to commercial vehicles. Thermoplastic sandwich molding technology offers great potential for lightweight construction. © Daimler Truck AG

A flap for a storage compartment in a truck cabin was produced as a demonstrator. “We wanted to prove that the sandwich construction method with continuously produced thermoplastic sandwich semi-finished products is possible for such applications. Together with our partners, we succeeded,” says Dr. Ralf Schlimper, who led the project at the Fraunhofer IMWS.

The thermoplastic sandwich molding technology developed at the institute proved to be particularly valuable in achieving this goal. This is based on a new type of thermoforming process and was developed specifically for the fully automated production of continuous fiber-reinforced sandwich components with a thermoplastic matrix in large series. Thermoplastic sandwich semi-finished products, consisting of a thermoplastic honeycomb core and cover layers of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic UD tape laminates, are heated in an infrared oven and, after automated transfer to the molding tool, 3D thermoformed and functionalized by means of injection molding.

“The TS molding technology proved to be very efficient in our project. We were able to show that it enables the efficient production of 3D-molded and functionalized lightweight components in sandwich construction in the injection molding cycle, i.e. with cycle times of around one minute. This shows the potential for further fields of application, such as the car body sector,” says Schlimper.

In the project, ThermHex Waben GmbH focused primarily on the development of hybrid sandwich semi-finished products with a small cell width and functional polymer and metal foils to improve the surface quality. In addition, the new development of continuously manufactured semi-finished sandwich products with even lower material usage was driven forward. In conjunction with the necessary adaptation of the manufacturing process to make it suitable for series production, it was possible to achieve a further reduction in costs and weight compared to the previous standard configurations and non-recyclable material alternatives from reaction injection molding (RIM) processes. At the semi-finished product level, 30 to 45 percent of the weight can be saved with the same material thickness or up to 22 percent of the weight with comparable mechanical performance and greater material thickness. This improved resource efficiency in the use of materials also has a proportionally positive effect on material costs and CO2 emissions.

@ ThermHex Waben GmbH The demonstrator flap was created by thermoforming and functionalizing thermoplastic sandwich structures.
The demonstrator flap was created by thermoforming and functionalizing thermoplastic sandwich structures. @ ThermHex Waben GmbH

In test structures, the project was able to demonstrate that components with Class A surfaces, which are particularly important for the automotive industry, can also be manufactured from thermoplastic semi-finished products in sandwich construction. Progress was also made for metal-plastic hybrid sandwich materials as part of the “HyWaSand” project, for example the lamination of test structures with metallic cover layers within the TS molding process.

“There are still open research questions here that we want to continue working on. This makes it all the more valuable that we have made great progress in the project in providing virtual engineering methods for process and component development and have also developed feasible test tools for various common component design features. The new possibilities for inline inspection and for suitable non-destructive testing methods to ensure component quality also enable us to rapidly bring the technology even closer to application in various cost- and weight-sensitive areas,” says Schlimper.

“We are currently investigating the transferability of the results to customer development projects in order to facilitate entry into new market segments,” says Matthias Biegerl, who led the project at ElringKlinger. “The potential is huge. By manufacturing the components in large series, cost-efficient lightweight structures for interior and body components can be produced.”

The demonstration at JEC World 2024 has already generated a lot of interest. The project partners will also present the component and the technology at the Composite Sandwich Conference on April 24-25, 2024 in Halle (Saale).

146214JEC Group
Rezitech combats tank corrosion under insulation with Belzona composite wrap system Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Protective coatings and epoxy repair systems support transition to net zero

The Mine refines granulated nickel matte from their smelter into premium-grade nickel powder and briquettes containing 99.8% nickel. Nickel powder is further processed into nickel sulphate at a Refinery in Australia. Nickel sulphate is an essential ingredient in the lithium-ion batteries that drive electric vehicles (EVs). It could be argued that the increase in sales of EVs is one of the biggest climate wins of 2023. Indeed, according to the 2023 Report from Climate Action Tracker, of the 42 sectors which need to achieve net zero status by 2050, the only sector which is on track is the share of EVs in light-duty vehicle sales. Considering how road transport currently accounts for 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions, EVs play a vital role in reducing these emissions.

Figure 1. Composite wrap system curbs corrosion under insulation at nickel mine Protective Coatings

As such, the polymeric technology required to repair and improve assets within the EV industry equally plays a vital role in supporting the transition to net zero. By repairing damaged assets instead of decommissioning and sending them to landfill, this significantly reduces the climate impact that would otherwise be incurred in this process.

Case study: Feed tank suffering from corrosion

Under Insulation & SCC The Customer’s stainless steel feed tank was suffering from corrosion under insulation and chloride induced stress corrosion cracking. They required a solution that would not only restore the integrity on the substrate, but also protect the asset against future corrosion damage. Not only this, but as the tank operates at elevated temperatures of approximately 70°C (158°F) and processes highly corrosive medium, the repair solution would need to be able to withstand these harsh conditions.

Rezitech specifies Belzona composite wrap solution

Having worked with Rezitech over the course of five years, the Customer had complete confidence in the range of Belzona metal epoxy repair composites and industrial repair coatings the Distributorship offers. As such, they decided to contact them again for their advice and system recommendation.

Following an inspection by Heath Westell, Sales Engineer at Rezitech, the composite wrap system, Belzona SuperWrap II, was specified.

Commenting on this specification, Heath said: “This composite wrap system is comprised of a fluid-grade resin system, a bespoke hybrid reinforcement sheet, based on fibre glass and carbon fibre, as well as a release film to compact and consolidate the application. The system is specially formulated to restore the strength of holed, weakened and corroded pipe and tank walls, making it the ideal solution for protecting the asset against corrosion under insulation for the long term. In addition, thanks to the cold-curing properties of the composite wrap system, this mitigates the need for hot work, making it a reliable alternative to welding.”

Application procedure:

Firstly, all traces of oil and grease contamination were removed using a suitable Rezitech Degreaser. Following this, the surfaces were grit-blasted to provide a surface cleanliness compliant with ISO 8501-1 SA 2½ (ASNZ 1627.4 class 2.5) with a minimum 75 μm (3 mil) rough angular profile.

Once the surface was prepared, the Belzona 9381 reinforcement sheet was measured out and then wetted out with the Belzona resin system. The resin was then systematically applied to the areas to be repaired. Following this, the Belzona reinforcement sheets were then applied to the tank in three layers. The compression film was then added to the top of the application area. Next, using a roller, the Belzona SuperWrap II composite wrap system was then spread, rolled and compressed to the surface of the tank. The system was then left to cure for approximately eight hours.

Figure 3. Stainless steel feed tank repaired and protected with Belzona SuperWrap II

Bypass the need for replacement with polymeric technology

By investing in the Belzona composite wrap solution, this enabled the Customer to successfully bypass the need to replace the corroded asset, and instead prolong the lifespan of the asset for years to come. Thus, this enabled the Customer to make significant savings in both time and money. In addition, given the important role EVs play in reducing global carbon emissions, it could be argued that polymeric technology also plays a fundamental role in supporting this transition by safeguarding the integrity of key assets within this industry.

Figure 4. Mitigate the need for replacement with polymeric technology
146076JEC Group
Cure Marine’s new 70-foot all-carbon fibre catamaran has embarked on her maiden journey Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The catamaran was crafted within Cure Marine’s state-of-the-art facility at Coolum Industrial Estate using high-tech equipment, including the southern hemisphere’s largest 3D printer. The 3D printer provided by sister company, Zone RV, enabled Cure Marine to produce tooling and prototypes in a fraction of the time that the industry traditionally had seen.

Cure Marine CEO Carl Bird said the launch marked the beginning of a new era for the company. “The ‘Cure Custom 70’ is the largest sailing vessel ever launched by Cure Marine and indeed the first all-carbon sailing catamaran to be launched in Australia in the last five years”, Carl Bird said. “The launch not only reinforces Cure Marine’s commitment to innovation but also solidifies our position as a major player in the industry.”

Founded in 2005 by Sunshine Coast locals Dave Biggar and Ian McMahon, Cure Marine began as an ambitious project to create a leading composites facility and deliver high-end sailing vessels for the recreational market. Alongside sister companies Zone RV and One Composites, Cure Marine is dedicated to elevating the Australian Marine Industry with continuous innovation and quality craftsmanship.

146045JEC Group
A life on the ocean waves with flax technical innovations Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:56:02 +0000 Read more]]> “Over the last ten or fifteen years, several innovative flax fibre boats have been built and the fibre has started to gain significant traction,” says Julie Pariset, Innovation & CSR Director at the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “In addition to the environmental benefits, manufacturers are realising significant technical and processing gains with flax fibre composites.”
Flax is a very low-density fibre, with a high specific stiffness, she explains.
“It can be used to manufacture composite laminates with mechanical properties not dissimilar to typical E-glass composites and the coefficient of thermal expansion of a flax fibre epoxy part is also quite close to that of a carbon fibre part.”
This allows the materials to work well in combined assemblies with carbon fibre composites and the flax parts are also highly impact resistant.
Flax fibres also provide impressive acoustic and vibration damping in composite applications, as well as providing a warm and aesthetically pleasing appearance below decks.
“Flax yacht interiors can create a more pleasant environment for passengers with less noise and harshness than standard composites,”
says Pariset.


As a member of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp, Bcomp, headquartered in Fribourg, Switzerland, has this year been working with Northern Light Composites (nlcomp), based in Monfalcone, northern Italy, on the creation of what is billed as the first fully recyclable nine-metre-long sailing boat – the ecoRacer30.
The boat is based on nlcomp’s proprietary rComposite technology – a combination of thermoplastic resins and BComp’s ampliTex high-performance natural fibre reinforcement fabrics and patented powerRibs technology.

It was built in a collaborative effort with the help of Barcelona-based Magnani Yachts, which took care of the composite manufacturing, and Sangiorgio Marine, which provided technical assistance as the boat was being assembled at its shipyard in Genova, Italy.
Magnani Yachts has subsequently become the first shipyard to hold an rComposite license and others are now being encouraged to adopt the technology.
“As the most commonly used material in boat building, fibreglass is not easily recyclable,”
says Fabio Bignolini, CEO of nlcomp. “Consequently, many fibreglass boats end up being burned, sunk or abandoned. In the European Union, there are an estimated 80,000 abandoned boats with only one in twenty disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.”

The second ecoracer30 is currently under construction and has already been sold and nlcomp is planning to build a fleet of eight of these boats in time to enter a series of regattas in the summer of 2025.

© Bcomp / Flurin Efinger

Flax 27

Greenboats, based in Bremen, Germany, is another specialist in building boats from natural fibre composites and has this year launched the Flax 27 daysailer

The lower hull of this vessel is also made from Bcomp’s ampliTex technical fabrics in combination with a sandwich core of recycled PET bottles. Using a vacuum infusion process, the fibres were integrated with a plant-based epoxy resin in order to further reduce the CO2 footprint of the vessel.The light structure and modern shapes of the lower hull of the boat result in very fast, sharp and agile handling on the water. Greenboats has also recently announced significant new backing from alliance member Groupe Depestele, which manages 13,000 hectares of flax land in Normandy, France.

“We’re at a pivotal juncture in the evolution of natural fibre composites as a new product category,” says Jan Paul Schirmer, managing director of Greenboats. “Our clients believe in our technology but demand a more reliable and scalable supply chain. Our partnership with Groupe Depestele will go a good way to establishing this.”

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.


Different expectations for the performance of parts must be guaranteed, such as impact resistance, rigidity, surface appearance and resistance to hydrolysis, which is simpler with an established supply chain.
The Beneteau Group, based in Croix de Vie, France, for example, manufactures more than 30,000 composite parts per year to equip its boat decks and is looking to incorporate more natural fibres into them.
This year Beneteau Group has collaborated with Chomarat on the development of hybrid composites of glassfibre and hemp. The resulting TER²A mat was a finalist in 2023 JEC Innovation Awards.

Blue Nomad

Blue Nomad Structure en lin composite
© Institut auf dem Rosenberg / Bcomp

A project in Switzerland has meanwhile proposed the use of flax fibre composites in solar-powered habitats designed for comfortable living on the oceans – as the world grapples with the frightening implications of climate change and rising sea levels.
As envisaged by students from Institut auf dem Rosenberg in St Gallen, Switzerland working with Denmark-based SAGA Space Architects,
Blue Nomad
structures would form modular blocks to establish large communities and oceanic farms.
It’s a striking vision of a future where the lines between land and water blur, and sustainability and community building lie at the heart of new human settlements.
The vision is not just theoretical however – plans are now being made for a maiden voyage of a Blue Nomad home across Europe to promote ocean sustainability and climatology.
The project’s scale models for the London exhibition, as well as the first Blue Nomad structure, are based on natural fibre composites again employing BComp’s ampliTex flax fibres in gradient designs, along with a natural bio-resin.

Monitoring the marine market as pioneers in new composite development, Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp continues to be amazed at the innovation and pace of development.

Whatever the future holds, it appears flax fibres and natural fibre composites will have an important role to play.

146093JEC Group
Voguer sur l’océan avec les innovations techniques du lin Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:41:12 +0000 Read more]]> “Au cours des dix ou quinze dernières années, plusieurs bateaux innovants en fibres de lin ont été construits et la fibre a commencé à gagner du terrain”, explique Julie Pariset, directrice du pôle innovation et RSE au sein de Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “Outre les avantages environnementaux, les fabricants réalisent d’importantes avancées techniques avec les composites à base de fibres de lin.”
Le lin est une fibre de très faible densité, avec une rigidité spécifique élevée, explique-t-elle.

“Il peut être utilisé pour fabriquer des stratifiés composites dont les propriétés mécaniques ne sont pas très éloignées de celles des composites en verre de type E. Le coefficient d’expansion thermique d’une pièce en époxy à base de fibres de lin est également assez proche de celui d’une pièce en fibre de carbone.
Cela permet aux matériaux de bien fonctionner dans des assemblages combinés avec des composites en fibre de carbone et les éléments en lin sont également très résistantes aux chocs.

Les fibres de lin permettent une isolation phonique et également une absorption des vibrations impressionnante dans les applications composites, tout en offrant un aspect chaleureux et esthétique sous le pont du bateau.
“Les intérieurs de yachts en lin peuvent créer un environnement plus agréable pour les passagers, avec moins de bruit et de rudesse que les composites standard”, explique Julie Pariset.


En tant que membre de l’Alliance, Bcomp, dont le siège est à Fribourg (Suisse), a travaillé cette année avec Northern Light Composites (nlcomp®), basé à Monfalcone, dans le nord de l’Italie, sur la création de ce qui est présenté comme le premier voilier de neuf mètres de long entièrement recyclable – l’ecoRacer30.
Le bateau est basé sur la technologie propriétaire rComposite de nlcomp® – une combinaison de résines thermoplastiques et de tissus de renforcement en fibres naturelles haute performance ampliTex™ de Bcomp, ainsi que sur la technologie brevetée powerRibs™.

Le bateau a été construit en collaboration avec Magnani Yachts, basé à Barcelone, qui s’est chargé de la fabrication des composites, et Sangiorgio Marine, qui a fourni une assistance technique lors de l’assemblage du bateau dans son chantier naval de Gênes, en Italie.
Magnani Yachts est ainsi devenu le premier chantier naval à détenir une licence rComposite et d’autres sont maintenant incités à adopter cette technologie.
“La fibre de verre, qui est le matériau le plus couramment utilisé dans la construction navale, n’est pas facilement recyclable”, explique Fabio Bignolini, PDG de nlcomp®. “Par conséquent, de nombreux bateaux en fibre de verre finissent par être brûlés, coulés ou abandonnés. Dans l’Union européenne, on estime à 80 000 le nombre de bateaux abandonnés, dont seulement un sur vingt est recyclé de manière responsable.”

Le deuxième ecoracer30 est actuellement en construction et a déjà été vendu. nlcomp® prévoit de construire une flotte de huit de ces bateaux à temps afin de participer à une série de régates durant l’été 2025.

© Bcomp / Flurin Efinger

Flax 27

Greenboats, basé à Brême, en Allemagne, est un autre spécialiste de la construction de bateaux en fibres naturelles composites et a lancé cette année le voilier de jour Flax 27. La coque inférieure de ce bateau est également fabriquée à partir de tissus techniques ampliTex™ de Bcomp, combinés à un noyau sandwich de bouteilles PET recyclées.

The GREENBOATS FLAX 27 Daysailer

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Grâce à un processus d’injection sous vide, les fibres ont été intégrées à une résine époxy à base de plantes afin de réduire davantage l’empreinte CO2 du navire.
La structure légère et les formes modernes de la coque inférieure du bateau se traduisent en un comportement très rapide, vif et agile sur l’eau.
Greenboats a également annoncé récemment un nouveau soutien important de la part du Groupe Depestele, membre de l’Alliance, qui gère 13 000 hectares de lin en Normandie.
“Nous sommes à un moment charnière de l’évolution des composites à base de fibres naturelles en tant que nouvelle catégorie de produits”, déclare Jan Paul Schirmer, directeur général de Greenboats. “Nos clients croient en notre technologie mais exigent une chaîne d’approvisionnement plus fiable et plus évolutive. Notre partenariat avec le Groupe Depestele y contribuera largement”.

“Nous sommes à un moment charnière de l’évolution des composites à base de fibres naturelles en tant que nouvelle catégorie de produits”, déclare Jan Paul Schirmer, directeur général de Greenboats. “Nos clients croient en notre technologie mais exigent une chaîne d’approvisionnement plus fiable et plus évolutive. Notre partenariat avec le Groupe Depestele y contribuera largement”.

Les attentes

Différentes attentes concernant les performances des pièces doivent être garanties, telles que la résistance aux chocs, la rigidité, l’aspect de surface et la résistance à l’hydrolyse, ce qui est plus simple avec une chaîne d’approvisionnement bien établie.
Le groupe Beneteau, basé à Croix de Vie, en France, par exemple, fabrique plus de 30 000 pièces composites par an pour équiper les ponts de ses bateaux et cherche à y incorporer davantage de fibres naturelles.
Cette année, le groupe Beneteau a collaboré avec Chomarat pour développer des composites hybrides de fibre de verre et de chanvre. Le produit qui en résulte, le TER²A mat, a été finaliste des JEC Innovation Awards 2023.

Blue Nomad

Blue Nomad Structure en lin composite
© Institut auf dem Rosenberg / Bcomp

Un projet suisse propose d’utiliser des composites à base de fibres de lin dans des habitats alimentés par l’énergie solaire et conçus pour vivre confortablement sur les océans, à l’heure où le monde est confronté aux conséquences effrayantes des aléas climatiques et de la montée du niveau des mers.
Comme l’envisagent les étudiants de l’Institut auf dem Rosenberg de Saint-Gall, en Suisse, en collaboration avec l’agence danoise SAGA Space Architects, les structures Blue Nomad formeraient des blocs modulaires permettant d’établir de grandes communautés et des fermes océaniques.
Il s’agit d’une vision saisissante d’un avenir où les frontières entre la terre et l’eau s’estompent et où la durabilité et la construction de communautés sont au cœur des nouveaux établissements humains.
Cette vision n’est pas seulement théorique : des plans sont en cours d’élaboration pour le voyage inaugural d’une maison Blue Nomad à travers l’Europe afin de promouvoir la durabilité des océans et la climatologie.
Les modèles réduits du projet pour l’exposition de Londres, ainsi que la première structure Blue Nomad, sont basés sur des composites à base de fibres naturelles, employant à nouveau les fibres de lin ampliTex™ de Bcomp dans des motifs dégradés, ainsi qu’une bio-résine naturelle.

Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp, qui suit le marché nautique en tant que pionnière dans le développement de nouveaux composites, continue d’être étonnée par l’innovation et le rythme de développement.

Quel que soit l’avenir, il semble que les fibres de lin et les composites à base de fibres naturelles auront un rôle important à jouer.

146087JEC Group
Hexcel and Arkema achieve a first thermoplastic aeronautical composite structure demonstrator at JEC World 2024 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:33:49 +0000 Read more]]> The demonstrator project was carried out as part of the collaborative project known as HAICoPAS. The primary goal of HAICoPAS is to optimize the design and production process for unidirectional composite tapes made from high-performance thermoplastic resins and continuous carbon fibres. Additionally, the project aims to develop a more efficient tape placement technology and a novel continuous and dynamic in-situ welding (ISW) assembly system with real-time quality control. Ultimately, the objective is to produce composite parts that can replace metallic materials (such as steel, aluminum, and titanium) in aircraft structures, achieving both cost competitiveness and high production rates.

The work of the project partners has successfully overcome the technological barriers identified at the beginning of the project, including:

  1. The development, implementation, and characterization of carbon/thermoplastic (C/PEKK) tapes.
  2. The creation of an automated deposition process for consolidation outside of autoclaves.
  3. The establishment of the ISW welding technology for assembly.

The definition of elementary parts intended to form the assembled components of the HAICoPAS demonstrator was carried out in close collaboration with an industrial advisory committee comprising Airbus, Safran, Daher, Hutchinson, and ATC. The final version of the aeronautical demonstrator, made from composite tapes and assembled using ISW technology, is currently on display at the JEC World Innovation Planets exhibition in the Mobility section.

This innovative demonstrator was successfully developed within the framework of the collaborative project “HAICoPAS” (Highly Automatized Integrated Composites for Performing Adaptable Structures). The HAICoPAS project is a collaborative initiative led by Hexcel and Arkema, along with their industrial partners (Ingecal, Coriolis Composites, Pinette Emidecau Industries (PEI), and Institut de Soudure). Additionally, a consortium of university laboratories, spearheaded by CNRS and comprising the PIMM (CNRS – Arts et Métiers ParisTech – Cnam) and LTEN (CNRS – Université de Nantes), played a crucial role in this endeavor. The Structuring R&D Project for Competitiveness (PSPC) received support from Bpifrance as part of the Investment for the Future Program and was endorsed by the Polymeris competitiveness cluster.

145999JEC Group
Modalis and Agesia develop a lightweight swap-body for intermodal transport Fri, 08 Mar 2024 15:57:06 +0000 Read more]]> A unique lightweight swap-body

The MODALIS Group, an intermodal logistics solution provider (manufacture-lease-maintenance of containers, swap-bodies and intermodal wagons, management of intermodal and combined transport terminals, engineering in intermodal solutions and energy savings) and the engineering firm AGESIA, an expert in thermoplastic composites, are unveiling their brand new prototype swapbody with a lightened floor, which they have just previewed in the Planet Mobility exhibition area at JEC World 2024, the world’s leading trade fair for composite materials and their applications.

A ground-breaking innovation, the result of four years’ research and development, this new 45 ft intermodal transport unit codified C45 (L=13,710 m x W= 2,550 x H= 2,900 mm), the most common model in Europe, dedicated to all European road-rail freight professionals, can easily circulate on all rail and road networks, a considerable asset for European hauliers.

A resistant composite that has economic and ecological benefits

Designed using a composite material, with a thermoplastic ‘structural sandwich’ panel, this new swap-body aims to save almost a tonne, in particular due to the composite panel replacing both the steel crossmembers and the wooden plywood initially used in the floors of this type of transport unit. Its assembly is joined to the special steel stringers by means of a chemical bond, a technology developed and patented by AGESIA called CIB (Covalent Intermediate Bonding).

Also not that thick, the steel/composite floor offers the largest interior volume on the market, while being extremely strong.

These are decisive advantages, particularly from an economic perspective, for intermodal transport professionals, who will be able to transport more goods with the same body. “There are already lightweight bodies, but they provide less interior volume because the floor is too thick. It’s possible to have units with greater interior volume, but they are heavier. With this new flat rack, we’ll provide a unique product that combines both aspects,” explain Pierre-Nicolas Chilles, MODALIS Technical and Innovation Manager, and Jan Verhaeghe, Managing Director of the engineering firm AGESIA.

There are also ecological advantages in the context of decarbonising transport, because this composite material is 100% recyclable and the quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted per tonne of goods transported intermodally is reduced.

A prototype subjected to many technical tests before going into production

prototypes will eventually be manufactured by CCFC, the Italian manufacturer of road-rail semi-trailers, swap-bodies and containers, which was acquired by MODALIS in January 2023. Following official technical and laboratory tests (more than 250,000 body movements simulated to observe changes in the flat rack over a 20-year period), the lightweight swapbodies will be put into circulation on the road and rail networks for further analysis under real operating conditions. At the same time, the engineering firm has developed a ‘digital twin’ prototype based on fibre optics: cutting-edge technology for intermodal transport! This digital twin makes it possible to reproduce the movements undergone by the swap-bodies over time and thus to anticipate any technical problems so as to enhance the lightweight swap-body prototype.

With this innovation, the Modalis group is pursuing its ambition to offer a sturdy range of innovative equipment to European hauliers, shippers and logistics operators to encourage them to move towards low-carbon intermodal logistics.

Photo: From left to right: Pierre-Nicolas Chilles, MODALIS Technical and Innovation Manager, Bernard Meï, MODALIS Group CEO, and Jan Verhaeghe, Managing Director of the engineering firm AGESIA.

145987JEC Group
Swiss Alps to be laser scanned by drones Thu, 07 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Dufour Aerospace will support the project with its 3-metre-wingspan AeroMini and 6-metre-wingspan Aero2 UAS platforms. RIEGL will provide the laser scanners and help with the integration. BSF Swissphoto will contribute to data validation and assess the commercial relevance of the technology and the processes. The WSL-Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF will ensure that the data quality meets quality requirements, and serves applied science use cases and supports the field test with experienced personnel.

Dufour Aerospace Co-founder and CEO Thomas Pfammatter said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities of our AeroMini and Aero2 vertical take-off-and-landing uncrewed aerial systems in relevant applications. We’ll have a shared, clear aim of increasing efficiency in data generation medium and long-term, supported by renowned, experienced partners. We can’t wait to start.”

RiCOPTER UAV GmbH (a RIEGL company) Managing Director Michael Mayer said: “While we already have a lot of experience with using our high-end sensors with UAS, this is nowadays mostly limited to smaller areas using multicopter types, single-rotor drones or VTOLs of smaller scale. This project will help us to understand the potential of drones in larger scale, covering large application areas in order to exploit the performance of our high-end devices even more. As a quality-conscious high-end producer of laser scanners, we are predestined to contribute our expertise.”

BSF Swissphoto CEO Jörg Wertli said: “For some time, drones have been around for aerial geo data acquisition, but only usable for small areas. Dufour Aerospace develops a platform suitable for projects that can only be realised with crewed planes today. The planned test series lays the basis for autonomous, large area aerial geo data acquisition. We are excited to be part of it.”

WSL-Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Dr. Yves Bühler said: “As a leading national research institute, we rely on up-to-date, cost-effective and high-quality data for our own analyses as well as for services. We are pleased to represent the applied science side of this test setup and to contribute our experience in high alpine terrain. We are convinced that much progress is still possible, especially in the field of snow- and mountain hazard research.“

145728JEC Group
Swancor and Massload have jointly developed the world’s first bicycle bottle cage made entirely from 100% recycled materials Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:44:23 +0000 Read more]]> Through CleaVER degradation liquid, Swancor separates and processes recycled carbon fibre for reuse. Notably, Swancor’s recycled carbon fibre achieved the world’s first GRS certification for 100% recycled carbon fibre last year. Moreover, in February, it obtained the ISO 14067 certificate, showcasing a remarkably low carbon emission of only 1.689kgCO₂e/KG. This stands in stark contrast to virgin carbon fibre which emits 55.181.689kgCO₂e/KG, marking a significant reduction in carbon emissions by 97%.

Swancor and the Taiwanese brand Massload have collaboratively developed bicycle parts crafted entirely from recycled materials. Following a year of rigorous testing and validation, we proudly introduced the world’s premier bicycle bottle cage composed entirely of recycled materials. This innovative product blends 50% of Swancor’s recycled carbon fibre with 50% recycled PA6 pallets, manufactured through an injection process to produce a low-carbon bottle cage, and the weight is only 17g. We anticipate commencing mass production of this environmentally friendly solution in the first quarter of this year.

The bottle cage jointly developed by both parties will be showcased at the 2024 Taipei International Bicycle Exhibition (TAIEPI CYCLE) at Massload Booth (I Zone 1211). With Massload’s extensive experience in supplying components to global bicycle brands over the years, numerous international brands have already shown keen interest in this product. It is poised to be a standout highlight at the 2024 TAIEPI CYCLE.

Taiwan, renowned as the “Kingdom of Bicycles,” stands at the forefront of high-end bicycle production and research and development, particularly in its central region. Whether it’s a complete bicycle or a component bearing the trademark of a Taiwanese company, it symbolizes a commitment to quality. With the global ambition of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, industries across the board are investing in the development of low-carbon materials. Swancor and Massload share a common goal in this endeavor, emphasizing the vital role of technological advancement in tandem with environmental stewardship for achieving a harmonious and sustainable coexistence between humanity and the environment. Looking ahead, Swancor and Massload are dedicated to ongoing collaboration in the development and production of innovative materials.

145928JEC Group
JEC World 2024 : Daher dessine l’avion de demain… Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:40:48 +0000 Read more]]> L’édition 2024 du JEC World sera marquante à plusieurs titres pour Daher. Pour la première fois, les expertises de Daher et celles de KVE sont réunies sur un même stand. Et cela coïncide avec la finalisation et la présentation d’une pièce majeure qui démontre tout l’intérêt de l’approche collaborative adoptée depuis l’acquisition de la société néerlandaise en 2019.

« Il s’agit d’une représentation grandeur nature en composites thermoplastiques du stabilisateur – ou plan horizontal – de l’empennage d’un TBM. Ce démonstrateur met en œuvre un ensemble de procédés d’avant-garde – placement de fibres automatisé (AFP), estampage direct®, co-consolidation – pour la fabrication des éléments qui le composent ainsi que pour leur assemblage, réalisé avec le procédé exclusif de soudure par induction de KVE », explique Dominique Bailly, Directeur R&D de Daher, également à la tête du centre d’innovation Shap’in dédié aux aérostructures du futur à Nantes.

Aile du futur

Figure de proue des avancées technologiques de Daher, ce démonstrateur préfigure les éléments de voilure des avions commerciaux de demain : plus légères, plus performantes, plus éco-responsables. « Nous présentions l’année dernière un démonstrateur à échelle réduite, que nous avons testé mécaniquement et dont nous avons tiré beaucoup d’enseignements pour concevoir et développer le démonstrateur ‘fullscale’. Celui-ci va maintenant à son tour être testé et cassé… L’objectif, c’est d’être rapidement en mesure de présenter une demande de certification aux autorités compétentes, de pouvoir faire voler des pièces révolutionnaires comme celle-ci. Car Daher a la particularité et la chance d’être à la fois un avionneur et un équipementier aéronautique », poursuit Dominique Bailly.

Daher a en effet placé sa plateforme TBM et ses compétences d’avionneur au cœur de sa stratégie d’innovation. La taille réduite du TBM et l’agilité règlementaire de la catégorie de certification associée (CS 23) permettent de positionner cet avion en précurseur et en démonstrateur des technologies de demain.

« L’objectif est d’atteindre le niveau de maturité TRL 5* en 2025, après les essais, et d’être prêt, au niveau TRL6, dès 2027 pour pouvoir monter ce type de pièce sur des programmes existants. La soudure – qui permet de s’affranchir des rivets métalliques – présente un énorme intérêt, en termes de masse, de cadences, de coût mais aussi de recyclage… »

Shap’in, l’accélérateur de technologies

Le remplacement du métal par des matériaux composites – et donc l’allègement – est l’un des axes forts de la stratégie de décarbonation du transport aérien et la raison d’être du centre d’innovation Shap’in de Daher, dédié aux aérostructures de demain. Ce concentré d’expertises et de moyens, pleinement opérationnel depuis la mi-2023, dispose notamment d’une mini-usine composites hors production de 1 600 m2.

Grâce à cet « outil » unique, les équipes R&D sont parfaitement autonomes du drapage à la finition des pièces. « Nous pouvons par exemple en quelques semaines recevoir une définition CAO, fabriquer nos outillages de moulage ou d’usinage et produire les pièces, faire le contrôle qualité et enfin livrer le démonstrateur en un temps record », indique Dominique Bailly.

Shap’in prépare l’avion de demain

Découvrez plus de vidéos sur la JEC Composites Web TV.

A travers Shap’in, Daher entend accélérer et faciliter l’utilisation de matériaux avancés innovants – au premier rang desquels les composites thermoplastiques – sur les programmes aéronautiques. L’expertise matériaux du Groupe, illustrée par le projet de R&D Carac TP, lui permet de jouer un rôle prescripteur auprès de ses clients et d’être force de proposition sur les matériaux thermoplastiques et thermodurcissables à utiliser en fonction de l’application. (Pour en savoir plus, cf intervention de Stéphanie Patel, experte et responsable matériaux de Daher à la conférence JEC World 2024 : « Beyond Boundaries: Composite Materials Shaping the Aerospace Industry »)

Une stratégie qui porte ses fruits

Focalisée depuis plus de dix ans sur les environnements voilure et moteur, la feuille de route technologique de Daher a pour objectif de permettre au Groupe de proposer des solutions matures répondant aux enjeux majeurs de décarbonation et de cadences pour les prochaines générations d’avions commerciaux, à l’horizon 2030-2035. « La stratégie adoptée porte déjà ses fruits sur les programmes existants. Nous présentons ainsi au salon JEC World un conduit de dérivation interne (inner bypass duct ou IBD) en résine haute température (carbone BMI) compliquée à mettre en œuvre. Cette pièce de structure, produite en série depuis plusieurs années par Daher, permet d’importants gains de masse sur les moteurs et répond ainsi à un enjeu majeur du secteur aéronautique. … », se réjouit Dominique Bailly.

Ce succès résume à lui seul l’ambition de Daher de changer de dimension en termes de production de pièces composites. Le Groupe bénéficie pour cela d’une usine dédiée – la plus grande d’Europe dédiée au thermoplastique avec près de 300 000 pièces élémentaires produites chaque année -, à proximité immédiate de Shap’in à Nantes. « Produire en série des pièces de plus en plus complexes et structurelles en s’appuyant sur des savoir-faire et moyens existants et apporter ainsi toujours plus de valeur à nos clients avionneurs et motoristes, c’est tout le sens du projet Shap’in et de l’approche collaborative que nous continuons à développer », résume Dominique Bailly.

* L’échelle TRL (Technology Readiness Level) évalue le niveau de maturité d’une technologie. TRL 5 : validation de la technologie en environnement représentatif ; TRL 6 : démonstration dans un environnement réel simulé

Rendez-vous sur leur stand à JEC World, Hall 6 – C32.

145872JEC Group
A video insight into lightweight know-how and sustainability within the Sant’Agata Bolognese super sports car maker Fri, 01 Mar 2024 11:18:05 +0000 Read more]]> The video, ‘Beyond innovation: Connecting the dots’ explores these two intrinsically-linked Lamborghini pillars through two employees who help envision the future.

lena Del Monte, Head of Body in White, Trims and Composites, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

“For us, innovation is to be curious, to open new roads that enhance performance and sustainability,” says Elena Del Monte, Head of Body in White, Trims and Composites. “In Lamborghini, we embrace new challenges: it’s part of the company DNA that translates into every team member too.”

“Together, we drive change while joining the dots between projects, departments, technologies and products, but most of all the people who deliver our innovation,” says Silvia Pecorari, Corporate Strategy and Sustainability Project Manager, who oversees sustainability across the entire Lamborghini value chain. “We explore, find a new way, create a unique vision derived from the union of elements that seem independent from each other.

Beyond innovation: Connecting the dots

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Silvia Pecorari, Corporate Strategy and Sustainability Project Manager, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

Both agree that their and other departments’ activities are fundamentally linked, in the same way they share the Lamborghini passion for exploration, applying new thinking to what has gone before to be future-ready.

“I’m a passionate traveller,” says Elena. “I love to look at things from a different perspective. For me, that is realised in the development of the Revuelto’s* fuselage. We used new carbon fibre technologies to create a masterpiece that delivers a 10% weight reduction and 25% increased torsional stiffness over the Aventador’s monocoque. The right technology in the right place, but no boundaries. Pioneering a full carbon fibre front structure in forged composite, developed entirely by Lamborghini means our monocoque integrates components seamlessly, prioritizing sustainability by reducing energy consumption and waste.  We are joining the dots!”

“Sustainability, as described within our Direzione Cor Tauri 2.0 strategy, is our pact with future generations,“ confirms Silvia. “It’s a commitment that connects all of us, evidenced by our target of reducing CO2 emissions per car across the whole value chain by 40% in 2030 (vs 2021), while within this year all drivetrains will transition to hybrid to reduce the fleet emissions by 50% by 2025.”

“That involves every one of us,” the two agree. “As one company, we are setting the trends, with innovation in our very DNA.”

* Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)

145737JEC Group
Toray Carbon Fibers Europe to showcase Avel Robotics’ IMOCA hydrofoil at JEC World 2024 Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Toray Carbon Fibers Europe has recently developed an Advanced Towpreg solution that is perfectly adapted to the Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process.

Avel Robotics is a high-performance composite parts manufacturer and an AFP specialist. Avel Robotics has been manufacturing hydrofoils for world-class offshore racing boats using Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg since 2020.

The Advanced Towpreg is delivered to Avel Robotics as spools, without release films, ready to be laid up. ‘The absence of release film is a game-changer’, says Adrien Marchandise, Avel Robotics’ Chief Technology Officer.

‘Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg also features very high width stability and fiber areal weight ideally suited for Avel Robotics’ process, allowing the production of consistent and highly reliable parts’, added Natalie Jordan, Director of Customer Service and Technical Support at Toray Carbon Fiber Europe.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg has already been used by Avel Robotics on famous racing boats with proven performance results. Adrien Marchandise explains:

‘Toray Carbon Fibers Europe understood that we needed to have a product that was designed for AFP manufacturing. Their Advanced Towpreg product is cost-effective and has a lower impact in terms of its environmental footprint. The fact that we avoid the use of release film and the additional costs of cutting tapes before layup, added to the “net-shape” principle of additive manufacturing, makes our process much more advanced and efficient than manual layup’.

Furthermore, Toray Carbon Fiber Europe’s Advanced Towpreg is 100% manufactured in France from the carbon fiber to the Advanced Towpreg material.  ‘This contributes to lowering the environmental impact of the whole composite material solution, while providing an integrated and secure supply chain with local manufacturing and technical support’, added Natalie Jordan.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe is currently working on expanding its Advanced Towpreg portfolio, to respond to growing demand in high performance markets.

Crédits image : Thomas Deregnieaux / Qaptur / Initiatives Cœur

Meet Toray at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth H01.

145651JEC Group
Biobased composite bodywork vehicle wins Africa Eco Race 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Due to strong weight limitations and its environmental-friendly approach, APACHE Automotive was aiming for bio-based composite-based bodyworks, and thus chose to collaborate with VESO Concept (Occitanie, France). Once the design of the bodywork parts validated, APACHE Automotive put a total trust in VESO Concept for the part prototyping and production : reinforcements, polymers and processes have been defined by the VESO Concept team using an eco-conception approach, to finally deliver a first prototype and two bodyworks in one year.

Finally, this collaboration has been fruitful, as the SSV driven by G. Paulin (copilot R. Boulanger) ended on the 1st position, while the one driven by P.-L. Loubet (copilot F. Borsotto) won 5 of the 12 race steps. Both results confirm the high-performance levels of vehicles and teams in harsh conditions (desert, rocks, sand, dust…).

Dashboard in recycled carbon fibres @Veso Concept

Reinforcements were carefully chosen depending on each part requirements and are of several natures. Recycled carbon mat was for instance used for the dashboard, especially for its aesthetic aspect when integrated as a reinforcement.

Flax was chosen for its very low environmental footprint, but also for its lightness and damping properties, and was used for the bodywork exterior parts. This natural fibre was chosen over the other for its availability under different shapes, as fabrics and mats. Basalt was rather used for interior parts and for the rocker panels, due to its high mechanical properties.

Weights and weaving have been chosen depending on the required properties. When needed, core materials where integrated in the monolithic parts for structural reinforcement. Following the initial eco-friendly strategy, recycled PET foams and cork panels were integrated as core materials. These choices allow to have a 100 % recycled/bio-based reinforcement range.

Structural part made with flax fibres, @ Veso Concept

One of the main challenge was about surface aspect, as VESO Concept took the bet of obtaining porosity-free parts straight out of their moulds, without using gel-coats, in-mould paints or glass veils as surface finishers. This allowed to produce car bodyworks with apparent weaving patterns and minimal weight. Car bodywork were then dust-protected by a covering by Apache Automotive.

Several bodywork technical performances can be pointed out, such as:

  • The multifunctionality of the hoods: front and rear hoods include engine protection, holes for lightening, fenders and spoilers, while being single-part
  • A final weight 10 % under Apache Automotive specifications
  • French and European suppliers for all raw materials of composite parts
  • 3900 kms driven for both APH-01 vehicles in desert conditions, without bodywork part breakage

A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) has been carried out at the beginning of the project to compare its environmental validity to more traditional composite solutions. This LCA concludes that the VESO Concept solution releases 50 % less kg CO2 eq than a traditional carbon/epoxy solution, highlighting the interest of partially biobased/recycled composite materials.

To conclude, this challenging project has been a great opportunity for VESO Concept to produce one of the first composite bodyworks made of bio-based/recycled reinforcements and environmental-friendly polymers. This successful achievement can be seen as an auspicious attempt to open the automotive sector to more sustainable composite solutions.

Meet VESO Concept at JEC World 2024 on their booth hall 6, stand N4-17 and on the Mobility Innovation Planets.

Composite-bodywork T3U in the desert, © Africa Eco Race
145430JEC Group
Toray Carbon Fibers Europe expose un hydrofoil d’IMOCA fabriqué par Avel Robotics à JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:23:00 +0000 Read more]]> Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a récemment développé un « Advanced Towpreg » parfaitement adapté au procédé de placement de fibre automatisé (AFP).

Avel Robotics est un fabricant de pièces composites de haute performance et un spécialiste du placement de fibre automatisé.  Avel Robotics fabrique depuis 2020 des hydrofoils pour les bateaux de course qui participent aux courses au large de renom avec l’Advanced Towpreg produit par Toray Carbon Fibers Europe.

L’Advanced Towpreg se présente sous forme de bobines, sans film de conditionnement, directement prêt à être déposé.  « L’absence de film de conditionnement est une petite révolution », précise Adrien Marchandise, Directeur technique d’Avel Robotics.

L’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe offre également une excellente stabilité en termes de largeur de mèche et de poids au mètre répondant totalement au procédé de production d’Avel Robotics.  Cela permet d’assurer une fiabilité et une qualité constante des pièces fabriquées », indique Natalie Jordan, Directeur du service client et du support technique de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe.

L’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a déjà été éprouvé avec succès par Avel Robotics lors de célèbres courses au large.  Adrien Marchandise ajoute :

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a bien compris que nous avions besoin d’un produit spécifiquement conçu pour le procédé AFP.  Leur Advanced Towpreg est un produit qui permet de réduire nos coûts de production et notre empreinte carbone :  il n’y a plus de film de conditionnement et les coûts additionnels des découpes des nappes avant la dépose sont éliminés. Enfin, la dépose du juste besoin de matière grâce à notre imprimante 3D géante, fait de notre procédé quelque chose de beaucoup plus efficient et performant d’un point du vue environnemental .

De plus, l’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe est intégralement fabriqué en France.

« Cela contribue à réduire notre impact environnemental sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de fabrication, tout en garantissant un approvisionnement fiable et sûr, ainsi qu’un support technique local », insiste Natalie Jordan.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe travaille actuellement à l’extension de sa gamme d’Advanced Towpreg afin de répondre à la demande croissante des applications à haute performance.

Crédits image : Thomas Deregnieaux / Qaptur / Initiatives Cœur

Rencontrez Toray à JEC World 2024, hall 5, stand H01.

145656JEC Group
The first industrial butterfly valve with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Due to their high resistance to corrosion and low weight, plastic butterfly valves have already proven to be superior to metal valves in many ways. Their lifetime is up to three times longer, and they are more cost-effective. Now, a study shows that they also have a much lower impact on the environment.

GF Piping Systems proactively takes responsibility for environmental protection during day-to-day business. The company regularly commissions environmental performance evaluations for its piping systems as well as its additional products and therefore gains valuable insights into the climate impact throughout all phases of their lifecycle.

Swiss Climate AG – a sustainability consultancy based in Switzerland – was commissioned to analyze the environmental performance of the Butterfly Valve 565 and compare it to an alternative metal valve installed within an overarching piping system for the same duration of service time (23 years). The plastic-composite valve is almost maintenance-free and has a very high resistance against corrosion. When comparing two systems, one with the installation of the metal alternative and the other with the installation of the plastic solution, significant environmental benefits result from the longer service life of the Butterfly Valve 565:

  • The 565 emits 75% fewer greenhouse gases throughout the production phase (raw material procurement and transport, production), the construction phase (transport and installation), and the end-of-life phase (transport, waste processing, and disposal).
  • The plastic valve has an estimated 33% lower impact on climate change during the production phase compared to the metal valve.
  • Throughout the entire lifecycle, the Butterfly Valve 565 requires an estimated 21% less water.
  • Due to its low weight, transporting the Butterfly Valve 565 to the customer emits an estimated 50% fewer greenhouse gases.

“The clarity of the results validates our commitment to use plastic flow solutions in order to make the transport of water more sustainable – from industry applications all the way to the maritime sector”, Jochen Hamburger comments proudly. He is a product manager at GF Piping Systems and is responsible for the environmental performance of his butterfly valve. “Every company can improve their sustainability by using our 565”, Hamburger adds. After all, the Butterfly Valve 565 by GF Piping Systems is the first industrial valve to obtain the important EPD certification in accordance with the requirements of the International EPD® System.

With the new product, which was launched in early 2021, the company has already set the bar high with regard to cost-effectiveness, as the initial investment has been greatly reduced and is now similar to products made of metal. Due to lower maintenance costs, the Butterfly Valve 565 is now one step ahead. In addition to sustainability and cost-effectiveness, GF Piping Systems has also put a strong focus on modularity. Among other things, customers can choose between electric and pneumatic actuators or add a smart actuator that can be controlled and monitored remotely. Furthermore, a variety of sensors can be connected, which add another layer of functionality. The Butterfly Valve 565 paves the way for a more sustainable future for flow solutions.


The materials of the different components of the valve are listed below:

145063JEC Group
Vartega teams up with MITO® to create a performance solution Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> MITO develops solutions for material problems by creating new additives or adjusting their existing portfolio of hybrid additive products to fit your system. Their team works best with partners who are open and collaborative; partners who want to build something stronger together. They are able to do so by understanding customers’ processes and listening to their needs, diving into their markets, and then creating a combined material that delivers on all of the lab promises in the real-world.

By partnering with carbon fiber sustainability leader, Vartega, the MITO team was able to harness all the behind-the-scenes development engineering of a sustainability process to create a custom solution that is the first of its kind and bring a new product to market.

Sustainable teamwork  

Vartega developed a relationship with MITO over a period of several years, starting in 2018 during a competition at SAMPE. The North America Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) is the leading conference and exhibition on advanced materials and processes, specializing in composite materials for high-performance applications. MITO and Vartega began looking for collaboration opportunities.

“I’ve known Haley and Kevin since 2018. When I first met them at a SAMPE competition. We’ve just been in touch ever since, looking for opportunities to work together. Our business sets appeared to be potentially complementary,” notes Andrew Maxey, CEO of Vartega. “I was really impressed with their level of polish and maturity of their company. MITO really had their stuff together for what was initially a basic concept.”

“Since then, we’ve been talking about incorporating MITO’s materials into carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics. The stars aligned this year and we finally had the capacity, infrastructure, and right formulation from MITO to combine with our recycled carbon fibre. So, this collaboration is really the culmination of several years of discussion and iteration around what it could be.”

“At SAMPE people kept saying, ‘MITO makes everything stronger and lighter and more durable – It would be really cool if you guys could do something with Vartega’s recycled carbon fibre, and then together you guys could change the world’,” stated Haley Keith, MITO’s CEO. “Then, in 2022, at the CAMX show, Andrew came over to me and said ‘We should do a booth together next year’. And I told him ‘I’m not doing a booth with you unless we have a product released’. That’s what put the timeline on developing a product that would support improved sustainability.”

Recycling in carbon fibre

Because carbon fibre manufacturing is an energy intensive process, waste diversion is a big factor in improving carbon fibre sustainability. Carbon fibre is typically made from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor fibre that has been stretched and heated at high temperatures to first oxidize and then carbonize the material. These high temperatures coupled with PAN fibres traditionally coming from fossil fuels, means that carbon fibre has a considerable carbon footprint.

By diverting waste carbon fibre from landfill, Vartega resets the material’s embodied energy to zero. Vartega’s recycled carbon fibre is 95% less energy intensive than virgin carbon fibre.

Vartega incorporated MITO’s LIGRATM into their Fenix Fibre EasyFeed bundle products – now offered as Fenix Fibre+. Fenix Fibre+ supplies documented game-changing performance with recycled materials.

Creating mito ligra

Short for “liquefied graphene”, LIGRATM is an aqueous graphene-based solution with functionalized surface chemistry on top of the graphene that allows it to be suspended into water which provides superior dispersion and the ability to integrate into different chemistries that are more water- based such as coatings, emulsions, and sizing chemistries such as Vartega’s Fenix Fibre+.

Developing fenix fibre +

Vartega’s primary customers are thermoplastic compounders. These are the companies developing the materials and the formulations for their customers, which are injection molders, through to thermoplastic compounding, and the injection welders who are making the parts for injection molders and OEMs.

When Vartega started, they focused on recycling aerospace carbon fibre prepregs. Their original recycled carbon fibres were low density, fluffy, and difficult for customers to work with.

The team at Vartega did concepts and pilot projects with partners early on. The general feedback was, “This is really cool. The mechanical properties are good. The economics are good. We’re glad that it’s recycled but we can’t use this carbon fibre in our applications. The format’s not right.”

To address this, Vartega explored and developed alternative formats to improve handling. Ultimately, they landed on the EasyFeed BundlesTM now known as Fenix Fibre. The Fenix Fibre format is favorable because of the increased bulk density and unique geometry that allows the carbon fibre bundles to flow. This is critical for use in thermoplastic compounding and injection molded parts.

The thermoplastic compounding process requires mixing molten plastic pellets with carbon fibre in a twin-screw extruder. Vartega’s EasyFeed Fenix Fibre bundles are a drop in replacement to virgin carbon fibre. They are used with traditional loss-in-weight feeders and side stuffers.

As a result of the early customer feedback, Vartega’s core customer philosophy became “making materials that are easy to integrate into existing manufacturing processes.” Any new product Vartega developed with MITO had to fit that parameter. The development cycle with MITO and Vartega was key to understanding how Vartega’s process worked and where the best opportunities were for MITO to plug in. The determination was made that the best fit for a graphene additive was in the sizing chemistry. The chemistry is quite specific, and the MITO team tried multiple iterations of different types of graphene to determine the optimum size and morphology. The key requirement was that it would disperse well in the type of aqueous solution used in sizing.

As a result of the early customer feedback, Vartega’s core customer philosophy became “making materials that are easy to integrate into existing manufacturing processes.” Any new product Vartega developed with MITO had to fit that parameter. The development cycle with MITO and Vartega was key to understanding how Vartega’s process worked and where the best opportunities were for MITO to plug in. The determination was made that the best fit for a graphene additive was in the sizing chemistry. The chemistry is quite specific, and the MITO team tried multiple iterations of different types of graphene to determine the optimum size and morphology. The key requirement was that it would disperse well in the type of aqueous solution used in sizing.

Working with partners

The MITO team explored multiple surface chemistries to ensure that the carbon fibre and graphene additive would bond and work together. In the end, integrating the graphene additive directly into the sizing solution that was already being used was the best approach. MITO’s team sent samples of LIGRATM to Vartega to test in their system. The first trial yielded fantastic results. Third party testing showed a 50% improvement in elongation and a 37% improvement in impact toughness. The MITO/Vartega team knew they had a winner in Fenix Fibre+ at that point.

Fenix Fibre+ addresses the needs of the composites industry for thermoplastic applications. The easy-feed bundle format of Fenix Fibre+ makes it very easy to use as a drop-in replacement for virgin fibre. That makes it that much more accessible for those applications. Manufacturer’s that have been running virgin carbon fibre can now process Fenix Fibre+ without any changes.

Sustainability impacts of lightweighting

With a higher performing material, you may decide to use less material to achieve the same strength. The less material you use, the less weight being added to that component thereby reducing the weight of whatever the part goes into. For automotive applications, the weight reduction is significant.

Material emissions reductions

Did you know for every kilogram of carbon reinforced composite made, an average of 46 kilograms of CO2 are made? With the use of Fenix Fibre+, that number would drop to 27.6 Kilograms of CO2 – a 50% reduction in material emissions.

“MITO additives mean we’re making materials stronger and more durable, we have the possibility of making things lighter,” notes Keith. “The MITO team is also optimizing processing and efficiency timing, which is creating a more sustainable manufacturing environment by utilizing less energy. And Fenix Fibre+ is sustainable – it’s made from recycled fibres and LIGRATM graphene which is derived from carbon neutral processing. It ties the whole value chain of sustainability all together through two points of sustainability. We’re very excited to explore additional plastics chemistry on the top half of the plastics pyramid with Vartega.”

The results

  • 9% improvement in tensile strength
  • 50% improvement in elongation
  • 18% improvement in flexural strength
  • 16% improvement in izod notched izod impact
  • 37% improvement in unnotched izod impact

Meet Vartega at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth P52.

144317JEC Group
Ekbacken Studios introduces the first design furniture made of groundbreaking Sulapac material Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:32:00 +0000 Read more]]> Award-winning furniture brand, Ekbacken Studios, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression through the use of innovative materials and production methods, proudly announces a groundbreaking partnership with Sulapac, an award-winning material innovation company. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in the pursuit of reducing future waste, as the material is not only recyclable but due to its biodegradability leaves no harmful toxins or permanent microplastics behind at the product’s end-of-life.

Ekbacken Studios is renowned for its commitment to creativity, quality, and environmental responsibility. By joining forces with Sulapac, a company at the forefront of sustainable material solutions, Ekbacken Studios aims to continue its focus on using a variation of circular materials to create luxurious design pieces.

We are excited to collaborate with Sulapac, whose material innovation is a game-changer in the fight against plastic pollution,” says CEO Kristina Tjäder of Ekbacken.

Made of biodegradable biopolymers and natural wood Sulapac leaves no permanent microplastics or toxic residues behind. The wood originates from industrial side streams, and in the future also recycled biopolymers will be used. The materials have a low carbon footprint compared to conventional plastic.

Ekbacken is the first in the world to launch a large-scale product 3D printed with Sulapac material. “It’s a pleasure to work with another Nordic forerunner willing to challenge the status quo while fostering a culture of excellence,” says Juho Luukkanen, Sales Director at Sulapac.

It’s inspiring to see how seamlessly Sulapac material and Ekbacken’s contemporary designs play together,” says Juho Luukkanen, Sales Director at Sulapac.

Besides 3D printing, the Sulapac portfolio includes materials for injection molding, extrusion and thermoforming. With customers spanning from Four Seasons to Chanel, Sulapac has proven to meet even the highest quality standards. “The material is both beautiful and functional. Like nature,” Kristina confirms.

145040JEC Group
SGL Carbon supplies battery case made of glass fibre reinforced plastic Thu, 22 Feb 2024 14:34:00 +0000 Read more]]> The E-Works team found what they were looking for in the fibre-reinforced plastics expert SGL Carbon. The company is now supplying the first battery boxes made of glass fibre-reinforced plastic to E-car manufacturer following extensive prototype tests. And these highly stable protective battery casings offer several advantages – above all in terms of energy and raw material efficiency and in the safety-relevant area.

“SGL Carbon is one of the world’s most innovative and efficient companies when it comes to high-strength plastic solutions: Whether in the automotive, aerospace, semiconductor technology, LED, solar and wind energy or lithium-ion battery industries – SGL Carbon solutions are used in particular where future technologies are involved.  We are all the more pleased that we have found a new partner in SGL Carbon for our battery boxes, which are no longer made of aluminum, but of particularly light and at the same time very stable glass fibre-reinforced plastic,” says Dominik Ashkar, Managing Director of E-Works Mobility GmbH. “It is certainly not a matter of course that a world-renowned company would take on the challenge of embarking on complex development work for small series production at great expense. This makes the result, which offers us and the vehicle user several advantages, all the more remarkable.”

Technology is regularly evaluated and adapted

The newly developed battery housings not only offer considerable weight savings, but also better battery insulation and fire protection thanks to the significantly lower heat conduction compared to aluminum or even steel. The material is fire-retardant and only transfers heat to neighboring components to a very limited extent after an accident, for example. What’s more, GRP is highly resistant to corrosion and has high electromagnetic compatibility.

“The use of plastic-based composite materials is extremely sensible, especially for electric vehicles, and leads to increased product and system efficiency. In series production, they offer significantly reduced costs compared to metal processing. Due to the lighter weight with comparable or even better stability, the material even contributes to better dynamic driving performance and ultimately a longer range. For us, the collaboration with E-Works is an excellent opportunity to prove many of these advantages in tough everyday use,” says Jürgen Joos, Head of Program Management Materials in SGL Carbon’s Business Unit Composite Solutions.

To ensure that this succeeds, the current project between the two innovation leaders will be regularly evaluated and further developed.

145115JEC Group
Future Fibres’ Lightning Mitigation (LiMit Collar) technology on display at JEC World 2024 innovation planets Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Instances of lighting damage onboard yachts are steadily increasing, and, as global warming
intensifies, the frequency of lightning strikes is projected to increase by 12% with every degree of
temperature change—that is 50% before the end of the century.

Lightning strikes pose an escalating threat to safety and equipment integrity. LiMit Collars directly
address this concern by providing high-conductivity, seamless fuse structures at critical areas where
electrical current arcs between carbon fibre and metallic rigging parts, thereby absorbing current
and mitigating damage at each conical end fitting.

LiMit Collars offer a lightweight, retrofittable, and inspectable system that integrates seamlessly with
existing rigging without compromising on aesthetics. Backed by extensive testing, the R&D project
included exposure to 200kA and 2 MJ/ohm in simulated lightning strike conditions, adhering to
rigorous EUROCAE ED-84A aerospace standards in Europe’s leading certified labs.

Beyond the marine industry, the technology brings obvious benefits to carbon tensile cables in a
range of applications vulnerable to lighting strikes, such as Cranes, Civil Engineering and
Architecture. Having been praised for its ability to be easily retrofitted, and removed for post-strike
inspection and replacement, LiMit Collars empower users with a practical, reliable, adaptable

LiMit Collars are an option on MultiC carbon composite rigging.

Meet Future Fibres Rigging Systems S.L. at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth L04.

144278JEC Group
Introducing ARRIS | MTO carbon fibre thermoplastic spokes Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “Humanity relies on innovation to improve our lives and the planet,” said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer, Business Intelligence Group. “We are so proud to reward the products, people, and companies helping to improve the lives of so many people.” 

The award recognizes ARRIS MTO Spokes (Made To Outperform®), a next-gen carbon spoke designed, engineered, and manufactured using ARRIS’ software, materials, and manufacturing technology platform called Additive Molding: “…our obsession with advanced composites is only part of what led us to create the next generation of carbon fibre spokes — we love to ride, and our affinity for all things bicycles sparked us to make the kind of spokes we’d actually rely on ourselves.”

Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Bicycle Spoke (ARRIS MTO)

Organizations from around the world submitted recent innovations for consideration, and nominations were then judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteered time and expertise to score submissions.

The results: Thermoplastic carbon fibre spokes

The product line-up includes multiple options to meet industry-leading bicycle brands’ highly competitive weight and performance requirements. For example, one of the ARRIS spokes they offer is 2.7x stronger gram for gram than the best-in-class metal aero spoke available in the market today.


About ARRIS:
Founded in 2017, ARRIS is an advanced manufacturer with a breakthrough software, materials, and manufacturing technology platform enabling the highest-performing fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites at scale. From portable electronics and performance footwear to automotive and aerospace applications, the team has successfully proven its unmatched capabilities across industries including the bicycle market. Yet, this obsession with cutting-edge composites is only part of what led the team to create the next generation of carbon fibre spokes… This team loves to ride, and its affinity for all things bicycles put the team on a path to make the kind of spokes they’d actually want to use themselves.

144928JEC Group
Zhongfu Carbon Core facilitates the first large-scale application of 48K carbon fibre tie rod system in the Xiamen Xiang’an airport Fri, 16 Feb 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Xiamen Xiang’an Airport is located in the core area of ​​Dadeng Island, Xiamen City, Fujian province, China. It is an island-type airport. In order to explore high-durability solutions for large-span space structures in coastal corrosion environments, and combined with the hoisting process of roof division and block lifting, this project demonstrates the application of carbon fibre tie rods in typical areas, replacing high-strength steel tie rods with carbon fibre tie rods.

The carbon fibre tie rod is made of Zhongfu Shenying SYT45S-48K large tow carbon fibre as the Zhongfu Carbon core, achieving high-efficiency conversion of 48K carbon fibre properties during the pultrusion process.

The diameter of a single carbon fibre tie rod exceeded 20 mm for the first time, and the anchoring efficiency exceeded 95%. The tie rod adopts a new high-strength stainless steel anchor independently designed by Zhongfu Carbon Core. At the same time, the integrated anti-corrosion of the rod body and anchorage is achieved.

The diameter of a single carbon fibre tie rod exceeded 20 mm for the first time, and the anchoring efficiency exceeded 95%..

Zhongfu Carbon Core (ZFCC) has been committed to the field of carbon fibre composite material pultrusion technology for more than ten years, and is also widely involved in other fields such as bridges, construction, and wind power energy. For example, the Danjiang Reservoir bridge uses carbon fibre anchors, the Shanghai Petrochemical Logistics channel and the Tsinghua gallery bridge use self-anchored plate cables, the Linquan River bridge uses CFRP stranded cables, and the Suzhou Jiasheng Cafe uses carbon fibre parallel cables. All cables are made by ZFCC, and the supporting anchor structures are also independently designed by ZFCC.

ZFCC was established in December 2011, affiliated to China Composites group, a subsidiary of CNBM group, and is jointly funded by six shareholders including Zhongfu Lianzhong group and Harbin FRP Research Institute. ZFCC is a state-level high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of carbon fibre composite core wires, various special conductors and high-end pultruded composite products.

144794JEC Group
Cobra International presents 2024 Olympics Windsurfing iQFOiL board at JEC World 2024 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:36:49 +0000 Read more]]> The iQFOiL 95 is the official 2024 Olympic Windsurfing Class and is the supplied equipment to be used by both male and female sailors. The 220 x 95 cm board has a PVC, carbon and glass fibre sandwich construction that is vacuum moulded over an EPS foam core. Cobra is the only manufacturer allowed to produce these boards and must adhere to the tightest tolerances for dimensions, weight and production accuracy. In addition to supplying the equipment for the 48 men and women who have qualified for the Olympic event in Marseille, France, which begins on 28 July 2024, Cobra has had to match this level of exceptional product quality for the hundreds of boards required by sailors aiming for qualification at the 2024 games and those in the future.

Cobra will also showcase its depth of expertise in watersports composites by presenting the ultimate prepreg eFoil board – a Marc Newson collaboration with Flite – as well as a lightweight carbon fibre slalom canoe, a full carbon production surfboard and a natural hemp fibre reinforced board.

Cobra Advanced Composites (CAC), the automotive business of composite products manufacturer Cobra International, will present a variety of different visual carbon fibre parts in autoclave, SMC and compression moulded technology. Furthermore, CAC will showcase components made with sustainable natural fibres featuring various optical finishes. CAC has supplied automotive customers with lightweight composite components since 2006, and now offers a range of different materials, construction methods and surface finish options that allow premium car and motorcycle OEMs to select the optimum choice for their project.

JEC World 2024 offers a unique global perspective on the latest innovations in the composite world. We are particularly proud to showcase a piece of composite Olympic history this year, highlighting the exceptional quality and absolute consistency that the Cobra team have demonstrated with the new foiling iQFOiL 95 board we will present in Paris. Across the watersports, automotive, UAV and industrial design sectors – Cobra provides this same level of focus on every part it manufactures.” said Danu Chotikapanich, CEO, Cobra International.

Meet Cobra at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth F69.

144790JEC Group
Envalior and KOKI deliver a highly efficient lightweight automotive shift fork made with ForTii ® ACE Mon, 12 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Envalior announces that it has partnered with KOKI TECHNIK Transmission Systems GmbH, a leading Transmission Shifting Systems manufacturer, to deliver a shift fork used within an E-Powertrains Decoupling Unit. KOKI chose ForTii® ACE PPA for its shift fork application because the material offers extreme high stiffness up to 160°C, design freedom and maximum wear resistance without the need for additional bushings.

KOKI’s main objective for its shift fork application was to make it lightweight with high stiffness and maximum wear resistance. KOKI also wanted to reduce cost of the application when compared to a heavily machined aluminium part.

ForTii® ACE is a competitive material—with its overall technical characteristics—when it comes to the substitution of aluminium components within decoupling units used in E-Powertrains as well as regular transmissions, according to Ron Krotwaar, Advanced Development Expert, Lightweight Solutions for Envalior.

“Nearly all functionalities—assembly interfaces, gearing and detection systems—can be integrated in a well designed component made from a thermoplastic GF-reinforced compound without additional processes. As a result, potential cost savings can be achieved,” said Martin Wollenberg, Head of Business Development at KOKI. “With its superior performance at competitive material costs, ForTii® ACE allows a successful substitution of aluminium components with well designed composite solutions.”

With KOKI’s advanced CAE simulations, plus Envalior’s CAE services and predictive technologies, the two companies worked as a team to further improve the accuracy of KOKI’s advanced simulations. Envalior provided technical support and services to optimize the geometry for mechanical performance and processing when designing the shift fork. The KOKI / Envalior team worked together on anisotropic material behavior and material models. Plus, they shared knowledge and experiences about simulating and interpreting results. In addition Envalior supported KOKI with viscosity measurements.

“The team captured the material’s behaviour and understood how to process the results specifically for Envalior’s ForTii® ACE MX53 material,” said Krotwaar. “The KOKI and Envalior team enabled a more robust part performance and design to the safe limits. With Envalior’s deep material knowlegde and experience with material behaviour, Envalior enabled KOKI to readjust product design, simulation and tooling where needed, to get the best out of the material’s performance.”

144500JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024: here are the 11 winners Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:17:00 +0000 Read more]]> The competition is open to any company, university or R&D Center with a compelling collaborative innovation or concept to showcase. The success of participants is closely tied to partnerships and collective intelligence. Beyond being a ceremony, these awards serve as a platform to spotlight potentially undisclosed projects, offering inspiration and motivation to an expert audience eager to explore new frontiers.

After pre-selection of the 33 finalists, one winner has been named in each of the 11 categories by an international jury representing the entire composites value chain:
• Hüseyin ATES, CTO & Compounding BU Leader, Kordsa
• Pr. Alan BANKS, Innovation & Industrial Engagement Supervisor, Ford Motor Company
• Pr. Christophe BINETRUY, Professor, Centrale Nantes / Nantes Université
• Tamara BLANCO, Composite Materials & Processes Engineer & Expert, Airbus
• Dale BROSIUS, Executive VP/Chief Commercialization Officer, IACMI – The Composite Institute
• Michel COGNET, Chairman of the Board, JEC
• Dr. Karl-Heinz FÜLLER, Manager Future Exterior and Materials, Mercedes-Benz
• Dr. Sung HA, Professor, Hanyang University
• Guy LARNAC, Technical Domain Coordinator for Materials, Structures and Industrialization JTFR, Ariane Group
• Pr. Véronique MICHAUD, Head of Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites (LPAC), EPFL
• Pr. Kiyoshi UZAWA, Professor/Director, Innovative Composite Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

The awards ceremony took place in Paris on February 8th, 2024.

Discover the winners!

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JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Category Aerospace – Parts

CFRP lattice satellite central tube

Company: ATG Europe (Netherlands)
ÉireComposites Teo (Ireland)
Description: ATG Europe has developed a one-shot manufacturing process for uninterrupted prepreg fibre-placed lattice structures that aim to replace current satellite central tube designs. These cylindrical lattice structures offer optimal structural functionality at a reduced mass. This innovation included the design, development and manufacture of a fully representative CFRP lattice central tube based on requirements for ESA’s PLATO satellite, including all necessary interface zones. Thermoset pre-preg carbon fibre tows and patches were manually laid-up onto a mandrel, consolidated and cured in an autoclave in a single step to form one integral part. The primary interface to the launcher structure was provided by a one-piece aluminium interface ring, which was assembled to the lattice cylinder through a hybrid joint.
Key benefits:
• One-shot manufacturing process
• Structural efficiency and significant mass savings
• Uninterrupted pre-preg fibres leading to optimised structural performance
• High specific stiffness
• Reduced manufacturing time and cost
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Category Aerospace – Process

EmpowerAX – Additive functionalisation

German Aerospace Center 1

Company: German Aerospace Center (Germany)
Partners: 9T Labs AG (Switzerland), Airtech Europe (Luxembourg), Ansys Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland), CEAD B.V. (Netherlands), Ensinger GmbH (Germany), Fiberthree GmbH (Germany), FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria), Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik GmbH / WEBER additive (Germany), PRIME aerostructures GmbH (Austria), Siemens AG (Germany), Suprem SA (Switzerland), SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Description: The EmpowerAX Demo Part is a multi-curved thermoset shell additively functionalised with short and continuous fibre- reinforced elements realised by DLR and 12 EmpowerAX members. It demonstrates the industrially available process chain for Additive Functionalisation. The EmpowerAX Demo Part showcases the concept of Additive Functionalisation and its industrially available process chain. It is a collaborative project within DLR Innovation Lab EmpowerAX where DLR and twelve industrial players – from design and simulation experts over CAD-CAM specialists to printing and material suppliers – joined forces to demonstrate the capability of overprinting a multi-curved thermoset shell with high-performance, short- and continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic material. Cost-efficient composite manufacturing is combined with the high agility and design freedom of additive manufacturing.
Key benefits:
• Cost-efficient composite manufacturing
• Overprinting of a multi-curved shell
• Combining thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers
• Short & continuous fibre-reinforced materials
• Industrially available process chain
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation –Parts

Monolithic CFRP-aluminum monocoque: A novel approach for carbon neutrality

Company: Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc (Japan), Toyota Customizing & Development Co., Ltd. (Japan), TISM Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Description: A full-scale variable axial CFRP-aluminum semi-monocoque was designed, fabricated, and evaluated. It showed a 15% weight reduction with minimal fibre waste (4%) and assembly cost. This technology aims to improve carbon neutrality through the effective use of carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRPs). The technology creates 3D monolithic CFRP-aluminum structures by integrating anisotropic topology optimization, Turing pattern fibre path generation, tailored fibre placement and nano uneven anodization bonding, to optimize fibre function and material utilization. A semi-monocoque prototype demonstrates the potential for weight reduction in large 3D structures with complex topology using large fibre tow (50K) placed on 5 km of design paths with only 4% fibre waste.
Key benefits:
• Full-lifecycle carbon neutrality
• Weight reduction
• Minimized fibre waste and assembly cost
• Optimized material usage
• Advanced manufacturing process
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

Reactive PA6 pultrusion: Boost for TP composites

Company: Röchling Automotive SE (Germany)
Partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Germany), Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG – Haren (Germany)
Description: Reactive thermoplastic pultrusion enables the production of cost-effective and highly resilient automotive components. The profiles are integrated in the final part by injection or compression molding. The PA6-based composites allows simple recycling in without dismantling. The innovation is the use of in-situ pultruded PA6GF profiles for cost-efficient composite parts in the automotive industry. The combination of a highly efficient production for the reinforcement elements by using continuous pultrusion with state-of-the-art injection molding allows a production at low cycle time and costs. The achievable fibre content of the pultruded profiles is higher than for alternative reinforcements and due to the same plastic material for injection molding and the pultruded profiles, the whole part can be recycled without any dismantling operations.
Key benefits:
• Cheap processes and raw materials
• Sustainable – Just a single polymer
• Strong by design and reinforcements
• Light due to material savings
• Flexible use in diverse applications
More information:

Category Building & Civil Engineering

RENCO MCFR (Mineral Composite Fibre Reinforced)

Company: RENCO USA (USA)
Arquitectonica (USA), Catalyst Communications (USA), Coastal Construction (USA), DeSimone Consulting Engineers (USA), DeVit Consulting. Inc. (USA)
Description: RENCO MCFR is a state-of-the-art structural building system comprised of interlocking composite building units of various types and sizes of blocks, columns, beams, joists, headers, decking, connectors, etc. These products are all adhesively joined (chemically bonded) to form monolithic structures. RENCO products are manufactured with naturally occurring raw materials and newly composed materials from recycled products in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. Yet it is economical, easy to work with, fast to construct, has superior strength and requires no maintenance after construction, EVER! The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has verified and listed our Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
Key benefits
• Less costly than a comparable wood, concrete, or steel structure.
• Stronger-passed ASTM and TAS Standards; able to withstand Cat 5 hurricane winds.
• Faster – No shoring, formwork, bracing or waiting for related inspectors
• Lighter – Similar in weight to a wood structure and 1/4 the weight of concrete.
• Fire, water, and pest resistant. Easy to build with.
More information:

Category Circularity & Recycling

Emphasizing to enhance material property by sizing


Company: B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK)
Autotech Engineering (Gestamp) (UK), B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK), Brunel University London (UK), EMS-Grivory (UK), Ford Motor Company (UK), Gen2Plank Ltd (UK), TWI Ltd (UK)
Description: The creation of ‘glassene’ a brand new, advanced material with price-point close to glass and performance to rival some carbon fibre, with impressively low LCA. Promotes structural reuse of composites on a mass scale. EMPHASIZING aims to create a new advanced material with price close to glass fibre, performance to rival some carbon fibre and impressive LCA. GRP from a range of sources (wind, marine, fibre production) reclaimed as 100% clean glass by DEECOM® pressolysis. The fibres are chopped into 6mm lengths before a range of sizing chemistries are considered, assessed, and tested; then compounded with polyamide thermoset and injection moulded; creating a mass production, structural component, tested against the steel counterpart and with a characterisation data card.
Key benefits:
• Global GRP waste solution
• Enables wind/marine/glass fibre industries to have ‘zero waste from composites’
• Creates a new, green, low cost advanced material to directly displace virgin
• Recyclate can go back into industries looking to decarbonise = circularity
• Addresses the current advanced materials imbalance of demand vs supply
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Category Digital, AI & Data

Wind turbine blade executable digital twin


Company: ReliaBlade (Denmark)
CEKO Sensors (Denmark), FORCE Technology (Denmark), Siemens Industry Software (SISW) (Belgium), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), Zebicon (Denmark)
Description: The wind turbine blade executable Digital Twin combines a reduced-order model with live sensor signal to assess structural performance in real-time. Physical and virtual sensors combined is key to perform Structural Health Monitoring. The 12.6m wind turbine blade is manufactured using a conventional vacuum infusion process at DTU BladeLab. Non-crimp UD and BIAX fibreglass fabrics, sandwich core material and root inserts are placed as dry layup in the molds. Subsequently, vacuum infusion processes are conducted for each of the parts using an epoxy resin system. After the shells and webs have been infused and fully cured, the two airfoil shells and shear webs are bonded together using epoxy adhesive before the blade is trimmed.
Key benefits:
• Live monitoring of blade deformations
• Live monitoring of loads and remaining life
• Predictive maintenance assessment
• Remote monitoring and health assessment
• Model error reduction
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Maximum mass reduction of cutting tools


Company: Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Germany)
Leitz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Description: A new modular cutting tool for woodworking machine is developed exploiting the mechanical advantages of CFRP. More than 50 % weight reduction and an increase in working speed of over 50 % is achieved. Instead of replacing the metallic tool body with CFRP, new design principles were analyzed using numerical simulation. Following the principle of optimal load sharing, the virtual development resulted in a modular tool design, with triangular components that absorb the centrifugal forces and an outer shell that accommodates the bending and torsional loads. Load optimized orientation of carbon fibres leads to maximum stiffness and strength of the tool body. The final result features maximum weight reduction and increased productivity without compromising product quality.
Key benefits:
• Modular lightweight design with CFPR parts can replace standard cutting tools.
• New design exploits fibre strength and stiffness leading to rigid tools.
• Over 50% mass reduction and 50% higher speed and productivity possible.
• Scalability of design leads to a high application range.
• Usage with standard adapter and cutting knives, high processing accuracy.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding


DJI_0235TomVanOossanen- Oceanwings

Company: AYRO (France)
Partners: Alizés (France), Jifmar Offshore Services (France), Zéphyr et Borée (France), Neptune Marine (Pays-Bas), VPLP Design (France), ArianeGroup (France)
Description: OceanWings® is a patented, automated, self-raising and lowering vertical wingsail system that enables newbuild or existing ships to reduce their fuel consumption and resulting carbon footprint by up to 50%. The challenges of our technology include the wing’s ability to withstand winds of up to 100 knots, while ensuring the proper functioning of its operations: automatic orientation in relation to the wind, adjustable camber, reefable and furlable. Structure is therefore essential to meet these challenges. At AYRO, we have chosen to use composite materials to a large extent in the construction of our wingsails, for their high mechanical strength and lightweight.
Key benefits
• Up to 50% of fuel savings
• Automated and passive system
• Dimensioned for harsh sea environmental conditions
• Reefable and furlable system
• Adapted to new-build and retrofitted ships
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Category Renewable Energies

Blade circularity solution

Company: Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Denmark)
Vestas (Denmark), Olin (Germany), Aarhus University (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Stena Recycling (Denmark and Sweden)
Description: CETEC’s Blade Circularity Solution renders epoxy-based turbine blades circular without altering the material’s design or composition. It employs a chemical process breaking down epoxy resin into virgin-grade materials, establishing a circular economy for blade manufacturing.
Our innovation redefines circularity for epoxy-based turbine blades. It precisely separates glass, carbon fibres, core material, metal components, and resin for dedicated recycling, optimizing reuse and enhancing circular value chains. Featuring cutting-edge chemcycling, it breaks down epoxy resin into chemical monomers, ensuring recycled materials achieve virgin-grade properties. Emphasizing sustainability, it operates efficiently using non-toxic, standardized chemicals with minimal energy input. Tailored for conventional epoxy-based turbine blades, it addresses an industry gap, supported by waste handlers’ interest and ongoing industrial scaling, promising swift lab-to-large-scale implementation.
Key benefits:
• Circularity for epoxy-based composite material
• Recyclability without modifying design
• New sustainable raw material source
• Strengthening the wind industry’s sustainability proposition
• Immediate scalability and mature recycling value streams
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Green snowboard with A.L.D.-tech.®

Company: silbaerg GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (Germany), bto-epoxy GmbH (Austria), Circular MTC e.V. (Germany), SachsenLeinen GmbH (Germany)
Description: Snowboard with patented anisotropic coupling effect (A.L.D.-tech.®) made out of hemp and recycled carbon fibres with bio-based epoxy resin. The innovation is the application of the Dry-Fibre-Placement (DFP) for the production of hybrid hemp and recycled carbon fibre (rCF) snowboard preforms. The process was currently only used to process continuous virgin carbon fibres. Thanks to the excellent material properties of the hemp tape and the directional rCF nonwovens, both materials can be processed automatically using DFP. This saves 75% of cutting waste of the hemp fibres and uses the cutting waste of our carbon fibre snowboards to save costs and reduces the CO2 footprint.
Key benefits:
• Green snowboard based on hemp fibres and recycled carbon nonwoven
• Using of dry-fibre-placement for waste-reduced production
• Unidirectional or high-orientated semi-finished textiles for perfect properties circular economy for high-performance snowboards made of virgin carbon fibre
• Green economy for the green snowboard by using bio-based epoxy
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JEC World 2024
March 5-7 – Paris Nord Villepinte

144557JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024: Découvrez les 11 gagnants Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:16:54 +0000 Read more]]> Le concours est ouvert à toute entreprise, université ou centre de R&D ayant un concept probant ou une innovation collaborative à présenter. Le succès des participants dépend étroitement des partenariats et de l’intelligence collective déployée. En plus de la cérémonie, ces Awards proposent une plateforme unique metant en lumière des projets qui, pour certains, n’ont pas encore été dévoilés, et qui constituent une source d’inspiration et de motivation pour un public d’experts, particulièrement désireux d’explorer de nouvelles frontières.

Après une présélection des 33 finalistes, un lauréat a été sélectionné dans chacune des 11 catégories par un jury international représentant l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des composites est composé des personnes suivantes:
• Hüseyin ATES, CTO & Compounding BU Leader, Kordsa
• Pr. Alan BANKS, Innovation & Industrial Engagement Supervisor, Ford Motor Company
• Pr. Christophe BINETRUY, Professor, Centrale Nantes / Nantes Université
• Tamara BLANCO, Composite Materials & Processes Engineer & Expert, Airbus
• Dale BROSIUS, Executive VP/Chief Commercialization Officer, IACMI – The Composite Institute
• Michel COGNET, Chairman of the Board, JEC
• Dr. Karl-Heinz FÜLLER, Manager Future Exterior and Materials, Mercedes-Benz
• Dr. Sung HA, Professor, Hanyang University
• Guy LARNAC, Technical Domain Coordinator for Materials, Structures and Industrialization JTFR, Ariane Group
• Pr. Véronique MICHAUD, Head of Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites (LPAC), EPFL
• Pr. Kiyoshi UZAWA, Professor/Director, Innovative Composite Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

La cérémonie de remise des prix a eu lieu à Paris le 8 février 2024.

Découvrez ici les grands gagnants !

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JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Pièces détachées

Structure centrale en nid d’abeille à base de CFRP pour satellite

Société: ATG Europe (Netherlands)
ÉireComposites Teo (Ireland)
Description: ATG Europe a mis au point un procédé de fabrication en une seule fois pour des structures en grillage ininterrompues et en fibres pré-imprégnées qui visent à remplacer les conceptions actuelles des structures centrales des satellites. Ces tubes cylindriques en nid d’abeille offrent une fonctionnalité structurelle optimale pour une masse réduite. Cette innovation porte à la fois sur le design, le développement et la fabrication d’un tube central de grille CFRP entièrement fidèle aux exigences du satellite PLATO de l’ESA, y compris au niveau de toutes les zones d’interface nécessaires. Des câbles et des patchs en fibre de carbone préimprégnée thermodurcie ont été posés manuellement sur un mandrin, consolidés et durcis dans un autoclave en une seule étape pour constituer une pièce intégrale. L’interface primaire avec la structure du lanceur a été assurée par un anneau d’interface en aluminium d’une seule pièce, qui a été assemblé au cylindre en nid d’abeille par l’intermédiaire d’un joint hybride.
Principaux atouts:
• Procédé de fabrication en une seule fois
• Efficacité structurelle et réduction significative de la masse
• Fibres pré-imprégnées continues pour une performance structurelle optimisée
• Rigidité spécifique élevée
• Réduction du temps et du coût de fabrication
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Catégorie Aérospatiale – Procédés

EmpowerAX – Fonctionnalisation additive

German Aerospace Center 1

Société: German Aerospace Center (Germany)
Partenaires: 9T Labs AG (Switzerland), Airtech Europe (Luxembourg), Ansys Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland), CEAD B.V. (Netherlands), Ensinger GmbH (Germany), Fiberthree GmbH (Germany), FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria), Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik GmbH / WEBER additive (Germany), PRIME aerostructures GmbH (Austria), Siemens AG (Germany), Suprem SA (Switzerland), SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Description: La pièce de démo EmpowerAX consiste en une coque thermodurcie multi-courbe fabriquée par fonctionnalisation additive à l’aide d’éléments renforcés par des fibres courtes et continues, et réalisée par le DLR et 12 membres d’EmpowerAX. Elle fait la démonstration de la mise au point et de la disponibilité industrielle de la chaîne de procédés de fonctionnalisation additive.Le projet EmpowerAX Demo Part présente le concept de fonctionnalisation additive et sa chaîne de procédé qui est aujourd’hui disponible sur le plan industriel. Il s’agit d’un projet collaboratif développé au sein du laboratoire d’innovation EmpowerAX du DLR. Dans ce cadre, le DLR et douze acteurs industriels – parmi lesquels des experts en conception et en simulation, mais aussi des spécialistes de la CFAO, ainsi que des fournisseurs de matériaux et de systèmes d’impression – ont uni leurs forces pour démontrer la possibilité de surimprimer une coque thermodurcissable multi-courbe avec un matériau thermoplastique haute performance renforcé par des fibres courtes et continues. La fabrication de matériaux composites s’avère alors très rentable, tout en bénéficiant de la souplesse et de la liberté de conception de la fabrication additive.
Principaux atouts:
• Fabrication composite efficace en termes de coûts
• Surimpression d’une coque multi-courbe
• Combinaison de polymères thermodurcissables et thermoplastiques
• Matériaux renforcés par des fibres courtes et continues
• Chaîne de procédés disponible pour l’industrie
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Catégorie Automobile & transport routier – Design de pièces

Monocoque monolithique en PRFC et aluminium : Une nouvelle approche pour la neutralité carbone

Société: Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc (Japan), Toyota Customizing & Development Co., Ltd. (Japan), TISM Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Description: Une structure semi-monocoque en aluminium et en PRFC à axe variable a été conçue, fabriquée et évaluée en grandeur réelle. Ce qui a permis de réduire le poids de 15 % tout en minimisant les déchets de fibres (4 %), ainsi que les coûts d’assemblage. Cette technologie vise à améliorer la neutralité carbone grâce à l’utilisation efficace de polymères renforcés de fibres de carbone (PRFC). La technologie permet de créer des structures monolithiques 3D en PRFC-aluminium, en intégrant l’optimisation de la topologie anisotrope, la génération de trajectoires de fibres selon le modèle de Turing, et le placement sur mesure des fibres et le collage par anodisation nano-inégale, afin d’optimiser la fonction des fibres et l’utilisation des matériaux.Un prototype de semi-monocoque démontre le potentiel de réduction du poids dans les grandes structures 3D à topologie complexe, en utilisant de grandes fibres (50K) placées sur 5 km de chemins de conception, avec seulement 4% de déchets de fibres.
Principaux atouts:
• Neutralité carbone sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie
• Réduction du poids
• Réduction des déchets de fibres et des coûts d’assemblage
• Utilisation optimisée des matériaux
• Procédé de fabrication avancé
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Catégorie Automobile & transport routier – Procédés

Pultrusion de PA6 réactif : Un coup de pouce pour les composites TP

Société: Röchling Automotive SE (Germany)
Partenaires: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Germany), Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG – Haren (Germany)
Description: La pultrusion thermoplastique réactive permet de produire des composants automobiles à la fois efficaces sur le plan des coûts et très résistants. Les profilés sont intégrés dans la pièce finale par moulage par injection ou par compression. Les composites à base de PA6 permettent un recyclage simple sans démontage. L’innovation réside dans l’utilisation de profilés PA6GF pultrudés in situ pour la fabrication de pièces composites à faibles coûts, destinées à l’industrie automobile. La combinaison d’une production très efficace des éléments de renforcement par pultrusion continue et d’un moulage par injection de pointe permet de réduire les temps de cycle et les coûts de production. La teneur en fibres des profilés pultrudés est plus élevée que celle des autres renforts et, grâce à l’utilisation du même matériau plastique pour le moulage par injection et les profilés pultrudés, l’ensemble de la pièce peut être recyclé sans aucune opération de démontage.
Principaux atouts:
• Procédés et matières premières bon marché
• Durable – Un seul polymère
• Solide par sa conception et ses renforts
• Léger grâce aux économies de matériaux
• Utilisation flexible dans diverses applications
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Catégorie Infrastructure & génie civil

RENCO MCFR (Fibre Minérale Composite Renforcée)

Société: RENCO USA (USA)
Arquitectonica (USA), Catalyst Communications (USA), Coastal Construction (USA), DeSimone Consulting Engineers (USA), DeVit Consulting. Inc. (USA)
Description: RENCO MCFR est un système de construction structurelle de pointe composé d’unités de construction composites imbriquées, de différents types et tailles de blocs, colonnes, poutres, poutrelles, chevêtres, platelages, connecteurs, etc. Ces produits sont tous assemblés par collage (liaison chimique) pour former des structures monolithiques. Les produits RENCO sont fabriqués à partir de matières premières naturelles et de matériaux nouvellement composés à partir de produits recyclés dans le cadre d’un procédé de fabrication respectueux de l’environnement. De plus, ils sont à la fois avantageux sur le plan économique, faciles à travailler, rapides à construire, et très résistants. Enfin, ils ne nécessitent absolument aucun entretien après la construction ! L’American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) a certifié et homologué nos Déclarations Environnementales de Produits (EPD).
Principaux atouts:
• Moins coûteux qu’une structure comparable en bois, en béton ou en acier.
• Plus solide – conforme aux normes ASTM et TAS ; capable de résister à des vents d’ouragan de catégorie 5.
• Plus rapide – Pas d’étayage, de coffrage, de contreventement, pas d’attente pour les services d’inspection.
• Plus léger – Poids similaire à celui d’une structure en bois et représentant 1/4 du poids du béton.
• Résistant au feu, à l’eau et aux parasites. Facile à construire.
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Catégorie Circularité & recyclage

Le dimensionnement pour améliorer les propriétés des matériaux


Société: B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK)
Autotech Engineering (Gestamp) (UK), B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK), Brunel University London (UK), EMS-Grivory (UK), Ford Motor Company (UK), Gen2Plank Ltd (UK), TWI Ltd (UK)
Description: Le “glassene”, c’est un tout nouveau matériau avancé dont le prix est proche de celui du verre et dont les performances rivalisent avec celles de certaines fibres de carbone, avec un ACV étonnamment faible. Notre ambition ? Promouvoir la réutilisation structurelle des composites à grande échelle. EMPHASIZING vise à créer un nouveau matériau avancé dont le prix est proche de celui de la fibre de verre, et dont les performances rivalisent avec celles de certaines fibres de carbone ; le tout avec un ACV impressionnant. Le PRV provenant de diverses sources (éolienne, marine, production de fibres) est récupéré sous forme de verre propre à 100 % par pressolyse DEECOM®.
Les fibres sont coupées en longueurs de 6 mm avant qu’une gamme de chimies d’encollage ne soit examinée, évaluée et testée. Elles sont ensuite composées avec un thermodurcissable polyamide et moulées par injection, créant un composant structurel de production de masse, testé par rapport à son équivalent en acier et accompagné d’une data card de caractérisation.
Principaux atouts:
• Solution globale pour les déchets de PRV.
• Permet aux industries de l’éolien, de la construction navale et de la fibre de verre d’atteindre le niveau “zéro déchet de composites”.
• Création d’un nouveau matériau avancé, vert et peu coûteux, qui remplace directement les matériaux vierges.
• Les matériaux recyclés peuvent être réinjectés dans les industries qui cherchent à se décarboniser = circularité.
• Répond au déséquilibre actuel entre l’offre et la demande de matériaux avancés.
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Catégorie Numérique, IA & Data

Pales d’éoliennes Exécutable Digital Twin


Société: ReliaBlade (Denmark)
: CEKO Sensors (Denmark), FORCE Technology (Denmark), Siemens Industry Software (SISW) (Belgium), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), Zebicon (Denmark)
Description: La version fonctionnelle Digital Twin de pales d’éoliennes associe un modèle réduit à un signal de capteur en live afin d’évaluer les performances structurelles en temps réel. La combinaison de capteurs physiques et virtuels est essentielle pour assurer la surveillance de l’état des structures. La pale d’éolienne de 12,6 m est fabriquée à l’aide d’un processus d’infusion sous vide conventionnel au DTU BladeLab. Les tissus de fibre de verre UD et BIAX non plissés, le matériau qui constitue le coeur du module et les inserts à la racine sont placés dans les moules sous forme de couches sèches. Ensuite, des procédés d’infusion sous vide sont réalisés pour chacune des pièces à l’aide d’un système de résine époxy. Après l’infusion et le durcissement complet des coques et des lames, les deux coques et les lames de cisaillement sont collées ensemble à l’aide d’un adhésif époxy avant que la pale ne soit découpée.
Principaux atouts:
• Contrôle en direct des déformations de la pale
• Contrôle en direct des charges et de la durée de vie restante
• Évaluation prédictive de la maintenance
• Contrôle à distance et évaluation de l’état de fonctionnement
• Réductions des erreurs de modélisation
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Catégorie Équipements, machines et industries lourdes

Réduction maximale de la masse des outils de coupe


Société: Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Germany)
: Leitz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Description: Un nouvel outil de coupe modulaire pour machine à bois a été développé en exploitant les avantages mécaniques du CFRP. Cette évolution permet de réduire le poids de l’outil de plus de 50 % et d’augmenter la vitesse de travail de plus de 50 %. Au lieu de remplacer le corps métallique de l’outil par du PRFC, de nouveaux principes de conception ont été analysés à l’aide d’une simulation numérique. Suivant le principe de la répartition optimale des charges, le développement virtuel a abouti à une conception modulaire de l’outil, avec des composants triangulaires qui absorbent les forces centrifuges et une coque extérieure qui supporte les charges de flexion et de torsion. L’orientation des fibres de carbone, optimisée en fonction de la charge, permet d’obtenir une rigidité et une résistance maximales du corps de l’outil. Le résultat final ? Une réduction maximale du poids et une augmentation de la productivité sans compromettre la qualité du produit.
Principaux atouts:
• La conception modulaire et légère avec des pièces en CFPR peut remplacer les outils de coupe standard.
• La nouvelle conception exploite la résistance et la rigidité des fibres, ce qui permet d’obtenir des outils rigides.
• Il est possible de réduire la masse de plus de 50 % et d’augmenter la vitesse et la productivité de 50 %.
• L’évolutivité de la construction permet une large gamme d’applications.
• Utilisation avec des adaptateurs et des couteaux de coupe standard et de haute précision.
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Catégorie Transport Maritime & Construction Navale


DJI_0235TomVanOossanen- Oceanwings

Société: AYRO (France)
Partenaires: Alizés (France), Jifmar Offshore Services (France), Zéphyr et Borée (France), Neptune Marine (Pays-Bas), VPLP Design (France), ArianeGroup (France)
Description: OceanWings® est un système breveté de voile à ailes verticales, automatisé, qui se lève et s’abaisse automatiquement et qui permet aux navires neufs ou existants de réduire jusqu’à 50 % leur consommation de carburant et l’empreinte carbone qui en découle. Les défis de notre technologie ? La capacité de l’aile à résister à des vents allant jusqu’à 100 nœuds, tout en assurant le bon fonctionnement de ses opérations : orientation automatique par rapport au vent, cambrure ajustable, enroulable et roulable. La structure joue donc un rôle essentiel pour relever ces défis. Chez AYRO, nous avons choisi d’utiliser en grande partie des matériaux composites pour la construction de nos voiles d’ailes, tant pour leur grande résistance mécanique que pour leur légèreté.
Principaux atouts:
• Jusqu’à 50% d’économie de carburant
• Système automatisé et passif
• Dimensionné pour des conditions de mer difficiles
• Système réversible et enroulable
• Adapté aux navires neufs et modernisés
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Catégorie Énergies Renouvelables

Solution pour la circularité des pales

Société: Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Denmark)
Vestas (Denmark), Olin (Germany), Aarhus University (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Stena Recycling (Denmark and Sweden)
Description: La solution Blade Circularity de CETEC rend circulaires les pales de turbine à base d’époxy sans modifier la conception ou la composition du matériau. Cette solution fait appel à un procédé chimique qui décompose la résine époxy en matériaux de qualité vierge, créant ainsi une économie circulaire autour de la fabrication des pales.
Notre innovation redéfinit la circularité des pales de turbine à base d’époxy, en séparant avec précision les fibres de verre et de carbone des matériaux de base, des composants en métal, et des résines, en vue de les recycler, d’optimiser leur réutilisation et d’améliorer la chaine de valeur en termes de circularité. Doté d’un chimicyclage de pointe, ce système décompose la résine époxy en monomères chimiques, ce qui permet aux matériaux recyclés d’atteindre les propriétés d’une matière vierge. De plus, ce procédé durable utilise des produits chimiques non toxiques et normalisés, pour une consommation d’énergie minimale. Conçu pour les pales de turbines conventionnelles à base d’époxy, cette solution répond à un besoin de l’industrie et à la problématique du traitement des déchets, et permet une mise à l’échelle industrielle rapide.
Principaux atouts:
• Circularité pour les matériaux composites à base d’époxy
• Recyclabilité sans modification du design
• Nouvelle source de matières premières durables
• Renforcement de la contribution de l’industrie éolienne au développement durable
• Scalabilité immédiate et flux de valeurs de recyclage matures
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Catégorie Sports & Loisirson

Snowboard écologique avec A.L.D.-tech.®

Société: silbaerg GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (Germany), bto-epoxy GmbH (Austria), Circular MTC e.V. (Germany), SachsenLeinen GmbH (Germany)
Description: Snowboard avec effet de couplage anisotrope breveté (A.L.D.-tech.®) fabriqué à partir de chanvre et de fibres de carbone recyclées avec une résine époxy biosourcée. L’innovation réside dans l’application du Dry-Fiber-Placement (DFP) pour la production de préformes de snowboard hybrides en chanvre et en fibres de carbone recyclées (rCF). Ce procédé n’était jusqu’à présent utilisé que pour traiter des fibres de carbone vierges continues. Grâce aux excellentes propriétés matérielles du ruban de chanvre et des non-tissés directionnels en rCF, les deux matériaux peuvent être traités automatiquement à l’aide du DFP. Cela permet d’économiser 75% des déchets de coupe des fibres de chanvre et d’utiliser les déchets de coupe de nos snowboards en fibre de carbone pour réduire les coûts et l’empreinte CO2.
Principaux atouts:
• Snowboard écologique à base de fibres de chanvre et de carbone non tissé recyclé
• Utilisation de Dry-Fiber-Placement pour une production réduite en déchets
• Textiles semi-finis unidirectionnels ou hautement orientés pour des propriétés parfaites
• Économie circulaire pour les snowboards haute performance en fibre de carbone
• Durabilité du snowboard vert grâce à l’utilisation d’époxy biosourcé
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JEC World 2024
5-7 mars – Paris Nord Villepinte

144556JEC Group
Rock West Composites ships first set of solar array substrate/back-up structure assemblies for the DiskSat Program Mon, 05 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Rock West Composites (RWC) delivered four combination solar array substrate/back-up structure assemblies to Aerospace Corporation in support of the DiskSat Program this month. DiskSat is a NASA-funded technology demonstration program that seeks to verify the performance and deployment method of this new small-spacecraft platform. The disk-shaped satellite design has the potential to revolutionize smaller space missions through its high power, large aperture form factor that fits in the circular cross-section of a rocket fairing. By using its own off-the-shelf, space-grade STRATO products, RWC was able to significantly reduce lead time and cost, while helping define structural properties to support the mission’s innovations. If successful, follow-on missions are possible, and other prime contractors may look to use a similar form factor for volumetric and weight efficiencies.

RWC’s Four Combination Solar Array Substrate/Back-up Structure Assemblies for the DiskSat Program

Providing additional services for this build-to-print program, the RWC engineering team consulted on the design including layup, material selection, insert design, bonding methods, and manufacturing strategy. RWC used its own product, the STRATOSubstrate™ LEO class, to ensure a cost-effective solar array substrate. The team used an insert design that allowed for self-fixturing to a tight tolerance, avoiding a costly assembly fixture. The tolerances on the in-plane and out-of-plane inserts match to a global datum scheme, and tolerances were on the order of 0.010-0.020″ positional.

“Saving our customer cost and lead time for this innovative and game-changing program by using our STRATOSubstrate LEO class of panels is exactly why we developed the STRATO product line,” said Jeremy Senne, RWC’s Space Segment Director.

Detail Image of RWC’s Delivered Assemblies for the DiskSat Program
Close-up of RWC’s Delivered Assemblies for the DiskSat Program

The use of STRATOSubstrate LEO panel blanks significantly reduced raw material and blank lead time. STRATOSubstrate LEO class panels use HR40/NB321 unidirectional prepreg, NB301 film adhesive, perforated aluminum honeycomb core, and 0.002″ HN Kapton. The inserts for the deliverable were BR-127 primed aluminum bonded with EA9394. The final assembly measures approximately one meter in diameter and 25 centimeters in thickness.

“Saving our customer cost and lead time for this innovative and game-changing program by using our STRATOSubstrate LEO class of panels is exactly why we developed the STRATO product line,” said Jeremy Senne, RWC’s Space Segment Director. “We are excited about the potential for this new form factor in the exploration of space.”

Concept Image of DiskSat Deployment (Image Courtesy of Aerospace Corporation)
144255JEC Group
Strohm completes first TCP Jumper in West Africa for TotalEnergies Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The installation of Strohm’s 5.2” ID, 340 bar design pressure TCP Jumper in the Egina field was supported by a local Nigerian subsea services provider. The pipe’s lightweight properties allowed it to be transported by a small, multi-purpose vessel and installed by local contractors, greatly reducing carbon emissions and costs. Strohm personnel were mobilised offshore to assist in the installation process.

Martin van Onna, Strohm CEO, said: “We are immensely proud to see our first TCP Jumper for our highly valued client TotalEnergies installed and operational in West Africa. This success reaffirms TCP as an ideal deepwater solution and strengthens our leading position in the market.”

Strohm’s TCP provides a robust, corrosion free and field-proven solution for operators. TCP Jumpers can be manufactured and shipped in long continuous lengths, stored onsite for long periods of time, cut to length when required and terminated within hours, with no change to its properties or lifespan. TCP for subsea jumpers as well as flowlines and risers have proven to reduce the CO2 footprint of pipeline infrastructures by more than 50%.

144202JEC Group
Eco-friendly skis from Quebec Mon, 29 Jan 2024 10:36:00 +0000 Read more]]> Quebec-based Ferreol Skis was born four years ago and has since been turning some heads in the ski industry with their innovative high-end and eco-friendly skis. For the 23/24 winter they have just launched their new flagship ski, the Surfeur 112, which uses a mix of our unidirectional and bi-axial ampliTex™ flax fibre reinforcements to replace synthetic reinforcements.

To learn more about this young company and their aspirations to lead the ski industry onto a more sustainable path, Flurin Efinger, Bcomp’s Content & UX Strategist, had the pleasure of talking to the Ferreol Skis team, who answered a few questions with a unified voice. Read on to hear about some extraordinary skis, a small ski company that positions itself as a trailblazer for eco-friendly high-performance skis, and how Bcomp is helping them to decarbonise their products.

Surfeur 112 | Ferreol Skis

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Can you tell us a bit more about Ferreol Skis and the people behind these beautiful skis?

Ferreol Skis, based in Quebec, was born four years ago from the collective passion of three friends and ski enthusiasts who first crossed paths during their studies in mechanical engineering at Laval University. United by a shared love for skiing and a vision for innovation, these founders form the core of our dedicated team. 

Jonathan Audet, our CEO, is looking back on a professional skiing career with numerous podium victories in slopestyle competition. With an extensive background in the ski industry beyond competition, he brings a wealth of expertise to Ferreol that helps him to spearhead ski design, business development, and sales initiatives.

With prior involvement in various start-ups, Félix Lapointe brings important experience and an entrepreneurial spirit to his role as CFO of Ferreol Skis. The former competitive road cyclist meticulously oversees Ferreol’s business and financial management.

Our CTO, Etienne Boucher, assumes a pivotal role in Ferreol’s innovation journey, driving the company’s technological advancements through in-house R&D and prototyping. His experience and innovative mindset are instrumental on our pathway to redefine cutting-edge ski technology.

Today, our team has expanded to include four talented individuals, each playing a crucial role in Ferreol Skis’ journey. Among them are a Marketing Director, a Ski Engineering Specialist, a Human Resources Director, and a Sales Representative.

Our mission: Empowering slopes sustainably – Crafting high-end, eco-friendly skis to lead the way in the ski industry.

Ferreol Skis with ampliTex flax fibre reinforcements
All images © Ferreol Skis

The ski industry sees a healthy mix of large players and small companies that enter the playing field with innovative ideas. What makes Ferreol stand out from the market and the many other small ski brands?

The genesis of Ferreol can be traced back to Jonathan Audet’s discerning eye, honed during his tenure as a buyer in the ski industry. In this pivotal role, he identified two critical blind spots, revealing profound disparities between skiers’ preferences and the offerings of the ski industry. The first challenge that demanded our attention was the pressing need to address the environmental impact of ski products. Reflecting on the industry landscape four to five years ago, it became evident that most ski manufacturers were neglecting sustainability in their products, allocating minimal resources towards minimising the carbon footprint. Ferreol emerged as a response to bridge this gap and redefine industry standards by prioritizing eco-friendly practices and materials.

The second issue at hand pertained to the on-snow experience—a crucial aspect for avid skiers. It became apparent that there was a significant misalignment between skiers’ desires and the products available in the market. Skiers were actively seeking skis that were not only playful but also versatile across diverse snow and terrain conditions. This mismatch in expectations prompted Ferreol to embark on a mission to create skis that catered to the dynamic needs of skiers, ensuring an enhanced on-snow experience characterised by both playfulness and adaptability. In addressing these two pivotal challenges, Ferreol has positioned itself as a trailblazer, dedicated to crafting sustainable, high-performance skis that resonate with the evolving preferences of the skiing community.

Ferreol Skis with ampliTex flax fibre reinforcements
All images © Ferreol Skis

We already learned that Ferreol is based in beautiful Quebec, but many small ski brands don’t own their own production. So, if I were to buy a Ferreol Surfeur 112 with ampliTex™ flax reinforcements, where does it come from?

In a remarkable deviation from the norm for a small-scale ski manufacturer, Ferreol boasts its very own innovation lab nestled in Mont-Sainte-Anne, Quebec. This unique laboratory serves as the creative hub where Ferreol meticulously designs all its products and prototypes its skis. The production process takes a seamless journey, with the actual skis being crafted in a factory located a mere 4 hours away from the Ferreol laboratory, situated in Rimouski. This geographical proximity ensures that our skis are not only conceived but also manufactured entirely in Quebec, benefiting from the region’s abundant hydroelectricity.

Additionally, our commitment to sustainability extends to sourcing local materials. The wood cores of our skis, crafted from poplar, maple, or cherry, are harvested near the ski factory, covering a distance of less than 100km. This conscientious approach not only supports local industries but also aligns with our dedication to reducing our environmental footprint.

It’s pretty obvious by now that flax fibres form a central part of your skis. However, Ferreol seems to be taking a slightly different approach to their application than many other brands. Tell us, what is so special about our ampliTex™ flax fibre reinforcements for skis? And how did you use them?

At Ferreol, sustainability stands as a cornerstone of our mission, propelling us to continually explore innovative avenues to minimise the carbon footprint of our products. In our pursuit of environmental responsibility, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) revealed that traditional synthetic fibres, like glass or carbon, accounted for a significant share of our skis’ carbon emissions.

In response to this revelation, we embarked on a quest to identify eco-friendly alternatives, and natural fibres emerged as a promising solution. Among them, flax fibre took center stage, characterised by its nearly carbon-neutral production and exceptional mechanical properties. Choosing flax fibre technology not only aligns with our commitment to sustainability but also adds substantial value to our skis.

Collaborating with the Bcomp engineering team, our vision found enthusiastic support. They not only assisted in selecting the right products but also provided samples and valuable advice to overcome potential challenges. The incorporation of ampliTex™ reinforcements emerged as the ideal solution for our skis, seamlessly marrying sustainability with top-tier performance.

While acknowledging that some ski manufacturers had integrated flax fibre into their models to enhance damping properties, our objective differed. We aimed to replace synthetic materials in our ski constructions without compromising on-snow performance, seeking to elevate the smoothness and suspension of our skis. With a combination of unidirectional and bi-axial flax fibres in our new Surfeur 112, we really achieved a new level of performance which will definitely find its way into our future skis.

What is it like to develop and produce skis with ampliTex™ flax fibres?

It’s extremely gratifying to be at the forefront of an innovative project, especially when it promises to have a considerable positive impact on the ski industry and the environment. Our collaboration with Bcomp to use ampliTex™ flax fibres has enabled the development of a groundbreaking ski construction, delivering an impressive near 30% reduction in carbon footprint. What’s truly remarkable is that this achievement comes without any compromises on the performance and durability of our skis.

As a ski manufacturer committed to sustainability, integrating ampliTex™ flax fibres into our ski construction represents not only a significant environmental leap but also a strategic value addition. The beauty of ampliTex™ lies in its ready-to-use nature, seamlessly integrating into our existing manufacturing processes. This means that we can embrace a greener approach without overhauling our operations, offering a win-win scenario where innovation meets environmental responsibility.

Aligned with our design philosophy of playfulness and versatility, our skis deliver exceptional performance. What sets them apart is their ability to provide unparalleled dampness and smoothness while navigating diverse snow conditions. This unique sensation, unattainable with synthetic fibres, marks a significant milestone in our pursuit of crafting skis that not only meet but elevate the expectations of skiers who crave an extraordinary on-snow experience.

Ferreol Skis with ampliTex flax fibre reinforcements
All images © Ferreol Skis

On a different note, the production of skis and skiing itself can hardly be considered as sustainable actions themselves. And still, at some point we all absolutely fell in love with the infectious joy, that sliding down a snow-covered mountain brings to our life. What are your reflections on this aspect and of the sport and the responsibility that comes with it?

In recognising the environmental impact of ski production and the sport itself, Ferreol is steadfast in its commitment to becoming a leader in the sustainable ski industry. Acknowledging that there’s always room for improvement, we are dedicated to taking steps in the right direction to reduce our carbon footprint and emissions.

In the realm of ski manufacturing, we prioritise the incorporation of local, bio-sourced, and sustainable materials, with Bcomp being a crucial partner in this endeavor. Our emphasis on sustainability extends beyond production to the sport itself. We actively promote local backcountry skiing, championing its minimal infrastructure requirements compared to traditional skiing. Opting for local mountains further reduces transport-related carbon emissions.

For our customers, we offer the opportunity to contribute to carbon offsetting when purchasing skis on our site. This initiative empowers them to offset their skiing-related CO2 emissions, aligning their passion for the sport with responsible environmental practices.

In autumn 2022, Ferreol took a decisive step towards carbon neutrality. Through Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) conducted on our ski operations and production, we collaborated with Carbon Boreal, a local university organization in Quebec, to offset all our carbon emissions. We not only strive to be leaders in the sustainable ski industry but also aim to educate our customers about the carbon footprint associated with skiing, fostering a collective commitment to responsible enjoyment of the sport.

Ferreol Skis with ampliTex flax fibre reinforcements
All images © Ferreol Skis

Learn more about Ferreol Skis:

In recognition of their commitment to quality and innovation, Ferreol Skis has received high praises from recognised industry authorities like Blister Reviews and even won an ISPO award in 2023 with their Surfeur 112.

What Blister thinks of the Surfeur 112: “The Surfeur 112 not only represents a brand-new model for Ferreol, but also the first to implement their construction method of replacing synthetic fibres like fibreglass and carbon with natural flax fibres. Doing so was no easy task (see Ep.248 of our GEAR:30 podcast), but the Surfeur 112’s flax laminate translates to a really impressively damp ride quality for a ski this light, while its notably tapered shape and deep rocker lines make it highly maneuverable and playful. Despite those latter aspects (and its fairly tight sidecut radius), the Surfeur 112 is still quite predictable and pretty stable in a variety of soft-ish conditions, from deep pow to variable spring snow. The Surfeur 112 is much more engaging at moderate speeds than other skis in its category, without feeling like a super niche model. In sum, the Surfeur 112 is a playful and agile ski with an excellent suspension-to-weight ratio.”

144015JEC Group
Sport et loisirs : exploiter les propriétés d’amortissement des vibrations du lin Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:54:00 +0000 Read more]]> Les composites à base de fibre de lin pour le sport représentent un choix extrêmement judicieux en raison de leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques, de leur faible densité et de leur empreinte environnementale réduite, mais aussi et surtout en raison de leurs excellentes propriétés d’amortissement des vibrations et de réduction du bruit. Ces bénéfices ont été largement reconnus dans des produits fabriqués partiellement ou entièrement en fibre de lin, améliorant ainsi le confort d’utilisation de raquettes, skis, snowboards et kayaks.  

Le lin dans les sports de raquettes et nautiques 

Des marques telles que Adidas, Babolat, et Revolin ont créé des raquettes de tennis, de padel et de pickleball intégrant des renforts en lin composite.  

Babolat, dont la raquette Pure Aero 98 a été utilisé par Carlos Alcaraz vainqueur de la finale masculine de Wimbledon 2023, a eu recours récemment à une nouvelle technologie appelée NF2-Tech. Cette technologie de filtration naturelle du lin (NF2-Tech) est un insert en fibre de lin développé avec EcoTechnilin, membre de l’Alliance, qui a été incorporé dans le manche et les sections de la tête de la raquette afin d’amortir les vibrations et d’offrir une acoustique optimisée avec un son atténué. Il en résulte une meilleure sensation lorsque le joueur frappe la balle. 

De même, la raquette de padel Adidas Metalbone Greenpadel incorpore des fibres de lin Bcomp ampliTex, en remplacement des fibres de carbone et de verre habituellement utilisées, afin d’offrir un nouveau niveau de performance grâce à l’amortissement exceptionnel des vibrations qu’elles procurent. 

Le lin européen confirme également son attrait pour les fabricants de planches – comme Notox (Cf. : lien article Notox), canoës, kayaks ou pagaies, Predn Surf et Melker. 

Le lin dans les sports d’hiver 

Les fibres de lin font également leur entrée dans les sports d’hiver. Zag Skis a collaboré avec Bcomp pour utiliser des renforts composites en fibres de lin ampliTex dans sa collection Slap. La société affirme que les fibres de lin garantissent un amortissement des vibrations 250% plus élevé que les fibres de carbone, même pour les skieurs « freeride » les plus exigeants. Rome Snowboards applique également le lin à son équipement de dernière génération. L’entreprise travaille avec EcoTechnilin pour intégrer des renforts en textile de lin dans les plaques d’impact et les parois latérales de ses planches. Il a été démontré que les fibres à faible densité améliorent la durabilité, la rigidité et la stabilité sans avoir d’impact sur la sensation avec la planche. 

Alliance for European Flax-Linen & Hemp a publié un rapport détaillé sur les propriétés d’amortissement des vibrations des composites renforcés par des fibres de lin et sur les avantages qu’ils offrent dans toute une série de secteurs d’utilisation finale.  Le rapport intitulé “Vibration Damping in Flax & Hemp Fibre Composites” a été rédigé par les experts du Conseil scientifique européen de l’Alliance. Basé sur l’analyse documentaire de Taiqu Liu, Pauline Butaud, Vincent Placet et Morvan Ouisse de l’Institut FEMTO-ST – Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, le rapport compare les propriétés d’amortissement des composites à base de fibres de lin et de chanvre à celles d’une large gamme de matériaux plus traditionnels. En outre, le rapport examine divers facteurs influençant les performances d’amortissement, notamment l’effet de la matrice de résine sélectionnée, la teneur en porosité et l’absorption d’humidité. 

Le nouveau rapport technique : Vibration Damping in Flax & Hemp Fibre Composites, constitue une analyse qui définit l’excellent choix des fibres de lin et de chanvre pour les composites. Notamment en raison de leur faible densité et légèreté.

143897JEC Group
Bedford Reinforced Plastics compares FRP with metal modular work platforms Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:15:00 +0000 Read more]]> For an overview, take a look at this chart before delving into a more detailed exploration of the comparison.

Now that you’ve seen a side-by-side comparison, let’s dig deeper into a few of the most important features to consider when comparing FRP industrial platforms to metal industrial platforms.

One of the standout features of FRP is its impressive strength-to-weight ratio. Pound for pound, FRP delivers the strength of steel while being significantly lighter. This characteristic can be a game-changer, as it reduces the risk of overloaded joints and connections. FRP weighs 75% less than steel and 30% less than aluminum. The lightweight nature of FRP not only simplifies transportation but also eases installation, saving both time and money.

In industrial settings, safety is paramount. Fibreglass-reinforced polymer industrial platforms take the lead in this regard as their components do not conduct electricity. This property drastically reduces the risk of electrical shock, providing a safer environment for workers. Traditional metal structures such as metal work platforms and metal stair components, on the other hand, can pose a threat if exposed to live electrical components, making FRP an ideal choice for industries where electrical safety is critical.

Impact resistance
In a bustling industrial setting, tools or heavy items may be dropped. Unlike metal, FRP is highly impact-resistant, meaning that even if a heavy object is dropped, there won’t be dents or sharp edges on the platform that could cause accidents. This feature not only enhances workplace safety but also extends the lifespan of the industrial platform by preventing damage that may compromise structural integrity.

ReadyPlatform: Modular FRP Platforms

Cost of ownership
Choosing FRP over metal doesn’t just promote a safer workplace; it also translates to significant cost savings throughout the industrial platform’s life cycle. The initial cost savings begin with the reduced weight of FRP solutions, which cuts down on shipping and installation expenses. Unlike steel structures that may require specialized labor and equipment, FRP platforms can be easily handled and installed using standard tools.

Moreover, the increased safety benefits of FRP may lead to lower insurance costs, as the risk of accidents and injuries is diminished. The long-term cost-effectiveness of FRP is further highlighted by its virtually maintenance-free nature. Corrosion and impact resistance mean that FRP platforms have a significantly longer lifespan compared to their metal counterparts, making them a smart investment for industries exposed to humidity, saltwater and chemicals.

The FRP advantage
In the industrial platform landscape, the choice between FRP and metal is clear. FRP’s superior strength, non-conductive properties, impact resistance and lower cost of ownership make it a compelling option for safety-conscious businesses aiming to optimize efficiency and financial resources. As industries evolve, embracing innovative materials like FRP becomes a strategic move, ensuring a secure and cost-effective foundation for industrial operations.

Product profile: ReadyPlatform from Bedford Reinforced Plastics
As industries increasingly recognize the advantages of FRP, Bedford stands out as a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions. ReadyPlatform from their ReadySeries lineup exemplifies the pinnacle of FRP technology, offering pre-engineered modular platforms that seamlessly integrate strength, safety and cost-effectiveness. Bedford delivers FRP industrial work platforms that not only surpass traditional metal structures in durability and performance but also provide a hassle-free experience from installation to long-term use.

Every ReadyPlatform modular industrial platform and catwalk system is OSHA compliant and built for a 60 PSF live load, meeting strict OSHA guidelines for worker safety:

  • Meets all load-bearing and fall-protection requirements
  • Designed to handle heavy load requirements
  • Components feature anti-slip surfaces and fire-retardant resins
  • Safety yellow coloring is integrated into the material, so it can’t fade or be scraped off

In addition, all ReadyPlatform industrial walkways and catwalks include a ReadyRail guardrail that protects against slips and falls. They can also include ReadyLadder industrial platform ladder components or ReadyStair industrial platform stairs for safe access.

ReadyPlatform solutions were developed specifically to meet any configuration need quickly, without the time and expense of a custom design. Because ReadyPlatform offers modular solutions, you have the configuration flexibility to go over obstacles, around corners, up multiple floors and more. So, whether you need modular work access platforms, catwalks, warehouse mezzanines or multi-floor walkways with handrails, stairs or ladders, you can get just what you need. A wide variety of heights is available, and ReadyPlatform components can handle a load up to 60 pounds per square foot.

ReadyPlatform: Quick-ship and Easy to install
Modular FRP platforms like ReadyPlatform also stand out for their quick shipping and easy installation. Designed with efficiency in mind, these platforms require no fabrication and allow for swift assembly through quick bolting, reducing project downtime and accelerating timelines. Their modular nature simplifies shipping, taking advantage of the lightweight composition of FRP to minimize costs and ensure rapid transportation to the jobsite. This streamlined process, from procurement to deployment, positions modular FRP platforms like ReadyPlatform as the optimal choice for industries aiming to maximize both efficiency and resources.

143902JEC Group
Sport & Leisure: exploiting the vibration damping properties of flax Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Flax fibre composites for sport represent extremely good choices due partly to their excellent mechanical properties, low density, and minimal environmental footprint, but also in particular due to their outstanding vibration and sound damping properties. These beneficial characteristics have been recognized widely with full or partial flax fibre constructions creating either ‘a softer ride’ or an improved “feel” in products such as racquets, skis, snowboards and kayaks.  

Flax in racket and water sports

This summer, end users took to the court with flax reinforced tennis, padel and pickleball racquets from brands including Adidas, Babolat, and Revolin. Alternatively they headed out on the water with lower impact European flax boards, canoes, kayak or paddles from manufacturers such as Notox, Predn Surf and Melker.

A key example, Babolat, (Lyon, France), recently incorporated a new technology called NF2-Tech into its latest range of Pure Aero racquets. NF2-Tech – natural flax filtration technology – is a flax fibre insert developed with Alliance member, EcoTechnilin (Valliquerville, France) which has been incorporated into the handle and sections of the racquet heads to dampen vibrations and deliver optimised acoustics with a much softer sound. This results in an enhanced feeling as a player strikes the ball. 

Carlos Alcaraz claimed the 2023 Wimbledon Men’s Final using his signature Babolat Pure Aero 98. Founded in 1875, Babolat has also supplied racquets to many other all-time great tennis champions including René Lacoste, Arthur Ashe, Björn Borg and Rafa Nadal. 

Similarly, the adidas Metalbone Greenpadel padel racquet incorporates Bcomp ampliTex flax fibres, as an alternative to typically used carbon and glass fibres, to provide a new level of performance thanks again to the outstanding vibration damping they provide. 

Flax in winter sports 

Flax fibres are also making inroads into winter sports. Zag Skis, based in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, has also collaborated with Bcomp and uses ampliTex flax fibre composite reinforcements across its Slap collection. The company says the flax fibres ensure a smoother ride and provide 250% higher vibration damping than carbon fibres for even the most demanding freeride skiers. Also applying flax to its latest generation equipment, Rome Snowboards, headquartered in Waterbury, Vermont, is working with EcoTechnilin to integrate flax textile reinforcements into the impact plates and side walls of its boards. The low-density fibres have been shown to improve durability, rigidity and stability without impacting the crucial ‘feel’ of the board. 

The Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp has produced a detailed report on the vibration-damping properties of flax fibre-reinforced composites and the advantages it provides across a range of end-use sectors.  The report titled “Vibration Damping in Flax & Hemp Fibre Composites” was launched at JEC World 2023 and has been written by the experts of the Alliance’s European Scientific Council.  

Based on the literature review of Taiqu Liu, Pauline Butaud, Vincent Placet and Morvan Ouisse from the FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France, the report compares the damping properties of flax and hemp fibre composites alongside a broad range of more traditional materials. In addition, the report discusses various influential factors on the damping performance including the effect of the resin matrix selected, the porosity content and moisture absorption. 

The new technical report: Vibration Damping in Flax & Hemp Fibre Composites, is an analysis that defines the excellent choice of flax and hemp fibres for composites. Not least because of their low density and light weight.

143893JEC Group
Safran et l’ONERA lancent les essais en soufflerie du futur Open Fan Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:00:01 +0000 Read more]]> Cette architecture en rupture, pilier du programme de démonstration technologique CFM RISE (1), est aujourd’hui la plus prometteuse en termes de réduction de l’empreinte environnementale. L’Open Fan permettrait en effet de diminuer de 20% la consommation de carburant et des émissions de CO2 – jusqu’à 80% avec l’incorporation de carburants durables – sur la prochaine génération d’avions monocouloirs à horizon 2035.

Afin de soutenir la montée en maturité de l’aérodynamique et de l’acoustique de l’OpenFan, Safran Aircraft Engines et l’ONERA ont récemment signé un contrat cadre permettant de sécuriser un plan d’essais ambitieux de 2024 à 2028 dans la continuité des essais ECOENGInE déjà réalisés.

Les essais de la machine ECOENGInE, réalisés avec le soutien de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC) dans le cadre du plan CORAC, visent à démontrer les performances aérodynamiques et acoustiques du module fan en simulant dans la soufflerie des vitesses similaires à celles d’un environnement de vol, et à valider la conception des aubes de soufflante. Celles-ci jouent un rôle-clé dans l’efficacité globale du moteur. Au total, plus de 200 heures d’essais vont être réalisées au cours de cette campagne, qui sera suivie par des essais de simulation sous aile du démonstrateur. Pour ces essais, Safran Aircraft Engines bénéficie du savoir-faire et de l’expertise des équipes de l’ONERA mettant en œuvre la plus grande soufflerie sonique au monde La soufflerie S1MA est en effet un moyen d’essais unique par sa taille (avec une veine de 8 mètres de diamètre) et par la vitesse de circulation de l’air, qui permet de tester des moteurs isolés ou intégrés à des voilures. Elle est donc incontournable pour les développements de nouveaux ensembles propulsifs qui équiperont les nouvelles générations d’avions.   

Marie-José Martinez, Directrice des souffleries de l’ONERA a commenté : « Expert scientifique pour l’aérospatial, l’ONERA est un acteur essentiel dans les travaux visant à réduire l’empreinte environnementale de l’aviation. Le partenariat que nous venons de mettre en place avec Safran marque notre engagement conjoint pour soutenir le développement d’avions plus propres.  L’ONERA est fier de mettre à profit ses moyens exceptionnels, financés par l’Etat, et ses ingénieurs et techniciens de renommée mondiale. »

« Cette campagne d’essais en soufflerie représente une étape majeure de notre feuille de route de Recherche & Technologie, qui vise à développer les briques technologiques pour la prochaine génération de moteurs d’avions commerciaux, a déclaré Pierre Cottenceau, Directeur Technique et R&T de Safran Aircraft Engines. Dans le cadre du programme RISE, Safran Aircraft Engines apporte son expertise de longue date sur le développement du module fan afin de démontrer les avantages d’une architecture de moteur non-caréné au sol et en vol d’ici le milieu de cette décennie. »

Safran Aircraft Engines est par ailleurs en charge de coordonner la démonstration du projet OFELIA (Open Fan for Environmental Low Impact of Aviation) de Clean Aviation (2) qui comprend 26 partenaires européens, dont l’ONERA. En parallèle, Safran travaille sur de nombreuses autres briques technologiques majeures et complémentaires de l’architecture Open Fan, telles que l’hybridation.

Un vaste programme d’essais est déployé sur différents sites du Groupe, afin de poursuivre la montée en maturité de ces technologies déterminantes pour contribuer à l’objectif du transport aérien d’atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050. Par exemple, le site de Villaroche a déjà réalisé des essais d’ingestion sur les aubes d’Open Fan et construit actuellement un nouveau banc d’essais, opérationnel en 2025 et doté d’une cuve de 8 mètres de diamètre pour réaliser les tests de développement et de certification du programme RISE.

(1) Le programme RISE est développé par CFM International, société commune 50/50 entre Safran Aircraft Engines et GE Aerospace
(2) L’initiative commune Clean Aviation est le programme de recherche et d’innovation de l’Union européenne visant à transformer l’aviation vers un avenir durable et neutre pour le climat.

143867JEC Group
Safran and ONERA start wind tunnel tests of future Open Fan Mon, 22 Jan 2024 10:55:42 +0000 Read more]]> This disruptive architecture, a key pillar of the CFM RISE technology demonstration program (1), is currently the most promising in terms of reducing the environmental footprint of aviation. The Open Fan aims to reduce fuel burn and CO2 emissions by 20% — and up to 80% when combined with SAFs or sustainable aviation fuels — for the next generation of single-aisle commercial jets by 2035.

To support the process of bringing the Open Fan’s aerodynamics and acoustics to maturity, Safran Aircraft Engines and ONERA recently signed a framework agreement for an ambitious test plan from 2024 to 2028, building on previous trials with the ECOENGInE.

Tests on the ECOENGInE backed by the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) as part of the CORAC (2) plan aim to demonstrate the aerodynamic and acoustic performance of the fan module by simulating real-world airspeeds in a wind tunnel and validate the design of the fan blades. The blades play a key role in the engine’s overall efficiency. In total, over 200 hours of testing will be performed during this campaign, followed by simulation tests with the engine mounted on a demonstrator plane wing section. For these tests, Safran Aircraft Engines benefits from the knowledge and expertise of the ONERA teams and use of the world’s largest sonic wind tunnel. The S1MA tunnel is a unique test facility in terms of size — 8 meters across or over 26 ft — and airflow speed, making it possible to test engines in isolation or mounted on a wing structure. It therefore plays a crucial role in the development of new propulsion systems for the next generation of planes.

“As scientific experts in aerospace, ONERA is a key player in efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of aviation,” said Marie-José Martinez, Wind Tunnels Director for ONERA. “The partnership we’ve set up with Safran reflects our shared drive to support the development of cleaner, greener aircraft. ONERA is proud to be making available our exceptional facilities, funded by the French government, and our world-renowned engineers and technicians.”

“This series of wind tunnel tests is a major milestone in our Research & Technology roadmap, which aims to develop the technological building blocks for the next breed of commercial jet engines,” said Pierre Cottenceau, VP Engineering and R&T for Safran Aircraft Engines. “With the RISE program, Safran Aircraft Engines is contributing our long-standing expertise to the development of the fan module to demonstrate the benefits of an unshrouded engine architecture on the ground and in flight by mid-decade.”

The company is coordinating demonstration of the Clean Aviation (3) OFELIA project (Open Fan for Environmental Low Impact of Aviation), which involves 26 European partners, including ONERA. Safran is also working on a number of other major technological building blocks in conjunction with the Open Fan architecture, such as hybrid propulsion.

A wide-ranging test program is being rolled out across Safran sites to further the maturity of these technologies, which are key to helping air transport achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. For example, our Villaroche center in France has already completed ingestion tests on Open Fan blades and is currently building a new test stand facility. Operational in 2025, it will boast an 8-meter-wide (26 ft) chamber and will be used to carry out development and certification tests for the RISE program.

(1) The RISE program is being developed by CFM International, a 50/50 joint venture between Safran Aircraft Engines and GE Aerospace.
(2) The Council for French Civil Aerospace Research (CORAC), created in 2008, is the State-Industry consultation body dedicated to the implementation of the national research program for the aerospace industry.
(3) The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the European Union’s leading research and innovation program for transforming aviation toward a sustainable and climate neutral future.

143863JEC Group
Revolutionizing Bobsleds: CRP USA and USABS forge innovations with 3D-Printed Windform components Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> CRP USA forged a significant partnership with the USA Bobsled/Skeleton team (USABS). This collaboration involves the supply of 3D printed functional components for racing bobsleds, a venture facilitated by CRP USA’s introduction to USABS through a local technical partner specializing in carbon fiber products.

The collaboration has seen extensive meetings between CRP USA’s team of experts and the USABS team, resulting in a joint effort to identify the ideal materials for critical components. The 3D printed parts provided by CRP USA include push handles, hand grips, and seats, all manufactured using Windform SLS materials. Specifically, two Carbon fiber reinforced composites, Windform SP – which is utilized for push handles – while hand grips and seats are crafted from Windform XT 2.0.

One notable advantage highlighted by Marc van den Berg, Technology and Equipment Lead at USA Bobsled/Skeleton team, is the time and cost savings achieved through 3D printing. The absence of the need for molds expedites the production process and reduces costs, enabling faster delivery of components. The flexibility of 3D printing also allows for the creation of more complex parts.

Despite these advantages, the USABS team faced challenges in complying with regulations related to shapes and dimensions. Stress resistance emerged as a critical factor, especially given the significant forces experienced by bobsleds during races and potential crashes. The selected Windform materials addressed these concerns by providing flexibility and strength, preventing part breakage.

The customization of components, such as push handles, demonstrated the efficiency of 3D printing when combined with the right manufacturing materials.

Nathanael “Nate” Baker, Senior Project Coordinator at CRP USA, emphasized the need for easily producible and customizable push handles tailored to each athlete. Windform SP, with its shock resistance and other valuable properties, was identified as the optimal material for these specific components.

Upon successful 3D printing with Windform and delivery of the push handles, the USABS team conducted some tests, assessing stress resistance and ergonomics. The ability to iterate quickly without the need for expensive molds allowed for optimal design adjustments. Impressively, the 3D printed bobsled push handles withstood a real race crash, meeting the team’s crucial requirement of remaining intact.

The collaboration reached a significant milestone as the 3D printed parts made their official debut at the IBSF North American Cup (NAC) from November 15th to 19th, 2023. The USABS team achieved outstanding results, securing victories in 2-man bobsleigh, Women’s monobob, 2-woman bobsleigh, and 4-man bobsleigh events. The success was celebrated as the reward for the team’s hard work in the off-season, marking a promising start to the 2023/2024 sliding season.

137492JEC Group
Carbon Revolution awarded program by premium brand of major German OEM Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “We are very excited to expand our reach with this strategically important German OEM,” said Carbon Revolution CEO Jake Dingle. “We believe this is a testament to the strength and value proposition of our technology. We look forward to continuing to grow our customer base with the largest and most sophisticated global OEMs.”

Overall, the Company has been awarded 18 carbon fibre wheel programs for six global OEMs including Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, Renault, Ferrari N.V. and Jaguar Land Rover (JLR). Carbon Revolution intends to expand further its portfolio of global automaker clients as demand grows for its disruptive efficiency technology.

Carbon Revolution wheels weigh up to 50% less than comparable aluminum wheels, and can provide an up to 5% to 10% increase to EV vehicle range. As the Company announced on 31 August, it has been awarded five programs since August 2022 taking the total number of programs awarded to 18 with six global OEMs, including the aforementioned and the major German automaker program announced today.

The Company’s backlog has more than doubled since October 2022 to US$730 million, due primarily to new program awards, with almost 50% of the backlog for EVs.

Carbon Revolution’s wheels significantly reduce unsprung mass, which greatly improves efficiency, while also helping leading global automakers to comply with the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) targets set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These benefits have contributed to the award of the two previously announced OEM programs in recent months.

As the global automotive industry shifts to electric power and other sustainable alternatives to fossil-fuel-based engines. Carbon Revolution is well positioned to capture OEM demand for weight-saving efficiency technologies.

137450JEC Group
HevenDrones unveiled groundbreaking H2D200 Wed, 17 Jan 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Building on the success of the foundational H100 drone, which now boasts superior lift capabilities, HevenDrones has harnessed the unique flight profile of hydrogen to create two groundbreaking models: the H2D200 and the H2D250.

Hydrogen-Powered Excellence: Hydrogen, with its unmatched energy density and environmental benefits, has allowed HevenDrones to push the boundaries of drone performance. The H2D200, designed to carry payloads up to 4.5kg (10lbs), represents a significant leap in endurance and precision. With a remarkable range of up to 510 kilometers and an extended flight time of up to 4 hours, it sets a new standard for smaller payload drones, all while maintaining the ability to hover with unparalleled precision.

The H2D250, engineered for larger payloads of up to 10kg (22lbs), takes performance to the next level. It boasts an impressive range of up to 750 kilometers and an exceptional operational time of up to 8 hours without sacrificing hover capabilities. This larger payload capacity opens doors to myriad applications, making it a powerhouse for advanced logistics missions requiring multiple deliveries. 

Bentzion Levinson, CEO of HevenDrones, shared his vision during the presentation: “We are at a pivotal moment in the drone industry. The H2D200 Series represents not only a leap forward in drone technology but also a testament to our commitment to building a smarter ecosystem in the skies using the full power and potential of AI. With these hydrogen-powered drones, we are redefining the possibilities of what drones can achieve, while leveraging a clean and readily available fuel source. We are excited to bring these innovations to the world and to partner with forward-thinking organizations who share our vision.”

HevenDrones’ appearance at the Monaco Hydrogen Forum highlights the company’s dedication to driving innovation in the field of drone technology and aligning with global efforts to promote clean and efficient energy solutions..

137438JEC Group
Lehvoss provides evidence of the extreme resilience of sustainable materials as part of the Xtreme-Tech expedition Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Three extraordinary personalities with a common passion: Mike Fuchs, an experienced photographer and accomplished expedition manager, meets Oliver Gehrking, a versatile athlete who is at home in cyclocross, MTB and road racing, and David Arlandis, who has been tackling all sporting hurdles for many years as well – on road bike, MTB and gravel bike. Together they set off on an exciting adventure that will take them to North Africa. This unusual partnership promises not only unique impressions and experiences, but also a captivating story of three people who use their ability and passion to discover new horizons and explore boundaries together.

Their respective bikes are as unusual as the three riders: the Buddy X1 e-bike. Behind this are Buddy Bike and ISOCO/V Frames. Together, the partners develop high-quality e-bikes that stand out for their innovative designs and outstanding quality. The brand is known for its environmentally friendly and durable bikes. With their clear vision for sustainability and mobility, ISOCO/V Frames and Buddy Bike have made a name for themselves as providers of modern bicycle solutions. In Central Europe, the bikes are available and for sale under the name ISOCO X1.

Buddy’s frame itself is manufactured in Germany – by ISOCO/V Frames, based in Saalfeld, Thuringia. Thermoplastic carbon fibre plastics from Lehvoss are used for the production. The frames convince with four main features:
• V Frames bicycle frames have a 68 percent lower carbon footprint than traditional aluminum frames.
• V Frames are lighter than aluminum frames
• V Frames frames are 100 percent recyclable at the end of their service life.
• The Buddy X1 frame has passed all tests relevant to this class of bike with flying colors as the first tool-drop, injection-molded frame.

The thermoplastic bicycle frames were compared with welded aluminum frames. Aluminum, like the Lehvoss material used here, is recyclable. Composite frames are based on a mixture of thermoset resin and carbon fibres and cannot be recycled in a technically or ecologically sensible manner.

Behind the bikes and their riders are powerful partners

Bikes and riders form the core team around which everything revolves. They are joined by a number of partners who contribute their technological expertise to make this cycling expedition a success:

Baier & Michels: the specialist for fastening technology/connection solutions and manufacturer of corrosion-resistant special screws for carbon fibre reinforced plastics.

BLOOVS Eyewear: The emerging label from Barcelona develops and manufactures sports eyewear perfectly adapted to the needs of athletes. For the Extreme-Tech expedition with polarized and photochromic lenses.

Buddy Electric: one of the largest e-bike manufacturers in Norway with more than 20 years of experience with electric vehicles.

Ergon Bike Ergonomics: innovator and industry leader in ergonomics for the contact points between rider and bike. The products developed in Germany – gender-specific saddles, handlebar grips, pedals and other ergonomic accessories – are noticeably better.

FESCHD: Innovative and fully recyclable holder for smartphones. Made from LUVOTECH eco materials.

Hufschmied Zerspanungssysteme: the renowned manufacturer of high-performance cutting tools, especially for machining carbon fibre reinforced materials.

INVERSE: Since 1969 the producer of high-quality clothing – made of materials tailored to every type of cycling, triathlon and running, allowing optimal performance – both in training and in competitions. INVERSE is the outfitter of the Spanish World Championship and Olympic teams with its own production in Barcelona.

ISOCO / V Frames: System provider and manufacturer of injection molded sustainable thermoplastic carbon composite bicycle frames as well as other bicycle components, producing exclusively in Thuringia.

Lehvoss Group: Develops, manufactures and distributes specialty chemical and mineral products worldwide. The Customized Polymer Materials business unit develops and produces thermoplastic materials that demonstrate performance far above market standards.

RAWBITE: The idea behind RAWBITE is simple and straightforward: a fruit and nut bar that is 100% organic, vegan, gluten-free and has no added sugar.

ORTLIEB: The world’s leading brand of waterproof premium equipment. Bags and backpacks: Made in Germany.

Rohloff: The inventor of the 14-speed high-performance bicycle transmission – Speedhub 14. The epitome of the modern manual transmission hub and brand name for the highest quality, availability and durability.

ZF Micro Mobility: an innovator in the field of micromobility systems. Supplier of high-performance e-bike drive systems. The e-bike motor with 112 Nm is used as part of the Xtreme-Tech expedition.

A test site like no other

Extreme temperature fluctuations, intense sunlight, strong winds. Fine sand and dust that can get into mechanical parts. UV radiation that extremely accelerates the aging and degradation of materials. These are the characteristics of the Erg Chegaga, the largest sand desert in Morocco, and thus also the test conditions to which Mike Fuchs, Oliver Gehrking and David Arlandis will expose themselves with their Buddy X1 bikes in early February 2024.

Your journey will take you through deep mountain gorges and dried-up riverbeds, once crisscrossed by raging streams but now parched by the merciless sun. You will climb high mountain passes on ancient mule and camel trade trails and scree tracks that once served as connecting routes between the royal cities and Berber villages.

They will encounter Noor – one of the world’s largest solar power plants, which converts the Sahara’s relentless solar energy into clean electricity and provides a prime opportunity to recharge e-bike batteries. And they’re likely to encounter snow, too; in the north, in the high Atlas Mountains around Mount Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa, whose peaks are covered with snow in winter, causing heavy rainfall. Precipitation that can cause paths, rivers, and trails to become impassable and dangerous.

The linchpin is sustainability

Mike Fuchs, Oliver Gehrking and David Arlandis will be on the road in a very sensitive and challenging ecosystem. On e-bikes and with components that are all heavy-duty, they will prove that such a demanding expedition is also possible while consistently implementing the idea of sustainability.

With partners who are all committed to sustainability: They produce extremely durable components and equipment parts in Germany; use raw materials from the EU – where they occur – and live the principle of the circular economy. The best example of this is the bicycle frame from ISOCO/V Frames: At the end of its life cycle, it is reprocessed, and the material is used as a recyclate for new high-quality components.

The Xtreme-Tech expedition will show just how resilient riders, e-bikes and components will ultimately be.

137434JEC Group
Syensqo rejoint déjà le cirque de la Formule E Tue, 16 Jan 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Quelques semaines après avoir réussi son introduction en bourse, Syensqo, créée suite à un choix de scission avec le groupe Solvay, annonce qu’elle va s’investir dans le championnat du monde de Formule E en devenant partenaire de l’écurie DS Penske.

Il s’agit d’une écurie historique, fondée par Jay Penske en 2007, qui a fait ses débuts en Formula E dès la saison 2014-2015, sous le nom de Dragon Racing. L’association avec la marque automobile DS du groupe Stellantis est plus récente puisqu’elle fut conclue en 2022.

En 2022-2023, DS Penske a réalisé une saison solide, terminant à la 5e place du championnat du monde, grâce aux 163 points accumulés par les pilotes Stoffel Vandoorne et Jean-Éric Vergne.

Syensqo se positionne sur la mobilité électrique et hydrogène

Syensqo va pouvoir jouer sur 2 tableaux avec ce partenariat. D’une part, aiguillonner ses capacités d’innovation en mettant ses polymères et ses composites au service de l’allègement des véhicules de course, tout en participant aux futures avancées technologiques de la propulsion électrique. D’autre part, gagner en visibilité et parfaire son image de marque dans un contexte de hautes performances ancrées dans le développement durable.

Ilham Kadri, CEO de Solvay, enthousiaste aux perspectives de Syensqo

« Solvay créera des solutions indispensables à la vie quotidienne des gens tandis que Syensqo sera une entreprise d’explorateurs qui inaugurera des percées pour faire avancer le progrès », répète à l’envi Ilham Kadri, CEO de Solvay. Elle précise également que la nouvelle entité « jouera un rôle clé dans la l’avenir de la mobilité propre. Elle rendra possible la prochaine génération de batteries pour véhicules électriques, et fera progresser l’hydrogène vert et les composites thermoplastiques. Son activité doit permettre des percées dans les solutions biosourcées, les ingrédients naturels, les solutions circulaires, etc. »

La Formula E offre à Syensqo une visibilité mondiale

Olivier François, le dirigeant de DS Automobiles, se réjouit de ce partenariat orienté vers l’innovation technologique et la performance. Il prend date avec la première manche de la saison qui se tiendra le 13 janvier 2024, à Mexico City. Le cirque de la Formule E se déplacera ensuite en Arabie Saoudite, en Inde, au Brésil, au Japon, en Italie, à Monaco, en Allemagne, en Chine, aux États-Unis et enfin, au Royaume-Uni.

La première apparition de Syensqo en Fomule E avec l’écurie DS Penske se déroulera à Mexico City

Syensqo a parfaitement piloté son entrée en bourse

Rappelons que Syensqo regroupe les activités innovantes de Specialty Polymers, Composites, Novecare, Aroma, Technology Solutions, Oil & Gas, ainsi que les 4 plateformes de croissance dans les batteries, l’hydrogène vert, les composites thermoplastiques, les matériaux renouvelables et les biotechnologies. Les métiers de la nouvelle entité ont généré environ 7,9 Mds € de chiffre d’affaires net en 2022. Le nouveau groupe a très récemment fait l’objet de recommandations à surpondérer des analystes de JP Morgan et Morgan Stanley.

137222JEC Group
Velozzi redefines driving with the Spider Silk Hypercar Tue, 16 Jan 2024 10:58:52 +0000 Read more]]> A marvel of material innovation: Spider Silk

The Velozzi Hypercar will proudly stand as the world’s first automobile to seamlessly incorporate the extraordinary qualities of spider silk with carbon fibre. Spider silk, renowned as the strongest natural material on Earth, will be integrated into the car’s body and monocoque chassis. 

Velozzi has entered into a collaborative agreement with Spidey Tek to build the world’s first car made with spider silk. The father of spider silk, Dr. Randy Lewis, PhD, Spidey Tek’s Chief Scientific Officer, elaborates, “Spider silk’s combination of strength and elasticity means that it can be used in a variety of ways, and the ability to vary both of these properties makes it an ideal next-generation material.” Spider silk is a material that surpasses the mechanical properties of steel, carbon fibre, titanium, Kevlar, and aluminum, offering incredible strength and unprecedented lightness. The incorporation of spider silk in automobile and aircraft construction will herald a new era of transportation offering superior performance, unprecedented fuel efficiency, and unrivaled safety. 

Roberto Velozzi, adds, “Spider silk has high strength, elasticity, and toughness which is unmatched by most industrial fibres. Gram for gram, certain spider silk fibres can be stronger than titanium and more elastic than rubber, absorbing considerable amounts of energy before failure. This exceptionally lightweight biomaterial is an ideal replacement for, or a reinforcement to carbon fibre composites. Carbon fibre composites maintain their inherent strength and stiffness when blended with spider silk yet gain improved fracture toughness. Harnessing this synergy between the high-performance nature of carbon fibre and spider silk will produce an enhanced composite for the next generation of high performance, efficient, resilient vehicles.”

A technological triumph

At its core, the Velozzi Hypercar boasts a bespoke high-revving naturally aspirated F1 V-12 engine paired with a 6-speed manual F1 transmission, delivering an unmatched driving experience. The vehicle and engine are being developed with a premiere Formula 1 automotive brand and a world class Formula 1 engine manufacturer. The Hypercar’s V-12 will meet the requirements of the strict 2027 Euro 7 emissions standards and will likely be one of the last production V-12’s in existence.

A legacy of legends

The team behind Velozzi has a prestigious record of race wins, including ten FIA F-1 championships, five victories at the prestigious 24 hours of Le Mans, four Indy 500 triumphs, two IMSA championships, two world offshore racing championships, and numerous land and water speed records, a record which serves as a testament to their unwavering dedication to excellence.

Limited edition: a technological work of art

Join the select group of fortunate individuals to have the privilege of owning the world’s first and only spider silk and carbon fibre hypercar in existence. With a production limited to just 100 vehicles, the Velozzi Hypercar presents a rare opportunity for automotive enthusiasts and collectors to acquire a piece of history in the making.

137398JEC Group
Syensqo has already joined the Formula E circus Fri, 12 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> A few weeks after its successful initial public offering (IPO), Syensqo, an offshoot of the Solvay Group, announces its involvement in the Formula E World Championship by becoming a partner of the DS Penske racing team.

DS Penske is a historic team founded by Jay Penske in 2007. It made its Formula E debut in the 2014-2015 season under the name Dragon Racing. The association with the DS automobile brand of the Stellantis Group is more recent, established in 2022. In the 2022-2023 season, DS Penske had a strong performance, finishing 5th in the world championship, thanks to the 163 points accumulated by drivers Stoffel Vandoorne and Jean-Éric Vergne.

Syensqo positions itself in electric and hydrogen mobility

Syensqo is set to play on 2 fronts with this partnership. Firstly, it will leverage its innovation capabilities by using its polymers and composites to contribute to the lightweighting of race vehicles while participating in future technological advancements in electric propulsion. Secondly, it aims to gain visibility and enhance its brand image in a context of high performance rooted in sustainable development.

Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay, enthusiactic at Syensqo creation outcome

Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay, repeatedly emphasises that: «Solvay will create solutions essential to people’s daily lives, while Syensqo will be a company of explorers pioneering breakthroughs to drive progress.» She underscores that the new entity will play «a key role in the future of clean mobility, enabling the next generation of electric vehicle batteries and advancing green hydrogen and thermoplastic composites. Its activities are expected to lead to breakthroughs in bio-based solutions, natural ingredients, circular solutions, and more.»

With Formula E, Syensqo will gain worldwide visibility

Olivier François, head of DS Automobiles, expresses delight in this partnership focused on technological innovation and performance. It marks the calendar for the first round of the season scheduled for January 13, 2023, in Mexico City. The Formula E circuit will then move to Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, Japan, Italy, Monaco, Germany, China, the United States, and finally, the United Kingdom.

Syensqo’s first attendance in Fomule E with DS Penske team will take place at Mexico City

Successful IPO for Syensqo

It is worth noting that Syensqo encompasses the innovative activities of Specialty Polymers, Composites, Novecare, Aroma, Technology Solutions, Oil & Gas, as well as the 4 growth platforms in batteries, green hydrogen, thermoplastic composites, renewable materials and biotechnologies. The businesses of the new entity generated approximately €7.9 bn in net revenue in 2022. The new group has recently received overweight recommendations from analysts at JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley.

137228JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024 : La liste des finalistes dévoilée Thu, 11 Jan 2024 10:38:04 +0000 Read more]]> Le concours est ouvert à toute entreprise, université ou centre de R&D ayant un concept probant ou une innovation collaborative à présenter. Le succès des participants dépend étroitement des partenariats et de l’intelligence collective déployée. En plus de la cérémonie, ces Awards proposent une plateforme unique mettant en lumière des projets qui, pour certains, n’ont pas encore été dévoilés, et qui constituent une source d’inspiration et de motivation pour un public d’experts, particulièrement désireux d’explorer de nouvelles frontières.

Après une présélection des 33 finalistes, un lauréat sera sélectionné dans chacune des 11 catégories. La cérémonie de remise des prix aura lieu à Paris le 8 février 2024.

Découvrez ici les finalistes dans chaque catégorie.

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JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Pièces détachées


Société: Fuko srl (Italy)
Turtle srl (Italy)
Description: BioGear est un train d’atterrissage d’hélicoptère composé de matériaux composites renforcés de fibres de carbone et de lin, avec un poids réduit de 60 % par rapport à son équivalent en matériaux traditionnels en métal. BioGear améliore non seulement la réaction à l’atterrissage d’urgence, mais donne également la priorité à l’efficacité et à l’impact sur l’environnement. BioGear associe des fibres de carbone recyclées et des matériaux composites à base de lin, et ne pèse que 6,9 kg (40 % du poids d’origine). Répondant aux spécifications CS.27 et dépassant les exigences en matière d’atterrissage d’urgence (CS 27.727), il surpasse ses équivalents traditionnels en métal. Il fait aussi la part belle au développement durable, grâce aux fibres de carbone recyclées qui réduisent l’impact sur l’environnement et permettent d’adopter une approche “tout au long du cycle de vie”. Les fibres de lin offrent de multiples atouts : faible impact sur l’environnement, réduction de la densité et amortissement des vibrations. En étudiant méticuleusement les sections transversales des profils aérodynamiques à l’aide de simulations CFD, tout en gardant un œil sur la fabrication par moulage en autoclave, BioGear mise sur un design léger, une meilleure absorption de l’énergie et une résistance minimale à la traînée.
Principaux atouts:
• Poids du train d’atterrissage réduit de 60 %
• Réduction massive des émissions de CO2 dans l’analyse du cycle de vie
• Résistance à la traînée minimisée grâce à l’optimisation de la forme de l’aile
• Design optimisé permettant l’utilisation de fibres de carbone recyclées sans problème de sécurité
• Ajout de fibres de lin dans le composite permettant de réduire les vibrations
Plus d’information:

Structure centrale en nid d’abeille à base de CFRP pour satellite

Société: ATG Europe (Netherlands)
ÉireComposites Teo (Ireland)
Description: ATG Europe a mis au point un procédé de fabrication en une seule fois pour des structures en grillage ininterrompues et en fibres pré-imprégnées qui visent à remplacer les conceptions actuelles des structures centrales des satellites. Ces tubes cylindriques en nid d’abeille offrent une fonctionnalité structurelle optimale pour une masse réduite. Cette innovation porte à la fois sur le design, le développement et la fabrication d’un tube central de grille CFRP entièrement fidèle aux exigences du satellite PLATO de l’ESA, y compris au niveau de toutes les zones d’interface nécessaires. Des câbles et des patchs en fibre de carbone préimprégnée thermodurcie ont été posés manuellement sur un mandrin, consolidés et durcis dans un autoclave en une seule étape pour constituer une pièce intégrale. L’interface primaire avec la structure du lanceur a été assurée par un anneau d’interface en aluminium d’une seule pièce, qui a été assemblé au cylindre en nid d’abeille par l’intermédiaire d’un joint hybride.
Principaux atouts:
• Procédé de fabrication en une seule fois
• Efficacité structurelle et réduction significative de la masse
• Fibres pré-imprégnées continues pour une performance structurelle optimisée
• Rigidité spécifique élevée
• Réduction du temps et du coût de fabrication
Plus d’information:

Porte ebay en composite thermoplastique

sogeclair 2

Société: Sogeclair Equipment (France)
Partenaire: Airbus Atlantic (France)
Description: Anciennement connu sous le nom d’Aviacomp, SOGECLAIR EQUIPMENT présente une porte aéronautique dotée d’une forme d’emboutissage complexe et d’une soudure avancée en composite thermoplastique. Avec des pièces surmoulées intégrées et un design optimisé, la solution permet de réduire significativement le poids et le temps d’assemblage en utilisant des matériaux composites et le soudage par induction.
Matériaux utilisés : PPS thermoplastique et fibres de carbone fabriqués par moulage par injection, en utilisant un seul matériau pour faciliter le recyclage.
Procédé utilisé : Thermo-emboutissage pour la mise en forme, Découpe au jet d’eau, Soudage par induction pour l’intégration des fonctions et l’assemblage, surmoulage
Principaux atouts:
• Réduction de l’impact environnemental
• Réduction du poids (40%)
• Réduction des coûts (20%)
• Gain de temps pour la fabrication
• Pas de fixation grâce au soudage par induction (temps d’assemblage)
Plus d’information:

Catégorie Aérospatiale – Procédés

Démonstrateur ASPERA en composites thermoplastiques soudé

Société: Spirit AeroSystems (USA)
A&P Technology (USA), Concordia Fibers (USA), Electroimpact (USA), Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials (USA), NIAR (USA), Victrex (USA)
Description: Dans la perspective des défis à venir dans le secteur aérospatial, Spirit AeroSystems a fabriqué des pièces en recourant au placement automatisé des fibres, au formage par estampage et à de nouveaux procédés d’intensification de la pression. Ces pièces ont été soudées à l’aide du procédé breveté de cofusion et d’induction pour démontrer la faisabilité d’une fabrication à haute cadence sans attaches. Si ASPERA est représentatif d’une grande partie de la cabine d’un avion commercial classique, il est entièrement constitué de pièces composites thermoplastiques soudées entre elles. Cet élément, qui présente des méthodes d’assemblage sans attaches permettant de minimiser le poids et le coût, fait appel à des procédés de fabrication rapide favorisant la production future d’avions commerciaux monocouloirs à grande cadence. La pièce est fabriquée à l’aide de nouveaux procédés de fabrication et de soudage brevetés et exclusifs. Ces procédés ont été développés en interne par Spirit AeroSystems et constituent des technologies composites thermoplastiques et des méthodologies d’outillage de pointe.
Principaux atouts:
• Temps de cycle du procédé de fabrication rapide avec une réduction considérable de la consommation d’énergie.
• Élimination des fixations et des rebuts, des reprises et du poids qui y sont associés.
• Utilisation de matériaux qui peuvent être retravaillés en cours de processus et recyclés en fin de vie.
• Combinaison efficace des cycles de soudage et de consolidation grâce à un procédé breveté.
• Mise au point d’un procédé rapide de soudage par induction in situ avec un minimum d’énergie thermique inutilisée.
Plus d’information:

EmpowerAX – Fonctionnalisation additive

German Aerospace Center 1

Société: German Aerospace Center (Germany)
Partenaires: 9T Labs AG (Switzerland), Airtech Europe (Luxembourg), Ansys Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland), CEAD B.V. (Netherlands), Ensinger GmbH (Germany), Fiberthree GmbH (Germany), FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria), Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik GmbH / WEBER additive (Germany), PRIME aerostructures GmbH (Austria), Siemens AG (Germany), Suprem SA (Switzerland), SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Description: La pièce de démo EmpowerAX consiste en une coque thermodurcie multi-courbe fabriquée par fonctionnalisation additive à l’aide d’éléments renforcés par des fibres courtes et continues, et réalisée par le DLR et 12 membres d’EmpowerAX. Elle fait la démonstration de la mise au point et de la disponibilité industrielle de la chaîne de procédés de fonctionnalisation additive.Le projet EmpowerAX Demo Part présente le concept de fonctionnalisation additive et sa chaîne de procédé qui est aujourd’hui disponible sur le plan industriel. Il s’agit d’un projet collaboratif développé au sein du laboratoire d’innovation EmpowerAX du DLR. Dans ce cadre, le DLR et douze acteurs industriels – parmi lesquels des experts en conception et en simulation, mais aussi des spécialistes de la CFAO, ainsi que des fournisseurs de matériaux et de systèmes d’impression – ont uni leurs forces pour démontrer la possibilité de surimprimer une coque thermodurcissable multi-courbe avec un matériau thermoplastique haute performance renforcé par des fibres courtes et continues. La fabrication de matériaux composites s’avère alors très rentable, tout en bénéficiant de la souplesse et de la liberté de conception de la fabrication additive.
Principaux atouts:
• Fabrication composite efficace en termes de coûts
• Surimpression d’une coque multi-courbe
• Combinaison de polymères thermodurcissables et thermoplastiques
• Matériaux renforcés par des fibres courtes et continues
• Chaîne de procédés disponible pour l’industrie
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Revêtement de la partie supérieure de l’aile consolidée en one-shot et in situ

Société: Airbus DS – Defence & Space (Spain)
Partenaire: FIDAMC (Spain)
Description: Revêtement extérieur de l’aile d’un avion de transport, faisant partie intégrante d’une structure primaire, grâce à un procédé écologique : consolidation in situ en une seule étape de fibres de carbone à base de résine thermoplastique PEEK, permettant un traitement à faible consommation d’énergie et un recyclage en fin de vie. Du fait de leur recyclabilité et de leurs performances, les composites à base de résine thermoplastique représentent un atout majeur, en matière de durabilité, pour les structures composites dans le secteur de de l’aérospatiale. Airbus Defence and Space (Ingénierie) et FIDAMC (Fabrication) ont conçu un revêtement supérieur thermoplastique consolidé in situ (ISC) pour la plateforme AIRFRAME ITD CleanSky2, en vue de son intégration dans un spécimen de caisson externe d’aile. Il s’agit de la première démonstration d’une structure primaire par ISC avec des longerons intégrés et sans aucune étape de post-consolidation. Une campagne d’essais exhaustive confirme tout l’intérêt du TRL5 : caractérisation mécanique, en détail, au niveau des sous-composants et à l’échelle réelle jusqu’à la charge ultime.
Principaux atouts:
• Performance de poids grâce à l’intégration structurelle en une seule étape de consolidation
• Amélioration de la recyclabilité
• Automatisation
• Traitement éco-efficace
• Nouvelle technique de réparation prometteuse par soudage
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Catégorie Automobile & transport routier – Design de pièces

Monocoque monolithique en PRFC et aluminium : Une nouvelle approche pour la neutralité carbone

Société: Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc (Japan), Toyota Customizing & Development Co., Ltd. (Japan), TISM Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Description: Une structure semi-monocoque en aluminium et en PRFC à axe variable a été conçue, fabriquée et évaluée en grandeur réelle. Ce qui a permis de réduire le poids de 15 % tout en minimisant les déchets de fibres (4 %), ainsi que les coûts d’assemblage. Cette technologie vise à améliorer la neutralité carbone grâce à l’utilisation efficace de polymères renforcés de fibres de carbone (PRFC). La technologie permet de créer des structures monolithiques 3D en PRFC-aluminium, en intégrant l’optimisation de la topologie anisotrope, la génération de trajectoires de fibres selon le modèle de Turing, et le placement sur mesure des fibres et le collage par anodisation nano-inégale, afin d’optimiser la fonction des fibres et l’utilisation des matériaux.Un prototype de semi-monocoque démontre le potentiel de réduction du poids dans les grandes structures 3D à topologie complexe, en utilisant de grandes fibres (50K) placées sur 5 km de chemins de conception, avec seulement 4% de déchets de fibres.
Principaux atouts:
• Neutralité carbone sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie
• Réduction du poids
• Réduction des déchets de fibres et des coûts d’assemblage
• Utilisation optimisée des matériaux
• Procédé de fabrication avancé
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Porte composite thermoplastique CF ultra-légère

Société: Center for Composite Materials – University of Delaware (USA)
Clemson University (USA), Envalior (Germany), Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC (USA)
Description: Nous avons conçu la première portière de véhicule ultra-légère en composite thermoplastique renforcé de fibres de carbone, 45 % plus légère que l’acier, et répondant aux critères de performance statique, dynamique et en cas de collision. De plus, elle est entièrement recyclable, ce qui représente une avancée majeure dans le domaine de la conception automobile durable. Notre innovation révolutionnaire ? Tout simplement la première portière de véhicule en composite thermoplastique renforcé de fibres de carbone, qui utilise des laminés de fibres de carbone à base de nylon pouvant être recyclés et qui s’intègrent facilement dans les équipements de formage de tôle existants. Notre approche comprend l’ingénierie des systèmes, l’analyse par éléments finis pour l’optimisation structurelle, réduisant le nombre de pièces de 52 % par rapport aux portières de référence. Nous avons mis au point une nouvelle méthode de fabrication qui intègre des essais approfondis sur les matériaux et des simulations afin de prévoir et d’optimiser les effets du thermoformage. Cette innovation a permis de créer une portière légère, durable et compétitive en termes de coûts, donnant ainsi un coup d’accélérateur à la fabrication automobile durable.
Principaux atouts:
• Réduction des émissions des véhicules
• Amélioration du rendement énergétique
• Réduction des émissions des véhicules
• Recyclage à 100%
• Amélioration des performances en cas de collision
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Premier réservoir certifié de grande taille 350l Type IV H2 700 bar

Voith 3

Société: Voith Composites SE & Co. KG (Germany)
Huntsman Advanced Materials GmbH (Switzerland), Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S. A. (France)
Description: Le réservoir d’hydrogène de 700 bars et 350 litres – Carbon4Tank – est le premier réservoir certifié de type IV de sa catégorie. Destiné au transport lourd et aux véhicules commerciaux, il garantit des performances maximales et un TCO minimal. “Carbon4Tank” est le premier réservoir d’hydrogène de type IV de 700 bars et 350 litres homologué UNECE R 134. Le réservoir est produit par un procédé d’enroulement TowPreg optimisé. La résine est spécialement formulée pour permettre un placement précis des fibres. Associée à des fibres de carbone très résistantes, elle permet d’obtenir un TowPreg très performant. L’optimisation du matériau, des couches d’enroulement et la production entièrement automatisée garantissent une sécurité maximale, ainsi que le respect des normes de qualité propres à l’industrie automobile. “Carbon4Tank” est prêt pour la production en série et assure un rapport coût-performance élevé, tout en accélérant la décarbonisation des transports.
Principaux atouts:
Maturité technique pour l’exploitation du H2 sur route
Certifié selon la norme UN/ECE R134
Meilleur rapport poids/coût
Précision et sécurité maximales
Capacité de stockage d’hydrogène maximisée
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Catégorie Automobile & transport routier – Procédés

Structures de carrosserie automobile efficaces en termes de coûts

Société: Weav3D (USA)
Altair Engineering (USA), Braskem America (USA), Clemson University (USA)
Description: Le renforcement composite en grille de WEAV3D offre des solutions thermoplastiques plus légères et moins coûteuses que les organosheet conventionnels, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles opportunités pour le remplacement rentable des structures en tôle par des thermoplastiques, comme le démontre ce composant innovant de portière à renfort de bande. Le procédé breveté de formage continu des composites de WEAV3D permet de varier l’espacement des bandes, convertissant les bandes unidirectionnelles de polypropylène renforcées de fibres de verre et de carbone (UDMAX et TAFNEX, respectivement) en une matrice optimisée, tissée et consolidée. Cela permet de maximiser les performances dans les zones de charge critiques tout en minimisant les pertes de découpes coûteuses. Le composant innovant de la portière a été fabriqué par laminage des résines WEAV3D sur une feuille de polypropylène extrudé de Braskem, de qualité TI4003F, à l’aide d’une presse continue à double bande, puis par moulage par thermocompression de la feuille dans un outil à métaux appariés au Clemson Composite Center, suivi d’une découpe finale de la pièce par jet d’eau à 5 axes.
Principaux atouts:
• 50% d’économies par rapport à l’organosheet CFPA6
• 23% d’économie de poids par rapport à l’organosheet CFPA6
• Réduction des rebuts de découpe de 62% en poids
• Meilleure absorption de l’énergie et récupération de la forme par rapport à l’acier
• Cycle de formage à haute cadence et hautement automatisé
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Processus automatisé de préformation de pièces complexes en PRFC


Société: Teijin Automotive Technologies (France)
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Porsche) (Germany), Airborne (Netherlands), Pinette PEI (France)
Description: Développement d’un procédé entièrement automatisé pour fournir des préformes complexes conçues pour répondre aux exigences de performance en cas de collision tout en réduisant la quantité de fibre de carbone utilisée. Des capteurs et des systèmes de vision intégrés assurent une grande précision. Notre procédé consiste d’abord à découper les plaques avec une grande précision et à optimiser l’imbrication, qui s’adapte automatiquement en cas de détection d’un défaut. Le robot empile les couches, et la soudure par points stabilise les préformes en 2D. Chaque strate est scannée pour garantir un positionnement précis, avec une tolérance de 0,5 mm. L’empilage est ensuite activé par la chaleur et consolidé avant le formage. Notre concept 3D propriétaire assure le maintien des différentes couches pendant la phase de moulage afin de garantir la précision ultime requise en termes de géométrie et d’épaisseurs.
Principaux atouts:
• Assemblage de plusieurs patchs de forme libre en 2D qui sont ensuite formés en 3D en une seule étape.
• Positionnement très précis de chaque couche à l’aide de systèmes de vision à haute résolution.
• Le procédé rapide et entièrement automatisé garantit la répétabilité et une qualité optimale.
• Le système est contrôlé par ordinateur et toutes les couches sont scannées pour en garantir la qualité.
• Notre procédé unique est très flexible et compatible avec tous les types de fibres.
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Pultrusion de PA6 réactif : Un coup de pouce pour les composites TP

Société: Röchling Automotive SE (Germany)
Partenaires: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Germany), Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG – Haren (Germany)
Description: La pultrusion thermoplastique réactive permet de produire des composants automobiles à la fois efficaces sur le plan des coûts et très résistants. Les profilés sont intégrés dans la pièce finale par moulage par injection ou par compression. Les composites à base de PA6 permettent un recyclage simple sans démontage. L’innovation réside dans l’utilisation de profilés PA6GF pultrudés in situ pour la fabrication de pièces composites à faibles coûts, destinées à l’industrie automobile. La combinaison d’une production très efficace des éléments de renforcement par pultrusion continue et d’un moulage par injection de pointe permet de réduire les temps de cycle et les coûts de production. La teneur en fibres des profilés pultrudés est plus élevée que celle des autres renforts et, grâce à l’utilisation du même matériau plastique pour le moulage par injection et les profilés pultrudés, l’ensemble de la pièce peut être recyclé sans aucune opération de démontage.
Principaux atouts:
• Procédés et matières premières bon marché
• Durable – Un seul polymère
• Solide par sa conception et ses renforts
• Léger grâce aux économies de matériaux
• Utilisation flexible dans diverses applications
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Catégorie Infrastructure & génie civil

Une nouvelle façade durable qui permet d’obtenir la certification BREEAM

Société: Armacell Benelux S.C.S. (Belgium)
Holland Composites (Netherlands), Solico Engineering (Netherlands)
Description: La façade composite innovante et durable du bâtiment Pulse d’Amsterdam, créée grâce à la coopération d’Armacell (qui fournit les mousses ArmaPET® Struct core), de Holland Composites (qui fabrique les modules de la façade Duplicor®) et de Solico Engineering (qui est responsable de l’ingénierie). Installée avec succès sur le bâtiment Pulse d’Amsterdam, la façade Duplicor® de 14 000 m2 comprend environ 1 100 éléments composites. Les ingénieurs de Solico ont analysé plusieurs versions des modules composites de type cadre photo qui s’étendent progressivement en porte-à-faux vers le sommet du bâtiment. Au cours du cycle de développement de la nouvelle solution matérielle, Holland Composites a utilisé les mousses ArmaPET® Struct et Eco d’Armacell pour fabriquer les composites Duplicor® biosourcés. Après plusieurs itérations, l’objectif de légèreté, de performance mécanique, de résistance au feu, de durabilité, d’entretien minimal et de rentabilité a été atteint avec succès.
Principaux atouts:
• Un gain de durabilité qui change la donne pour les éléments de construction en matériaux composites légers
• Une solution économique pour répondre à des exigences complexes en matière environnementale, de structure et de résistance au feu
• La classification BREEAM Outstanding qui confirme la conception durable du bâtiment.
• Une solution nécessitant peu d’entretien et réduisant le coût total de maintenance.
• Installation facile et rapide grâce aux propriétés de légèreté.
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RENCO MCFR (Fibre Minérale Composite Renforcée)

Société: RENCO USA (USA)
Arquitectonica (USA), Catalyst Communications (USA), Coastal Construction (USA), DeSimone Consulting Engineers (USA), DeVit Consulting. Inc. (USA)
Description: RENCO MCFR est un système de construction structurelle de pointe composé d’unités de construction composites imbriquées, de différents types et tailles de blocs, colonnes, poutres, poutrelles, chevêtres, platelages, connecteurs, etc. Ces produits sont tous assemblés par collage (liaison chimique) pour former des structures monolithiques. Les produits RENCO sont fabriqués à partir de matières premières naturelles et de matériaux nouvellement composés à partir de produits recyclés dans le cadre d’un procédé de fabrication respectueux de l’environnement. De plus, ils sont à la fois avantageux sur le plan économique, faciles à travailler, rapides à construire, et très résistants. Enfin, ils ne nécessitent absolument aucun entretien après la construction ! L’American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) a certifié et homologué nos Déclarations Environnementales de Produits (EPD).
Principaux atouts:
• Moins coûteux qu’une structure comparable en bois, en béton ou en acier.
• Plus solide – conforme aux normes ASTM et TAS ; capable de résister à des vents d’ouragan de catégorie 5.
• Plus rapide – Pas d’étayage, de coffrage, de contreventement, pas d’attente pour les services d’inspection.
• Plus léger – Poids similaire à celui d’une structure en bois et représentant 1/4 du poids du béton.
• Résistant au feu, à l’eau et aux parasites. Facile à construire.
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Fabrication robotisée pour éléments de façade composites

Société: FibR GmbH (Germany)
Covestro AG (Germany), Kümpers GmbH (Germany)
Description: Éléments de façade légers fabriqués à l’aide d’un processus d’enroulement filamentaire robotisé très économe en ressources. Conçus pour des charges mécaniques élevées et optimisés pour des degrés spécifiques d’ombrage avec une résistance simultanée aux intempéries, aux UV et au feu. Les éléments de façade composites sont fabriqués par un procédé d’enroulement filamentaire robotisé utilisant des matériaux en fibre de verre et de carbone. Avec notre processus d’enroulement filamentaire ininterrompu, la géométrie du composant est obtenue par l’interaction des fibres dans l’espace libre entre les tiges d’enroulement. En variant la séquence d’enroulement, de nombreuses géométries différentes sont réalisées avec le même cadre d’enroulement. Des outils de design paramétrique sont utilisés pour concevoir à la fois les composants et les mouvements du robot. Résultat : des itérations de design efficaces et une mise à jour automatique des codes de la machine.
Principaux atouts:
• Éléments de construction légers et performants
• Résistance aux UV et aux intempéries, et classe B1 de protection contre l’incendie
• Design paramétrique et génération de codes machine pour une production efficace en termes de coûts
• Fabrication additive très économe en ressources dans le cadre d’un processus robotique automatisé
• Nouveau répertoire de design grâce à une conception paramétrique et à un enroulement filamentaire ininterrompu
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Catégorie Circularité & recyclage

Création d’un écosystème en boucle fermée pour la fibre de carbone

Société: FAIRMAT (France)
Hexcel Corporation (France)
Description: La technologie robotisée et pilotée par l’IA de Fairmat crée des PRFC Chips 100 % recyclés. Polyvalents pour diverses applications de produits, ces copeaux innovants offrent des avantages en termes de résistance, de rigidité et de légèreté, comblant ainsi les lacunes de l’industrie des matériaux avancés. L’approche centrée sur le logiciel de Fairmat conduit à une fabrication évolutive et décarbonée, refermant la boucle du cycle de vie de la fibre de carbone. Notre IA qualifiée, nos experts en science des données et notre infrastructure cloud conçoivent la technologie propriétaire qui alimente nos solutions de fabrication. Alimentées par l’IA et la robotique, les copeaux CFRP de Fairmat, fabriqués à partir de matériaux 100 % recyclés, offrent des propriétés sur mesure, améliorant les performances tout en réduisant l’impact sur l’environnement. Validée par plus de 1 000 tests de R&D, cette innovation établit de nouvelles normes pour les matériaux durables, applicables dans les secteurs du sport, de l’électronique et des produits de consommation dans le domaine de la mobilité.
Principaux atouts:
• Empêche la mise au rebut de matériaux précieux en fibre de carbone. 
• Permet aux marques de consommateurs de développer des produits durables et de haute qualité.
• Permet de passer d’une production mondiale à une production locale en utilisant des solutions industrielles avancées
• Propose une collaboration étroite avec les clients et les fournisseurs pour refermer la boucle des déchets de fibre de carbone.
• Un engagement pour une communication transparente sur l’avenir des déchets.
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Structures circulaires : Les composites en tant que service

Société: GREENBOATS GmbH (Germany)
Depestele SAS (France), Hochschule Bremen (Germany), Next Horizon Mobility GmbH (Germany)
Description: GREENBOATS GmbH réduit l’empreinte écologique et maximise l’utilisation des composants tout au long de leur durée de vie, multipliant ainsi les avantages écologiques. Notre approche associe la durabilité à l’efficacité, pour obtenir des matériaux composites durables et très performants. Chez GREENBOATS GmbH, l’innovation en matière de matériaux composites intègre parfaitement la durabilité à partir d’une technologie de traitement avancée. Nous nous concentrons sur l’utilisation de fibres naturelles comme renforts, associées à des systèmes de résine à base de plantes, et sur l’incorporation de matériaux de base naturels ou recyclés. Cette combinaison nous permet de construire des matériaux composites légers et très performants. En donnant la priorité à ces matériaux respectueux de l’environnement, nous réduisons efficacement l’empreinte CO2 de nos produits. Notre approche unique ? Surmonter les difficultés de traitement des fibres naturelles, afin de produire des composites respectueux de l’environnement, sans compromettre la qualité ou les performances.
Principaux atouts:
• Durabilité : Matériaux écologiques réduisant l’impact sur l’environnement.
• Rentabilité : Abordable, réduisant les coûts initiaux pour le client.
• Performances accrues : Matériaux solides, durables et légers.
• Économie circulaire : Favorise la réutilisation et le recyclage des matériaux.
• Adaptabilité au marché : Leasing flexible pour répondre aux divers besoins de l’industrie.
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Le dimensionnement pour améliorer les propriétés des matériaux


Société: B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK)
Autotech Engineering (Gestamp) (UK), B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK), Brunel University London (UK), EMS-Grivory (UK), Ford Motor Company (UK), Gen2Plank Ltd (UK), TWI Ltd (UK)
Description: Le “glassene”, c’est un tout nouveau matériau avancé dont le prix est proche de celui du verre et dont les performances rivalisent avec celles de certaines fibres de carbone, avec un ACV étonnamment faible. Notre ambition ? Promouvoir la réutilisation structurelle des composites à grande échelle. EMPHASIZING vise à créer un nouveau matériau avancé dont le prix est proche de celui de la fibre de verre, et dont les performances rivalisent avec celles de certaines fibres de carbone ; le tout avec un ACV impressionnant. Le PRV provenant de diverses sources (éolienne, marine, production de fibres) est récupéré sous forme de verre propre à 100 % par pressolyse DEECOM®.
Les fibres sont coupées en longueurs de 6 mm avant qu’une gamme de chimies d’encollage ne soit examinée, évaluée et testée. Elles sont ensuite composées avec un thermodurcissable polyamide et moulées par injection, créant un composant structurel de production de masse, testé par rapport à son équivalent en acier et accompagné d’une data card de caractérisation.
Principaux atouts:
• Solution globale pour les déchets de PRV.
• Permet aux industries de l’éolien, de la construction navale et de la fibre de verre d’atteindre le niveau “zéro déchet de composites”.
• Création d’un nouveau matériau avancé, vert et peu coûteux, qui remplace directement les matériaux vierges.
• Les matériaux recyclés peuvent être réinjectés dans les industries qui cherchent à se décarboniser = circularité.
• Répond au déséquilibre actuel entre l’offre et la demande de matériaux avancés.
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Catégorie Numérique, IA & Data

Des solutions d’IA pour améliorer la durabilité et réduire les déchets

Société: Plataine (Israel)
MRAS, ST Engineering company (USA)
Description: Reposant sur l’IA et l’IIoT, les solutions de Plataine amènent les usines à réduire les déchets de matériaux composites et à atteindre des objectifs plus élevés en matière de durabilité et d’efficacité. Les assistants virtuels suivent et optimisent automatiquement la planification de la production afin de répondre à l’augmentation des taux de production. Les solutions IA et IIoT automatisent le processus de production, éliminent la paperasse et les erreurs humaines, tout en jouant un rôle crucial sur la voie de l’objectif net zéro :
1) Réduire : Optimiser les plans de coupe en prenant en compte toutes les commandes en temps réel, en mélangeant différents ordres de travail dans les mêmes plans de coupe pour une efficacité maximale.
2) Réutiliser : Réutilisation des restes de matériaux composites et des bobines courtes, qui sinon auraient été gaspillés, grâce à une combinaison de technologies d’intelligence artificielle et d’identification par radiofréquence.
3) Recycler : Digital Thread permet de documenter chaque étape de la production et de mieux appréhender le procédé de production.
Principaux atouts:
• Plans de coupe optimisés et efficaces, utilisation maximisée des matières premières de 20 %.
• Amélioration globale de 10 % de l’efficacité de l’utilisation des matériaux
• Rendement de 96% pour les structures composites Nacelle.
• 100% de visibilité en temps réel en usine
• Procédés automatisés conduisant à une production qui sait se passer de papier, et à un meilleur taux de livraison.
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Analyse énergétique mobile pour une production durable

Société: CTC GmbH (Germany)
Airbus Aerostructures (Germany)
Description: Une analyse holistique des flux d’énergie a été mise au point pour améliorer, sur la base de données, la production actuelle et future de matériaux composites. Cette analyse s’est avérée être un élément multiplicateur pour les produits composites durables, en réduisant les besoins en énergie et en générant des réductions de coûts. Notre approche a permis des réductions massives de la consommation d’énergie dans la production actuelle de PRFC, ainsi qu’une diminution des besoins énergétiques pour les futurs avions grâce à des technologies de pointe pour les composants légers. Le dispositif de mesure mis au point, qui intègre n’importe quel capteur, permet de démultiplier les améliorations et les innovations en termes de développement durable. Trois analyses ont été développées : Mesures de la consommation pour calculer les économies potentielles. Génération de données d’analyse du cycle de vie pour modéliser avec précision une analyse du cycle de vie. Analyse de l’Energie en Profondeur qui relie les données d’énergie et de production pour une compréhension holistique, afin d’identifier les potentiels d’optimisation.
Principaux atouts:
• Compréhension des énergies des technologies composites
• Optimisation énergétique des systèmes de production actuels
• Développement de technologies composites efficaces sur le plan énergétique
• Données énergétiques réelles pour l’ACV
• Mesures mobiles pour les systèmes industriels
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Pales d’éoliennes Exécutable Digital Twin


Société: ReliaBlade (Denmark)
: CEKO Sensors (Denmark), FORCE Technology (Denmark), Siemens Industry Software (SISW) (Belgium), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), Zebicon (Denmark)
Description: La version fonctionnelle Digital Twin de pales d’éoliennes associe un modèle réduit à un signal de capteur en live afin d’évaluer les performances structurelles en temps réel. La combinaison de capteurs physiques et virtuels est essentielle pour assurer la surveillance de l’état des structures. La pale d’éolienne de 12,6 m est fabriquée à l’aide d’un processus d’infusion sous vide conventionnel au DTU BladeLab. Les tissus de fibre de verre UD et BIAX non plissés, le matériau qui constitue le coeur du module et les inserts à la racine sont placés dans les moules sous forme de couches sèches. Ensuite, des procédés d’infusion sous vide sont réalisés pour chacune des pièces à l’aide d’un système de résine époxy. Après l’infusion et le durcissement complet des coques et des lames, les deux coques et les lames de cisaillement sont collées ensemble à l’aide d’un adhésif époxy avant que la pale ne soit découpée.
Principaux atouts:
• Contrôle en direct des déformations de la pale
• Contrôle en direct des charges et de la durée de vie restante
• Évaluation prédictive de la maintenance
• Contrôle à distance et évaluation de l’état de fonctionnement
• Réductions des erreurs de modélisation
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Catégorie Équipements, machines et industries lourdes

Système de moulage automatique de composites


Société: Synthesites (Greece)
SAFRAN Composites (France), SAFRAN Tech (France)
Description: Un moule intelligent entièrement équipé de capteurs, capable de contrôler le procédé de moulage de manière optimale et automatisée. Ces capteurs intelligents sont en mesure de suivre avec précision l’écoulement de la résine, sa viscosité, la température de transition vitreuse et le degré de durcissement. Synthesites, Safran Tech et Safran Composites présentent un système de moulage automatique intelligent pour une application industrielle RTM aérospatiale, comprenant : des capteurs durables qui fonctionnent en contact direct avec les fibres de carbone, une technologie d’étalonnage propriétaire pour l’estimation précise de la viscosité de la résine, du degré de durcissement et de la Tg, des capteurs de durcissement en ligne pour la viscosité de la résine dans les canalisations et le Cure Simulator pour simuler le durcissement uniquement en fonction de la température. Cette technologie permet de réduire le temps de moulage d’au moins 15 %, tout en garantissant la qualité des pièces.
Principaux atouts:
• Contrôle de qualité en ligne
• Réduction du temps d’injection
• Réduction du temps de durcissement
• Amélioration de la qualité des pièces
• Réduction des rebuts
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Premier châssis en carbone pour une grande machine agricole


Société: AgriLight – Research Group (Germany)
Partenaires: Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools (Germany), MD Composites Technology GmbH (Germany), Maschinenfabrik Bernard KRONE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engineering (Germany)
Description: Nouveau châssis monocoque à fonctions intégrées en composites légers de carbone thermodurci pour des machines agricoles plus durables, fabriqué par infusion sous vide à un coût raisonnable. L’innovation consiste en un châssis en carbone pour l’ensileuse Big X de Krone. Le poids de la monocoque est d’environ 300 kg, ce qui permet d’économiser plus de 500 kg par rapport au châssis en acier. Le châssis est fabriqué dans des moules ouverts avec infusion sous vide et durcissement dans un four. Grâce à cette nouvelle conception, les réservoirs sont intégrés dans le châssis fermé, ce qui permet de réduire encore le poids et le risque de combustion. Malgré les économies de poids, le châssis présente une rigidité torsionnelle nettement plus élevée.
Principaux atouts:
• Réduction de la consommation de carburant et des émissions de CO2
• Simplification de la procédure d’enregistrement pour les voies publiques
• Risque d’incendie réduit grâce aux surfaces couvertes
• Augmentation du volume du réservoir grâce à une meilleure intégration
• Plus grande rigidité à la torsion et à la flexion
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Réduction maximale de la masse des outils de coupe


Société: Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Germany)
: Leitz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Description: Un nouvel outil de coupe modulaire pour machine à bois a été développé en exploitant les avantages mécaniques du CFRP. Cette évolution permet de réduire le poids de l’outil de plus de 50 % et d’augmenter la vitesse de travail de plus de 50 %. Au lieu de remplacer le corps métallique de l’outil par du PRFC, de nouveaux principes de conception ont été analysés à l’aide d’une simulation numérique. Suivant le principe de la répartition optimale des charges, le développement virtuel a abouti à une conception modulaire de l’outil, avec des composants triangulaires qui absorbent les forces centrifuges et une coque extérieure qui supporte les charges de flexion et de torsion. L’orientation des fibres de carbone, optimisée en fonction de la charge, permet d’obtenir une rigidité et une résistance maximales du corps de l’outil. Le résultat final ? Une réduction maximale du poids et une augmentation de la productivité sans compromettre la qualité du produit.
Principaux atouts:
• La conception modulaire et légère avec des pièces en CFPR peut remplacer les outils de coupe standard.
• La nouvelle conception exploite la résistance et la rigidité des fibres, ce qui permet d’obtenir des outils rigides.
• Il est possible de réduire la masse de plus de 50 % et d’augmenter la vitesse et la productivité de 50 %.
• L’évolutivité de la construction permet une large gamme d’applications.
• Utilisation avec des adaptateurs et des couteaux de coupe standard et de haute précision.
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Catégorie Transport Maritime & Construction Navale

Hydrogen Chase Boat for America’s Cup Team


Société: Gurit (Switzerland)
Partenaires: McConaghy Boats (China), Team New Zealand Ltd (trading as Emirates Team New Zealand) (New Zealand)
Description: Matériaux composites avancés et ingénierie structurelle pour l’allègement des structures marines sans émissions. Soutien aux partenaires par le biais du prototypage rapide et de l’ingénierie de production. ETNZ a nettement contribué au développement de bateaux à zéro émission, notamment pour le soutien en mer lors la Coupe de l’America, et par le biais d’un long travail sur le design, l’architecture navale, les foils, l’intégration des systèmes et le développement de logiciels. Les ingénieurs de Gurit ont collaboré avec ETNZ pour mettre au point une structure composite légère et innovante afin d’assurer la plus grande souplesse possible dans le design et l’installation de la pile à hydrogène et des systèmes d’appui. Après la démonstration réussie du prototype, McConaghy Boats a produit la version de production tout en mettant la technologie à la disposition du comité de course et des autres équipes.
Principaux atouts:
• Des structures composites légères et fiables dans le cadre d’un procédé de prototypage rapide.
• Structure avec de grandes ouvertures et un poids minimal pour faciliter une accessibilité future.
• Le poids réduit de la structure aide à compenser le poids des composants électriques de l’hydrogène.
• Projet qui démontre les opportunités d’une adoption plus large de la technologie zéro émission.
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DJI_0235TomVanOossanen- Oceanwings

Société: AYRO (France)
Partenaires: Alizés (France), Jifmar Offshore Services (France), Zéphyr et Borée (France), Neptune Marine (Pays-Bas), VPLP Design (France), ArianeGroup (France)
Description: OceanWings® est un système breveté de voile à ailes verticales, automatisé, qui se lève et s’abaisse automatiquement et qui permet aux navires neufs ou existants de réduire jusqu’à 50 % leur consommation de carburant et l’empreinte carbone qui en découle. Les défis de notre technologie ? La capacité de l’aile à résister à des vents allant jusqu’à 100 nœuds, tout en assurant le bon fonctionnement de ses opérations : orientation automatique par rapport au vent, cambrure ajustable, enroulable et roulable. La structure joue donc un rôle essentiel pour relever ces défis. Chez AYRO, nous avons choisi d’utiliser en grande partie des matériaux composites pour la construction de nos voiles d’ailes, tant pour leur grande résistance mécanique que pour leur légèreté.
Principaux atouts:
• Jusqu’à 50% d’économie de carburant
• Système automatisé et passif
• Dimensionné pour des conditions de mer difficiles
• Système réversible et enroulable
• Adapté aux navires neufs et modernisés
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Constructions composites sans outillage grâce au kit 3D Core


Société: Paul Dijkstra Composites (Netherlands)
Partenaire: Curve Works (Netherlands)
Description: Un voilier révolutionnaire a été construit à l’aide de kits de conception 3D innovants, qui éliminent les déchets de moulage et de fabrication d’outillage traditionnels. Un gabarit en bois est utilisé pour assembler et coller le noyau de mousse thermoformé, qui sert de base à la stratification de la structure interne et externe en carbone. Les kits 3D Core de Curve Works sont des kits de structure en mousse thermoformée, formés sur des moules adaptables. Paul Dijkstra Composites a ingénieusement utilisé le kit 3D Core comme moule et sous-structure pour un nouveau yacht de 46 pieds. Un simple cadre en bois a servi de gabarit d’assemblage pour le kit, qui a été collé pour obtenir une surface étanche au vide et recouvert de revêtements en carbone. Cette approche permet d’éviter le processus de moulage par emboîtement, ce qui se traduit par des temps de construction plus courts, un minimum de déchets, avec comme autre avantage une première coque qui a également servi de moule prêt pour la production.
Principaux atouts:
• Pas de moule ou d’embout nécessaire – processus de construction efficace en termes de coûts
• Temps de construction plus rapide
• Réduction de 90 % des déchets d’outillage
• Moins d’espace nécessaire dans l’usine – pas besoin de stocker un moule
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Catégorie Énergies Renouvelables

Solution pour la circularité des pales

Société: Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Denmark)
Vestas (Denmark), Olin (Germany), Aarhus University (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Stena Recycling (Denmark and Sweden)
Description: La solution Blade Circularity de CETEC rend circulaires les pales de turbine à base d’époxy sans modifier la conception ou la composition du matériau. Cette solution fait appel à un procédé chimique qui décompose la résine époxy en matériaux de qualité vierge, créant ainsi une économie circulaire autour de la fabrication des pales.
Notre innovation redéfinit la circularité des pales de turbine à base d’époxy, en séparant avec précision les fibres de verre et de carbone des matériaux de base, des composants en métal, et des résines, en vue de les recycler, d’optimiser leur réutilisation et d’améliorer la chaine de valeur en termes de circularité. Doté d’un chimicyclage de pointe, ce système décompose la résine époxy en monomères chimiques, ce qui permet aux matériaux recyclés d’atteindre les propriétés d’une matière vierge. De plus, ce procédé durable utilise des produits chimiques non toxiques et normalisés, pour une consommation d’énergie minimale. Conçu pour les pales de turbines conventionnelles à base d’époxy, cette solution répond à un besoin de l’industrie et à la problématique du traitement des déchets, et permet une mise à l’échelle industrielle rapide.
Principaux atouts:
• Circularité pour les matériaux composites à base d’époxy
• Recyclabilité sans modification du design
• Nouvelle source de matières premières durables
• Renforcement de la contribution de l’industrie éolienne au développement durable
• Scalabilité immédiate et flux de valeurs de recyclage matures
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Renforcer la circularité dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables

Société: Acciona Construction S.A (Spain)
: Acciona Energia S.A (Spain)
Description: Notre innovation permet, d’une part, d’éviter la mise en décharge des pales d’éoliennes en fin de vie (EoSWTB) et, d’autre part, de substituer les profilés en fer galvanisé (GI) actuellement utilisés, par des profilés composites, pour l’installation de panneaux photovoltaïques dans les fermes d’énergie solaire.
L’objectif ? Recycler les EoSWTB et utiliser les produits recyclés obtenus pour fabriquer des profilés composites destinés à l’installation de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques.
Pour y parvenir, plusieurs défis techniques ont été relevés :
• Mettre au point un procédé industriel, compétitif et automatique de broyage des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques
• Assurer la production d’un matériau recyclé exempt d’humidité et de particules fines
• Développer la formulation du mélange de résine (résine-recyclat)
• Développer un système d’imprégnation des fibres et d’injection du mélange de résine
• Mettre au point une matrice pour la fabrication rapide de profilés avec une production minimale de déchets de production
• Assurer une installation rapide et facile des profilés composites avec moins de main-d’œuvre que pour les profilés GI
Principaux atouts:
• Le recyclage de l’EoSWTB conduit à une mise en décharge “zéro”. 
• Transformer un déchet en une ressource précieuse
• Remplacer les profils GI sujets à la corrosion par des profils composites résistants à la corrosion et de grande durabilité.
• Réduction des émissions de CO2 : L’extraction du CaCO3 et les procédés de production des IG sont très consommateurs d’énergie par rapport au recyclage des déchets organiques et à la fabrication des profilés composites.
• Les profilés composites sont faciles et rapides à installer avec moins de main-d’œuvre que les profilés GI conventionnels
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Joints composites gainés pour les énergies renouvelables en mer


Société: Tree Composites (Netherlands)
Partenaires: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) (Netherlands), Versteden B.V. (Netherlands)
Description: Les joints composites gainés remplacent les soudures complexes dans les structures en treillis et assurent un transfert de charge supérieur. Idéales pour les fondations d’éoliennes en mer, elles permettent une fabrication plus rapide et plus rentable tout en réduisant la consommation d’acier, ce qui contribue à diminuer l’empreinte carbone. Le joint composite gainé relie les éléments en acier en ajoutant du matériau composite exactement là où il faut. La percée de cette technologie brevetée réside dans le fait que toutes les charges sont transférées par le biais de l’enveloppe composite dédiée et non par la surface limitée d’une soudure. Cela réduit la concentration des contraintes, ce qui permet de créer des structures renouvelables offshore plus légères et plus rentables (comme les jackets, les fondations flottantes) avec des durées de vie supérieures. Outre les applications dans les structures en acier, la technologie de gainage composite ouvre de nouveaux marchés tels que les structures offshore entièrement composites.
Principaux atouts:
• Jusqu’à 60 % de réduction de la quantité d’acier utilisée dans les fondations des jackets
• Augmentation de 200% de la capacité de production des chantiers navals
• Jusqu’à 50 % de réduction des émissions de CO2 pour les fondations jacket
• Durée de vie supérieure à celle du soudage (jusqu’à 10 fois)
• Large applicabilité permettant des structures composites complètes
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Catégorie Sports & Loisirson

Paire de roues Capital SL en full-carbone


Société: Radiate Engineering & Design AG (Switzerland)
Partenaire: Scott Sports SA (Switzerland)
Description: La paire de roues Capital SL représente une percée dans le domaine de la légèreté et de l’aérodynamisme. Elle exploite pleinement la fibre de carbone grâce à une méthode de fabrication brevetée et à une approche technique basée sur la simulation. La paire de roues Capital SL incarne les progrès de la technologie des composites et des vélos. Elle est dotée d’un système de roue monocoque pour une construction intégrée jante-rayons, ce qui améliore l’intégrité structurelle. Les rayons uniques en fibre de carbone, qui font partie de la structure monocoque, éliminent les interfaces traditionnelles, améliorant ainsi le transfert de charge et réduisant les contraintes. Le développement s’est appuyé sur des technologies de simulation telles que la méthode des éléments finis, des algorithmes d’optimisation et des essais en conditions réelles, afin d’optimiser la rigidité, le poids et la sécurité de la roue. De plus, l’efficacité aérodynamique a été un élément déterminant. Résultat : une paire de roues de qualité supérieure pour les cyclistes de compétition, grâce à des matériaux innovants, des techniques de fabrication et des optimisations de design.
Principaux atouts:
• Poids le plus faible de la catégorie
• 7 % de réduction de la traînée
• 20% d’inertie de rotation en moins
• Meilleure performance aérodynamique de sa catégorie
• Procédé de fabrication breveté
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Snowboard écologique avec A.L.D.-tech.®

Société: silbaerg GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (Germany), bto-epoxy GmbH (Austria), Circular MTC e.V. (Germany), SachsenLeinen GmbH (Germany)
Description: Snowboard avec effet de couplage anisotrope breveté (A.L.D.-tech.®) fabriqué à partir de chanvre et de fibres de carbone recyclées avec une résine époxy biosourcée. L’innovation réside dans l’application du Dry-Fiber-Placement (DFP) pour la production de préformes de snowboard hybrides en chanvre et en fibres de carbone recyclées (rCF). Ce procédé n’était jusqu’à présent utilisé que pour traiter des fibres de carbone vierges continues. Grâce aux excellentes propriétés matérielles du ruban de chanvre et des non-tissés directionnels en rCF, les deux matériaux peuvent être traités automatiquement à l’aide du DFP. Cela permet d’économiser 75% des déchets de coupe des fibres de chanvre et d’utiliser les déchets de coupe de nos snowboards en fibre de carbone pour réduire les coûts et l’empreinte CO2.
Principaux atouts:
• Snowboard écologique à base de fibres de chanvre et de carbone non tissé recyclé
• Utilisation de Dry-Fiber-Placement pour une production réduite en déchets
• Textiles semi-finis unidirectionnels ou hautement orientés pour des propriétés parfaites
• Économie circulaire pour les snowboards haute performance en fibre de carbone
• Durabilité du snowboard vert grâce à l’utilisation d’époxy biosourcé
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Helicoid / Lame de crosse de hockey sur glace


Société: Helicoid Industries (USA)
CCM (Canada)
Description: L’architecture Helicoid™ offre des performances et une longévité sans précédent à la lame des crosses de hockey sur glace en cas d’impacts importants et répétés. La structure contrôle la croissance des fissures à l’intérieur du composite et permet de conserver des performances supérieures sur une plus longue période. La technologie Helicoid™ consiste en des couches de fibres alignées qui sont empilées avec un changement progressif de l’orientation des fibres dans la même direction, d’où une distribution hélicoïdale des orientations des fibres. Helicoid’s™ lisse le changement d’orientation des fibres avec des angles inter-plis <30°, réduit les contraintes interlaminaires et améliore la ténacité et la durabilité tout en utilisant les mêmes matériaux et le même poids. Le stratifié conserve les mêmes propriétés directionnelles pour répondre aux exigences spécifiques de rigidité et de résistance au même niveau et ne pas affecter la qualité du produit pour le jeu.
Principaux atouts:
• Augmentation de la résistance à l’impact
• Durabilité et performance accrues dans le temps
• Utilisation des mêmes matériaux conventionnels
• Utilisation du même procédé de production
• Déploiement et adoption rapides
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JEC World 2024
5-7 mars – Paris Nord Villepinte

La cérémonie de remise des prix aura lieu à Paris le 8 février 2024.

137210JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024: the finalists line-up revealed Wed, 10 Jan 2024 11:02:31 +0000 Read more]]> The competition is open to any company, university or R&D Center with a compelling collaborative innovation or concept to showcase. The success of participants is closely tied to partnerships and collective intelligence. Beyond being a ceremony, these awards serve as a platform to spotlight potentially undisclosed projects, offering inspiration and motivation to an expert audience eager to explore new frontiers.

After pre-selection of the 33 finalists, one winner will be selected in each of the 11 categories. The awards ceremony will take place in Paris on February 8th, 2024.

Discover below the finalists in each category.

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JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Category Aerospace – Parts


Company: Fuko srl (Italy)
Turtle srl (Italy)
Description: BioGear is a helicopter landing gear blending carbon- and flax-fibre-reinforced composites, achieving a 60% weight reduction over traditional metal counterparts. BioGear not only enhances the emergency landing response but also prioritizes both efficiency and environmental impact. BioGear combines recycled carbon fibre and flax-based composites, weighing only 6.9kg (40% of the original). Meeting CS.27 specifications and exceeding emergency landing requirements (CS 27.727), it outperforms traditional metallic counterparts. Prioritizing sustainability, recycled carbon fibres reduce environmental impact, transitioning to a cradle-to-cradle approach. Flax fibres offer advantages of low environmental impact, density reduction, and vibration dampening. BioGear aims for lightweight design, enhanced energy absorption, and minimal drag resistance through meticulously studied airfoil cross-sections using CFD simulations yet keeping an eye on manufacturing through autoclave moulding.
Key benefits:
• The landing skid weight has been reduced by 60%
• Massive CO2 Reduction in the the craddle-to-grave analysis
• Minimized drag resistance thanks to an airfoil shape optimization
• The optimized design allows using recycled carbon fibres with no safety issues
• The Intercalation of flax fibres in the composite allows reducing vibrations
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CFRP lattice satellite central tube

Company: ATG Europe (Netherlands)
ÉireComposites Teo (Ireland)
Description: ATG Europe has developed a one-shot manufacturing process for uninterrupted prepreg fibre-placed lattice structures that aim to replace current satellite central tube designs. These cylindrical lattice structures offer optimal structural functionality at a reduced mass. This innovation included the design, development and manufacture of a fully representative CFRP lattice central tube based on requirements for ESA’s PLATO satellite, including all necessary interface zones. Thermoset pre-preg carbon fibre tows and patches were manually laid-up onto a mandrel, consolidated and cured in an autoclave in a single step to form one integral part. The primary interface to the launcher structure was provided by a one-piece aluminium interface ring, which was assembled to the lattice cylinder through a hybrid joint.
Key benefits:
• One-shot manufacturing process
• Structural efficiency and significant mass savings
• Uninterrupted pre-preg fibres leading to optimised structural performance
• High specific stiffness
• Reduced manufacturing time and cost
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Thermoplastic composite ebay floor

sogeclair 2

Company: Sogeclair Equipment (France)
Partner: Airbus Atlantic (France)
Description: Sogeclair Equipment, formerly known as Aviacomp presents an aeronautic door featuring a complex stamping shape and advanced welding in thermoplastic composite. With integrated overmolded parts and an optimized design, the solution significantly reduces weight and assembly time using composite materials and induction welding.
Material used: Thermoplastic PPS and carbon fibres fabric through injection moulding, using a single material to facilitate recycling.
Process used: Thermostamping for shapping, waterjet cutting, induction welding for function integration and assembly, overmolding.
Key benefits:
• Reduction of environmental impact
• Weight Saving (40%)
• Cost Saving (20%)
• Time-saving for manufacturing
• No fixation thanks to induction welding (time assembly)
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Category Aerospace – Process

ASPERA welded thermoplastic composite demonstrator

Company: Spirit AeroSystems (USA)
A&P Technology (USA), Concordia Fibers (USA), Electroimpact (USA), Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials (USA), NIAR (USA), Victrex (USA)
Description: In preparation for future aerospace challenges Spirit AeroSystems fabricated details utilizing automated fibre placement, stamp forming, and novel pressure intensification processes that were welded with the patented Co-Fusion and induction to demonstrate fastener-free high-rate manufacturing. ASPERA article is representative of a large portion of a typical commercial aircraft cabin but is made of entirely thermoplastic composite details welded together. The article exhibits fastener-free assembly methods to minimize weight and cost while utilizing rapid fabrication processes that enable future high-rate single-aisle commercial aircraft production. Both patented and proprietary novel fabrication and welding processes are used to make the part. These processes were developed internally by Spirit AeroSystems and represent state-of-the-art thermoplastic composite technologies and tooling methodologies.
Key benefits:
• Rapid fabrication process cycle time with dramatic reduction in energy consumption.
• Elimination of fasteners and associated scrap, rework and weight.
• Utilized materials that can be reworked in process and recycled at end of life.
• Efficiently combined welding and consolidation cycles with patented process.
• Developed rapid in-situ induction welding process with minimal unused heat energy.
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EmpowerAX – Additive functionalisation

German Aerospace Center 1

Company: German Aerospace Center (Germany)
Partners: 9T Labs AG (Switzerland), Airtech Europe (Luxembourg), Ansys Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland), CEAD B.V. (Netherlands), Ensinger GmbH (Germany), Fiberthree GmbH (Germany), FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria), Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik GmbH / WEBER additive (Germany), PRIME aerostructures GmbH (Austria), Siemens AG (Germany), Suprem SA (Switzerland), SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Description: The EmpowerAX Demo Part is a multi-curved thermoset shell additively functionalised with short and continuous fibre- reinforced elements realised by DLR and 12 EmpowerAX members. It demonstrates the industrially available process chain for Additive Functionalisation. The EmpowerAX Demo Part showcases the concept of Additive Functionalisation and its industrially available process chain. It is a collaborative project within DLR Innovation Lab EmpowerAX where DLR and twelve industrial players – from design and simulation experts over CAD-CAM specialists to printing and material suppliers – joined forces to demonstrate the capability of overprinting a multi-curved thermoset shell with high-performance, short- and continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic material. Cost-efficient composite manufacturing is combined with the high agility and design freedom of additive manufacturing.
Key benefits:
• Cost-efficient composite manufacturing
• Overprinting of a multi-curved shell
• Combining thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers
• Short & continuous fibre-reinforced materials
• Industrially available process chain
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One-shot in situ consolidation wing upper cover

Company: Airbus DS – Defence & Space (Spain)
Partner: FIDAMC (Spain)
Description: Transport aircraft external wing skin cover, part of a primary structure, through ecofriendly process: one step in situ consolidation of PEEK thermoplastic resin-based carbon fibre, enabling Low energy consumption processing and end of life recycling. Thermoplastic resin-based-composites are a key enabler towards sustainability of composite structures in aerospace due to its recyclability and performance. Airbus Defence and Space (Engineering) and FIDAMC (Manufacturing) have produced a thermoplastic In-situ-consolidated (ISC) Upper Cover for AIRFRAME ITD CleanSky2 platform, for its integration into an Outer external wing box specimen, being the first demonstrator of a primary structure by ISC with integrated stringers and without any post-consolidation step. An exhaustive testing campaign substantiates TRL5: mechanical characterization, detail, subcomponent level and full scale up to Ultimate Load.
Key benefits
• Weight performance through structural integration in one-shot consolidation
• Improved recyclability
• Automation
• Ecoefficient Processing
• Promising new repairs techno by welding
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation –Parts

Monolithic CFRP-aluminum monocoque: A novel approach for carbon neutrality

Company: Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc (Japan), Toyota Customizing & Development Co., Ltd. (Japan), TISM Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Description: A full-scale variable axial CFRP-aluminum semi-monocoque was designed, fabricated, and evaluated. It showed a 15% weight reduction with minimal fibre waste (4%) and assembly cost. This technology aims to improve carbon neutrality through the effective use of carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRPs). The technology creates 3D monolithic CFRP-aluminum structures by integrating anisotropic topology optimization, Turing pattern fibre path generation, tailored fibre placement and nano uneven anodization bonding, to optimize fibre function and material utilization. A semi-monocoque prototype demonstrates the potential for weight reduction in large 3D structures with complex topology using large fibre tow (50K) placed on 5 km of design paths with only 4% fibre waste.
Key benefits:
• Full-lifecycle carbon neutrality
• Weight reduction
• Minimized fibre waste and assembly cost
• Optimized material usage
• Advanced manufacturing process
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Ultra-light CF thermoplastic composite door

Company: Center for Composite Materials – University of Delaware (USA)
Clemson University (USA), Envalior (Germany), Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC (USA)
Description: We have engineered the world’s first ultra-lightweight carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite vehicle door, 45% lighter than steel meeting static, dynamic, crash performance metrics, 100 % reprocessable, signifying a major advance in sustainable automotive design. Our groundbreaking innovation features the world’s first carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite door for vehicles, using reprocessable Nylon-based carbon fibre laminates which enable easy integration with existing sheet metal forming equipment. Our approach includes systems engineering, leveraging Finite Element Analysis for structural optimization, reducing part count by 52 % relevant to baseline doors. We developed a novel manufacturing-to-response pathway, incorporating extensive material testing, simulations, to predict and optimize thermoforming effects. This innovation resulted in a lightweight, durable, and cost-competitive door, advancing sustainable automotive manufacturing.
Key benefits
• Reduction in vehicle emissions
• Improved fuel efficiency
• Reduction in vehicle emissions
• 100% reprocessability
• Enhanced crash performance
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1st certified large 350l type IV H2 700 bar tank

Voith 3

Company: Voith Composites SE & Co. KG (Germany)
Huntsman Advanced Materials GmbH (Switzerland), Toray Carbon Fibers Europe S. A. (France)
Description: The 700 bar, 350 litre hydrogen tank – Carbon4Tank – is the 1st certified Type IV tank in its class. It’s for heavy transport and commercial vehicles and ensures maximum performance and minimum TCO. “Carbon4Tank” is the first UNECE R 134 approved 700 bar and 350 liters type IV hydrogen tank. The vessel is produced by an optimized TowPreg winding process. The resin is special formulated to allow precise placement of fibres. Together with high strength carbon fibres, we get a high-performance TowPreg. The optimum of material, winding layers, and fully automated production, guarantee highest safety and automotive quality standards. “Carbon4Tank” is ready for serial production and ensures high cost-performance ratio and decarbonization of transportation.
Key benefits
• Technical maturity for H2-on-road operation
• Certified according to UN/ECE R134
• Highest weight and cost efficiency
• Highest precision and safety
• Maximized hydrogen storage capacity
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

Cost-effective automotive body structures

Company: Weav3D (USA)
Altair Engineering (USA), Braskem America (USA), Clemson University (USA)
Description: WEAV3D’s composite lattice reinforcement enables lighter and less expensive thermoplastic solutions than conventional organosheet, unlocking new opportunities for cost-effective replacement of sheet metal structures with thermoplastics, as demonstrated through this innovative beltline stiffener door component. WEAV3D’s patented continuous composite forming process enables variable tape spacing, converting glass- and carbon-fibre reinforced polypropylene unidirectional tapes (UDMAX and TAFNEX, respectively) into an optimized, woven, consolidated lattice. This maximizes performance in critical load regions while minimizing expensive trim waste. The innovative door component was manufactured by laminating WEAV3D’s lattices to Braskem’s extruded polypropylene sheet, grade TI4003F, using a continuous double belt press, then thermocompression molding the sheet in a matched-metal tool at the Clemson Composite Center, followed by final part trim via 5-axis waterjet.
Key benefits:
• 50% cost savings vs. CFPA6 organosheet
• 23% weight savings vs. CFPA6 organosheet
• 62% reduction in trim scrap by weight
• Improved energy absorption and shape recovery compared to steel
• High rate, highly automated forming cycle
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Automated preforming process for complex CFRP part


Company: Teijin Automotive Technologies (France)
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Porsche) (Germany), Airborne (Netherlands), Pinette PEI (France)
Description: Development of a fully automated process for supplying complex preforms designed to achieve crash performance requirements while reducing the amount of carbon fibre used. Integrated sensors and vision systems provide high accuracy. Our process starts with highly precise cutting of patches and optimized nesting which is automatically adapted if a defect is detected. The robot stacks the plies and spot-welding stabilizes the 2D preforms. Each ply is scanned to ensure accurate placement, within 0.5 mm tolerance. The stacking is then heat-activated and consolidated prior to forming. Our proprietary 3D concept manages the proper holding of the various layers during the molding phase to ensure the final accuracy of the geometry and required thicknesses.
Key benefits:
• Assembly of several free-form patches in 2D that are then 3D-formed in one step.
• Very accurate positioning of each layer using high-resolution vision systems.
• Fast, fully automated process ensures repeatability and optimum quality.
• The system is digitally controlled, all plies are scanned to ensure quality.
• Our unique process is highly flexible and compatible with all types of fibres.
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Reactive PA6 pultrusion: Boost for TP composites

Company: Röchling Automotive SE (Germany)
Partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Germany), Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG – Haren (Germany)
Description: Reactive thermoplastic pultrusion enables the production of cost-effective and highly resilient automotive components. The profiles are integrated in the final part by injection or compression molding. The PA6-based composites allows simple recycling in without dismantling. The innovation is the use of in-situ pultruded PA6GF profiles for cost-efficient composite parts in the automotive industry. The combination of a highly efficient production for the reinforcement elements by using continuous pultrusion with state-of-the-art injection molding allows a production at low cycle time and costs. The achievable fibre content of the pultruded profiles is higher than for alternative reinforcements and due to the same plastic material for injection molding and the pultruded profiles, the whole part can be recycled without any dismantling operations.
Key benefits:
• Cheap processes and raw materials
• Sustainable – Just a single polymer
• Strong by design and reinforcements
• Light due to material savings
• Flexible use in diverse applications
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

Novel, sustainable façade enables BREEAM rating

Company: Armacell Benelux S.C.S. (Belgium)
Holland Composites (Netherlands), Solico Engineering (Netherlands)
Description: The innovative, sustainable composite building façade for The Pulse of Amsterdam, created thanks to the cooperation of Armacell (providing ArmaPET® Struct core foams), Holland Composites (manufacturing Duplicor® façade modules), and Solico Engineering (responsible for engineering). The 14,000 m2 Duplicor® façade, successfully installed in the Pulse of Amsterdam building, incorporates approximately 1,100 composite elements. Solico engineers analysed multiple versions of the picture frame-style composite modules that cantilever progressively further outward towards the building top. During the development cycle of the new material solution, Holland Composites used Armacell’s ArmaPET® Struct and Eco core foams to manufacture biobased Duplicor® composites. After several iterations, the target of combined lightweight, mechanical performance, fire resistance, sustainability, minimal maintenance, and cost-effectiveness was successfully achieved.
Key benefits
• Game-changing sustainability gain for lightweight composite building elements
• Cost-effective solution to complex environmental, structural & fire specs
• BREEAM Outstanding rating confirming sustainable design of the building
• Low maintenance solution that minimizes the total cost of ownership
• Easy and time-saving installation due to lightweight properties
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RENCO MCFR (Mineral Composite Fibre Reinforced)

Company: RENCO USA (USA)
Arquitectonica (USA), Catalyst Communications (USA), Coastal Construction (USA), DeSimone Consulting Engineers (USA), DeVit Consulting. Inc. (USA)
Description: RENCO MCFR is a state-of-the-art structural building system comprised of interlocking composite building units of various types and sizes of blocks, columns, beams, joists, headers, decking, connectors, etc. These products are all adhesively joined (chemically bonded) to form monolithic structures. RENCO products are manufactured with naturally occurring raw materials and newly composed materials from recycled products in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. Yet it is economical, easy to work with, fast to construct, has superior strength and requires no maintenance after construction, EVER! The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has verified and listed our Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
Key benefits
• Less costly than a comparable wood, concrete, or steel structure.
• Stronger-passed ASTM and TAS Standards; able to withstand Cat 5 hurricane winds.
• Faster – No shoring, formwork, bracing or waiting for related inspectors
• Lighter – Similar in weight to a wood structure and 1/4 the weight of concrete.
• Fire, water, and pest resistant. Easy to build with.
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Robotically fabricated composite façade elements

Company: FibR GmbH (Germany)
Covestro AG (Germany), Kümpers GmbH (Germany)
Description: Lightweight façade elements manufactured using a highly resource-efficient robotic filament winding process. Designed for high mechanical loads and optimized for specific degrees of shading with concurrent weather, UV and fire resistance. The composite façade elements are fabricated in a robotic filament winding process using glass and carbon fibre towpregs. In our coreless filament winding process, the component geometry is obtained by the interaction of the fibres in the free space between the winding pins. By varying the winding sequence, many different geometries are realized with the same winding frame. Parametric design tools are used to design both the components and the robot movements. This enables efficient design iterations while the machine codes are automatically updated.
Key benefits:
• High-performance lightweight building components
• UV- and weather resistance as well as fire protection class B1
• Parametric design and machine code generation for cost-efficient production
• Highly resource-efficient additive manufacturing in automated robotic process
• Novel design repertoire due to parametric design and coreless filament winding
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Category Circularity & Recycling

Building a closed-loop ecosystem for carbon fibre

Company: FAIRMAT (France)
Hexcel Corporation (France)
Description: Fairmat’s AI-driven and robotic technology creates 100% recycled CFRP Chips. Versatile for diverse product applications, these innovative chips offer strength, stiffness, and lightweight benefits, filling the gap in the advanced materials industry. Fairmat’s software-centric approach drives scalable, decarbonized manufacturing, closing the carbon fibre loop. Our skilled AI, data science experts, and cloud infrastructure design the proprietary technology which fuels our manufacturing solutions. Powered by AI and robotics, Fairmat’s CFRP chips, made from 100% recycled materials, provide tailored properties, enhancing performance while reducing environmental impact. Validated through more than 1,000 R&D tests, this innovation sets new standards for sustainable materials, applicable across sports, electronics, and mobility consumer product industries.
Key benefits:
• Keeps valuable carbon fibre materials from going to waste
• Gives consumer brands the ability to develop sustainable and high quality products
• Goes from global to local production using advanced industrial solutions
• Works closely with customers & suppliers to close the loop on carbon fibre waste
• A commitment to transparent communication about the future of waste
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Circular structures: Composites as a service

Company: GREENBOATS GmbH (Germany)
Depestele SAS (France), Hochschule Bremen (Germany), Next Horizon Mobility GmbH (Germany)
Description: GREENBOATS GmbH reduces the environmental footprint and maximizes component usage over their lifespan, multiplying eco-friendly benefits. Our approach combines sustainability with efficiency, delivering durable, high-performance composites. At GREENBOATS GmbH, our composite material innovation seamlessly integrates sustainability with advanced processing technology. Our focus is on using natural fibres as reinforcements, coupled with plant-based resin systems, and incorporating either natural or recycled core materials. This combination enables us to construct high-performance, lightweight composites. By prioritizing these eco-friendly materials, we effectively reduce the CO2 footprint of our products. Our unique approach, which includes overcoming the processing challenges of natural fibres, ensures we produce environmentally responsible composites without compromising on quality or performance.
Key benefits:
• Sustainability: Eco-friendly materials reducing environmental impact.
• Cost-Effectiveness: Affordable, reducing upfront client costs.
• Enhanced Performance: Strong, durable, and lightweight materials.
• Circular Economy: Promotes material reuse and recycling.
• Market Adaptability: Flexible leasing for diverse industry needs.
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Emphasizing to enhance material property by sizing


Company: B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK)
Autotech Engineering (Gestamp) (UK), B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK), Brunel University London (UK), EMS-Grivory (UK), Ford Motor Company (UK), Gen2Plank Ltd (UK), TWI Ltd (UK)
Description: The creation of ‘glassene’ a brand new, advanced material with price-point close to glass and performance to rival some carbon fibre, with impressively low LCA. Promotes structural reuse of composites on a mass scale. EMPHASIZING aims to create a new advanced material with price close to glass fibre, performance to rival some carbon fibre and impressive LCA. GRP from a range of sources (wind, marine, fibre production) reclaimed as 100% clean glass by DEECOM® pressolysis. The fibres are chopped into 6mm lengths before a range of sizing chemistries are considered, assessed, and tested; then compounded with polyamide thermoset and injection moulded; creating a mass production, structural component, tested against the steel counterpart and with a characterisation data card.
Key benefits:
• Global GRP waste solution
• Enables wind/marine/glass fibre industries to have ‘zero waste from composites’
• Creates a new, green, low cost advanced material to directly displace virgin
• Recyclate can go back into industries looking to decarbonise = circularity
• Addresses the current advanced materials imbalance of demand vs supply
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Category Digital, AI & Data

AI solutions improve sustainability & reduce waste

Company: Plataine (Israel)
MRAS, ST Engineering company (USA)
Description: Plataine’s AI and IIoT based solutions drive factories to reduce composite materials waste and achieve higher sustainability and efficiency goals. Digital Assistants automatically track and optimize production planning to meet increased production rates. AI and IIoT solutions digitize the production process, eliminate paperwork & human errors and are a crucial part of the path to net zero:
1) Reduce: Optimizing cutting plans by considering all orders in real-time, mixing different work orders into the same cut plans for maximum efficiency.
2) Reuse: Reusing composite remnants and short rolls that would otherwise go to waste with a combination of AI technology and RFID.
3) Recycle: Digital Thread provides documentation of every step of production, and improved insights into the production process.
Key benefits:
• Optimized and effective cut plans, maximized usage of raw materials by 20%
• 10% overall improvement in material usage efficiency
• 96% first-time-right yield for composite Nacelle structures
• 100% real-time visibility over the factory
• Automated processes lead to a paperless production and improved on-delivery rate
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Mobile energy analysis for sustainable production

Company: CTC GmbH (Germany)
Airbus Aerostructures (Germany)
Description: A holistic energy flow analysis was developed for data-driven improvement of current and future composite production. It has proven to be a multiplier for sustainable composite products, reducing energy needs and creating cost savings. Our approach has led to massive energy reductions in existing CFRP production and reduced energy needs for the future aircraft due to efficient future technologies for lightweight components. Based on the developed measurement device, which integrates any sensor, it is a multiplier for sustainability improvements and innovations. Three analyses have been developed: Consumption Measurements to calculate saving potentials. Life Cycle Assessment Data Generation to accurately model a LCA. Deep Energy Analysis which couples energy and process data for a holistic understanding to identify optimization potentials.
Key benefits:
• Understanding of composite technology energies
• Energy optimization of current production systems
• Develop energy-efficient composite technologies
• Real energy data for LCA
• Mobile measurement for industrial systems
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Wind turbine blade executable digital twin


Company: ReliaBlade (Denmark)
CEKO Sensors (Denmark), FORCE Technology (Denmark), Siemens Industry Software (SISW) (Belgium), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), Zebicon (Denmark)
Description: The wind turbine blade executable Digital Twin combines a reduced-order model with live sensor signal to assess structural performance in real-time. Physical and virtual sensors combined is key to perform Structural Health Monitoring. The 12.6m wind turbine blade is manufactured using a conventional vacuum infusion process at DTU BladeLab. Non-crimp UD and BIAX fibreglass fabrics, sandwich core material and root inserts are placed as dry layup in the molds. Subsequently, vacuum infusion processes are conducted for each of the parts using an epoxy resin system. After the shells and webs have been infused and fully cured, the two airfoil shells and shear webs are bonded together using epoxy adhesive before the blade is trimmed.
Key benefits:
• Live monitoring of blade deformations
• Live monitoring of loads and remaining life
• Predictive maintenance assessment
• Remote monitoring and health assessment
• Model error reduction
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Automatic composites moulding system


Company: Synthesites (Greece)
SAFRAN Composites (France), SAFRAN Tech (France)
Description: A fully sensorised intelligent mould, able to control the moulding process in an optimal and automated way. Intelligent sensors can follow accurately the resin flow, viscosity and the glass transition temperature and degree of cure. An intelligent automatic moulding system is presented by Synthesites, Safran Tech and Safran Composites for an industrial RTM aerospace application, comprising: durable sensors that work in direct contact with carbon-fibres, a proprietary calibration technology for the accurate estimation of the resin’s viscosity, degree of cure and Tg, inline cure sensors for the online resin viscosity in the pipelines and the Cure Simulator to simulate the curing only by the temperature. This technology can reduce the moulding time by at least 15%, ensuring part quality.
Key benefits:
• Online quality control
• Reduce injection time
• Reduce curing time
• Improve part quality
• Reduce scrap
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First carbon chassis for large agriculture machine


Company: AgriLight – Research Group (Germany)
Partners: Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools (Germany), MD Composites Technology GmbH (Germany), Maschinenfabrik Bernard KRONE GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engineering (Germany)
Description: Novel, function-integrated monocoque chassis in lightweight thermoset carbon composites design for more sustainable agricultural machinery, manufactured using cost effective vacuum infusion. The innovation is a carbon chassis for the Krone Big X forage harvester. With a monocoque weight of around 300 kg, weight savings of over 500 kg are possible compared to the steel frame. The chassis is manufactured in open molds with vacuum infusion and curing in an oven. With the new design, the tanks are integrated into the closed chassis to further reduce weight and the risk of embers. Despite the weight savings, the chassis has a significantly higher torsional rigidity.
Key benefits:
• Reduction of fuel and CO2-Emission
• Simplified registration for public roads
• Lower fire risk due to closed surfaces
• More tank volume due to integration
• Higher torsional and bending rigidity
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Maximum mass reduction of cutting tools


Company: Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Germany)
Leitz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Description: A new modular cutting tool for woodworking machine is developed exploiting the mechanical advantages of CFRP. More than 50 % weight reduction and an increase in working speed of over 50 % is achieved. Instead of replacing the metallic tool body with CFRP, new design principles were analyzed using numerical simulation. Following the principle of optimal load sharing, the virtual development resulted in a modular tool design, with triangular components that absorb the centrifugal forces and an outer shell that accommodates the bending and torsional loads. Load optimized orientation of carbon fibres leads to maximum stiffness and strength of the tool body. The final result features maximum weight reduction and increased productivity without compromising product quality.
Key benefits:
• Modular lightweight design with CFPR parts can replace standard cutting tools.
• New design exploits fibre strength and stiffness leading to rigid tools.
• Over 50% mass reduction and 50% higher speed and productivity possible.
• Scalability of design leads to a high application range.
• Usage with standard adapter and cutting knives, high processing accuracy.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Hydrogen chase boat for America’s Cup Team


Company: Gurit (Switzerland)
Partners: McConaghy Boats (China), Team New Zealand Ltd (trading as Emirates Team New Zealand) (New Zealand)
Description: Advanced composite materials and structural engineering for lightweighting of zero-emission marine structures. Supporting partners through rapid prototyping and production engineering. ETNZ were the driving force behind introducing zero-emission vessels for the on-water support of the America’s Cup, and responsible for the detail design, naval architecture, foils, systems integration, and software development. Gurit’s engineers worked alongside them to develop an innovative lightweight composite structure to ensure the greatest flexibility in design and installation of the hydrogen fuel cell and supporting systems. With the prototype vessel successfully demonstrated, McConaghy Boats then produced the production version while making the technology available to the race committee and other teams.
Key benefits:
• Reliable lightweight composite structures during a rapid prototype process
• Structure with large openings and minimum weight allows for future access
• Reduced structural weight helps offset hydrogen electrical component weight
• Demonstrates the possibilities for wider adoption of zero-emission technology
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DJI_0235TomVanOossanen- Oceanwings

Company: AYRO (France)
Partners: Alizés (France), Jifmar Offshore Services (France), Zéphyr et Borée (France), Neptune Marine (Pays-Bas), VPLP Design (France), ArianeGroup (France)
Description: OceanWings® is a patented, automated, self-raising and lowering vertical wingsail system that enables newbuild or existing ships to reduce their fuel consumption and resulting carbon footprint by up to 50%. The challenges of our technology include the wing’s ability to withstand winds of up to 100 knots, while ensuring the proper functioning of its operations: automatic orientation in relation to the wind, adjustable camber, reefable and furlable. Structure is therefore essential to meet these challenges. At AYRO, we have chosen to use composite materials to a large extent in the construction of our wingsails, for their high mechanical strength and lightweight.
Key benefits
• Up to 50% of fuel savings
• Automated and passive system
• Dimensioned for harsh sea environmental conditions
• Reefable and furlable system
• Adapted to new-build and retrofitted ships
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Tool-less composite builds by 3D core kit


Company: Paul Dijkstra Composites (Netherlands)
Partners: Curve Works (Netherlands)
Description: A groundbreaking sailing yacht is built using innovative 3D Core Kits, eliminating traditional mould and tooling waste. A wooden jig is used to assemble and bond the thermoformed foam core, serving as the foundation for laminating the inner and outer carbon structure. Curve Works’s 3D Core Kits are kits of thermoformed structural foam core, formed on adaptive moulds. Paul Dijkstra Composites ingeniously utilised the 3D Core Kit as both mould and substructure for a new 46ft yacht. A simple wooden frame acted as an assembly jig for the Kit, which was bonded together to a vacuum-tight surface and overlaminated with carbon skins. This approach bypasses the plug-mould process resulting in shorter build times, minimal waste, and the first hull also served as the production-ready mould.
Key benefits:
• No plug/mould required – cost-efficient build process
• Faster build time
• 90% waste reduction from tooling
• Less factory space required – no need to store a mould
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Category Renewable Energies

Blade circularity solution

Company: Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Denmark)
Vestas (Denmark), Olin (Germany), Aarhus University (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Stena Recycling (Denmark and Sweden)
Description: CETEC’s Blade Circularity Solution renders epoxy-based turbine blades circular without altering the material’s design or composition. It employs a chemical process breaking down epoxy resin into virgin-grade materials, establishing a circular economy for blade manufacturing.
Our innovation redefines circularity for epoxy-based turbine blades. It precisely separates glass, carbon fibres, core material, metal components, and resin for dedicated recycling, optimizing reuse and enhancing circular value chains. Featuring cutting-edge chemcycling, it breaks down epoxy resin into chemical monomers, ensuring recycled materials achieve virgin-grade properties. Emphasizing sustainability, it operates efficiently using non-toxic, standardized chemicals with minimal energy input. Tailored for conventional epoxy-based turbine blades, it addresses an industry gap, supported by waste handlers’ interest and ongoing industrial scaling, promising swift lab-to-large-scale implementation.
Key benefits:
• Circularity for epoxy-based composite material
• Recyclability without modifying design
• New sustainable raw material source
• Strengthening the wind industry’s sustainability proposition
• Immediate scalability and mature recycling value streams
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Enhancing circularity in renewable energy

Company: Acciona Construction S.A (Spain)
Acciona Energia S.A (Spain)
Description: Our innovation on one side eliminates landfilling of End-of-Service Wind Turbine Blades (EoSWTB) and, on the other, substitute currently used Galvanized Iron (GI) profiles with Composite profiles for installing PV panels in Solar Energy farms. Recycling EoSWTB and using recyclates obtained to manufacture Composites profiles for installing Solar PV panels.
Several technical challenges have been overcome to achieve this:
• Develop an industrial, cost-competitive and automatic process for shredding EoSWTB.
• Ensure production of moisture free fine particle size recyclate
• Develop resin-mix (resin-recyclate) formulation
• Develop fibre impregnation and resin-mix injection system
• Develop die for rapid profile manufacturing with minimum process waste generation
• Ensure quick and easy installation of Composite profile with fewer workers as compared to GI profile installation.
Key benefits:
• Recycling EoSWTB leads to “Zero” landfilling
• Converting a waste into valuable resource
• Substitute GI profiles prone to corrosion with high durability corrosion resistant Composites profiles.
• Reducing CO2 emissions: CaCO3 extraction and GI production processes are energy intensive as compared to recycling EoSWTB and manufacturing of Composite profiles.
• Composites profiles are easy & quick to install with fewer workers as compared to conventional GI profile.
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Wrapped composite joints for offshore renewables


Company: Tree Composites (Netherlands)
Partners: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) (Netherlands), Versteden B.V. (Netherlands)
Description: Wrapped composite joints replace complex welding in lattice structures and provide superior load transfer. Ideal for offshore wind foundations, they ensure faster and cost-effective fabrication and reduce steel consumption contributing to a lower carbon footprint. The wrapped composite joint connects steel members by adding composite material exactly where it is required. The breakthrough of this patented technology is that all loads are transferred through the dedicated composite wrap and not through the limited surface of a weld. This reduces stress concentration, leading to lighter, cost-effective offshore renewable structures (like jackets, floating foundations) with superior lifetimes. Next to the application in steel structures, the composite wrap technology enables new markets such as full composite offshore structures.
Key benefits:
• Up to 60% reduction of steel used in jacket foundations
• 200% increased yard production capacity
• Up to 50% reduction of CO2 for jacket foundations
• Superior fatigue lifetime of up to 10 times compared to welding
• Wide applicability enabling full composite structures
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Capital SL full-carbon wheelset


Company: Radiate Engineering & Design AG (Switzerland)
Partner: Scott Sports SA (Switzerland)
Description: The Capital SL wheelset represents a breakthrough in lightweight, aerodynamic design. It fully exploits carbon fibre through a patented manufacturing method and a simulation-based engineering approach. The Capital SL wheelset embodies advancements in composite and bicycle technology alike. It features a Monocoque Wheel System for integrated rim-spoke construction, enhancing structural integrity. Unique carbon fibre spokes, part of the monocoque structure, eliminate traditional interfaces, improving load transfer and reducing stress. The development leveraged simulation technologies like FEM, optimization algorithms, and real-world testing, optimizing the wheel’s stiffness, weight, and safety. Additionally, aerodynamic efficiency was a focus. The result: a superior wheelset for competitive cyclists, thanks to innovative materials, manufacturing techniques, and design optimizations.
Key benefits:
• Lowest system weight in class
• 7% drag reduction
• 20% less rotational inertia
• Best in class aerodynamic performance
• Patented manufacturing process
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Green snowboard with A.L.D.-tech.®

Company: silbaerg GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (Germany), bto-epoxy GmbH (Austria), Circular MTC e.V. (Germany), SachsenLeinen GmbH (Germany)
Description: Snowboard with patented anisotropic coupling effect (A.L.D.-tech.®) made out of hemp and recycled carbon fibres with bio-based epoxy resin. The innovation is the application of the Dry-Fibre-Placement (DFP) for the production of hybrid hemp and recycled carbon fibre (rCF) snowboard preforms. The process was currently only used to process continuous virgin carbon fibres. Thanks to the excellent material properties of the hemp tape and the directional rCF nonwovens, both materials can be processed automatically using DFP. This saves 75% of cutting waste of the hemp fibres and uses the cutting waste of our carbon fibre snowboards to save costs and reduces the CO2 footprint.
Key benefits:
• Green snowboard based on hemp fibres and recycled carbon nonwoven
• Using of dry-fibre-placement for waste-reduced production
• Unidirectional or high-orientated semi-finished textiles for perfect properties circular economy for high-performance snowboards made of virgin carbon fibre
• Green economy for the green snowboard by using bio-based epoxy
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Helicoid / Tacks ice hockey stick blade


Company: Helicoid Industries (USA)
CCM (Canada)
Description: The Helicoid™ architecture is providing unprecedented performance and longevity for ice hockey sticks’ blade under repeated high-impacts. The structure controls the crack growth inside of composite and keep superior performance over a longer period of time. The Helicoid™ technology consists of layers of aligned fibres which are stacked up with a progressive change in fibre orientation in the same direction which leads to a helicoidal distribution of fibre orientations. Helicoid’s™ is smoothing the change in fibre orientation with inter-ply angles <30°, reduces interlaminar stresses, and improves toughness and durability while utilizing the same materials and weight. The laminate keeps the same directional properties to meet the specific in-plane stiffness and strength requirements and not affect the playability of the product.
Key benefits:
• Increased impact strength
• Increased durability and performance over time
• Use the same conventional materials
• Use the same production process
• Quick deployment and acceptance
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JEC World 2024
March 5-7 – Paris Nord Villepinte

The awards ceremony will take place in Paris on February 8th, 2024.

137099JEC Group
Garmin unveils the MARQ Carbon collection Tue, 09 Jan 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “For years, the MARQ name has been synonymous with elevated designs and sophisticated style, and we’re thrilled to continue the legacy with the MARQ Carbon collection. Not only does this collection offer a premium design thanks to the luxurious carbon fiber case, but it integrates an authentic feature set, smartwatch functionality and more into a truly one-of-a-kind tool watch to help people pursue their passions.” – Dan Bartel, Garmin Vice President of Global Consumer Sales

The pinnacle of design

The MARQ Carbon collection highlights Garmin’s passion for exquisite design by introducing a uniquely engineered material to the industry: Fused Carbon Fiber. Each timepiece features a 46mm watch case and bezel inlay machined from 130 layers of Fused Carbon Fiber—making it the lightest MARQ collection yet. To create the watch body, every single layer of carbon is rotated to a unique angle to increase the strength of the initial block. The block then undergoes a combination of heat and pressure to align with the shape of the watch housing. Several hours of machining with precision diamond cutting tools results in a remarkable surface featuring a beautiful spiral design pattern that is both rugged and lightweight.

Garmin | MARQ Carbon Collection | The Quest for Excellence Has Reached Its Highest Form

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

Blending luxury with performance, premium bracelets and straps – made from perforated FKM leather, jacquard-weave nylon or silicone – are used throughout the MARQ Carbon collection and are carefully designed with each user in mind. And with up to 16 days of battery life, each new tool watch can get users through their toughest adventures. When it’s time to recharge the watch, it’s quick and easy thanks to an intuitive magnetic charger that can restore the battery to 100% within an hour.

The MARQ Carbon collection unveiled

MARQ Athlete – Carbon Edition
Ready for any challenge, MARQ Athlete – Carbon Edition is the ultimate multisport tool watch with cutting-edge training, performance and recovery metrics. In addition to daily activity tracking, users can follow their passions with preloaded sports profiles for trail running, swimming, hiking, rowing, indoor climbing and more, along with easy-to-follow animated workouts for cardio, strength, yoga and Pilates. Advanced metrics like endurance score and hill score help athletes measure their overall endurance and capability for running uphill while a training readiness score looks at sleep quality, recovery, training load and more to help determine whether it’s a good day to go hard or take it easy1. What’s more, runners can prepare for their next big race with premium training features like PacePro, Garmin Coach, daily suggested workouts, real-time stamina and the race widget.

MARQ Golfer – Carbon Edition

MARQ® Golfer – Carbon Edition is a CES 2024 Innovation Award honorees

To help golfers prepare for their best round yet, MARQ Golfer – Carbon Edition is preloaded with more than 43,000 courses from around the world. Virtual Caddie provides players with a club recommendation based on wind2, elevation and their swing data while a new shot dispersion chart quickly shows what hazards may be in play depending on the club choice. Utilizing the enhanced PlaysLike distance feature lets golfers know how far each shot is truly playing with yardage adjusted for elevation changes and environmental conditions. Plan the best approach shot and sink that putt with Green Contour data; along with an active Garmin Golf app membership, golfers can see the slope direction of the green on select courses right from their watch. Plus, golf course maps now feature various biomes depending on the location of the course and provide added details like trees and cart paths so golfers have a crystal clear picture of each hole.

MARQ Golfer – Carbon Edition

MARQ Commander – Carbon Edition
Built for any mission, MARQ Commander – Carbon Edition features a stealth design and is loaded with dedicated features for tactical operations. Designed for use during the day or night, MARQ Commander lets users switch between views with a screen that can be read when wearing night vision goggles. Stealth mode keeps the watch operational but stops storing and sharing the user’s GPS position and disables wireless connectivity and communication. If security becomes an issue, the watch’s kill switch wipes the device of all user memory. Other features include dual-position format which simultaneously displays two sets of coordinate systems on a single screen, Jumpmaster, a preloaded tactical activity and projected waypoints. For airborne operations, advanced aviation features include direct-to-navigation which lets users navigate straight to a location, waypoint or nearby airport, plus weather reports from NEXRAD, METARs and TAFs2.

MARQ Golfer – Carbon Edition

Premium features for all
No matter where the next adventure leads, the MARQ Carbon collection is purpose-built with superior navigation, fitness and connected features to help enrich every lifestyle. The following features are available on each edition in the MARQ Carbon collection:

  • Navigation: Multi-band GPS with SatIQ technology, preloaded TopoActive and ski resort maps, point-to-point navigation, UltraTrac mode, Tracback®, ClimbPro Ascent Planner and Outdoor Maps+ (subscription required)
  • Health and fitness: Morning report, sleep score and advanced sleep monitoring, all-day stress tracking, Pulse Ox, jet lag adviser and Body Battery energy monitoring
  • Connected: Smart notifications2, Garmin Pay contactless payments3, incident detection and assistance4, LiveTrack, on-board music storage, on-device Connect IQ store

Available now, the MARQ Carbon collection has suggested retail pricing starting at $2,950.

1 Activity tracking accuracy
2 When paired with your compatible smartphone
3 View current supported country, payment network and issuing bank information
4 When paired with your compatible smartphone; see For safety and tracking features requirements and limitations, see

137045JEC Group
Arkéa Ultim Challenge Brest 2024, une formidable vitrine pour les composites Mon, 08 Jan 2024 08:57:08 +0000 Read more]]> L’Arkéa Ultim Challenge Brest 2024 se présente comme l’épreuve de tous les superlatifs. Ses six « géants des mers », des Ultim 32/23 réaliseront un tour du monde sans escale au gré d’un parcours Brest-Cap de Bonne-Espérance-Cap Leeuwin-Cap Horn-Brest. Au passage, on peut rappeler que la Classe Ultime est récente dans la mesure où elle a vu le jour en 2010 sur la Route du Rhum, la transat voulant s’ouvrir aux grands multicoques pour leur redonner un nouvel élan. Pour le bonheur de Franck Cammas et son maxi-trimaran Groupama, signé VPLP, puis de Loïck Peyron sur le même bateau devenu Banque Populaire VII. Ce sont les riches heures du Collectif Ultim (Banque Populaire, Macif, Sodebo, etc.) qui opte pour des bateaux compris entre 23 m et 32 m (la hauteur est limitée à 37 m). Ce choix sera reconnu par la Fédération française de voile début 2018.

Une dream team VPLP Design, GSEA Design, CDK Technologies et MerConcept au chevet de l’Ultim SVR Lazartigue

La Classe Ultim représente un écrin formidable pour les matériaux composites, avec ses gigantesques bateaux au poids maîtrisé volant sur la mer sur la pointe de leurs foils. Et après bien du suspense, l’Ultim SVR Lazartigue prendra bien le départ de la course, puisqu’il a été remis en mer le 4 janvier 2023 à Concarneau. Il y a un mois et demi, de retour de la Transat Jacques Vabre, le bateau a comme de coutume passé des tests qui se sont révélés plus alarmants que prévu. En effet, le passage des ultrasons met à jour une avarie structurelle au niveau du bras avant tribord. En clair, une fissure qu’il fallait absolument pouvoir réparer. Les experts de VPLP Design, GSEA Design, CDK Technologies et MerConcept ont relevé le défi, permettant à Tom Laperche, benjamin de la course à 26 ans, de prendre le départ. Il sera accompagné par Charles Caudrelier (maxi Edmond de Rothschild), Eric Péron (Ultim Adagio), Anthony Marchand (Actual Ultim 3), Armel Le Cléac’h (maxi Banque Populaire XI) et Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3).

Un stress test ultime pour les pièces des bateaux

Les Ultim de dernière génération bénéficient d’une structure portante largement optimisée, ce qui leur permet de voler à partir de 12 nœuds, et jusqu’à environ 25 nœuds réels avec 3 m de vagues. Au-delà, on parle de « skimming ». Dans les conditions de vent les plus favorables à la performance, les Ultim peuvent atteindre une vitesse moyenne de 35 nœuds marins, soit environ 65 km/h, avec des pointes à 45 nœuds, soit plus de 80 km/h !

Inutile de préciser que la sécurité des skippers constitue un enjeu clé dès la conception des bateaux. Par ailleurs, les pièces des Ultim sont soumises à des contraintes extrêmes, ce qui explique aussi que ces géants des mers soient souvent victimes d’avaries. À ce niveau de performances, même si les progrès techniques sont manifestes, de même que ceux des skippers et de leurs équipes en gestion du risque en course, on flirte toujours avec la limite surtout dans le cadre d’une compétition.

137010JEC Group
Arkéa Ultim Challenge Brest 2024: a tremendous showcase for composites Mon, 08 Jan 2024 08:51:30 +0000 Read more]]> The Arkéa Ultim Challenge Brest 2024 presents itself as the event of all superlatives. It features 6 « sea giants », Ultim 32/23, embarking on a non-stop around-the-world journey with a route from Brest to Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn, and back to Brest. The Ultim Class is relatively recent, emerging in 2010 on the Route du Rhum, aiming to open up to large multihulls and give them a new impetus. For the joy of Franck Cammas and his maxi-trimaran Groupama, designed by VPLP, and then Loïck Peyron on the same boat now named Banque Populaire VII. These were the glory days of the Ultim Collective (Banque Populaire, Macif, Sodebo, etc.), which chose boats ranging from 23 m to 32 m (with a height limit of 37 m). This decision was officially recognised by the French Sailing Federation early 2018.

A dream team composed of VPLP Design, GSEA Design, CDK Technologies, and MerConcept came to the aid of the Ultim SVR Lazartigue

The Ultim class represents a fantastic showcase for composite materials, with its gigantic boats, carefully weighted, flying over the sea on the tips of their foils. After much suspense, the Ultim SVR Lazartigue will indeed take part in the race, as it was relaunched on January 4, 2023, in Concarneau. A month and a half ago, returning from the Transat Jacques Vabre, the boat, as usual, underwent tests that turned out to be more alarming than expected. Indeed, the ultrasonic tests revealed a structural failure in the starboard front arm. In other words, a crack that absolutely needed repair. The experts from VPLP Design, GSEA Design, CDK Technologies, and MerConcept rose to the challenge, allowing Tom Laperche, the youngest in the race at twenty-six years old, to take part. He will be accompanied by Charles Caudrelier (maxi Edmond de Rothschild), Eric Péron (Ultim Adagio), Anthony Marchand (Actual Ultim 3), Armel Le Cléac’h (maxi Banque Populaire XI), and Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3).

A kind of ultimate stress test for the boat components

The latest-generation Ultim boats benefit from a significantly optimised load-bearing structure, allowing them to take flight from 12 knots and up to approximately 25 knots in real wind conditions with 3 m of waves. Beyond that, it is referred to as « skimming ». Under the most favorable wind conditions for performance, Ultim boats can achieve an average speed of 35 knots, about 65 km/h, with peaks at 45 knots, which is more than 80 km/h!

Needless to say, the safety of the skippers is a key concern from the boat’s design phase. Additionally, Ultim boat components are subjected to extreme stresses, explaining why these giants of the sea often suffer from damages. At this level of performance, even with significant technical advancements and improvements in skipper and team risk management during races, the boats are always pushing the limits, especially in a competitive setting.

137005JEC Group
Alstom signe un important contrat en Arabie Saoudite Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:22:21 +0000 Read more]]> Aux avant-postes des solutions de mobilité durable et connectée, Alstom annonce la signature d’un contrat de plus de 500 M € avec la Commission royale pour AlUla (RCU), en Arabie Saoudite, pour la fourniture d’un tramway de dernière génération. Alimenté par batteries, ce tramway est appelé à évoluer sur la plus longue ligne sans caténaire au monde.

Ce système de tramway sera composé de 20 rames Citadis B assurant les déplacements de passagers, notamment de nombreux touristes, sur une ligne de 22,4 km, desservant 17 gares. Couvrant plusieurs districts, elle proposera des arrêts dans 5 quartiers historiques d’AlUla (la vieille ville, Dadan, Jabal Ikmah, Nabataean Horizon, et la ville historique de Hegra).

Le projet saoudien implique 9 sites français d’Alstom

Alstom a le statut de fournisseur holistique dans ce projet : de la conception d’un système complet de tramway à sa mise en service, en passant par l’intégration paysagère, l’installation et les essais. « Alstom fournira également les systèmes d’alimentation électrique, de signalisation et de communication, ainsi que les équipements de dépôt. Le groupe assurera la maintenance complète des trams et du système pendant 10 ans via HealthHub, son outil de maintenance prédictive et de gestion de parc », ajoute un porte-parole du groupe. En France, 9 sites d’Alstom sont concernés par le projet : Le Creusot, Ornans, Villeurbanne, Aix-en-Provence, Valenciennes, Vitrolles, Tarbes, Saint-Ouen, et La Rochelle pour la conception et la construction.

Alstom dans le Golfe et en Arabie Saoudite, une longue histoire

Pour mener à bien ce projet d’envergure, Alstom peut s’appuyer sur son capital expérience dans le domaine des tramways, notamment au sein du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe (CCG). Le groupe a, par exemple, livré le tramway de Dubaï dès 2014. Plus récemment, c’était le tramway de Lusail Qatar, le plus grand projet de système de tramway de la région du Golfe, et le premier tramway sans caténaire du pays. Les usagers ont pu l’emprunter pendant la dernière Coupe du monde de football. En outre, le groupe connait bien l’Arabie Saoudite où il est implanté depuis 70 ans. Il a supervisé des projets de lignes à grande vitesse, de métro ou de système automatisé (aéroport international King Abdulaziz de Jeddah). Alstom a aussi été associé à Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR) pour présenter le premier train de passagers à hydrogène au monde. « Ce nouveau projet est une concrétisation extraordinaire de nombreux éléments phares du plan Vision 2030 », commente Mohamed Khalil, directeur général d’Alstom Arabie Saoudite.

136799JEC Group
Alstom signs a significant contract in Saudi Arabia Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:16:53 +0000 Read more]]> At the forefront of sustainable and connected mobility solutions, Alstom announces the signing of a contract worth over €500 M with the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) in Saudi Arabia for the supply of a next-generation tramway. Powered by batteries, this tramway is set to operate on the world’s longest catenary-free line.

The tram system will consist of 20 Citadis B trains providing passenger transportation, including numerous tourists, on a 22.4 km line, serving 17 stations. Covering multiple districts, it will have stops in 5 historical neighborhoods of AlUla (the old town, Dadan, Jabal Ikmah, Nabataean Horizon, and the historic city of Hegra).

The Saudi project involves 9 Alstom French sites

Alstom has the status of a holistic provider in this project: from designing a complete tramway system to its commissioning, including landscaping, installation, and testing. « Alstom will also provide the electrical power supply, signaling and communication systems, as well as depot equipment. The group will ensure the comprehensive maintenance of trams and the system for 10 years through HealthHub, its predictive maintenance and fleet management tool », adds a spokesman for the group. In France, 9 Alstom sites are involved in the project: Le Creusot, Ornans, Villeurbanne, Aix-en-Provence, Valenciennes, Vitrolles, Tarbes, Saint-Ouen, and La Rochelle for design and construction.

Alstom in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia, a long-term story

To successfully carry out this large-scale project, Alstom can rely on its wealth of experience in the field of tramways, especially within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). For example, the group delivered the Dubai tramway in 2014. More recently, it concerned the Lusail Qatar tramway, the largest tramway system project in the Gulf region and the country’s first catenary-free tramway. Passengers took it during the last football World Cup. Furthermore, the group is familiar with Saudi Arabia, where it has been present for 70 years, overseeing projects such as high-speed rail lines, metro systems, or automated systems (King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah). Alstom was also associated with Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR) to introduce the world’s first hydrogen-powered passenger train. « This new project is an extraordinary realization of many key elements of the Vision 2030 plan », comments Mohamed Khalil, General Manager of Alstom Saudi Arabia.

136794JEC Group
Breiana Whitehead – the quest to create the gold-medal-winning board Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:57:53 +0000 Read more]]> Townsville-based Breiana has the distinction of being the first kite-foil sailor to be selected for an Australian Olympic Team and the first sailor officially selected for the Paris 2024 Australian Olympic Team. She is also a qualified Mechanical Engineer and has been involved in every step of the process, shaping, cutting, using the router, making changes to the CAD drawings and testing the boards along the way.

Breiana Whitehead
(Photo credit: Robert Hajduk)

To Breiana, the board and board design is extremely important ingredient to racing well, as she explains, “The board affects how the body connects to the foil, how much force I can push through the foil, and therefore the speed I can get out of it when racing.”

Along with her prowess on the water, Murray says Breiana has a good of understanding and a strong interest in composites. “She has had hands-on experience helping repair her sailing gear over the years and did work experience with C-tech in New Zealand while she was in the country training. She has a hand in the whole process.”

Both Breiana and her brother, Scott have Australian and International titles to their names, and both are forces to be reckoned with in the extreme sport of kite-foiling.

Kite-foil is a new Olympic class making its debut at Paris 2024. Kite-foil sailors can reach speed in excess of 38 knots (70 km per hour) as they maintain their balance and manage racing tactics, competitors’ lines and kites and the challenges of waves and wind.

The 23-year-old athlete has just competed in Sail Melbourne and Sail Sydney, before returning to Europe for more training and regattas pre-Olympics in Marseille.

Murray Whitehead, originally from Port Lincoln, South Australia and a boat builder by trade, has always been in and around water.

“We’ve lived in Townsville for 25 years, and both Breiana and Scott grew up there and were involved in sailing from a young age. I built a 45-foot Adams/Radford yacht launched when Breiana was about two-and-a-half, and as a family we cruised the Great Barrier Reef, the islands, including Papua New Guinea.”

“Both the kids have enormous on water experience which led to sailing little dinghies, then racing Sabots, Flying 11s, 29ers, lasers at an Australian level – so they have a solid background.”

But all these sailing experiences pale into insignificance compared to the excitement and speed of kite-foiling, Murray attests.

Breiana Whitehead (Photo credit: Beau Outteridge)

“It’s a relatively new sport. The most common form of kiting is twin tip riding largely reaching in the shallows or waves, but for racing it’s with a foil in the water and ram air style kites of spinnaker cloth style material that can achieve great angles to the wind and incredible speed, in order of up to 4 times windspeed.

Originating popularly in San Francisco, kite-foil racing gradually developed, then as carbon foils changed the game to go faster, racing took off around the world.

“In the beginning, it was basically ‘bring your own home-made gear, do whatever you like’,” Murray says.

“It was virtually an arms race, and expensive. People were buying all the best gear, and it was all about who you knew or what you could build. Now it’s a more level playing field and while there’s no ‘one design’, you do have to register your designs.

In the past seven or so years, kite-foiling has evolved under the direction of Markus Schneider, who has become an advocate for the sport, promoting its speed, skills and spectator appeal to the attention of the IOC to make a class now called Formula Kite.

The kite-foiling set-up is comprised of three main pieces of equipment: the mast, the foils (wings) and the board. “The slightest pin hole in the foil, a scratch or fingerprint with sunscreen will cause ventilation, where air bubbles are trapped on the surface of the foil and cause the foil to lose lift and become unsteady, and throw you off – this can be very dangerous,” Murray explains.

“Only a limited number of people are able to make the foils in quantity to the specifications required by the International Kite-boarding Association (IKA) and adopted by World Sailing. Several companies registered, then it came down to two companies: Austrian Levitaz and Italian Chubanga.”

Murray describes kite-foiling as “the F1 of sailing”.

“That’s probably why its participation is limited, as besides having to be incredibly skilled to ride one well, the gear is expensive and the foils and sails are fragile.”

A crucial part of the gear is the board, and that’s where ATL Composites became involved. From his many years boat building, Murray knew of ATL Composites and was a seasoned user of the WEST SYSTEM range of epoxy products.

Breiana Whitehead IKA Worlds Day Six (Photo credit: Robert Hajduk)

“I’ve been making and repairing carbon kite-foiling gear from the early days. Now that there are good commercial foils and they need to be registered, we were able to work testing with Levitas in the pre-registration period and now we concentrate on the boards that support the foil and rider. The board is a crucial element. Its shape is critical to getting up on the foil and interacting with the water through waves and manoeuvres so as not to throw the rider off.

“We made boards freehand like surfboards, and we experimented a lot over the years. When you compete internationally, you need strong, light boards that don’t throw you off when you hit a wave, a fish or debris and they need to last as you can’t just duck back to Australia and get another one.

“Some of the commercial boards were too weak. I have repaired a lot of boards for riders, and over that time, I’ve observed the failures and stress points with all the designs, so we set about to make a design that would last a whole European season. We devoted many hours of studying how they work, with both Breiana and Scott’s significant rider input and feedback… and hours of watching the board-water interaction from the tender.”

Breiana’s boards are made entirely of carbon over a core of foam, providing structural rigidity and not absorbing water, able to be shaped to a fine finish with crisp lines, a tuttle (socket to attach foil to board) that won’t crack and foot-straps that don’t pull out.

“There’s a lot involved,” Murray states. “Aside from the dimensions to create a volume that you need to get all this rigidity, the tuttle has to be made and inset with an extremely tight fit with the mast, exactly in the right location and at right angle. That’s the trickiest part of the equation.

“Knowing that we would need more boards pre-Olympics, Australian Sailing engaged the Australian institute of Sport (AIS) in Canberra with very accurate scanning equipment to create data files of our best and most recent board.

“Then we looked at what materials we could use. Divinycell foam core is a great product in boat building, but a little heavier than styrene, which almost all commercial boards are made from. It provides better structural rigidity, doesn’t absorb water and can adopt crisp complex shapes by hand or CNC, all a plus over styrene.  

“We got in touch with ATL and they researched a foam grade that would suit. We provided the file, and ATL CNC-milled it to final finish. Most of the racing takes place in Europe and the European Championships were coming up. Breiana needed the board a month prior to get used to it. So, it was a tight timeline.”

Kai-Yih Lee from ATL Composites was part of the technical team who worked with Murray, Breiana and her coach, Shane Smith.

“Considering their parameters, the lightweight Divinycell H45 foam core was chosen as the core material to allow for maximum weight saving, and WEST SYSTEM R105/H206 as the laminating resin,” he explains. “Divinycell H is ideal for applications subject to fatigue, slamming or impact loads.”

“We knew that our 5-axis flatbed CNC machine wouldn’t be able to machine the board in one go as it requires the board to be flipped to machine both the top and bottom face. And with some brainstorming, Breiana suggested that we add some temporary supports to the model which will allow the board to sit flat and stable once flipped. These supports can then be removed after machining. Once machined, we sent the board to Murray for final finishing.”

Murray and Breiana were rapt with the results.

“ATL Composites’ CNC milling took the time for making the core and shaping the board from a week down to three hours which is a huge saving, given the deadline,” says Murray. “No more gluing layers together to get rocker, measuring old boards to replicate and the trial and error of freehand. We had an accurate base to start with, and then fine-tuned it.

“We used WEST SYSTEM fillers to crisp up the lines, tinted the 410 Microlight with 502 WEST SYSTEM Black Pigment to look the same as carbon. Then over the top, we sealed with WEST SYSTEM 207 Special Clear Hardener. It’s so versatile. We don’t paint the boards, we get a pretty good finish with the clear coat over the faired laminating resin, as high level racing is a bit rough and tumble, so if damage occurs it’s a simple prep and epoxy repair. I always have a WEST SYSTEM epoxy repair kit on me!”

Now, with the 2024 Paris Olympics in her sights, Breiana is training hard and refining her knowledge of board building.

“She brings skills I don’t have, able to manipulate the CNC data files and a definite view of how to improve our design. I think it’s great that she wants to learn how to use every hand and machine tool so that she can repair her own boards. I’m fussy, but she is next level!” says Murray with pride.

“She has an affinity for it,” he continues. “Her drive is to make the design better each time. Between the two of them [Breiana and Scott], it’s a complete circle – a real team effort.

In between competing at Sail Sydney, Breiana sent her comments on the board-making process.

“I really like building the boards. I find it’s a really creative thing to make something really functional and pretty out of a block of foam and some sticky resin. I love the process of continual improvement and refinement of what we are doing.

“There has been a lot of trial and error to get to the top,” she continued. “We don’t give other people our boards. It’s the only area of the game you can get a definite advantage. The boards we made for this year are still all in one piece and looking good. We’re ready to make the next one.

“I look forward to continuing working with ATL. It is great to be able to get expert advice on quality products and concepts to continue to develop the board I’m racing on. For me, it’s really important to have trust in all of the equipment. When I know the gear is reliable, I can push it to the limits. Being able to make a board I can trust, with reliable products is key to me when I’m racing. I look forward to further refining the process in the future working with ATL.”

136673JEC Group
Acciona Energía highlights the recycling of composites Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:26:19 +0000 Read more]]> At the end of 2023, the Spanish group drew attention to composite material recycling in a unique way. They collaborated with the brand El Ganso to develop sneakers made largely from recycled wind turbine blades. Through an innovative process of reducing glass and carbon fibres and epoxy resins, a powder is obtained and combined with rubber to create a shoe sole. The sneakers branded El Ganso feature the graphic symbol of a wind turbine.

Waste2Fiber opening, a wind turbine blade recycling plant

The shoes are derived from a 23-meter-long wind turbine blade from the Aibar wind farm in the Navarre region of Spain. This blade has been in service since 1998, producing an estimated 12,500 MWh.

Recycling is at the heart of the challenges in the wind energy production sector, and several thousand wind turbine blades are soon reaching the end of their first life cycle. In Spain, 20,000 wind turbine blades are expected to be processed in the short term, according to Acciona Energía. The group has recently invested in a wind turbine recycling plant located in Lumbier, in the Navarre region, named Waste2Fiber, which will soon be operational.

136671JEC Group
Acciona Energía met en valeur le recyclage des composites Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:35:15 +0000 Read more]]> Le groupe espagnol a su attirer l’attention sur le recyclage des matériaux composites d’une manière originale. Il s’est en effet associé avec la marque El Ganso pour développer des sneakers largement issus de pales d’éoliennes recyclées.

Grâce à un procédé innovant de réduction des fibres de verre et de carbone, et de résines d’epoxy, une poudre est obtenue et associée à du caoutchouc pour créer une semelle de chaussures. Commercialisés sous la marque El Ganso, ces sneakers reprennent le signe graphique de l’éolienne.

Ouverture de Waste2Fiber, usine de recyclage de pales d’éoliennes

Les chaussures sont issues d’une pale d’éolienne de 23 mètres de longueur, qui vient de la ferme d’éoliennes d’Aibar, dans la région de Navarre, en Espagne. Cette pale était en service depuis 1998 et on estime qu’elle a produit 12 500 MWh.

Le recyclage est au cœur des enjeux de la filière de la production d’énergie par éoliennes. Plusieurs milliers de pales vont bientôt atteindre la fin de leur premier cycle de vie. En Espagne, 20 000 pales devront ainsi être traitées à court terme, indique Acciona Energia. Le groupe vient d’investir dans une usine de recyclage d’éoliennes située à Lumbier, dans la région de Navarre. Baptisée Waste2Fiber, elle entrera prochainement en fonction.

136661JEC Group
La nouvelle McLaren GTS, un bolide au poids optimisé Fri, 29 Dec 2023 14:19:00 +0000 Read more]]> McLaren a donc clôturé l’année 2023 en fanfare en dévoilant la nouvelle GTS qui vient se substituer à l’ancienne GT dans sa gamme. Sur un marché des supercars en forte croissance, mais aussi de plus en plus concurrentiel, l’accent a été porté sur les performances et la polyvalence du modèle. « C’est une voiture fidèle à l’ADN sportif de McLaren, mais avec une grande variété de capacités », expose ainsi Michael Leiters, CEO de McLaren Automotive, qui rappelle que le modèle peut accueillir des bagages (420 litres de capacité) et assurer confortablement de longs déplacements au-delà de son caractère sportif bien trempé.

Ainsi, la nouvelle McLaren GTS embarque un moteur biturbo V8 de 4.0 litres qui développe désormais 635 ch, ce qui lui permet d’abattre le 0 à 100 km/h en 3,2  secondes et le 0 à 200 km/h en moins de 9 secondes. La vitesse maximale de la GTS ressort à 326 km/h. Son système de freinage a aussi été optimisé : « La McLaren GTS est équipée de disques de frein de 390 mm à l’avant et de 380 mm à l’arrière, tous en carbone-céramique. Avec des étriers légers en aluminium à six pistons (quatre pistons à l’arrière), le système peut faire décélérer la voiture de 100 à 0 km/h en seulement 32 mètres. »

La McLaren GTS bénéficie d’un toit composite en fibres de carbone recyclées

Pour parvenir à des performances de référence, la maîtrise du poids de la McLaren GTS a fait l’objet d’un soin particulier. « La GTS peut compter sur le châssis monocoque MonoCell II-T en fibre de carbone, qui bénéficie d’une construction solide et ultralégère ainsi que de la rigidité requise par une supercar McLaren à moteur central. Le toit composite de série est en fibres de carbone recyclées. Il s’agit de l’une des nombreuses solutions identifiées pour réduire le poids de la GTS », soulignent les ingénieurs de McLaren.

Sur la balance, la supercar affiche un poids de seulement 1 520 kg (DIN), ce qui en fait la plus légère de sa catégorie. Elle présente de surcroît le meilleur rapport puissance / poids du segment avec 418 ch par tonne.

L’architecture ultralégère en carbone MCLA ouvre de nouvelles perspectives à McLaren

Rappelons que chaque supercar est assemblée à la main au centre de production de McLaren (MPC – McLaren Production Centre) de Woking, dans le Surrey, en Angleterre. Depuis 1993, tous les modèles McLaren sont montés sur un châssis en fibre de carbone issu de son expertise dans l’univers de la F1.

L’écurie anglaise cherche aussi à concilier les caractéristiques des supercars avec les enjeux environnementaux. En 2021, elle a ainsi présenté l’Artura, une supercar hybride. « L’Artura est la première McLaren à bénéficier de l’architecture ultralégère en carbone (MCLA) de la maison britannique. La MCLA est conçue, développée et fabriquée au sein du McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC) dans la région de Sheffield en Angleterre, selon un procédé unique au monde, et sera le fer de lance de l’avenir électrifié de la marque », précise un porte-parole du groupe, déjà projeté vers l’avenir.

136620JEC Group
Bedford fixed-access ReadyLadder is now certified for water-contact applications Thu, 28 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The ReadyLadder modular ladder system has undergone rigorous testing and has been officially certified to meet NSF, ANSI and CAN 61 standards for water contact. When customers’ applications demand the use of ladders in wet conditions, they can turn to Bedford’s ReadyLadder modular access ladder systems with the utmost confidence. All components of the ReadyLadder system have achieved certification, making them suitable for use in water treatment facilities.

Notably, Bedford offers NSF-construction-certified ReadyLadder and walk-through kits in two sizes:

  • The 10′ ReadyLadder and walk-through kits are certified for potable water contact in 8,000-gallon and greater tanks.
  • The 15′ ReadyLadder and walk-through kits are certified for potable water contact in 10,000-gallon and greater tanks.

Choosing NSF-certified products signifies that a company adheres to strict standards and procedures established by NSF. This certification process involves extensive product testing, material analyses, unannounced plant inspections and ongoing retesting of products to ensure they consistently meet the high standards required for certification.

One key advantage of Bedford’s NSF-construction-certified products is their availability. ReadyLadder systems and walk-through kits are in stock, easy to assemble and ready to ship, making it convenient for water treatment facilities, fish hatcheries and other applications that demand the highest quality standards.

ReadyLadder systems find utility in a wide range of potable water applications, including environments where the leaching of FRP materials into water must be avoided, such as inside tanks and fish hatcheries. Water treatment plants, as well as food and beverage operations, will particularly benefit from these NSF-certified products.

ReadyLadder provides the quality customers need, designed to withstand harsh environments and demanding working conditions. These pre-engineered components are crafted from the same fibreglass-reinforced polymer that has made Bedford systems renowned for their longevity, strength and OSHA compliance. With ReadyLadder, customers can enjoy the flexibility of configuration without compromising on durability and reliability.

In addition to the ReadyLadder modular ladder system, Bedford Reinforced Plastics’ baffle panels, sludge flights and other select PROForms products have already earned NSF certification, expanding the range of NSF-certified products available to meet the specialized needs of water treatment facilities and related applications.

Bedford Reinforced Plastics continues to increase its NSF-certified offerings, further fortifying its commitment to delivering innovative, high-quality FRP solutions that meet the stringent requirements of water-contact applications.

135599JEC Group
Hunan Tankang to develop “artificial carbon fibre bone” Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:36:00 +0000 Read more]]> Hunan Tankang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Hunan Tankang) focuses on the research, development, production and sales of carbon-based biomaterials. Its main product – artificial carbon fibre composite bone – is the third generation of advanced medical biomaterials. After 12 years of special research, the company has original special preparation technologies for carbon-based medical materials, including carbon fibre modification, composite weaving, 3D profiling, CVD gradient, carbon surface treatment. carbon, etc. It has successfully obtained 31 patent authorizations and published 12 papers and was included in the breakthrough technology base of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2021.

This year’s Hunan Tankang “Artificial Carbon Fibre Bone” project claims to be the first of its kind in the world, filling the gap in the global application of carbon fibre in the field of artificial bone. It obtained special approval from National Innovative Medical Devices in 2023 and has been used in Xiangya Second Hospital, Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital, Hunan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and other successful clinical trials .

Accrording to Hunan Tankang, compared with traditional materials such as titanium alloys, artificial carbon fibre bone products have obvious advantages. They can effectively solve six major medical problems such as human body rejection, osteogenesis, super large wound repair, complex wound repair, medical artifacts, and secondary injuries due to brittle fracture.

136595JEC Group
The new McLaren GTS, a supercar with optimized weight Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:07:00 +0000 Read more]]> McLaren closed out the year 2023 with a bang by unveiling the new GTS, replacing the GT in its lineup. In a rapidly growing yet increasingly competitive supercar market, the focus has been on the performance and versatility of the model. « This is a car that is true to McLaren’s racing DNA but with multiple layers of ability », explains Michael Leiters, CEO, McLaren Automotive, emphasizing that the model can accommodate luggage (420 liters of capacity) and comfortably handle long journeys beyond its sporty nature.

The new McLaren GTS is equipped with a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine that now produces 635 hp, allowing it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.2 seconds and from 0 to 200 km/h in less than 9 seconds. The GTS has a top speed of 326 km/h. Its braking system has also been optimized: « The McLaren GTS is equipped with 390 mm front and 380 mm rear carbon-ceramic brake discs. With lightweight six-piston aluminum calipers (four pistons at the rear), the system can decelerate the car from 100 to 0 km/h in just 32 meters ».

The McLaren GTS features a composite roof made of recycled carbon fibre

To achieve benchmark performance, careful attention has been paid to the weight of the McLaren GTS. « The GTS can rely on the MonoCell II-T carbon fibre monocoque chassis, which features a strong and ultralight construction as well as the required rigidity for a mid-engine McLaren supercar. The standard composite roof is made of recycled carbon fibre. This is one of the many solutions identified to reduce the weight of the GTS », emphasize McLaren engineers. On the scale, the supercar weighs only 1,520 kg (DIN), making it the lightest in its category. It also boasts the best power-to-weight ratio in the segment with 418 hp per ton.

The ultralight carbon architecture MCLA opens up new possibilities for McLaren

Each supercar is hand-assembled at McLaren’s Production Centre (MPC) in Woking, Surrey, England. Since 1993, all McLaren models have been built on a carbon fibre chassis derived from its expertise in the world of F1. The English team also seeks to reconcile the characteristics of supercars with environmental challenges. In 2021, it presented the Artura, a hybrid supercar. « The Artura is the first McLaren to benefit from the ultralight carbon architecture (MCLA) of the British house. The MCLA is designed, developed, and manufactured at the McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC) in the Sheffield region of England, using a unique process in the world, and will be the flagship of the brand’s electrified future », says a spokesman for the group, already projecting towards the future.

136642JEC Group
Kineco Kaman successfully completes delivery of 1st OMA Assembly for the Human Space Flight Mission – Gaganyaan Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:49:47 +0000 Read more]]> The flag-off ceremony from its Goa based facility was virtually attended by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa Dr. Pramod Sawant and Director-VSSC Dr. S. Unnikrishnan Nair in presence of key VSSC officials and Kineco Kaman employees.

Kineco Kaman was selected as a partner of choice for this prestigious by VSSC in June 2022 to supply 3 OMA assemblies to ISRO/VSSC on the back of its excellent track record and consistent performance on Space programs like Dual Helix Antennas for the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite program (IRNSS) and EBS Assembly for the LVM3-M2/OneWeb India and Chandrayaan-3 missions.

OMA is a 4 meter diameter, conical CFRP sandwich structure which is integrated with machined metallic rings to tight tolerances. It is a critical assembly of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mk-III that acts as an adaptor assembled between Crew Escape module and Equipment Bay shroud.

Shekhar Sardessai, Founder of Kineco Group and Chairman & Managing Director of Kineco Kaman said: “I am delighted that after the accomplishments of Chandrayaan-3 mission, Kineco Kaman is associated with India’s 1st Human Space Flight Mission – Gaganyaan. Our technicians and engineers worked tirelessly with the VSSC Scientists to meet the stringent quality parameters and demanding delivery timelines. We are thankful to VSSC team for their continued support and partnership. We will continue to partner with ISRO-VSSC to make India self-reliant in future space explorations.”

Kineco Kaman successfully completes delivery of 1st OMA Assembly for the Human Space Flight Mission – Gaganyaan
Kineco Kaman successfully completes delivery of 1st OMA Assembly for the Human Space Flight Mission – Gaganyaan
136628JEC Group
Al Seer Marine and Abu Dhabi Maritime unveil world’s largest 3D-printed boat Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:36:00 +0000 Read more]]> Crafted from 67% recycled materials, this 11,980 meter long marvel not only represents a technological feat but also signifies a giant leap towards sustainable transportation.

This milestone is not just a record-breaking feat; it’s a call to action for the industry to adopt greener technologies. Let’s continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability, setting a precedent for the future of transportation worldwide.

Copyright @Al Seer Marine

This boat has been made with CEAD Flexbot at Al Seer Marine, the largest robotic 3D printer worldwide (4x36m). This endeavor was undeniably a succesful stride towards new heights in the additive manufacturing space.

CEAD Flexbot at Al Seer Marine, the largest robotic 3D printer worldwide (4x36m). Copyright @CEAD

The boat consists of two hulls, printing time of only 5,5 days each. With a breathtakingly : 11.980 x 3.594 meters, it has space for 29 people plus bicycles and wheelchairs.

Copyright @Al Seer Marine

Instagram Al Seer Marine
LinkedIn CEAD

136550JEC Group
[BEST OF 2023] The JEC Composites Innovation Awards winners revealed Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The ceremony took place on March 2nd in Paris, highlighted by the presence of jury members, finalists and winners but most importantly, as it was livestreamed, the gathering of many people all around the world to watch the awaited results.

It is the second time the Innovation Awards ceremony is held prior to JEC World, raising great enthusiasm and showing the composites community’s eagerness to get together, get inspired and build strong business connections.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet with the winners and learn more about their projects and expectations for the future at JEC World 2023 from April 25th to 27th and join them for the Opening session on April 25th at 9:30 in Agora 5.

JEC World 2023 • Paris Nord Villepinte
25-27 April 2023
Discover all the finalists and winners on the Innovation Area, M93

JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Discover here the winners in each category.

Category Aerospace – Parts

Hybrid seating structure

Company : Fraunhofer ICT (Germany)
Partner(s) : Alpex Technology GmbH, Austria – AMADE-UdG, Spain – Leitat, Spain
Description : Aircraft hybrid seating structure designed and demonstrated under sustainability criteria, based on easy to recycle light weight composite material and produced with efficient automated processes. Commercial aircraft seats consist of many materials and individual parts, mostly a mix of polymers and metals, so very complex to recycle. The seats must also be lightweight to increase the overall efficiency of the aircraft. To achieve both goals (lightweight and recyclability), an aircraft seat series was developed based on the following sustainability criteria:
– Ease of recycling using one polymer type for all polymer parts for which recycling process is available.
– Reduction of number of seat components and weight through function-integrated lightweight design.
– Effective production of the plastic components through processes suitable for series production
– Elimination of toxic primers to improve the adhesion of metal inserts to the polymers (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Fuel Sustainable PU based light weight CFRP to reduce CO2 emissions and waste
٠ Radically reduction of numbers of seat parts for low maintenance
٠ Automated high volume production technologies (SMC/WCM) to reduce costs
٠ Reduce the economic cost for carbon fiber aircraft seats
٠ Carbon Fiber attractive design
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Category Aerospace – Process

Manufacture a Krueger wing flap in thermoplastic.

Company : CETIM (France)
Partner(s) : Loiretech, France – AFPT GmbH, Germany – SONACA SA, Belgium
Description : Innovative Krueger Flap produced In-situ with an automated thermoplastic process. The innovative Krueger flap, produced through this multi-partner project, has a large and complex shape and was manufactured using an in-situ thermoplastic consolidation process. It outperforms existing processes in terms of structural and industrial performance with higher production, better process stability and improved composite quality (…).
Key benefits :
٠ In-situ consolidation with full automated process (laser filament winding)
٠ Recyclability (thermoplastic part)
٠ Repeatability and reliability of the process
٠ Reduction of production costs
٠ Mass reduction of large parts
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Automotive & Road Transportation – Design Part

World’s first carbon roll cage for production cars

Company : Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG (Germany)
Partners(s) : Action Composites GmbH, Austria – Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Germany – Lab for Lightweight Design, IKTD, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Description : Extreme lightweight carbon roll cage, to be road legally fitted into a production car, enabled by engineering a unique geometry. The initial metal design withstands extreme elongations. Thus, the use of carbon fibers, presented a major challenge for this application due to the low elongations at break. The Engineering innovation of the project is a new 3 step structural optimization process providing a specific design suitable for CFRP under full consideration of an extremely limited design space as well as multiple crash and FIA load cases (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High weight reduction compared to steel and even titanium
٠ Topology optimized, unique bionic design
٠ Innovative calculation approach – automated link between CAD an FE
٠ Innovative manufacturing process – structural hollow part in serial production
٠ Fulfills FIA load collective
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

BEV battery protection plate in composite design 

Company : AUDI AG (Germany)
Partner(s) : POLYTEC GROUP, Netherlands
Description : Largest, innovative, sustainable BEV underride guard in thermoplastic sandwich lightweight design with highly efficient one-shot manufacturability for the new Audi Q8 e-tron. The innovative composite part is characterized by its mechanically extremely robust light-weight sandwich design as well as its large dimensions of about 2100 mm x 1400 mm and a total weight of app. 23 kg, of which about 13 kg are UD-tapes. Due to the large size of the component, production using injection molding is technically not feasible, thus a novel one-shot process had to be developed. The overall design is an excellent trade-off in terms of lightweight potential, design suitability for cost-efficient high-volume production, mechanical robustness and sustainability (…).
Key benefits :
٠ High light-weight potential for BEV underride guards, replacing Al-design
٠ Significant reduction of CO2-footprint compared to aluminum design
٠ Novel press-process for high-volume production of complex sandwich parts
٠ Design for recycling
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

A composite roof for the stadium of Real Madrid

Company : Nanotures (Spain)
Partner(s) : COMPOSYST, Germany – DIAB, Spain –  FIBERTEX, Denmark – Gavazzi, Italy – MAP Yachting, France – MEL, Spain – SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, SKY, Hungary – Zoltek, Hungary
Description : Three elements are mechanically joined to reach beams with a span of 75 m. The manufacturing process was infusion with double VAP membrane, avoiding the use of holes in the core and excess polymer. Critical parameters such as fiber linearity and core joints have been controlled in production to obtain elements with high compression resistance. Strategically, different reinforcements have been utilized in the design to meet the load case and assist in joining to the metallic elements. Finally, the lightweight composite beams allow simplification in the assembly operations on site as well as the simplification, weight and energy reduction of the displacement and elevation motors.
Key benefits :
٠ Weight reduction and simplification on site installation
٠ Excellent mechanical properties
٠ Environmental and energy benefit
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Category Circularity & Recycling

100% recycled CF spun yarn and applied products

Company : Toyota Industries Corporation (Japan)
Partner(s) : Kurimoto, Ltd., Japan – Nagoya University, Japan – NAKASHIMA PROPELLER Co., Ltd., Japan – Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan – Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan – Uster technologies AG, Switzerland
Description : 100% recycled CF spun yarn compatible to pultrusion process. Establishment of comprehensive CF circulation system from recycling to product application. CFRP properties of rCF spun yarn achieve about 70% tensile strength and 90% elastic modulus compared to virgin CFRP. There is no limitation to the process and matrix, and we are the world’s first manufacturer that successfully utilizes rCF in pultrusion molding with epoxy resin. Due to wind energy market growth, we expect future rCF spun yarn application to the demand for carbon neutral production for wind power generation blades. Furthermore, we established a comprehensive CF recycling system from CF recovery to reproduction (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Applicable recycle CF to pultrusion molding using epoxy matrix
٠ Recycled CFRP highly compatible with virgin CFRP performance
٠ A comprehensive high value CF recycling system
٠ High compatibility for existing process and resin matrix
٠ Low environmental impact
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Category Digital, AI & Data

In-process AFP manufacturing inspection system

Company : NIAR/WSU (United States)
Description : In-process AFP Manufacturing Inspection System (IAMIS) for automated fiber placement (AFP) head to detect manufacturing defects and a user-friendly augmented reality visualization module. IAMIS detects manufacturing defects that are above the certification basis (or unacceptable) using machine-learning (ML) algorithms for reducing time-consuming and operator-dependent manual inspection processes that require significantly interrupting the manufacturing process.
Key benefits :
٠ Increase automated manufacturing system utilization (operational efficiency)
٠ Eliminate labor-intensive manual inspections and improve quality
٠ Eliminate human error associated with operator experience levels
٠ Augmented reality visualization for repair and quality assurance
٠ Create a digital record of defects for certification and sustainment support
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Isotruss® carbon fiber tower

Company : IsoTruss, Inc (United States)
Partners(s) : My Learning Alliance, US – U.S. Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, United States – United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA- NIFA), United States – Utah State University, United States
Description : IsoTruss® Carbon Fiber Towers are up to twelve times stronger than steel for a given weight, or as little as one-twelfth the weight for a given load, depending on the design, site and specifications. IsoTruss was originally invented for aerospace applications and is ideally suited in load bearing structures anywhere low weight and stiffness are critical. Overall, the IsoTruss® combines high performing continuous fiber (such as carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) reinforced polymer composite materials with a very efficient geometry to allow those elements to carry the load efficiently, allowing extremely lightweight and extremely high performance.
Key benefits :
٠ Material Advantages: High Strength/High Stiffness/High Durability/Transversely Isotropic/Radio Frequency Transparent/Corrosion Resistant
٠ Structural Advantages: Resists Shell Buckling/Lighter Weight/Low Drag/Damage Tolerant/Aesthetics/Eco-Friendly/Corrosion Resistant/Less CF to mfg/lightweight lowers shipping/install costs-reduces CO2 70%.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding

Solid sail mast

Company : Chantiers de l’Atlantique (France)
Partners(s) : Avel Robotic, France – Bureau Veritas France – CDK, France – Hexcel, France – Lorima, France – MECA, France – Multiplast, France – SMM, France
Description : Industrialization of the fabrication of very large mast to fit to price and delay of marine industry market. SOLID SAIL MAST fabrication is based on carbon preg pieces made in autoclave. We cut the mast in sections able to enter the largest autoclave (24m x 6m) we had and develop an assembly method using AFP fabricated sleeves to assembly the 24m long sections together in a quick and efficient way.
Key benefits :
٠ Higher quality standard through precisely automated lamination
٠ Higher productivity from faster/fewer manufacturing processes
٠ Lower production cost from reduction of processes
٠ Reduced waste and reduced manufacturing hazard
٠ Higher consistency in the mass manufacturing of parts
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Category Renewable Energies

New acrylic adhesives for a better world

Company : Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland)
Partners(s) : Antala, Spain – Biesterfeld Oezel Kimy. Tic. A.S., Turkey – Bodo Moeller Chemie GMBH, Germany – Emanuele Mascherpa S.p.A, Italy – Samaro, France – VIBA NL, Netherlands
Description : New technology of non-flammable, low-odor, and primer-free structural acrylate adhesives with a favorable health and safety profile, providing exceptional bonding performance on multiple substrates. The innovation is a new acrylic adhesives technology that cures fast, creates high strength and high elongation bonds, outstanding stress and impact resistance, and importantly, unlike many structural adhesives, provides an effective solution to multiple sustainability-related challenges, without compromising performance (Non-flammable classification, favorable health and safety profile, low odor and limited surface preparation) (…).
Key benefits :
٠ Safety, wellbeing, and productivity
٠ Reduced CO2 emissions (transport)
٠ Financial savings (storage/protection)
٠ Performance, multi-substrates, and composites bonding
٠ Material models available for simulation
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Recyclable thermoset CFRP composite bike

Company : Swancor Holding CO., LTD (Taiwan)  
Partners(s) : Gigantex Composite Technologies, LTD, Taiwan
Description : Thermoset CFRP bicycle was made from recyclable EzCiclo prepreg. Composite parts can be recycled by CleaVER liquid to reclaim resin and fiber enabling closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite. Swancor presents recyclable thermosetting resin “EzCiclo” and degradation liquid “CleaVER”. EzCiclo is a recyclable epoxy resin. Hot melt prepregs made of EzCiclo RB-564 with different Fiber Average Weight (FAW) are used to produce composite bicycle parts including frame, handlebar, front fork and rims. The End-of-life composite parts made from EzCiclo can be degraded by CleaVER liquid at 130°C-150°C for 4 hours, enabling complete separation of matrix and fiber. The crosslinked matrix is dissolved in CleaVER and can be reused. The reclaimed fiber shows comparable properties compared to virgin fiber (…).
Key benefits :
٠ 100% recyclable thermoset composite bicycle parts with promising properties
٠ Innovative resin system enables closed-loop recycling of thermoset composite
٠ Ease of adoption with existing manufacturing facilities and processes
٠ Lower carbon emission recycling and generate no waste
٠ Higher value of recycled resin and fiber
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135678JEC Group
[BEST OF 2023] Lamborghini introduces new monofuselage carbon fiber monocoque concept Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> For 60 years, Automobili Lamborghini has been synonymous with cutting-edge innovation. Just a few weeks ahead of launching the first hybrid plug-in V12 High Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV), the Sant’Agata Bolognese brand unveils a technical solution that is unique in today’s automotive landscape.

The LB744 is based on a new aeronautics-inspired chassis, the ‘monofuselage’. As well as a monocoque made entirely of multi-technology carbon fiber, it features a front structure in Forged Composites; a special material made of short carbon fibers soaked in resin. This technology was patented and used by Lamborghini in its first structural applications as far back as 2008.

Lamborghini LB744 – The Strength of Lightness.

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

The monofuselage represents a significant step forward from the Aventador in terms of torsional stiffness, lightweight qualities and driving dynamics. What’s more, the LB744 is the first super sports car to be fitted with a 100% carbon fiber front structure: carbon fiber is also used for the front cone structures to ensure a level of energy absorption that is significantly higher when compared to a traditional metal structure – double that of the Aventador Ultimae*’s aluminium front frame – combined with a substantial reduction in weight.

In fact, the LB744 monofuselage is 10% lighter than the Aventador chassis, and the front frame is 20% lighter than its aluminum predecessor. The torsional stiffness has also been improved with a value of 40,000 Nm/°, up +25% compared to the Aventador and guaranteeing best-in-class dynamic capabilities.

The design concept underlying the development of the new monofuselage is based on the maximum integration between components. This is optimized thanks to the introduction of extensive Forged Composites technology, as well as the development of the monolithic rocker ring. This use of carbon fiber makes the LB744 unique in the super sports car arena: the single- element ring-shaped component is made of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and forms the supporting structure of the car. The rocker ring encloses and connects the Forged Composites elements such as the tub, the front firewall and A pillar.

The production of Forged Composites components also optimizes efficiency and increases sustainability during the manufacturing process by reducing the energy consumption of cooling equipment and quantity of waste materials.

The LB744 monofuselage is 10% lighter than the Aventador chassis, and the front frame is 20% lighter than its aluminum predecessor.

The more traditional, but no less efficient, technology of autoclave composite production with pre-impregnated material was retained for the roof construction. The autoclaved carbon fiber meets high technical, aesthetic and quality requirements, complemented by craftsmanship in the highly specialized hand lay-up process, which results from years of quality-driven in-house production of composite material components. It is a manufacturing decision that also gives the customer maximum versatility in roof customization.

The rear chassis is made of high-strength aluminum alloys and features two important hollow castings in the rear dome area: these integrate the rear suspension’s shock towers and powertrain suspension into a single component with closed inertia profile, guaranteeing a significant reduction in weight, an increase in rigidity and a substantial reduction in welding lines.

The LB744 represents a new “year zero” in relation to the use of carbon fiber in car production, summed up in the acronym AIM (Automation, Integration, Modularity). ‘Automation’ refers to the introduction of automated and digitalized processes into material transformation, while preserving traditional Lamborghini manufacturing, such as in the discipline of composites.

‘Integration’ relates to the integration of several functions into a single component through the development of compression molding. This process uses preheated polymers to enable the production of components with a wide range of lengths, thicknesses and complexity, ensuring optimum integration between components to guarantee high torsional stiffness. Finally, ‘Modularity’ refers to making the applied technologies modular and therefore more flexible and efficient to respond to all the product requirements and characteristics.

* Fuel consumption and emission values of Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae – Fuel consumption combined: 18.0 l/100 km; CO2-emissions combined: 442 g/km (WLTP)

135693JEC Group
[BEST OF 2023] The largest thermoplastic aerostructures successfully manufactured as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator project Wed, 20 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> GKN Fokker, NLR, Delft University of Technology and SAM|XL, have successfully manufactured one of the world’s largest thermoplastic components as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) project led by Airbus. This demonstrates how the use of thermoplastic composites can help realize a next-gen fleet of aircraft capable of offering the same strength and durability as aluminum, while drastically reducing the fuselage recurring cost, as well as the overall weight of aircraft and the subsequent emissions. The eight meters by four meters composite structure – delivered under the Clean Sky 2 STUNNING project – will act as the lower half of the fuselage demonstrator.

The ground-breaking aerostructure consists of more than 400 thermoplastic fibre-reinforced parts, as well as thousands of spot welds and hundreds of meters of continuous welds. The fuselage lower half will be joined at Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade with the upper half made by German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Structures and Design in Augsburg.

GKN Fokker, NLR, Delft University of Technology and SAM|XL, have successfully manufactured one of the world’s largest thermoplastic components as part of the Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) project led by Airbus.

The MFFD project aims to demonstrate High Rate Production (HRP) of a minimum of 60 aircraft per month (up to 100 aircraft), reduce the total fuselage weight by 1 ton (10 %), and reduce the total fuselage recurring cost by € 1 million (20 %). STUNNING contributed to these objectives by showcasing novel thermoplastic manufacturing and joining technologies, as well as modular manufacturing techniques and automation.

GKN Fokker was responsible for the assembly of STUNNING, which consisted of a skin module and a floor grid module. The skin module featured a skin made as a single part by NLR using Automatic Fiber Placement, 38 stringers from Xelis made using continuous compression moulding, some of which joggled by NLR, 208 injection-moulded clips produced by the ECO-CLIP consortium, and frame sub-assemblies. The floor grid module included floor beam sub-assemblies with passenger floor beams made by automatic fibre placement. Both frame and floor beam sub-assemblies were made by GKN Fokker. The floor grid was fully equipped with various systems before installation in the skin module.

Arnt Offfringa, Director Global Technology Center NL of GKN Aerospace said: “This breakthrough project, which began in 2017, has significantly advanced our understanding and accelerated the development of thermoplastic technologies for large and complex aircraft parts. It has showcased the potential for industrial-scale application of robotic welding in the assembly of thermoplastic aerostructures. The partnership approach to STUNNING has also been a great success, showing how much progress can be made when working together. Collaboration projects such as this will be vital as we continue to push the boundaries of technology in order to meet our sustainability targets.”

“The lower skin of the MFFD, the largest known single thermoplastic piece ever made in the world, allowed us to investigate thermal and positioning effects during the manufacturing of complex thermoplastic parts”, added Johan Kos, NLR project manager. “Next to this, the collaboration with GKN Fokker Aerostructures, Elmo, and Airbus benefits from further develop NLR’s knowledge of other relevant construction and system technologies such as of induction welding of thermoplastic parts, both experimentally and with simulation.”

The demonstrator was assembled in SAM|XL at the TU Delft Campus, where a 10 x 11 x 4 m ultrasonic welding robot was built from numerous machine parts and software components supplied by European partners. Team SAM|XL was responsible for the integration of the robotic welding cell and the development of smart control and programming methods. Valuable lessons were learned related to ‘design for automated assembly’. In a joint effort, rapid energy-efficient ultrasonic welding technology was scaled-up from the lab at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering to an industrial-scale solution for dust-less assembly of the demonstrator involving 1600 structurally sound spot welds. Further maturation of this game changing assembly technology will be accelerated in SAM|XL’s new robotic welding lab.

135674JEC Group
Lotus launches Type 136 – a track-inspired performance road electrified bike Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> The all-new bike harnesses design and engineering excellence from more than 30 years of road and track cycling success, while incorporating cutting-edge technology from the present day. The striking aero design has been inspired by Lotus’ gold medal-winning success in Olympic velodromes around the world, from the iconic Type 108 bike at the 1992 Barcelona Games to the most recent competition at Tokyo 2020. There the Hope/Lotus track bike helped the Great Britain track cycling team top the event medal table.

Handmade in Italy, the lightweight carbon fibre frame and state-of-the-art components mean Type 136 weighs just 9.8 kilograms. It features V-shaped handlebars, wing-shaped forks, and vaulted chain stays, helping it carve through the air with speed and efficiency.

The innovation continues with the battery, disguised as a water bottle and detached from the frame at the push of a button.

The bike’s Watt Assist Pro Motor system is derived from the Mars Lander Project – where limited weight and zero maintenance were critical factors to the mission’s success. It is the lightest e-bike motor system on the market from HPS and weighs just 1.2kg in total. An elegant and compact bottom bracket shell that seamlessly integrates into the bike’s frame, the motor itself weighs just 300 grams.

In tribute to Lotus’ tradition of Type numbers for its new models, Type 136 is available as an exclusive limited first edition launch production run of just 136 bikes. These will be individually numbered and available in an iconic motorsport livery. The standard model will go on sale in Spring 2024.

Founded in 1948 and 75 years old this year, Lotus is best known as a global luxury performance brand, world-renowned for the design, engineering and manufacture of thrilling two-seater sports cars such as Esprit, Elise and Elite. Its latest range of all-electric models includes Emeya hyper-GT and Eletre hyper-SUV. The brand’s halo product is Evija, the world’s most powerful series production road car.

Lotus is unique in the automotive industry for its success in the world of track cycling, where its pioneering spirit and passion for pushing the boundaries is legendary. Type 108 rewrote the rule book on bike design and is recognised as one of the most iconic machines of all time, inspiring a generation of professional cyclists such as Sir Chris Hoy.

The six-time Olympic Champion is now a Lotus brand ambassador. Speaking at the world premiere of Type 136, he said: “This is an incredible bike, which says so much about the pioneering endeavours of Lotus and the iconic status of its bikes over the years. As a teenager I vividly remember watching Chris Boardman powering Type 108 to a gold medal in Barcelona in 1992 and smashing records on Type 110 to wear the yellow jersey in the Tour de France two years later.”

Feng Qingfeng, CEO, Lotus Group, commented: “I am proud to launch the Lotus Type 136 as the next chapter in our high-performance journey. For the past 75 years, Lotus has been relentlessly pushing the boundaries of innovation on the road and track. Type 136 shows that we continue to do so. Launching alongside Eletre, Emeya and Evija, it will further expand global perceptions of what to expect from Lotus.”

Price information: £20,000 / €25,000

136095JEC Group
Le consortium ZEBRA dévoile sa deuxième pale d’éolienne recyclable et fait progresser la durabilité dans l’énergie éolienne Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:56:39 +0000 Read more]]> Le consortium ZEBRA (Zero wastE Blade ReseArch) annonce aujourd’hui l’achèvement réussi des tests de validation à grande échelle de la première pale recyclable et la production de la deuxième pale thermoplastique recyclable, faisant ainsi progresser l’engagement de l’industrie éolienne en faveur de l’économie circulaire.

La deuxième pale, d’une longueur de 77 m, a été fabriquée dans l’usine de LM Wind Power à Castellón, en Espagne, à partir de la résine liquide thermoplastique Elium® d’Arkema, connue pour sa recyclabilité, et des tissus de verre haute performance d’Owens Corning. Elle est dotée d’une nouvelle technologie de ”spar cap” en résine Carbon-Elium® et d’un nouvel adhésif développé par Bostik, filiale d’Arkema spécialisée dans les solutions adhésives.

Il est important de noter que la deuxième pale ZEBRA est une première mondiale avec l’utilisation de la résine Elium® recyclée pour la fabrication d’un raidisseur, qui est un élément structurel important de la pale, et cela démontre le potentiel de la technologie des résines pour la conception de pales durables et représente une preuve de concept notoire en faveur de l’emploi de résine Elium® recyclée.

Owens Corning a fourni une fibre de verre haute performance spécialement conçue pour être compatible avec la résine Elium® – la fibre de verre représente en moyenne 70 % du poids de la pale et est donc un élément clé de la recyclabilité de celle -ci.

“Le projet ZEBRA se déroule selon le calendrier prévu et produira bientôt ses résultats finaux. La réussite de la campagne d’essais sur la première pale et l’achèvement de cette deuxième pale représentent une réalisation majeure à la fois pour le consortium et pour l’industrie de l’énergie éolienne dans son ensemble. Les prochaines étapes importantes pour l’année 2024 seront la livraison d’une analyse complète du cycle de vie basée sur les pales produites dans le cadre du projet ZEBRA, et l’accent sera mis sur les activités de recyclage et l’achèvement des tests de validation sur la deuxième pale contenant le nouveau ”spar cap” en résine Carbone-Elium®”, souligne Guillaume SANA, chef de projet à l’IRT Jules Verne.

Après la fabrication de la première pale recyclable en mars 2022, le consortium ZEBRA a entamé une nouvelle phase intensive de développement et d’essais afin de mettre au point les technologies nécessaires à la fabrication d’un longeron en résine de Carbone-Elium®. Il s’agissait notamment de développer des matériaux et des procédés afin de s’assurer que les propriétés mécaniques requises pouvaient être atteintes et, en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe technique de LM Wind Power à Castellon, de mettre au point le process de fabrication adéquat pour assurer la fabrication de composants à l’échelle réelle.

Cette deuxième pale recyclable est dotée d’un longeron (spar cap) basé sur une nouvelle technologie en résine Carbone-Elium® et d’un nouvel adhésif développé par Bostik, recyclable au même titre que la résine Elium®.

John Korsgaard, directeur principal de LM Wind Power, déclare : “La deuxième pale ZEBRA s’appuie sur les enseignements et les innovations tirés du développement de la première pale et nous a aidé à comprendre le potentiel structurel de l’utilisation de la résine Elium® dans les pales contenant du carbone. Elle complète les efforts déployés par nos partenaires pour démontrer les technologies de recyclage des composites à base d’Elium® utilisant la fibre de verre et même de la fibre de carbone. Cette pale marque une étape clé pour le projet ZEBRA et souligne l’importance de la collaboration entre usines dans le développement de nouvelles technologies, tout en soutenant les objectifs de développement durable de notre entreprise et de nos clients”.

 Selon Owens Corning : “Notre participation à ce consortium fait partie de notre stratégie visant à être “durable dès la conception”, ce qui signifie prendre en compte la durabilité environnementale dès la phase de conception des produits afin qu’ils puissent être recyclés et réutilisés. Les tests effectués autour de la première pale produite ont démontré la performance et la compatibilité du produit en fibre de verre d’Owens Corning avec la résine Elium® et les exigences de fabrication des pales longues. Cette deuxième pale constitue la preuve que nos produits peuvent maintenir les performances et la recyclabilité même pour des pales d’éoliennes plus grandes”.

La première pale ZEBRA recyclable a passé avec succès les tests de validation à grande échelle au centre de test et de validation de LM Wind Power au Danemark, et les tests et essais de recyclage sont actuellement en cours. Les essais structurels à grande échelle sur la deuxième pale ont déjà commencé, à ce jour les essais en statique au cours desquels la pale est exposée à des charges extrêmes ont été validés.

Lancé en septembre 2020, le projet ZEBRA est un partenariat unique mené par l’Institut de Recherche Technologique français, IRT Jules Verne, et réunissant des entreprises industrielles telles qu’Arkema, CANOE, ENGIE, LM Wind Power, Owens Corning et SUEZ. L’objectif du projet est de démontrer la pertinence technique, économique et environnementale des pales d’éoliennes en thermoplastique à l’échelle réelle, avec une approche d’éco-conception pour faciliter leur recyclage.

136431JEC Group
Aston Martin reveals “the world’s most bespoke, advanced and meticulously engineered road bicycle” Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Aston Martin and British titanium bicycle leader J.Laverack have united to create a road bicycle without equal; the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R.

Developed with input from high-performance automotive designers, the .1R is the most bespoke, most advanced and most engineered bicycle ever created featuring a number of world firsts.

Synergising the shared values of the two high performance British brands, Aston Martin and J.Laverack have applied truly innovative design and engineering processes to produce a fully integrated ‘visually boltless’ design that possesses an aesthetic purity and obsession to detail beyond compare.

The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R uses a flawless fusion of parametrically designed, 3D printed titanium lugs and sculpted carbon fibre tubes. This ensures a frame that not only delivers an exceptional blend of response and comfort, but also sets new standards of elegance and beauty on two wheels. The smooth unions of the lugs and tubes are truly innovative and the herringboned weave of the carbon fibre on display is immaculate, despite the intricacy involved in manufacturing.

Oliver Laverack, Co-founder of J.Laverack Bicycles, said: “Working with the team at Aston Martin has unlocked new ideas and innovations, the application of which has created a bicycle more advanced than anything currently available on the market. Working in collaboration with Aston Martin we have not only taken our titanium bicycles to new heights but have also unlocked true innovation within the cycling industry, creating a bicycle with unparalleled levels of craftsmanship and performance engineering.

“Every component is designed to be part of the whole and to marry perfectly with the adjoining elements, achieving an unsurpassed degree of integration, which lays the foundation for the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R’s boltless design.”

The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R features faultless clean lines, where bicycle owners would normally expect to find fixings at the stem or seat post. The integrated four piston brake calipers are clean sheet design and required the development of bespoke testing equipment. As a result, there is not a single exposed cable or hose visible on the whole bicycle.

Applying innovations from outside the normal sphere of bicycles, everywhere you look on the .1R there are new solutions. Developed in collaboration with the most innovative designers from the high-performance automotive world, the .1R not only adopts design mastery from Aston Martin’s supercar and hypercar programmes but also benefits from the pinnacle of road bicycle engineering.

Marek Reichman, Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer at Aston Martin, said: “The J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is essentially a titanium hypercar on two wheels. The simple, clever genius is how we’ve fused the engineering advancements throughout the bike with a purity of performance design to deliver a viscerally exhilarating riding experience. The result is a distinctive form, born through tradition and technology and handcrafted using only the most advanced materials, befitting the pedigrees and forward-thinking natures of our two iconic British companies.”

Each owner will be invited to Aston Martin’s headquarters in Gaydon where a full fitting will take place with the founders of J.Laverack, providing limitless opportunity to customise their uniquely personal .1R. Customers can select the exact same colour palettes and trim choices available on Aston Martin’s cars, providing the opportunity to pair car and bike, should they wish to.

Meanwhile, everyone will be able to specify their dream version of a .1R courtesy of the integration of the road bicycle into Aston Martin’s multi-award-winning online configurator. As well as the saddle and handlebar tape, this digital tool allows users to individually specify the colour of the tubes, lugs, forks, stem, seat post and handlebar drops.

If desired, the carbon fibre can of course be left bare in order to show off the beauty of the material. Accents such as the bottom bracket cups, brake calipers, and the brake disc centres have a special ceramic coating that can be picked out in bronze or muted in black.

When a customer then takes delivery of their custom J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R, they will notice that each bike and its components such as hubs, cranks and frame are numbered, forever linking them as part of a whole. The bicycle will also be supplied with its own case, either in aluminium or carbon, which will double as both a travel solution and somewhere to display the .1R appropriately. Each .1R travel case will also include a track pump that matches the bike, featuring Alcantara or leather covered handles, and sits securely inside the protective cases.

About the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R

J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is not a bicycle simply to be gazed at – it has been purposefully designed with performance and riding experience at the core. For example, the integrated brakes are not merely attractive, the use of four pistons as opposed to the usual two gives greater progression and feel through the levers. The .1R’s frame demonstrates a similar blend of form and function: By using a combination of Ti 6Al/4V titanium, which is known for its lively ride qualities, and carbon fibre to provide the requisite stiffness, the .1R has a responsiveness that will delight everywhere from the rough cobbles of Flanders to the soaring climbs of the Pyrenees.

Further evidence that the .1R has been designed for long, enjoyable days in the saddle is manifested in the unparalleled way in which each bike can be tailored to its owner. Although custom fitting isn’t new in the world of bicycles, it is usually more in the realm of made to measure, whereas the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is truly bespoke. Typifying this philosophy, each Sphyr stem – named after the hammerhead shark (Sphyrna) – will be 3D printed from titanium to each owner’s unique measurements. Reach and width can all be specified with absolute precision.

Continuing in this vein, while crank lengths are generally only available in increments of 2.5mm, the owner of a .1R will be able to specify his or her crank length down to fractions of a millimetre. This is thanks to bespoke, 3D printed titanium tips on the carbon crank arms. The saddle height will be adjusted using a set of beautiful bespoke titanium collars that can be interchanged. Each bicycle will also be supplied with a unique set of tools, that will sit alongside the collars, inside a beautifully handmade wooden tool case.

The phrase ‘badge engineering’ has often been associated with collaborative bicycle projects in the past, but the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R brings a rather different meaning to the expression. Set under the lacquer, the metal badges on this bicycle have truly beautiful engineering behind them. Each one measures just 40 microns thin and employs the same process used on the Aston Martin Valkyrie’s badge, which was dubbed the lace wing.

The hypercar’s wheel design can be glimpsed in miniature in the titanium piston caps of the brakes on the bike, while if you inspect the beautifully machined cups on the threaded bottom bracket of the .1R and you will notice parallels with the central wheel nuts on an Aston Martin Valkyrie.

Other details include the pierced stem, which artfully mirrors the side strake on an Aston Martin DB12 yet still allows enough room for the internal routing of the brake hoses. The titanium thru axles are also a work of art, with a wall thickness of just 0.7mm in places. And, unlike other bicycles, the end of each axle is hidden on the non-drive side.

Customers will be able to choose from any of the three 12-speed groupsets used by professionals in the UCI World Tour. Whether there is a preference for, Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, Campagnolo Super Record Wireless or SRAM RED eTap AXS, the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R can be built accordingly. The .1R’s bespoke chainrings are machined from aluminium and the sizes can be specified by each owner.

The AERA Components Æ|55 wheels are also unique to the .1R, featuring 55mm deep carbon tubeless rims with an internal width of 22mm. They are laced with 28 Sapim CX-Ray spokes that continue a black colour scheme on the wheels, as do the hubs that have been designed specifically for the .1R and are machined to perfection from high strength aerospace aluminium before being finished in a custom brevet black colour way. Continental has even created a 30mm wide special stealth black version of its GP5000S TR tyres, which are the optimal width for the specially made carbon rims and offer a perfect blend of speed and comfort.

The C13 saddle from British company Brooks has been specifically commissioned for the .1R. Each saddle can be trimmed in the owners choice of leather or Alcantara, and is finished with a single titanium rivet. The same material choice is available for the handlebar grips, with the full suite of Aston Martin colours on offer.

Blend the innovative with the traditional, the sublime beauty and precise functionality of the J.Laverack Aston Martin .1R is something extremely special. Handcrafted in the UK it is a true collaboration between two companies that are at the forefront of their fields. Aston Martin’s founders Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford were brought together through racing bicycles at London’s historic Bath Road Club and there is little doubt that the .1R, the world’s most bespoke, advanced and meticulously engineered bike, is something they would have been thrilled by.

136076JEC Group
Integris Composites launches customizable ballistic shields and vests Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “We are presenting two innovations,” said Jan Grimberg, the senior vice president of marketing and sales EMEA at Integris, “a new product line of body armor vests with our Rapid Don/Doff system that is an industry first and a new line of customizable ballistic shields.”

Integris, the new name for TenCate Advanced Armour, is continuing the company’s quarter-century emphasis on safety, reliability and survivability.

Make your own shield concept

The new shield line is designed to respond to law enforcement and military organizations, which frequently want designs tailored to their procedures.

“Bespoke solutions are nothing new for Integris Composites, but in the past, small-quantity, custom shield orders had to contend with the entire industry’s inherent need to tailor-make molds for every version—cost prohibitive for small orders,” said James Williamson, Integris Composite’s sales manager for France, Spain and Portugal.

The addition of new equipment in the past year enables Integris to make shields that are specific to a customer’s needs for shape, size and weight, but with a significantly shorter lead time and at a price like that of larger series. “Our new manufacturing capability reduces the nonrecurring costs (NRC) of molds. This makes one, two or a few handheld portable shields completely feasible,” explained Williamson.

Two operators standing before the autoclave at the Integris Composites facility in France inspecting a ballistic armor plate.

A dream capability

“This is a dream capability. Now, as a customer, you have a choice. You can buy something off the shelf from our catalog. Or you can buy a customized solution that’s a lot more affordable than it was in the past,” said Williamson.

Custom products are especially appealing to law enforcement and military since many units require specifications in size, weight and shape to allow active members to perform their duties with a focus on safety and durability. “They don’t have to buy a million euros worth of product to get exactly what they want. They do not have to buy thousands of units to get exactly what they want. They can get exactly what they want when ordering a few units,” added Williamson.

Integris Composites CXP Ergo Shield in action.

Testing new rapid Don/Doff vests

Throughout the show, Integris invites active members of law enforcement and the military to try on Rapid Don/Doff armor vests, which are making their public debut here.

These vests use a magnetic buckle system. “They can take it off, put it on in two seconds without losing their settings,” said Stephen Jackson, regional director of Turkey, the Middle East and Africa. “This enhances safety, comfort and predictability.”

136037JEC Group
Brooks Running newest shoes are made with fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:45:30 +0000 Read more]]> ARRIS, an advanced manufacturer with a breakthrough technology enabling the highest-performing fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites for mass-market products, is highlighting a technology collaboration with Brooks Running during this year’s The Running Event (TRE) in Austin, TX.

The partnership developed through a shared vision of achieving new heights in speed, comfort, fit, and aesthetics for next-generation running shoes, specifically focused on creating advanced carbon plates pairing ARRIS’ cutting-edge manufacturing methods, innovative materials, and novel design software with Brooks’ expertise in biomechanics and performance.

Lee Sackett, Footwear Product Line Manager at Brooks: “With ARRIS as a partner, we’re able to build a plate that mirrors our commitment to biomechanical expertise and engineering. We work together with ARRIS to simulate, test, and optimize this plate to innovate the entire shoe’s propulsion system. ARRIS’ manufacturing and simulation technology helps us take years’ worth of prototyping and lets us execute innovative designs in months, with geometries we were unable to use in the past – a massive step forward for footwear innovation.”

The prototype running shoe was tested by athletes, including competitive races such as the Chicago Marathon and New York City Marathon in 2022, as well as the Boston Marathon in 2023.

Sackett: “Zach Panning got our shoe 72 hours before the race. He tested it on a 10k run and decided to run the marathon in it. He ran a 2:09:28, and cut five minutes off his PR.”

Scheduled for broader availability in Spring 2024, Brooks Running will be the first footwear brand to market with the most innovative carbon plate available to consumers.

As part of its 2030 vision and continued commitment to biomechanics and performance running design, Brooks is also dedicated to making meaningful sustainability improvements through a science-backed approach. From reductions in carbon emissions to reusable thermoplastic resins, bio-based materials options, and natural fibres, ARRIS’ technology also generates significantly less waste than conventional composites.

Riley Reese, CEO and Co-Founder at ARRIS: “We’re excited about the Brooks Running team partnership and the public release of their innovative elite running shoes. This reveal marks the beginning of what’s to come and the transformative impact our tech will have more broadly in performance footwear.”

In 2017, the ARRIS team pioneered the development of its patented manufacturing technology, bringing together the best of fibre-reinforced composites, additive technologies, and high-volume production molding methods to produce lighter, stronger, smarter, more sustainable products in sports, portable electronics, drones, automotive, aerospace, military/defense, and industrial markets.

Sackett: “Take a step back from running. This partnership shows what two companies on the cutting edge can do for human potential.”

135999JEC Group
Bioactive composite supports healing of broken bones Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:51:00 +0000 Read more]]> Its aim is to inhibit the growth of bacteria at the wound site and support the growth of new bone structures. This innovative medical engineering is the result of the SCABAEGO joint research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Around 800,000 broken bones are treated in German hospitals each year. For approximately 10 percent of these cases, post-treatment complications occur due to the bone not healing correctly, resulting in painful pseudoarthrosis that makes it impossible to place weight on the bone. For patients, this often means a prolonged stay in hospital with follow-up surgery and long-term treatment, while for clinics, it involves providing time-consuming and expensive therapy.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Bremen has now provided a solution both elegant and effective through the SCABAEGO (Scaffold Bioactive Glass-Enhanced Osteogenesis) joint research project. The project’s aim is to test the working hypothesis that using bioactive materials in operations supports the healing process and reduces the risk of infection. The institute’s partners for this project are the Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery at the Heidelberg University Hospital as well as BellaSeno, a company specializing in medical engineering based in Leipzig.

The Fraunhofer IFAM researchers have developed a composite material from the biodegradable polymer polycaprolactone (PCL) and bioactive glass. This composite is then used to 3D print customized main and supporting structures for bone fracture sites, called scaffolds. Prior to this, the structure of the damaged bone is mapped using computer tomography (CT). The custom-fit structure replaces the missing part of the bone. It is then filled with bone marrow taken from the iliac crest or from larger long bones. This ensures that the biological bone replacement material (autologous bone craft, ABG) is stably contained and the fracture site heals safely.

At the pilot plant, a 3D printer builds the scaffold from the composite material. © BellaSeno

Bioactive composite material transforms into bones

The innovative medical product provides even more advantages. “The bioactive glass in the scaffold raises the pH of its surroundings to alkaline. The next thing we want to investigate is the expected result of this, which is inhibiting bacteria growth,” explains Dr. Kai Borcherding, head of the Medical Technology and Life Sciences business unit at Fraunhofer IFAM. The researchers expect this to significantly reduce the risk of postoperative infection.

The bioactive glass also supports the growth of new bone at the fracture site. Because it is in contact with bodily fluids, the glass turns into hydroxylapatite, which is a chemical compound derived primarily from calcium phosphate and a substance very similar to bone. “With bioactive glass, we can tackle the problems that clinics face — we can inhibit bacterial growth and provide effective support for bone healing. After six to seven years, the scaffold will be fully biodegraded and converted into bone,” says PD Dr. Tobias Großner, trauma surgeon and head of experimental trauma surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital.

Bioactive glass is already used for treating bone defects. What’s new is combining it with PCL on an industrial scale. The Fraunhofer researchers have succeeded in binding glass and PCL to create a composite material that can be used directly in additive manufacturing. The main result of this is that customized 3D scaffolds can be produced. It is simple and quick to produce the composite material on an industrial scale. “The PCL polymer is mixed with the glass granulate and a solvent before undergoing multiple processing steps. At the end, the solvent is removed through drying, and the residual composite is finely ground,” explains Borcherding.

The SCABAEGO project scaffold can be customized to fit any size of long bone. With the help of a CT scan of the bone, the scaffold can be tailor-made using 3D printing. © Fraunhofer IFAM

Customizable bone support structure

Project partner BellaSeno “prints” the scaffold from this material using a 3D printer. “We use 3D printing so that we can create each scaffold individually to fit the fracture site for each patient,” says Dr. Mohit Chhaya, managing director of BellaSeno and project coordinator. Prior to this, a CT scan of the damaged bone is taken. A 3D virtual image of the bone can then be produced. Using this data, the 3D printer builds a scaffold that perfectly fits the bone. “Every patient receives a unique, tailor-made scaffold. This avoids the time-consuming mechanical fitting and tailoring in the operating theater,” says Großner.

From PCL (left) to composite (right) containing bioactive glass (center). © Fraunhofer IFAM

New concept for easy healing

Going above and beyond previous procedures, the innovative composite material should forge significant progress in treatment. The contemporary technique involves covering the fracture site with a bone cement in an initial operation. The human body perceives this cement as a foreign substance and protects itself with a periosteum (bone membrane). This is known as Masquelet’s induced membrane technique. The process can take up to two months. After this period, the patient must undergo surgery again. This time, the surgeon cuts open the periosteum, removes the cement, fills the space with autologous bone and reseals the periosteum. Until now, there have been few options for safely anchoring soft callus and thereby healing fractures without disturbance. When used with a plate or nail, the scaffold provides the soft callus with the required structure until the bone has healed.

The SCABAEGO project research team are already investigating the concept in vitro and in vivo with preclinical tests, working alongside Heidelberg University Hospital. While these are ongoing, the recipe for the composite is being optimized. The proportion of bioactive glass in the scaffold can range between 10 and 30 percent. “We are experimenting with the mixture proportions so that we can leverage the biologically positive characteristics of glass as much as possible while maintaining the core strength of the scaffold,” says Borcherding.

135513JEC Group
Sustainable ampliTex™ Bus A/C cover unveiled Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Eberspächer manufactured innovative prototype panels using Bcomp’s ampliTex™ technical fabric, intending to gauge interest among Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The composite panels use a vynilester resin infusion with an in-mould transparent gelcoat finish. This means that the interesting weave of the flax-based ampliTex™ is visible. The sustainable natural fibre materials used to produce the prototypes will be the same that go into the production covers for interested Eberspächer customers.

If any OEMs or end customer express interest during or after the Busworld event, a rigorous trial phase will follow. Some of these panels will be installed in buses operating in diverse environmental conditions ranging from the extreme climates in winter and summer testing. Successful performance evaluations will pave the way for series approval and full-scale manufacturing.

The collaboration was initiated by an Eberspächer student proof-of-concept project from the Technical School for Wood Technology in Stuttgart, Germany. The challenge was to find an environmentally responsible alternative to glass-fibre-reinforced plastic for bus A/C covers. Flax-based natural fibre composites emerged as the preferred material, of which Bcomp is a global leader.

ampliTex™ is a proprietary technical fabric, made from European-grown flax plants, that is frequently used as a sustainable alternative to carbon fibre and fibreglass. It has been well-proven in body panels for demanding motorsport applications and is quickly finding its way into mass-produced road cars where it can already be found as an optional interior material on the new Volvo Cars EX30. It harnesses the natural properties of flax to produce lightweight high-performance parts with a unique aesthetic, defined by natural beauty. Depending on the application, these renewable material solutions achieve similar or superior stiffness and weight compared to carbon or glass fibre while heavily cutting CO2 emissions. 

ampliTex A/C panel for buses

Paolo Dassi – Marine and Industry Manager at Bcomp, commented: “This project with Eberspächer marks an exciting new chapter in our journey. Mass transport applications like this innovative bus A/C cover reinforce our technologies’ potential to replace conventional materials at scale. It also signals our continued growth and expansion into critical markets. As industries increasingly seek out sustainable materials, we are ready to meet the demand with our flax-based composites that offer lightweighting performance without environmental compromise.”

135424JEC Group
ZEN50 wins Gussies 2023 Trophy in electric production boat category with MEL Composites’ technical support and materials Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The ZEN50, a zero-emission solar and wind-powered blue water catamaran, represents a ground breaking leap in sustainable boating technology with advanced composites enabling the ability to sail continuously at cruising speeds of 6 to 10 knots, without requiring any fuel onboard.

MEL Composites is supplying the vinylester resins, carbon fibres and Corecell foam for the 50’ (15.7m) catamaran, whilst the two teams, MEL & ZEN, work alongside to define the critical details for the build, including mechanical testing of sample laminates, and specifying the bespoke CNC cut core kits and process set-up for infusion. During the build, MEL technicians are on site at the shipyard, monitoring the infusion strategy and assisting the ZEN team throughout. Combining MEL Composites’ in-house resin infusion expertise, customised raw materials’ treatment and exceptional technical support, ensures the ZEN50’s structure weight remains under strict control, ensuring the new yacht matches its performance and environmental targets.

The Gussies 2023 award is a testament to the innovative stride made by ZEN Yachts with the support from MEL Composites, confirming the leading position of these companies in the journey to create sustainable, high-performance watercraft.

“Winning the Gussies 2023 award in the Electric Production Boat category is a fantastic testament to the exceptional technology and engineering behind the ZEN50,” said Julien Mélot, CEO of ZEN Yachts. “We are delighted to work with MEL Composites to achieve a high-quality build, helping to create environmentally friendly, zero-emission yachts for the future.”

135494JEC Group
Fibre-reinforced composite 3D printing with Raise3D RMF500 and E2CF 3D printers Tue, 14 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Fibre-reinforced thermoplastic 3D printing is swiftly advancing in industrial manufacturing. These materials offer cost-efficient solutions, boasting lightweight yet robust properties, making them ideal for high-performance industrial applications. By merging the versatility of thermoplastics with the mechanical strength of high-quality fibres, the world of composite materials continues to evolve, offering greater cost-efficiency, enhanced performance, and innovative manufacturing possibilities.

Raise3D has long recognized the potential and future applications of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics. In 2021, we introduced two 3D printing solutions designed explicitly for carbon fibre-reinforced parts production: the industrial-grade RMF500 and the professional grade desktop 3D printer, the E2CF. These offerings cater to a broad spectrum of needs within additive manufacturing.

Since the launch of these products, the Raise3D team has been on a journey, listening to the invaluable feedback of our customers and partners. Today, Raise3D is thrilled to announce that many eagerly awaited updates have been incorporated into these solutions, further enhancing their capabilities and versatility. Key Updates, include:

Hyper FFF technology for RMF500

Thanks to our Hyper FFF technology, Raise3D is proud to introduce high-speed printing to their industrial-range solution, the RMF500. We’ve addressed the challenges associated with high-speed printing of composite materials by delving into the world of chemistry and material science. The team has developed a distinct solution in which most of the fibres flow within the nozzle’s core-area, optimizing heat conduction, interlayer bonding and nozzle-abrasion behaviours.

  • “Fibres has not only unlocked enhanced performance but also presented challenges in high-speed FFF 3D printing. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in our deep understanding of fibre distribution and flow behavior, which we have successfully achieved. As we move forward, we will release an expanding range of Hyper Core filaments, featuring varying fibre content and polymer matrices, further pushing the boundaries of 3D printing.” says Dr. Minde Jin (Ph.D.), Director of Materials and Applications at Raise3D.

An open platform for innovation

Raise3D’s strategic focus remains on production excellence. We are committed to delivering precision and reliability through advanced materials, hardware, and software optimization. However, we also value innovation. For this reason, both the E2CF and RMF500 now feature an open material platform. This strategic move empowers our customers to explore new possibilities in additive manufacturing while maintaining our commitment to production standards.

RMF500A large volume industrial-grade hyper FFF 3D printer built for uninterrupted productivity: The RMF500 introduces a vast build volume of 500 x 500 x 500 mm. Its sturdy mechanical structure ensures precision and reliability. With a maximum linear speed of 500 mm/s and an acceleration capability of 15,000 mm/s², this printer sets a new benchmark for speed and efficiency in the industry. Achieving volume speeds of 35mm³/s, the RMF500 delivers rapid results. It is equipped with IDEX (Independent Dual Extruders), enabling it to double the productivity and versatility in multi-material printing. The 4 x 2.5 kg filament system ensures continuous printing without interruptions. Plus, its built-in filament drying seal bags guarantee optimal material conditions. The RMF500 also includes the innovative 2-in-1 automatic filament switching designed to keep your creative flow uninterrupted.

E2CF – A professional grade desktop 3D printer for fibre-reinforced composite: The E2CF combines precision and reliability within a compact footprint, boasting a build volume of 330 × 240 × 240 mm. It also features IDEX and a double-gear extrusion system built with hardened components and silicon carbide nozzles, being specifically optimized to handle the increased wear that occurs when printing with fibre-reinforced filaments. To ensure a stable printing process, the E2CF is equipped with two standalone sealed dry boxes developed by Raise3D. These dry boxes effectively combat the high water-absorption tendencies of nylon and fibre-reinforced filaments, guaranteeing consistent, high-quality prints.

135130JEC Group
Opener announces Helix, its first scalable production aircraft and changes its company name to Pivotal Fri, 10 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “With Helix, we become the leading manufacturer of light eVTOL aircraft. Helix presents the next iteration of 10+ years of innovating, testing, and delivering on the promise to give individuals access to small, yet mighty aircraft. Pivotal reflects our mission to transform movement with the power of flight,” said Ken Karklin, CEO, Pivotal. “The new identity shows the versatility of our system architecture and encapsulates both the exhilaration and utility of flight.”

Helix pricing and availability
The base price for a Helix aircraft is $190,000. Beginning on January 9, 2024, Pivotal customers will be able to place orders with a deposit of 25% of the purchase price. First customer shipments commence on June 10, 2024. Based on delivery timing, customers will select their available training dates. Pricing for options and accessories will be rolled out as they become available.

About the Helix:
Built on Pivotal’s fourth-generation eVTOL platform, the Helix is aimed at individuals who want to take to the sky for recreation and short-hop travel. Like BlackFly, its pre-production predecessor, the Helix offers a distinctive tilt-aircraft architecture, simple user interface, and unmatched safety based on fault tolerance and triple modular redundancy. In addition, the Helix offers:

  • Power and propulsion improvements delivering a more robust operational flight envelope
  • Updated digital electronics hardware, enabling new levels of robustness and reliability
  • A weight and durability optimized aerostructure exceeding industry best practice safety factors
  • A companion smartphone app integrating owner & pilot experience while simplifying pre-flight checks, capturing flight history and managing charging and aircraft service
  • A redesigned canopy and flight deck featuring with an integrated display and improvements in comfort and safety
  • Enhanced non-flight-cloud connectivity to improve maintenance, vehicle telematics, charging and owner asset management.
  • A durable livery reducing the effects of weather, age and solar loading while extending the life of the structure and improving pilot comfort
  • Product options including a transport trailer, fast charging, aviation or GSM radios, ADS-B, custom liveries, and beacon lights
  • Support for future field-replaceable next generation batteries to extend range and endurance
The Helix offers a distinctive tilt-aircraft architecture, simple user interface, and unmatched safety based on fault tolerance and triple modular redundancy.

Designed to comply with FAA Part 103 (Ultralight) category in the US, pilots can fly the Helix in Class G airspace over uncongested areas in the daytime and are not required to have a pilot license. Pivotal customers must complete comprehensive initial and recurrent flight training to support safe operations in all situations, from the everyday to the unexpected.

“Pivotal is fulfilling the dream of many people, and I want to participate in defining this space,” commented Clark Thompson, one of Pivotal’s Early Access customers. “I’ve been following the evolution of eVTOL aircraft for quite some time. Pivotal is the only company delivering an intelligent, powerful, and capable recreational product to the market. I’m eager to be a part of the Pivotal pilot community, take my aircraft out, and share my experiences.”

About Pivotal’s Early Access Program:
Pivotal’s Early Access Program (EAP) enables a select group of participants to purchase a BlackFly and provide Pivotal with invaluable feedback on every aspect of their customer experience.

About Pivotal
Until today, and previously known as Opener, or Opener, LLC, a California Corporation, Pivotal, or Pivotal Aero LLC, a California Corporation, designs, develops, and manufactures light eVTOL aircraft. As an industry pioneer, Pivotal is renowned for the BlackFly, the first eVTOL of its kind to enter the market. The company’s distinctive tilt-aircraft architecture and scalable platform have been under continuous improvement for over 10 years. Today, Pivotal has the most mature technology in the light eVTOL category. Efficient, compact, and simple, Pivotal vehicles are designed for a wide range of consumer, public service, and defense applications. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA.

134668JEC Group
Designing a novel integrated solar roof tile to cut household annual energy bills by up to 94% Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The UK Government has a clear target to increase solar capacity by nearly fivefold to 70GW by 2035 as part of wider plans to power Britain with cleaner, economical, and more secure energy sources. Accordingly, latest figures from the Microgeneration Certification Scheme shows a record surge in solar photovoltaic (PV) installations – up 82% year-on-year in the first half of 2023. However, despite green grants and incentives, competition from cheap solar imports have placed a strain on domestic manufacturers. With 6 million households reportedly living in fuel poverty and unable to cover bills, low-income and vulnerable homes would significantly benefit from an affordable solution.


Renewable energy company Solar Capture Technologies (Solar Capture) specialise in the design, research and development, as well as manufacture of solar PV modules at their Mega Watt manufacturing facility in Blyth, Northumberland. The SME aims to create a dual-purpose solar module that performs as both a roof covering and solar PV panel.

Having identified market entry barriers for solar tiles to be high cost, low efficiency, high weight and difficulty to install, Solar Capture wanted to design a composite solar tile that performed as efficiently as a standard solar panel with significantly reduced installation times. The UK SME approached the NCC’s dedicated SME team for end-to-end engineering support to create a high-powered, durable solar roof tile.


Utilising the NCC’s matched funding programme (formerly SME Boost), which offers up to 50% matched funding on projects that align to our strategic business goals, Solar Capture sought to prove their integrated solar concept could be manufactured using an automated process. The NCC’s specialist team established that both high-pressure resin transfer moulding and compression moulding offered suitable processes that would help meet high volume production requirements, with the potential to achieve tight unit cost targets.

Results from this encouraging feasibility study helped secure funding from the UK Government’s Energy Entrepreneurs Fund (Phase 8) to further develop Solar Capture’s product design. With a keen understanding of Solar Capture’s precise design requirements, NCC’s in-house team worked to de-risk critical design elements towards an initial prototype ahead of testing and physical prototyping. In tandem with these efforts, a thorough supply chain study connected Solar Capture with a critical manufacturing supplier to finalise and certify product design for expedited launch to market.

Innovation and impact

With support from the NCC, Solar Capture’s solution offers:

  • Greater efficiency: A re-roofing solution that is better at capturing sunlight and able to cut average household emissions by up to 3 tonnes in CO2 per annum.
  • Reduced energy bills: Designed to cover all available roof space, the solar roof tile can generate sufficient energy to significantly reduce household energy bills by up to 94%.
  • Quick installation: The tile’s patented interlock design easily attaches to roof battens without the need for additional structural work. Being lighter and larger, the dual-purpose solar roof tile enables faster installation – a benefit that is particularly advantageous for social housing associations keen to streamline projects.

Next steps

In July 2023, Solar Capture secured their first commercial sale in partnership with ORE Catapult, the UK’s leading technology and innovation research centre for offshore renewable energy. The SME is currently finalising industrialisation while working with combined authorities and social housing associations across the UK to explore their novel product’s potential to become the new standard in social housing, benefiting both new build and retrofit roofing schemes.

Lewis Caseley, Commercial Director for Solar Capture says: “From the initial complementary consultation to receiving funding for access to engineering expertise, Solar Capture’s collaboration with the National Composites Centre has been pivotal in guiding us through the journey of innovation, particularly in the material selection and structural design of our solar tiles. The NCC leveraged its industry expertise to identify local material manufacturing partners for Solar Capture to collaborate with, thereby enhancing the resilience of our local supply chain. This ensures that our unique solar product can swiftly offer affordable and more sustainable energy solutions to a wider UK market.”

Adding to this, James Helm, Technology Programme Manager for SME Delivery at the National Composites Centre says: “Energy producers need to innovate, drive efficiencies, and cut emissions and mainstream new, more sustainable energy sources if we’re to meet global decarbonisation goals. Only high-strength, low weight, design-friendly composites can unlock this greener future, playing an enabling role at every stage of the energy transition.

“The NCC’s matched funding programme offers to double an SME’s investment with the aim to help make innovative composites R&D as straightforward as possible for the UK’s smaller companies. For Solar Capture, NCC’s support kick-started a de-risked environment to progress their novel renewable energy solution from initial concept to final design.”

134656JEC Group
Promising biomechanical data from prototype plate comparison with titanium distal radius plate Wed, 08 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “This data is extremely promising! Our R&D team has worked enthusiastically to develop the material and technology. We have seen corresponding results in our other trials and studies, therefore, the comparison results of this prototype test are not surprising,” Ellä says.

The AFP Distal Radius Plate is a prototype bioabsorbable fixation plate manufactured using Arctic Biomaterial’s proprietary Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) technology. The objective of the study was to compare the mechanical properties of the AFP Radius Plate with a commercial bioabsorbable radius plate and a commercial titanium radius plate of similar sizes.

Arctic Biomaterials – automated fiber placement technology

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In the cantilever bending test comparison with commercial titanium plate reference, the mechanical properties are over 85% of the titanium reference strength. The biomechanical axial compression gives the AFP plate the strength that is on average 84% of the titanium reference. In conclusion, the Prototype Distal Radius Plate appears to have initial mechanical properties suitable for load-bearing indications. All the results presented in this paper pertain to an example case using a prototype implant design. When proving the behavior of actual products composed by AFP Technology, similar studies, and possible further analyses need to be conducted in order to verify the mechanical and degradation characteristics of actual products.

134822JEC Group
HO Sports unveils Sabre Water Ski Wed, 08 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The new product features a biobased foam core designed specifically for water skis, developed through Checkerspot’s WING® Platform, which custom formulates algae-derived biomaterials to meet desired performance properties with less reliance on fossil fuels. This collaboration showcases Checkerspot’s cutting-edge advancements in biotechnology and materials science, enabling the production of high-performing, more sustainable water skis.

The Sabre is designed for intermediate to advanced skiers who want a versatile, stable, and smooth ride. Its new biobased foam core was tailored to reduce overall weight while simultaneously delivering higher compressive strength. This lightweight and durable construction, combined with easy turning and a forgiving sweet spot, make it an excellent choice for skiers who want to progress their skills and accelerate their learning curve.

HO Sports, renowned for their expertise in water sports equipment, has embraced the opportunity to integrate more sustainable materials into their product lineup. By partnering with Checkerspot, HO Sports aims to set a new industry standard by offering products that not only excel in performance but are made from renewable materials.

Checkerspot x HO Sports: The Sabre Water Ski, Designed With Biology

Discover more videos on JEC Composites Web TV.

“At HO Sports, we were already using bio resins in our skis. Sourcing a biobased core material was the next logical step,” said Dave Wingerter, Vice President of Product Management and Global Brand Director at HO Sports. “Seeing what Checkerspot was doing with their foam and how it worked for snow skis in their brand, WNDR® Alpine, it seemed like a great fit. Replacing plastic foam cores derived from petroleum with foam cores derived from algae oil is an elegant solution to a big problem we have in the world. Making foam out of algae instead of petroleum is just a better way.”

Checkerspot’s biobased foam core has approximately 42% bio-carbon content, and uses a unique oil derived from microalgae. Manufacturers in the water sports industry commonly rely on materials made from petroleum, which is a finite resource. Checkerspot’s WING® Platform enables the custom formulation of algae-derived materials with high biocontent, offering brands the opportunity to design products to meet specific performance metrics while employing more sustainable inputs, marking a significant step towards a more sustainable water sports industry.

Checkerspot’s high performance lightweight biobased foam, derived from microalgae oil (Photo: Kevin Kinghorn)

“It takes courage and conviction to move away from the status quo. We are excited and honored that industry leader HO Sports has joined the community of innovators who are empowered by the WING® Platform and committed to transitioning towards a post-petroleum future. The Sabre water ski shows that performance versus sustainability is a false choice. We encourage other product developers and forward-thinkers to seek out high performing renewable materials to position themselves at the forefront of innovation in their respective industries.” – Matthew Engler, Head of Materials Business Development at Checkerspot.

The Sabre Water Ski, powered by Checkerspot’s biobased materials, will be available for purchase at select retailers and online stores for the 2024 season.

About HO Sports:
HO Sports is a leading manufacturer of water sports equipment, known for its dedication to quality, performance, and innovation. With a wide range of products designed for waterskiing, wakeboarding, tubing, and more, HO Sports continues to push boundaries and provide athletes with the tools they need to excel in their water sports endeavors. HO Slalom Skis are produced in a clean energy facility, using 80% renewable sources such as solar. Many HO Skis now contain 35% natural glycerin resin, a by-product of biodiesel production. In addition, HO’s Syndicate Works Program has gone one step further by removing the traditional plastic top & base materials of Syndicate water skis, reducing its plastic footprint to virtually zero! These new materials enhance ski performance and reduce the environmental impact of ski manufacture!

About Checkerspot:
Checkerspot is a biotechnology company that designs high performance ingredients and materials for a better planet. Our WING® Platform enables our biology and design labs to develop, test, and commercialize award-winning products that aim to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels and other unsustainable sources of oil. We seek to accelerate the adoption of renewable, biobased products that engage directly with consumers and show what is possible in industrial materials, outdoor recreation, personal care, and food and nutrition.

134816JEC Group
Machina Labs unveils the Machina Deployable System Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Machina Labs is now making its unique RoboForming™ technology available as an on-premise, stand-alone option to virtually any manufacturing site or other production facilities — including those with remote locations, such as an aircraft carrier — where it can be installed into an existing environment without significant foundational facility changes and work with any industrial robot. Machina customers already are utilizing the company’s unique offering for purposes of tooling, sustainment, research and development, rapid prototyping, and production to rapidly produce large, complex sheet metal parts at the point of use. The Machina Deployable System can form virtually any metal (aluminum, steel, titanium, Inconel, and more) up to thicknesses of ¼ inch and into parts as large as 12 x 5 x 4 feet. If it bends, the Machina Deployable System can form it.

“Machina Labs has a mission to develop manufacturing solutions that give businesses the ability to make changes with ease, and iterate and produce rapidly,” said Edward Mehr, CEO and Co-Founder of Machina Labs. “Our portable Deployable System is a game-changer in the manufacturing world. By providing manufacturers with a portable solution that combines flexibility, precision, and speed, we are essentially putting a twenty-first century blacksmith shop in the backyard of any business that wants one.”

From small, custom workshops to large-scale manufacturing facilities, the Deployable System redefines the possibilities of on-demand manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and agile hardware development and production. The United States Air Force, for example, is using the Machina Deployable System for maintenance and repair — or sustainment — of older aircraft where suppliers and parts are no longer being fabricated.

The Machina Deployable System consists of a portable platform, two 7-axis robotic arms, tool-changing corral, configurable frame, along with AI-driven process controls. The system can be transported on the back of a truck and can be up and running in a matter of hours on-premise and work with any industrial robot. Questions about price, availability, and training can be directed to

“Machina Labs’ advanced manufacturing platform utilizes our advanced robotic arms in new and innovative ways. Their intelligent process controls and proprietary end-effectors are unlocking cutting-edge manufacturing capabilities never thought possible that we are delighted to support,” according to Casey DiBattista, Chief Regional Officer – North America for KUKA Robotics. “

Delivery of the new portable system will start in the fall of 2023.

About Machina Labs:
Founded in 2019 by aerospace and automotive industry veterans, Machina Labs is an advanced manufacturing company based in Los Angeles, California. Enabled by advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics, Machina Labs is developing Software-Defined Factories of the Future. The mission of the company is to develop modular manufacturing solutions that can be reconfigured to manufacture new products simply by changing the software.

134812JEC Group
Cobra International announces collaboration with Schmitt Marine to develop premium composite steering wheel for motor yachts Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:44:07 +0000 Read more]]> Looking to offer carbon fibre as a top of the range option for premium vessel owners, Schmitt Marine aimed to combine the style of its classic steel wheel designs with a new, strong and lightweight carbon composite construction.

Working together with engineer Geoff Germon, CEO of Talon Technology Pty. Ltd and Adjunct Professor of Design at the University of Canberra, Cobra concentrated on creating a production methodology for the Primus CF that could seamlessly transfer parts from tool to PU clear coating with a minimum of process steps and materials.

As a result, seamless carbon prepreg skins featuring UV resistant black Santoprene™ rubber grip patches have been combined with a toughened epoxy glass fibre core to create a luxury grade carbon fibre steering wheel that has been optimised to meet all NMMA and CE testing regulations for US and European end markets.

“Talon and Cobra have shown how easy it is to switch to composites,” said Jed Schober, Product Development Specialist, Schmitt Marine. “They have created an innovative design and production process that improves performance at a smart price point. Thanks to Cobra’s commitment to product quality and on time delivery, we’re creating a stronger and lighter future for our customers.”

The Primus CF wheel was recently launched at IBEX 2023 and will be showcased at METSTRADE 2023 in Amsterdam from 15 – 17 November.

134904JEC Group
Kineco Kaman awarded $12 million export contract from BAE Systems Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Pilerne Goa based Kineco Kaman Composites India announced that it has been awarded a Rs. 100 Crores ($12 million) contract from BAE Systems to manufacture and export fully assembled Mission Crew Workstations (“Consoles”) for the Boeing P-8 Poseidon Aircraft.

The Boeing P-8 Poseidon is a long-range multi-mission patrol and reconnaissance aircraft regarded as one of the most capable aircraft in its class. The Indian Navy operates 12 P-8 Poseidon aircrafts.

Kineco Kaman has been engaged on this program since 2013 and supplied over 700 Consoles made in carbon prepregs using autoclave cure process to BAE Systems. Kineco Kaman has been awarded several Gold Supplier awards by BAE Systems for its 100% on-time delivery & quality performance. In 2020, it was awarded the BAE Systems “Partner2Win Supplier of the Year” award for its exceptional performance.

Commenting on the contract, Shekhar Sardessai, Founder of Kineco Group and Chairman & Managing Director of Kineco Kaman said: “BAE Systems is a very special customer for us and we truly cherish our long standing relationship with them which has achieved extraordinary success for both the companies. A contract of this size reaffirms the confidence BAE Systems has in Kineco Kaman as a reliable and competent partner. On behalf of Kineco Kaman team and on my personal behalf, I would like to thank BAE management for their continued trust and support to Kineco Kaman.”

Adam Watson, Managing Director BAE Systems India said: ‘Our long standing relationship with Kineco Kaman is reflective of their consistent performance, vision and growth, making them a truly a reliable and valued partner in our Global Supply Chain which now includes 79 Indian companies’.

About Kineco Kaman
Kineco Kaman manufactures advanced composite parts and assemblies for aerospace and defense customers at its state-of-the-art composites facility in Pilerne Industrial Estate, Goa, India. The facility has achieved several global certifications such as AS9100 (Rev-D) NADCAP, ISO 14001 & 45001 and ZED (Zero Defect – Zero Effect) gold rating, besides several other customer specific qualifications. Kineco Kaman exports its products to global aerospace OEM’s, which include those in the US, Europe and Israel. Kineco Kaman is a recipient of Gold Supplier award from BAE Systems for maintaining a 100% on-time delivery & 100% quality performance from 2018 till date. Kineco Kaman is also a major supplier of composite parts and assemblies to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for their various program, as well as the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO’s) satellite & launch vehicle programs.

About Kineco Group
Kineco, a first-generation enterprise founded by Shekhar Sardessai in 1995, is one of India’s leading composites manufacturing companies with a strong focus on the mass transit, aerospace and defense sector. Kineco has a strong legacy of innovation, development and commercialization of several composite products catering to a wide range of industries such as mass transit (railways), industrial, defense, automotive & marine. The group employees around 700 people across three manufacturing locations in Goa India, including the Kineco Kaman JV. Helios Strategic Systems (I) Limited (A wholly owned subsidiary of Indo National Limited, a publicly listed company) headquartered in Chennai, is a majority shareholder in Kineco Limited.

About Kaman Corporation
Kaman Corporation, founded in 1945 by aviation pioneer Charles H. Kaman, and headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut conducts business in the aerospace & defense, industrial and medical markets. Kaman produces and markets proprietary aircraft bearings and components; super precision, miniature ball bearings; proprietary spring energized seals, springs and contacts; complex metallic and composite aerostructures for commercial, military and general aviation fixed and rotary wing aircraft; safe and arming solutions for missile and bomb systems for the U.S. and allied militaries; subcontract helicopter work; restoration, modification and support of our SH-2G Super Seasprite maritime helicopters; manufacture and support of our K-MAX® manned and unmanned medium-to-heavy lift helicopters.

134681JEC Group
Arc’teryx announces partnership with ALUULA Composites Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With a shared commitment to creating high-performance products for outdoor athletes in extreme conditions, the close cultural alignment between Arc’teryx and ALUULA Composites makes for a seamless partnership. Based in North Vancouver and Victoria, BC, respectively, the brands are united in their creative mindset, dedication to sustainability, and commitment to expanding what’s possible for athletes.

The Arc’teryx team was drawn to ALUULA’s unique approach to material development and commitment to unparalleled material performance, as well as the potential for game-changing product circularity. A major, shared goal is to further ALUULA’s existing recycling efforts by developing a take-back and recycling program for products built with this innovative mono-material that currently does not exist in the industry.

“Arc’teryx is a brand born of innovation. Since 1989, we have continually sought a better way, evolving the status quo, disrupting, and defying expectations for outdoor gear. Like Arc’teryx, ALUULA is a company of engineers, scientists, and passionate outdoor experts, and they share our commitment to innovation and unparalleled athletic performance. We’re excited to partner with ALUULA, working together to combine their next-generation composite materials with Arc’teryx’s expertise in creating durable, high-performance products for extreme mountain environments.”

Greg Grenzke, Senior Director, Design – Advanced Concepts, Arc’teryx said: “Dedicated to delivering innovation for the mountain athlete, Arc’teryx continually seeks lighter, more durable material solutions for fast and efficient travel in the mountains. ALUULA is creating a new class of composite materials that supersedes conventional coated and laminated woven fabrics. Using a patented fusion process, ALUULA Composites has developed a unique way to fuse fibers at a molecular level. The result creates an extremely light, strong, and durable composite material that is up to eight times the strength-to-weight ratio of steel, yet is lighter than nylon, polyester, and even industry-leading aramid fibers.”

“As a mono polymer material, our fabrics allow for groundbreaking no-sew and welded construction techniques, ushering in a new era of product design possibilities. Arc’teryx’s deep understanding of materials and construction can help ALUULA redefine the boundaries of sustainability and performance. We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Arc’teryx and their globally acclaimed design team to leverage these extraordinary features, driving innovation for the future of circular outdoor products.” said Dave Westwood, Director of Partnership & Design, ALUULA Composites.

Following a rigorous development process, Arc’teryx will be releasing the first mainline product using ALUULA materials in Spring 2025. The partnership between Arc’teryx and ALUULA Composites has the potential to reshape how the industry develops new product and how those products are made and disposed of, leading to a global impact that goes beyond performance.

About Arc’teryx:
Arc’teryx is a Canadian company based in the Coast Mountains. Their design process is connected to the real world, focused on delivering unrivaled durability and performance in extreme conditions. Their products are distributed through more than 2,400 retail locations worldwide. They are problem solvers, always evolving and searching for a better way to deliver resolved, minimalist designs. Good design that matters makes experiences better.

About ALUULA Composites:
Based in rugged British Columbia, Canada, ALUULA Composites was founded to find solutions for real world challenges not being met by traditional composite manufacturers. Using a patented and proprietary approach to increase fiber strength at the molecular level, ALUULA fuses material together without the use of heavy glues. This remarkable process allows ALUULA to create materials with a previously unachievable strength to weight ratio. Fusion at the molecular level also enables ALUULA to develop composites that are recyclable.

134692JEC Group
Heckel étoffe sa gamme de rangers de sécurité Tue, 31 Oct 2023 16:25:18 +0000 Read more]]> Les rangers répondent à un haut niveau d’exigence en matière de confort et de sécurité. En effet, leur tige haute recouvre l’intégralité du pied, de la cheville et de la partie basse du mollet pour un meilleur maintien et assurent une protection renforcée contre les chutes d’objets lourds ou les chocs. Ces 2 modèles offrent également une meilleure protection contre les intrusions et le froid. Aussi, MacExplore Brown 3.0 Ranger Inox et Suxxeed Offroad Ranger conviennent parfaitement au secteur du bâtiment, de la construction et des travaux publics.

Des chaussures « tout-terrain »

Inspirés des chaussures de militaire, les rangers de sécurité Heckel répondent à un haut niveau d’exigence en matière de confort et de protection. Principalement utilisées dans des environnements extérieurs où les conditions météorologiques sont parfois rudes, elles ont l’avantage de pouvoir être peuvent être utilisées sur de nombreux terrains boueux, accidentés ou rocailleux.

Grâce à leur tige haute, les rangers offrent un meilleur maintien de la cheville et une stabilité renforcée lors de mouvements soudains ou sur des surfaces irrégulières ou potentiellement glissantes, diminuant ainsi le risque d’entorses. En cuir pleine fleur huilé hydrofuge (S3) et souple, la tige – qui couvre une plus grande partie de la jambe – limite les risques d’intrusions (pluie, neige, poussière, etc.) et protège le porteur du froid (marquage CI).

Ces rangers bénéficient également d’un fort cramponnage (profil GRIPSTEP) garantissant une bonne accroche sur les échelles et les escaliers, permettant ainsi d’évoluer en toute sécurité sur tous les terrains. Par ailleurs, elles sont dotées d’un bout recouvert, rallongeant la durée de vie de la chaussure (marquage SC).

MacExplore Brown 3.0 Ranger Inox, entre innovation et technicité

Les rangers de sécurité MacExplore Brown 3.0 Ranger Inox ont été spécifiquement développées pour les professionnels de la construction et des travaux publics. Afin d’assurer la sécurité des utilisateurs sur sols irréguliers et en milieux humides notamment, elles sont équipées d’une semelle en caoutchouc robuste MacSole® Adventure 3.0. Antidérapante (SR), elle est également résistante à la chaleur par contact jusqu’à 300°C (HRO) et garantit une isolation thermique inégalée. Pour un amorti optimal et un confort anti-fatigue, les semelles sont dotées d’inserts EVA MacAbsorb au talon et à l’avant-pied. En effet, la technologie MacAbsorb permet une absorption des chocs 85% supérieure aux exigences de la norme.

Ce modèle est également équipé d’un embout en composite amagnétique en fibre de verre, plus léger que l’acier et non conducteur du chaud et du froid, et d’une semelle anti-perforation en inox.

Afin d’offrir au porteur un confort de port optimal, les rangers MacExplore Brown 3.0 Ranger Inox sont équipés de renforts arrière et latéraux Agile Ankle Guard pour une meilleure stabilité et une excellente protection des malléoles, tout en laissant une excellente liberté de mouvement. Grâce à la doublure en polyester mesh 3D et à la semelle de propreté amovible en textile microfibre qui absorbe la transpiration tout en évacuant l’humidité, le porteur garde les pieds au sec toute au long de la journée.

Suxxeed Offroad Ranger, un modèle polyvalent

Les rangers de sécurité Suxxeed Offroad Ranger se distinguent par ses éléments de protection 100% non métalliques. Sa semelle anti-perforation non métallique, cousue directement sur la tige et couvrant l’intégralité du pied pour une protection intégrale, offre légèreté et souplesse. Plus léger que l’acier, l’embout non métallique en fibre de verre isole parfaitement le porteur du chaud et du froid. Enfin, son système de fermeture par passants et crochets non métalliques facilite le laçage.

En termes de confort de port, les rangers Suxxeed Offroad Ranger sont équipés d’une semelle en PU2D pour une flexibilité et une absorption des chocs optimales. Matelassé en mousse souple et compacte, le haut de tige associe confort et protection au niveau des malléoles et du tendon d’Achille. Le nombre réduit de coutures sur la tige limite également les points de pression lors de la flexion et renforce l’isolation thermique. Enfin, sa semelle de propreté en mousse PU 100% recyclé absorbe parfaitement l’humidité pour un séchage rapide.

134734JEC Group
CompPair’s healable composites featured in ID Genève’s new Circular C Watch, including recycled carbon fibres Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The dial, side decorations, and bezel of the watch are made from HealTechTM recycled carbon fibre prepregs. This innovative composite features a repair up to 400x faster than industrial standards. The Circular C is the first regenerative watch on the market, showcasing the potential of CompPair’s HealTechTM composite materials. Initially intended for sports, leisure, and aerospace components, CompPair’s smart material has also proved its appeal in the luxury sector.

Amaël Cohades, CEO and co-founder: “CompPair’s vision is to extend the lifetime of composites to reduce maintenance operations and waste, as well as improve circularity, in line with ID Genève’s vision. Through this work, we are demonstrating the use of our healable resins with recycled carbon fibres, that can be applied to various other applications.”

CompPair aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy with a product enabling ultra-fast repair and cost reductions. The company is developing innovative resins which produce composite structures that can heal damage on-site in 1 minute. Together with ID Genève, CompPair has taken its technology one step further by combining it with recycled fibres to reintroduce valuable recovered fibres on the market bringing a lower usage of natural resources and energy. The CompPair team has successfully addressed the capacity to regenerate scratches and internal cracks that can occur on composite parts.

Pioneers of sustainability in different sectors, the two Swiss-based companies have partnered to share their values in terms of innovation and circularity. The timepiece embraces the power of collaboration in the Swiss innovative ecosystem with sustainable materials expertise on one hand and watchmaking mastery on the other. The collection starts with a lab edition limited to a few pieces, before launching a permanent series.

Nicolas Freudiger, CEO and co-founder of ID Genève about this collaboration: “We are thrilled about this new collaboration, we are also proud to shed light on their amazing technology which can extend the lifecycle of so many products in so many different industries.”

The watch is now available for pre-order here.

About ID Genève:
Founded in 2020, ID Genève is an award-winning watch brand, the first luxury watch brand to come
out of the circular economy. The watches reflect the values and principles of people who are
committed to the fight against climate change and who wish to have a positive social and
environmental impact. The materials used are circular and have a lower carbon footprint than the
industry average. The design of the watch is modular, timeless and evolutive to extend the life cycle
to the maximum. ID Genève offers an avant-garde vision of watchmaking, an approach where
sustainability, transparency and innovation are at the heart of their DNA and their manufacturing

134565JEC Group
Airbus renouvelle sa flotte transatlantique avec des navires à plus faibles émissions Fri, 27 Oct 2023 14:38:48 +0000 Read more]]> Airbus renouvelle l’ensemble de la flotte de navires affrétés pour transporter des sous-ensembles d’avions entre les sites de production en Europe et aux États-Unis avec trois rouliers modernes à faibles émissions, assistés par un système de propulsion vélique.

Airbus a sélectionné l’armateur Louis Dreyfus Armateurs pour construire, acquérir et exploiter ces nouveaux navires hautement performants qui entreront en service à partir de 2026.

La nouvelle flotte devrait permettre de réduire les émissions moyennes de CO2 des trajets transatlantiques de 68 000 à 33 000 tonnes par an d’ici 2030. Cela contribuera à l’engagement d’Airbus de réduire ses émissions industrielles jusqu’à 63 % dans le monde d’ici la fin de la décennie – en prenant 2015 comme année de référence – conformément à la trajectoire de 1,5 °C de l’Accord de Paris.

“Le renouvellement de notre flotte maritime est une étape majeure dans la réduction de notre impact environnemental”, a déclaré Nicolas Chrétien, responsable du développement durable et de l’environnement chez Airbus. “La dernière génération de navires proposée par Louis Dreyfus Armateurs est plus économe en carburant que ses prédécesseurs et utilise des technologies de pointe telles que la propulsion vélique. Cela démontre notre détermination à ouvrir la voie à la décarbonisation de notre secteur en innovant non seulement dans le domaine de l’aviation, mais aussi dans toutes nos activités industrielles.”

« Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir été sélectionnés par Airbus pour développer cette flotte à haute technologie et faibles émissions, et d’ainsi poursuivre notre partenariat de longue date », a déclaré Edouard Louis-Dreyfus, Président de Louis Dreyfus Armateurs. « Ce nouveau projet, fixant des objectifs élevés, reflète notre ambition en matière de décarbonation de notre industrie. Nous sommes fiers d’accompagner nos clients dans leur transition énergétique, en allant même au-delà de leurs attentes, en proposant des solutions innovantes et en accompagnant durablement le changement. »

Airbus va renouveler progressivement les navires affrétés qui transportent des sous-ensembles d’avions à travers l’Atlantique entre Saint-Nazaire, en France, et sa ligne d’assemblage final d’avions monocouloirs de Mobile, en Alabama.

Les nouveaux navires seront propulsés grâce à l’association de six rotors composite Flettner – de grands cylindres rotatifs qui génèrent une portance grâce au vent, ce qui propulse le navire vers l’avant – et de deux moteurs bi-carburant fonctionnant au diesel maritime et à l’e-méthanol. En outre, un logiciel de routage optimisera le voyage des navires à travers l’Atlantique, en maximisant la propulsion vélique et en minimisant la traînée dûe à des conditions océaniques défavorables.

Le renouvellement de la flotte répond également à l’ambition d’Airbus d’augmenter la cadence de production de la famille A320 à 75 appareils par mois d’ici 2026. Chaque nouveau navire transatlantique aura la capacité de transporter environ soixante-dix conteneurs de 40 pieds (12,2 mètres) et six sous-ensembles d’avions monocouloirs (ailes, fuselage, mâts réacteur, empennages horizontaux et verticaux) contre trois à quatre sous-ensembles sur les cargos actuels.

134612JEC Group
Airbus renews its transatlantic fleet with lower-emission ships Fri, 27 Oct 2023 14:33:43 +0000 Read more]]> Airbus will renew the entire fleet of chartered vessels that transport aircraft subassemblies between production facilities in Europe and the United States with three modern, low-emission roll-on/roll-off vessels, supported by wind-assisted propulsion.

Airbus has commissioned shipowner Louis Dreyfus Armateurs to build, own and operate these new, highly efficient vessels that will enter into service from 2026.

The new fleet is expected to reduce average annual transatlantic CO2 emissions from 68,000 to 33,000 tonnes by 2030. This will contribute to Airbus’ commitment to reduce its overall industrial emissions by up to 63% by the end of the decade – compared to 2015 as baseline year – in line with the 1.5°C pathway of the Paris Agreement.

“The renewal of our marine fleet is a major step forward in reducing our environmental impact,” said Nicolas Chrétien, Head of Sustainability & Environment at Airbus. “The latest generation of vessels proposed by Louis Dreyfus Armateurs are more fuel efficient than their predecessors, using cutting-edge technologies like wind-assisted propulsion. This demonstrates our determination to lead the way in decarbonising our sector by innovating not just in aviation, but across all our industrial operations.”

“We are very pleased to have been selected by Airbus to develop this state-of-the-art and low-emission fleet and to continue our longstanding partnership,” said Edouard Louis-Dreyfus, President, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs. “This new project, setting high targets, reflects our ambition regarding the decarbonisation of the shipping industry. We are proud to support our customers in their energy transition, going even beyond their expectations by offering innovative solutions and sustainably driving change.”

Airbus will gradually renew the chartered vessels that ferry its aircraft subassemblies across the Atlantic between Saint-Nazaire, France, and its single-aisle aircraft final assembly line in Mobile, Alabama.

The new vessels will be powered by a combination of six composite Flettner rotors – large, rotating cylinders that generate lift thanks to the wind, propelling the ship forward – and two dual-fuel engines running on maritime diesel oil and e-methanol. Additionally, routing software will optimise the vessels’ journey across the Atlantic, maximising wind propulsion and avoiding drag caused by adverse ocean conditions.

The fleet renewal also supports Airbus ambition to increase A320 family production rate to 75 aircraft per month by 2026. Each new transatlantic vessel will have the capacity to transport around seventy 40-foot containers and six single-aisle aircraft sub assembly sets – wings, fuselage, engine pylons, horizontal and vertical tail planes – compared to three to four sets with current cargo ships.

About Louis Dreyfus Armateurs:
For over 170 years, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group (LDA) has specialized in providing custom industrial maritime solutions with high-added-value activities and integrated services to its clients, ranging from ship design and ship management to maritime operations, in the fields of transport, logistics, submarine cables and renewable energy. LDA is a French family-owned Group, offering a worldwide presence with over 2,600 staff and 100 vessels.

134609JEC Group
KBC’s first mass-produced carbon ceramic brake disc model equips GAC Aion’s Hyper SSR Thu, 26 Oct 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> According to GAC Aion Hyper’s website, Hyper SSR uses 100% carbon fibre for the exterior body, and a large amount of carbon fibre materials are also used in the steering wheel, front interior panels and other parts.

As the representative of Hyper SSR supply chain, Wang Bingquan, the company’s senior vice president, said that the era of electrified supercars is an inevitable trend in the future, and Hyper SSR is a “mobile technology library.” In terms of new materials, the combination of carbon fibre composite body, carbon/ceramic brake discs, hot-melt tires and other new materials has not only greatly reduced the weight of the car body, but also greatly improved the vehicle performance. According to him, the Hyper brand will surely lead China’s supercars to the world stage.

134581JEC Group
LINX Tenders is building a new foil-assisted catamaran Mon, 23 Oct 2023 15:19:55 +0000 Read more]]> The LINX 30 stands as a testament to LINX Tenders’ commitment to custom boat building and cutting-edge engineering. Equipped with an advanced foil system, this 9.5m catamaran boasts enhanced stability, reduced drag, and improved efficiency, leading to superior performance and cost savings.

The Castoldi JET propels the vessel to venture into shallow waters, while features such as the joystick control and GPS anchoring ensure unparalleled manoeuvrability and usability.

Mark Branagh, CEO of LINX Tenders, expressed his delight in the growing interest received for the LINX 30, stating: “We specialise in crafting tailor-made boats, and for this second unit, we have tailored the boat to perfectly suit its intended purpose as a dayboat in the UAE. The Middle East region, driven by ambitious projects like NEOM, has caught the attention of the yachting community, and we are excited to be a part of this flourishing market. Our foiling catamaran solution holds tremendous potential for various applications in this dynamic and growing area.”

The beach landing system, initially developed for the superyacht tender, has undergone additional refinement. Now, the bow door is electrically operated, providing seamless access to shorelines and coastal destinations.
This system can also be used for easier access when diving, which is one of the many activities that the boat allows for. In fact, the LINX 30 serves as the perfect companion for exploring the natural beauty beneath the water’s surface.

Hydrofoil supported catamaran

The foils system provides exceptional longitudinal stability and reduces fuel consumption by up to 40%.
The system includes a main foil situated between the two hulls that lifts the boat, thereby reducing drag, and two smaller aft foils that provide downforce for stability. These foils work together to decrease the impact from waves and reduce pitching – resulting in an extremely dry ride for all passengers.

Commercial Director Luke Hendy shared an anecdote: “The improvement in stability and dryness is so remarkable that during sea trials, we asked people to guess the speed, and every guess was 10 knots less than the actual speed. The ride is so smooth and stable that 20 knots on board the LINX 30 feels like 10 knots.”

To design this boat, BMComposites, the composite specialist company that owns the brand LINX Tenders, has teamed up with BYD Group, a world renowned yacht design studio. Based in the Spanish yachting hubs of Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona, Bravo Yacht Design Group has extensive experience in designing and engineering a wide range of vessels, from superyachts to smaller watercraft, and has brought their experience and capabilities to the LINX 30.

Custom made solutions

LINX Tenders specialise in crafting custom-made solutions. The first model was equipped with a folding hard top and windscreen to fit into the mother ship’s garage, and the team engineered an underwater bracket to accommodate the WASSP sonar. This ensured that the explorer vessel could anchor safely when exploring uncharted waters.

“Although this second unit will look very similar to the first one, we have re-engineered some components and adjusted the production method to better suit its intended use. The first LINX 30 was constructed entirely from carbon fibre to adhere to weight limitations on the mother vessel’s crane, with a primary focus on simplicity for easy maintenance and repairs, even in remote locations.

For this second unit, designed as a dayboat, our focus is more on speed and manoeuvrability. The materials chosen are a mix of carbon fibre and glass fibre, resulting in slightly heavier boats that can accommodate more powerful engines and overall deliver better performance. Onboard equipment is also more sophisticated, with many improvements such as an electric-operated bow door for easier onboard access”

Increased usability & manoeuvrability

The propulsion system provided by the Italian brand Castoldi comes along with the Castoldi ACES electronic control system, which interfaces with the Dynamic Positioning and Smart anchor system. The dayboat is equipped with the Dynamic Positioning and the Smart Anchor system that ensures precise positioning and orientation, allowing the vessel to be moored in a GPS point, or around it, keeping the bow up to the wind.

Being joystick operated, the boat is easily manoeuvrable, making it especially user-friendly for inexperienced boaters who can easily use the “push to go” feature, which is more intuitive than traditional controls.
Even experienced skippers will appreciate the system’s ease of use, reducing the time required for docking operations.

For increased usability and to make the maintenance easier, BMComposites will hand over a 3D model containing the full bill of materials for their custom boat to LINX 30 customers. Every single component has been meticulously identified, including its part number series, supplier name, number of service hours, and the last time the component was replaced. This information streamlines maintenance and replacement orders, simplifying the tasks of captains and mechanics who are responsible for taking care of the boat.

Composite expertise

BMComposites, the owner of the Linx Tenders brand, specialises in design and manufacturing using carbon fibre composites. With a track record dating back to 2005, the company has successfully handled numerous refits and repairs, tackling fascinating challenges and providing tailor-made solutions for specific requirements. Drawing from over 30 years of experience in the composite industry, key team members possess extensive expertise in the technical properties of composite materials and know how to optimise their application.

Their expertise has been harnessed by prestigious superyachts over the last 18 years, from major superyacht modifications to the most challenging and complex upgrades for elite sailing yachts continually fighting it out on their respective race circuits. Standout refit projects for the company include the sailing yacht M5, the 73m superyacht Coral Ocean, the Southern Wind 102 Hevea, and the iconic 1930s J-class Velsheda.

At 75m, SY M5 (formerly Mirabella 5) is one of the largest composite sailing yachts ever built and, until recently, sported the tallest mast of any sailing vessel at 89m, also constructed in composite materials.  After many years service, BMComposite was called upon to carry out an overhaul of the spreader foundations in the mast during an extensive refit of the vessel in 2019. In addition to this, BMComposites along with designer Adriana Monk engineered, manufactured and installed 3 large carbon fibre hardtop biminis to transform the flybridge of this famous yacht.

BMComposites played a crucial role in the complete rejuvenation of the 30-year-old icon Coral Ocean as it embraced its new role as the flagship charter yacht for the Ahoy Club fleet. The previous satellite dome array on the upper deck was removed and replaced with the new ‘Sky Lounge’ – a fully enclosed entertainment area incorporating a cinema, lounge, dining, and party spaces. This transformation was part of an extensive refit, for which the yacht was awarded the ‘Judge’s Special Award’ at the 2023 World Superyacht Awards.

In its persistent quest to improve performance, J-class Velsheda turned to BMComposites during a planned deck refit to benefit from the tried and tested ‘core replacement’ process,to future proof the longevity of the deck and save weight on the heavy plywood subdeck alternative, needless to say they delivered with exceptional results.

Earlier this year, the Palma de Mallorca-based company showed its talent for quick thinking and innovation by launching a carbon fibre antenna flag pole solution to suit the Starlink Maritime system. This solution addresses signal obstruction issues for sailing superyachts where masts often hinder the signal.

Over the years, BMComposites has established a strong and enduring partnership with Gurit, a leading global supplier of composite materials. The LINX 30 hulls are manufactured through an infusion system, which not only ensures superior quality but also guarantees a safer and cleaner process compared to traditional lamination methods. More specifically, the infusion process employs the PRIME™ 37 low toxicity epoxy resin, which incorporates bio-based content. This not only enhances infusion speed but also results in an air-free laminate.

In the construction of the LINX 30, BMComposites utilise Gurit® Corecell™ structural foam, specifically designed for marine applications and renowned for its toughness and impact-resistant characteristics. The fibre chosen for the dayboat that will be sailing in the UAE is a combination of carbon fibre and glass fibre. After infusion, the manufacturing process involves precise CNC machining—another core area of expertise for BMComposites, along with their composite knowledge.

“This construction method gives superior strength and stiffness. It also means we can produce the structure in a one-shot process, eliminating any potential issues with core bonding or voids,” explains Mark Branagh. 

To guarantee a wider range of choices, the boats, instead of having a gelcoat finish, are painted, ensuring that a broader range of colour options is available to the customer.

With the second LINX 30 vessel, due to touch the water in December, Linx Tenders have asserted their position in the luxury tender sphere and have big hopes for the future. “We’re working on several enquiries from other clients at the moment, including different length versions such as the LINX 40, a Linx tender that’s solar powered, an exciting 11m Limo and we also have a client who has expressed interest in going fully electric ,” says Hendy.  “We’re really excited at the prospect of having more Linx tenders on the water.” 

Key points

– 9.5m LOA Foil assisted catamaran
– Electric operated beachlanding system
– Castoldi JET propulsion suitable for shallow waters
– Dynamic positioning and Smart Anchor system
– Base price 1,12 M€

134406JEC Group
Duotone launches the 2024 Concept Blue Range with ampliTex™ Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> With new shapes and construction, the Select and Soleil become the first twin tip boards to join Duotones Concept Blue Range. Using more sustainable materials and only renewable energy in the production process makes these new boards the most ecologically responsible ones from Duotone to date. With a fresh design, new asymmetric deck shape and updated outline, the Select is the perfect choice for riders who want to enjoy cruising and boost big jumps on the water. The Soleil comes with a narrower outline and marks the Select’s counterpart that is specifically designed for women and riders with a smaller frame and weight. Designed by women for women, the Soleil will ensure loads of fun carving from rail to rail, while the larger Space Flex windows in the tips ensure a smooth ride in all conditions.

Reno Romeu, Duotone rider, is excited about his new board: “The Concept Blue from Duotone is something that I was really happy about! As we kiteboarders are always connected 100% to nature, we take a lot of care of the environment and also spread the word how we should act eco-friendly.

Well, now we have an amazing product that we use in our sport of which we know is 100% made from natural resources.

Not only the product itself is amazing, the Select is one of my favourite boards from the Duotone range. It’s a perfect board for someone who wants to improve fast and get their first tricks nailed. With a very early planing, which makes it easier to get going in light wind conditions, the Select also is the best board to push your upwind angle to the max. It’s my favourite board, now in my favourite Concept Blue construction.”

Concept Blue

Aware of the environmental impact of their passion and sport, Duotone has initiated Concept Blue as a means to minimise their environmental impact, protect the playgrounds and create a sustainable future for watersports. Duotone’s R&D team designs products with the latest and most sustainable high-performance materials and they are committed to explore what can be done in the immediate future and years to come. Bcomp and Duotone are very aligned in a sustainable ethos that drives everything from selecting raw materials to production processes and the lifecycle of everything that their companies create. They are very glad to be part of Duotone’s next chapter with their first Concept Blue boards.

Flax fibres to replace glass fibres

The Select and Soleil, two of Duotone’s most popular twin tips, are now made with the Concept Blue construction. With flax and basalt, they introduce new raw materials into the Duotone range. As a renewable plant material, the creation of flax fibre reinforcements uses fewer resources and energy than traditional materials. For the twin tips, Duotone uses Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax fibres to completely replace glass fibres in the production process. Their ampliTex™ fabrics offer them similar properties to the conventional glass fibres but add further benefits like superior damping for a smooth ride and excellent torsional flex characteristics.

Duotone Select with ampliTex natural fibres
For the twin tips, Duotone uses Bcomp’s ampliTex™ flax fibres to completely replace glass fibres in the production process.

Incorporating ampliTex™ flax fibres alongside local basalt fibre reinforcements in these new Duotone boards not only enhances their performance, giving you a better ride, but also replaces carbon with flax and basalt, a material with similar mechanical properties and a significantly smaller environmental footprint. Going one step further in their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their boards, Duotone has chosen to manufacture these boards in a facility that is run with 100% solar energy.

“Two of our most popular twin tips are now part of the Concept Blue range, featuring new materials for kiteboarding, flax and basalt,” says Manuel Zwinz, Product Designer at Duotone.

“For the twin tips, we are using flax and basalt fibre to mainly replace glass fibre in the production process; it offers similar properties, but with many added benefits. It is a natural material that is eco-friendly to create, far more so than traditional glass fibre. It also offers superior damping capabilities compared to glass fibre. These attributes make it a great material to use in our twin tips.”

133948JEC Group