Product & Technology – JEC Connecting the World with Composites Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:51:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Product & Technology - JEC 32 32 191959199 iLAuNCH Trailblazer project to utilise additive manufacturing for carbon composite structures Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Launch vehicles will require scalable production of low weight and high strength structures and components that can withstand the extreme loads, vibrations and shocks of launch without failure.

This is another world class approach to lay up space-grade carbon-fibre and then digitally model that for scale and repeatable design,” said iLAuNCH Trailblazer Executive Director, Darin Lovett. “As we make progress in developing sovereign capability for space applications, we know these products will also benefit defence, aerospace, and other sectors that require high-value, bespoke composite structures.”

This project will again utilise the design and advanced manufacture expertise of New Frontier Technologies (NFT) to create structures suitable for rocketry applications, along with the Australian National University’s (ANU) Australian Advanced Instrumentation Centre (AITC), and the X-ray Computed Tomography laboratory (CTLab) for testing.

Using an ANU high resolution CT scanner to assess and mature the manufacturing process the collaboration will build a functional digital twin of the rocket bodies to assess, qualify and enhance the fidelity of structural models for simulation.

Our world class facilities, expertise in precision manufacturing and rigorous test and validation capabilities will help NFT mature and commercialise technology that will advance Australian manufacturing capability,” said the Australian National University’s Research School of Physics, Professor Patrick Kluth.

The application of x-ray computed tomography (CT) and 3D multiscale modelling at ANU will provide high-fidelity simulation. The CT will capture the detailed microstructure features, such as fibre alignment and voids, that can be reflected in the simulation models. 3D models will provide a detailed digital profile, with capability for performance simulation of every manufactured component, which is the foundation for digital certification.

The project lead, New Frontier Technologies has developed innovative design-for-manufacture (DfM) strategies for scalable, additive manufacturing of space-grade carbon-fibre structures using laser-assisted automated tape placement (ATP).

This is the only ATP manufacturing capability of its kind in Australia and has been proven in European (ESA) projects for manufacture of high-performance composite structures for space applications,” said New Frontier Technologies Director and CEO, Paul Compston.

By joining forces, iLAuNCH, ANU and NFT will develop a qualified manufacturing process that will directly contribute to the development of rocket manufacturing in Australia through the optimisation of automated additive manufacturing technologies.

The Innovative Launch, Automation, Novel Materials, Communications and Hypersonics (iLAuNCH) Trailblazer is a $180 million program building Australia’s enduring space capability through the commercialisation of projects, a fast-track accelerator, and skills development to build the workforce of the future.

Cover photo: L-R ANU Prof Patrick Kluth, with New Frontier Technologies Paul Compston and Dr Victoria Zinnecker

146850JEC Group
UMaine researchers aim to recycle wind turbine blades as 3D printing material Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Led by the Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC), the WIND REWIND team’s project “Blades for Large-Format Additive Manufacturing” marks a significant milestone in their mission to advance recycling solutions for a circular wind energy economy. 

We are grateful for the Department of Energy’s continued support in our mission to advance wind energy technologies. With thousands of wind blades destined for landfill disposal, this funding allows us to explore the responsible recycling of these products, to reuse and repurpose them as feedstock materials for 3D printing“, said Habib Dagher, executive director of the ASCC.

The project proposes an innovative approach to recycle shredded wind turbine blade material as a cost-effective reinforcement and filler for large-scale 3D printing. By substituting short carbon fibers with shredded and milled material from wind blades, the team aims to achieve mechanical recycling of 100% of the composite blade material.

Research efforts will focus on developing new compounding methods to achieve the necessary adhesive bond strength of the composite material. Resulting pellets will serve as feedstock for large-format extrusion-based 3D printing, leveraging the ASCC’s advanced manufacturing capabilities.

In addition to the sustainability benefits of the research, the project could benefit the global precast concrete industry, which is valued at billions of dollars annually. By integrating shredded wind turbine blade material into the 3D printing process for precast concrete formwork, the team aims to significantly reduce material costs while providing geometric freedom for design and automating manufacturing processes.

This project also addresses the critical need for sustainable recycling of wind turbine blades and presents economic advantages for the construction industry by lowering formwork costs and reducing labor expenses.

The project aligns with UMaine ASCC’s broader environmental goals, aiming to reduce the environmental footprint of land and offshore wind energy and developing environmentally friendly feedstock for large-scale 3D printing processes.

A follow-on phase would enable the development of larger prototypes and deployment of case studies with industry partners, ultimately driving wider adoption of sustainable practices in wind energy recycling.

The WIND REWIND team members leading this project submission include faculty and researchers from the ASCC, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and industry (Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, Dr. Reed Miller, Dr. Amrit Verma, John Arimond, Dr. Habib Dagher, Hannah Berten, and Ed Pilpel). This project is led by Dr. Lopez-Anido with coordination support from Dr. Miller and Dr. Luis Zambrano-Cruzatty.

The ASCC is developing this novel approach of repurposing wind blade materials with its global recognition and leadership in composite materials, large-format advanced manufacturing and the floating offshore wind industry. ASCC is home to the world’s largest thermoplastic 3D printer with projects such as BioHome3D, the world’s only 100% bio-based 3D printed house, and 3Dirigo, the first ever 3D printed boat. With the largest team in the United States dedicated to floating offshore wind, ASCC is a global leader with the VolturnUS hull technology and commitment to innovation within the industry. 

Cover photo: Umaine

146815JEC Group
Composites One joins the TPRC Consortium Mon, 08 Apr 2024 08:46:31 +0000 Read more]]> Innovation thrives on a sound fundamental understanding of materials and processes. By integrating into the TPRC’s international research network, Composites One continues to strengthen its position as a premier supplier and distributor of composite materials in North America. Composites One is dedicated to raising awareness for its customers on emerging processes and technologies that take manufacturing to the next level. The TPRC offers crucial fundamental insights into thermoplastic composite technologies necessary for this aim.

Collaborating closely with the TPRC and exchanging expertise will advance Composites One’s objective of better supporting its customers. As a leading supplier of high-performance composite materials across North America, Composites One serves over 9,000 customers across diverse sectors including marine, aerospace, wind energy, marble/solid surface, construction, industrial and ground transportation. Within these sectors, the company provides a comprehensive range of traditional and advanced materials that cover reinforcements, resins, process materials, gel coats, catalysts, core materials, shop supplies, and process equipment. Headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, Composites One operates through a network of more than 40 locations in North America.

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the TPRC Consortium, marking a significant step forward in our continued commitment to advancing aerospace technology and supporting our customers. This collaboration underscores our dedication to the innovative use of reinforced thermoplastic composites in aeronautic part design, offering unparalleled opportunities to enhance performance while also addressing important environmental challenges. By collaborating with TPRC, we aim to not only enhance the performance and efficiency of aerospace components but also to engage in meaningful initiatives around recycling and carbon emissions.” said Dave Smith, vice president of the marketing department at Composites One.

Sebastiaan Wijskamp, general manager of the TPRC said: “We are very happy with Composites One joining our research center. Composites One brings huge value to the TPRC with their extensive network and customer base in the various markets in which they operate. Their expertise on auxiliary materials and consumables needed for the processing of composites, both thermoset and thermoplastic, will open up new project opportunities for our research roadmap.”

146827JEC Group
Kineco Exel Composites India will supply carbon fibre planks for spar caps to major wind turbine manufacturer in South Asia Fri, 05 Apr 2024 10:26:43 +0000 Read more]]> Carbon fibre planks are integral parts of wind turbine blades offering best-in-class strength, stiffness and low weight as blades continue to grow in length.

The agreement follows the significant development work by KECI and the customer to meet stringent supplier capability and quality requirements, allowing the customer to include an annual minimum volume commitment from the customer to KECI. The parties have agreed not to disclose the contract value.

KECI will be delivering the carbon fibre planks from its new factory near Goa, India, currently in final stages of construction. Deliveries are expected to begin in the second half of 2024, subject to the customer’s product approval protocols and subsequent issuance of purchase orders under the agreement.

We are pleased with the progress and confidence placed by the customer in KECI. By utilizing KECI’s new factory in India, the customer will be able to avail themselves of state-of-the-art carbon fibre planks produced competitively in India”, says Shekhar Sardessai, Managing Director of Kineco Exel Composites India.

The agreement marks an important milestone in the development of our capabilities to better support wind turbine manufacturers. We are in the process of further improving these capabilities to be able to serve the various needs of different customers seeking carbon fibre planks and other composite products for their wind turbines”, adds Paul Sohlberg, President and CEO of Exel Composites.

Exel Composites and KECI offer wind turbine manufacturers a comprehensive range of glass fibre and carbon fibre composite components required for the manufacturing of modern on-shore and off-shore blades.

146808JEC Group
Tests demonstrate high electrical insulation performance for Windform Composites Fri, 05 Apr 2024 08:51:20 +0000 Read more]]> 3D printing service bureau CRP Technology announces that their glass fibre reinforced Windform thermoplastic composites for Selective Laser Sintering have demonstrated outstanding electrical insulation performance as confirmed by recent dielectric constant and dielectric strength tests. These tests have revealed good results exhibiting a dielectric constant of approximately 4 and withstanding peak voltages of at least 2.5 kV/mm.

Windform composites have undergone rigorous dielectric constant and dielectric strength tests, essential for evaluating material electrical performance, particularly in applications requiring electrical insulation. In today’s automotive industry, characterized by hybrid or fully electric vehicles, the use of insulating plastic materials is paramount due to the reliance of the entire propulsion system on electricity.

The dielectric constant test

The dielectric constant, often denoted by the symbol ε₀ (epsilon zero), is a fundamental constant in physics that represents a material’s ability to resist the formation of an electric field within it.

During the test, the Glass fibre reinforced Windform thermoplastic composites Windform LX 3.0, Windform GT, and Windform FR2 exhibited a dielectric constant close to 4, with Windform LX 3.0 and FR2 slightly above 4, and Windform GT slightly below. The tests were conducted at the standard frequency of 1 kHz.

Tests demonstrate high electrical insulation performance for Windform Composites
Photo: CRP Technology

The dielectric strength test

The dielectric strength test evaluated the maximum electric potential difference the materials can withstand before conducting electricity. Windform LX 3.0, Windform GT, and Windform FR2 demonstrated exceptional performance, enduring peak voltages of at least 2.5 kV/mm without any signs of deterioration. Specimens with a thickness of approximately 1.6 mm were subjected to sinusoidal voltages alternating at 50 Hz and amplitudes up to 4000 V without discharge.

These results are significant for electrical applications, where maintaining a dielectric constant around 4 is crucial, especially in fully electric vehicles with high voltage. Insulating plastic materials play a vital role in ensuring safety, efficiency, and proper operation of the electrical system. Examples include battery housings, power converter housings, cooling and air conditioning system components, and charging connector housings.

The ability of glass fibre reinforced Windform thermoplastic composites to withstand voltages of at least 2.5 kV/mm ensures reliability and safety in environments with high electrical voltages, such as in the electric power and telecommunications sectors. Windform thermoplastic composites emerge as a suitable choice for applications demanding high-quality electrical performance and reliability.

Cover photo: CRP Technology

146785JEC Group
Hydrogène : l’Europe valide un régime d’aides français d’un montant de 900 millions d’euros Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:07:23 +0000 Read more]]> Le 27 mars 2024, la Commission européenne a donc validé un régime d’aides français d’un montant de 900 millions d’euros portant sur la production d’énergie et de combustibles à partir de la biomasse et de l’hydrogène renouvelable. Ce programme se traduira par des subventions directes, afin de stimuler efficacement les investissements. Il s’inscrit dans le Plan industriel du pacte vert qui promet de favoriser la transition vers une économie à zéro émission nette.

« Le régime a été autorisé au titre de l’encadrement temporaire de crise et de transition en matière d’aides d’État, adopté par la Commission le 9 mars 2023 et modifié le 20 novembre 2023 afin de soutenir des mesures dans des secteurs essentiels pour accélérer la transition écologique et réduire la dépendance à l’égard des combustibles », précise encore un porte-parole de la Commission européenne.

L’Europe veut réduire sa dépendance aux combustibles fossiles importés

La Commission considère que le régime français est nécessaire, approprié et proportionné pour accélérer la transition écologique et faciliter le développement de certaines activités économiques qui sont importantes pour la mise en œuvre du plan REPowerEU et du Plan industriel du pacte vert.

« Ce régime d’aides d’un montant de 900 millions d’euros aidera les entreprises à accroître l’utilisation d’énergie et de combustibles produits à partir de la biomasse et de l’hydrogène renouvelable. Il contribuera à la réalisation des objectifs de l’UE en réduisant la dépendance à l’égard des combustibles fossiles importés. Cette mesure est une étape importante de la transition vers une économie à zéro émission nette, tout en protégeant des conditions de concurrence équitables au sein du marché unique », commente ainsi Margrethe Vestager, vice-présidente exécutive chargée de la politique de concurrence.

Photo : Plastic Omnium – réservoirs à hydrogène

Les réservoirs à hydrogène, nouveau pré carré des matériaux composites

Ces aides débloquées par la France ont pour ambition d’accélérer le développement de certains projets, notamment dans le périmètre de l’hydrogène vert. Ainsi, les projets devront être achevés et mis en œuvre dans un délai de 36 mois à compter de l’octroi de l’aide, sachant que la date limite est fixée au plus tard le 31 décembre 2025.

Ce nouveau soutien à l’hydrogène de l’Etat français, en plus du Plan hydrogène inclus dans France 2030, sera notamment bénéfique pour les acteurs de la production d’hydrogène vert et pour les acteurs des transports. En effet, pour les mobilités, les projets liés à l’hydrogène se multiplient, au niveau des piles à combustible ou des réservoirs, par exemple. Les réservoirs, qui ont un intense recours aux matériaux composites, font même l’objet d’une concurrence déjà féroce, comme nous avons pu le vérifier lors de JEC World 2024.

146790JEC Group
CO2-negative construction thanks to new composite material Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:23:47 +0000 Read more]]> The DITF is leading the joint project “DACCUS-Pre*”. The basic idea of the project is to develop a new building material that stores carbon in the long term and removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than is emitted during its production.       

In collaboration with the company TechnoCarbon Technologies, the project is now well advanced – a first demonstrator in the form of a house wall element has been realized. It consists of three materials: Natural stone, carbon fibers and biochar. Each component contributes in a different way to the negative CO2 balance of the material:

Two slabs of natural stone form the exposed walls of the wall element. The mechanical processing of the material, i.e. sawing in stone cutting machines, produces significant quantities of stone dust. This is very reactive due to its large specific surface area. Silicate weathering of the rock dust permanently binds a large amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

CO2-negative wall
DITF – Structure of the wall element.

Carbon fibers in the form of technical fabrics reinforce the side walls of the wall elements. They absorb tensile forces and are intended to stabilize the building material in the same way as reinforcing steel in concrete. The carbon fibers used are bio-based, produced from biomass. Lignin-based carbon fibers, which have long been technically optimized at DITF Denkendorf, are particularly suitable for this application: They are inexpensive due to low raw material costs and have a high carbon yield. In addition, unlike reinforcing steel, they are not susceptible to oxidation and therefore last much longer. Although carbon fibers are more energy-intensive to produce than steel, as used in reinforced concrete, only a small amount is needed for use in building materials. As a result, the energy and CO2 balance is much better than for reinforced concrete. By using solar heat and biomass to produce the carbon fibers and the weathering of the stone dust, the CO2 balance of the new building material is actually negative, making it possible to construct CO2-negative buildings.

The third component of the new building material is biochar. This is used as a filler between the two rock slabs. The char acts as an effective insulating material. It is also a permanent source of CO2 storage, which plays a significant role in the CO2 balance of the entire wall element.

From a technical point of view, the already realized demonstrator, a wall element for structural engineering, is well developed. The natural stone used is a gabbro from India, which has a high-quality appearance and is suitable for high loads. This has been proven in load tests.  Bio-based carbon fibers serve as the top layer of the stone slabs. The biochar from Convoris GmbH is characterized by particularly good thermal insulation values.

The CO2 balance of a house wall made of the new material has been calculated and compared with that of conventional reinforced concrete. This results in a difference in the CO2 balance of 157 CO2 equivalents per square meter of house wall. A significant saving!

(Methods for removing atmospheric carbon dioxide (Carbon Dioxide Removal) by Direct Air Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sustainable Storage after Use (DACCUS).

Cover photo: DITF – Fully assembled wall element.

146695JEC Group
Global Composites has signed a collaboration agreement with InCom Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:51:14 +0000 Read more]]> Through said agreement, Global Composites will market and distribute pre-engineered fiberglass reinforcement components, structural cores and materials for resin infusion that INCOM will develop and manufacture, as well as associated engineering and technical assistance services to the shipbuilding industry. In this way, Global Composites will be able to offer sustainable and cost-effective technical solutions, providing more complete and integrated services to its customers in this sector.

Rafael Mellado, managing director and CEO of Global Composites, says: “A company like INCOM with which we share the same values ​​is key to the successful development of this collaboration. We know the markets, we offer high value-added products and services that our customers appreciate, and now we have the opportunity to expand our portfolio by incorporating more products and services of high quality”.

Carlos Vidal, Founder of INCOM, highlights: “Although the development and supply of composite materials kits has historically been our main objective, technical and supply chain solutions have come to occupy a prominent place in our portfolio, giving rise to a whole new variety of products designed to create added value for our customers”.

Luis Azorín, general director of INCOM, states: “I am totally convinced of the synergy that we can contribute between both companies to the existing value chain, and where this combination of both commercial and technical resources from InCom and Global Composites, together with a strong belief in offering an efficient service to our customers, will ensure that we succeed in projects and opportunities that are more difficult to access separately, in sectors full of many challenges and where we are forced to adapt in an agile and competitive way”.

146659JEC Group
CETMA is contributing to the development of a completely new composite material Mon, 01 Apr 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> JEC Composites Magazine: Dr Passaro, can you tell us more about your role in CETMA?

I started working at CETMA as a researcher in thermoplastic-matrix composites over 20 years ago. In 2015, I became director of the department specialised in polymeric and composite materials. Together with my colleagues, I define the strategic lines on which we need to focus to keep up with the latest innovations in the field of composite materials. Our teams work with funded projects that help develop innovative solutions for our industrial customers (Figure 1).

CETMA’s laboratory; the tow researchers are carrying an aeronautical stringer manufactured by continuous compression moulding
Fig. 1: CETMA’s laboratory; the tow researchers are carrying an aeronautical stringer manufactured by continuous compression moulding

JEC Composites Magazine: From your point of view, what are the latest developments in materials and processes?

The world of composite materials is increasingly focused on issues related to circularity and environmental impact. New materials are developed and considered by the industries, in particular materials formulated following eco-design criteria, such as recyclable thermosets or bio-based composites. Even though the issue of glass fibre-reinforced composites recycling is not yet solved on a large scale, some interesting solutions that do not involve a strong downcycling of the material are beginning to be industrialised.

Manufacturing processes are becoming more automated to meet the industry’s needs in terms of increased reliability, improved control over products and processes and reduced cycle times. Furthermore, automation makes it easier to digitalise factories. Out-of-autoclave (OoA) solutions are chosen when companies aim to develop innovative manufacturing processes. This trend is fuelled by the availability of new intermediate materials in the market, such as OoA prepregs and new thermoplastic matrices.

CETMA optimised several OoA processes, cooperating with companies that produce customised automated lines in order to propose customers optimised process parameters and an industrial line to properly implement their process. The company can propose customised compression moulding processes for both thermoplastic and thermosetting composites, in both batch and continuous variants.

JEC Composites Magazine: Can you describe CETMA’s activity and yours in the field of composite recycling?

CETMA has been working on the circularity of composite materials since 2002, starting with the development of a fully-recyclable boat manufactured with glass fibre fabric-reinforced polypropylene. Many activities have been carried out since then, with a clear intensification during the last five years.

Personally, I have coordinated many of these activities. Moreover, I am the president of the work group dedicated to composite material sustainability created by the Italian Association for Composite Materials (Assocompositi). Thanks to CETMA’s integrated expertise, which ranges from material formulation to testing, process optimisation, design and prototyping, the company not only has a technical role but also contributes to fostering interactions among all players in the value chain involved in composite material recycling (Figure 2).

Here are the main technical outcomes achieved in the recent period:

Enhanced mechanical properties of recycled carbon fibres coated with CETMA’s sizing formulation
Fig. 2: Enhanced mechanical properties of recycled carbon fibres coated with CETMA’s sizing formulation
  • development of a tailored sizing formulation and process for recycled carbon fibres recovered by pyrolysis (Figure 2);
  • development of prototypes (aircraft window frame, car bonnet, aircraft interior panel) made with recycled carbon fibres recovered by pyrolysis using compression moulding and the SQRTM (Same Qualified Resin Transfer Moulding) process;
  • development of a recycling process for carbon fibre prepreg scraps, design and manufacturing of prototypes using the recycled material (e.g. safety shoe toe cap, Figure 3);
  • development of boat components using innovative recyclable matrix composites and flax or hemp fibres;
  • development of an innovative mechanical recycling method for glass fibre-reinforced composites that makes it possible to easily produce shaped components, thus going beyond the simple recycled flat panels currently available on the market.
Safety shoe toe cap manufactured with a recycled carbon fibre prepreg; structural simulation (left), physical prototype (right)
Fig. 3: Safety shoe toe cap manufactured with a recycled carbon fibre prepreg; structural simulation (left), physical prototype (right)

JEC Composites Magazine: Clean energy, circular economy, sustainability… what are your projects looking towards the future? Are you targeting new industrial sectors?

CETMA aims to continue working on the circular economy and on composite recycling, with a particular focus on the mechanical recycling of glass fibre-reinforced composites and the eco-design of new composite materials. Our specific objectives involve process optimisation, industrialisation and the development of several prototypes to validate the process and the possible applications of recycled materials.

CETMA is contributing to the development of a completely new composite material within the European-funded project FURHY (fully recyclable hybrid bio-composite for transport applications). It aims to develop a new, smart, fully-recyclable bio-based composite material produced with a fast and low-energy consumption OoA process (Figure 4).

Fig. 4: Hemp and recycled carbon fibres used to reinforce the bio-composite material in the FURHY project

The matrix will be a new bio-based epoxy resin filled with expanded graphite, which will play multiple roles such as enhancing both the material and the manufacturing process and providing smart functions. A hybrid composite will be developed using hemp and recycled carbon fibres, thus maximising the environmental benefits with a life-cycle perspective (Figure 5). The project is coordinated by CETMA and involves the following partners: Centexbel, Gen2Carbon, Leonardo, Nano-Tech, University of Salerno, Olgun Celik, Onyriq and Rina Consulting.

JEC Composites Magazine: What role does CETMA play in the field of innovative composite tanks?

In the vast world of clean energy and hydrogen, CETMA is investing in the development of innovative composite tanks. In particular, within an Italian-funded project carried out together with the ESEA company, the teams are developing a prototype automated fibre placement line for tank manufacturing in order to optimise tow placement and orientation. Moreover, the company plans to work on the development of Type V tanks, following the industrial need to reduce the weight and cost of components.

Another activity deals with the development of thermoplastic-matrix composite tanks. Apart from their recycling possibilities, thermoplastics appear as a promising solution to the challenges faced by conventional tanks in terms of compatibility with hydrogen service and with the mass automotive market’s requirements.

Cover picture: CETMA – Alessandra Passaro, Director, Advanced Materials & Processes Consulting Department, CETMA

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146629JEC Group
Syensqo’s Ixef® PARA shapes innovative surfing fin by Kohola Flow Tech Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:31:03 +0000 Read more]]> The patented design of Kohola’s unique fins mimics the flippers of humpback whales. The efficiency of the injection molding process helped to achieve a manufacturing waste reduction of up to 30% compared to conventional fins produced with other techniques.

For the new FlowTech 1 Single Fin, the partners selected Ixef® PARA 1022, a 50% glass fiber reinforced compound that exhibits very high strength and rigidity, outstanding surface gloss and excellent creep resistance.

We are very pleased to provide a thermoplastic compound that helps Kohola bring a more sustainable solution to the surfing industry with no compromises in product performance, aesthetics or durability. Indeed, unlike traditionally used subtractive manufacturing processes, using  Ixef® PARA 1022 (a 50% glass fiber reinforced compound that exhibits very high strength and rigidity, outstanding surface gloss and excellent creep resistance) enables our customers to improve material usage efficiency as well as, waste and recycling challenges’.“, says Meghan Powers, Global Marketing Manager for Syensqo Specialty Polymers.

Our longboard fins require a material that supports the dynamic maneuverability and minimized resistance enabled by the natural whale pattern design, which improves flow control by cutting through turbulences and reducing side-to-side wobbling for a more stable forward ride as well as safer, tighter turns. Apart from offering the mechanical characteristics to meet those needs, extensive testing showed that Syensqo’s Ixef® PARA also ensures the durability to handle marine conditions with extensive exposure to sun and saltwater.”, says David E. Shormann, founder of Kohola Flow Tech Company.

The new Kohola fins are a game changer in the surfboard market. By replacing a phenolic thermoset material with Ixef® PARA and taking full advantage of the injection molding process, we arrived at a high-performing high-end product with better resource efficiency and superior finish straight from the mold, eliminating the time and cost for secondary trimming and polishing.”, says Bryan Quance, Sales & Applications engineer at Drake Plastics.

Following the success of the FlowTech 1 Single Fin, Kohola is also considering to specify Ixef® PARA for the company’s advanced FlowTech 3 Thruster Set. This new design will further maximize drive and stability through turns with controlled release for the ultimate combination of speed, power and flow when surfing. In addition, the patented fin design has potential in other markets where wing-like structures are used, from ceiling fans and aircraft to marine propellers.

146642JEC Group
New generation thin thermoplastic prepreg slit tape SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:01:30 +0000 Read more]]> SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST is a thin ply prepreg sheet (our product SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140/CF+PA6), made by our advanced thin ply technology, then slit to a specified width.

By applying pressure and temperature above the melting point of the resin when laminating, the layers can be welded. It can be used as a material for auto tape laying (ATL), press or autoclave molding process. As an example, Fig. 2 shows a pipe-shaped laminate made by ATL, using SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST with fiber orientation in four directions (0°, 90°, +45°, -45°). In addition to this example, there is another actual case in which slit tape was used as braided configuration, and then pipes were formed. After lay-up in this way, the laminate is heated and pressurized for resin impregnation, and cooled and demolded to obtain high-strength and high-rigidity molded composite products.

Fig.2 Pipe-shaped laminate obtained by ATL
Fig.2 Pipe-shaped laminate obtained by ATL

The unique feature of SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST is its very thin configuration as less than 0.04mm thickness. Thinner laminates are more easily heated, therefore continuous welding process like ATL can be stable. The products are available in standard widths of 3, 5, and 10 mm, but can be designed by 0.1 mm increments upon customer’s request. Furthermore, the winding method of slit tape can be selected record or traverse winding, as shown in Fig.3 or Fig.4 respectively.

Fig.3 SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST record winding

The tape shown here uses PA6 as the resin, but it can be changed according to the characteristics required for the product, and the type of carbon fiber, thickness, and Vf (fiber volume fraction) can be also customized. The material design flexibility enables customers to achieve new solutions.

Fig.4 SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST traverse winding

Cover picture (Fig. 1): Thin ply thermoplastic prepreg slit tape SHIMTEQ™ TP CA140ST – Shindo

146596JEC Group
BYD launches YangWang U9, its first pure electric supercar Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:17:11 +0000 Read more]]> The YangWang U9 is powered by two core technologies, the e4 platform and the DiSus-X Intelligent Body Control System, “revolutionizing the pure electric supercar segment, seamlessly integrating track performance, street adaptability, and playful features“, according to BYD.

In recent tests, the YangWang U9 reaches a top speed of 309.19 km/h and can sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.36 seconds, with 0-400 m acceleration in only 9.78 seconds. Besides, after rigorous track testing, the U9 has fine-tuned its thermal management system to better resist high temperatures, resulting in a 100% increase in maximum cooling capacity. The Blade Battery facilitates discharging and cooling functions and Dual Plug-in Ultra-fast charging technology boasts a maximum charging power of 500 kW. Additionally, YangWang U9 is equipped with 12 sets of active and passive aerodynamic packages to reduce drag coefficient and enhance heat dissipation efficiency.

The YangWang U9 boasts the “Super Carbon-Fiber Cabin, a structure made of different materials”, and the next-generation CTB technology. “And it contributes to unprecedented torsional stiffness of 54425N·m/deg and the single-side compressive load of the roof exceeds 11 tons, ensuring comprehensive travel safety“, says BYD.

146593JEC Group
Hengshen’s carbon fibre materials are used in a 143-meter-long wind turbine blade Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:10:39 +0000 Read more]]> The blade is 143 meters long and has an impeller diameter of 292 meters. It is one of the wind turbine blades with the largest impeller diameter in the world. 

The carbon fibre fabric used in this blade is exclusively supplied by China’s Hengshen, “which highlights the company’s competitiveness and influence in the field of carbon fibre wind power”, according to the company.

Hengshen has five thousand-ton carbon fibre production lines with an annual production capacity of 5,000 tons of carbon fibre. The product portfolio covers raw silk, carbon fibre, sizing agents, fabrics, liquid resins, adhesives, prepregs, carbon fibre composite parts, and aviation composite structural parts. 

In 2021, Hengshen’s 24K carbon fibre, fabric and carbon plate products obtained DNV certification from the international authoritative certification agency, becoming the first domestic carbon fibre unit to obtain this certification. Up to now, Hengshen has supplied products such as carbon fibre pultruded sheets and warp-knitted fabrics in batches to domestic and foreign wind turbine manufacturers such as Envision Energy, Shanghai Electric, and Mingyang Smart Energy.

Picture : Hengshen

146568JEC Group
Syensqo inaugurates application development labs in Bollate, Italy Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:26:35 +0000 Read more]]> Syensqo is opening state-of-the-art Application Development Labs (ADL) in Bollate that will be dedicated to developing applications for the technologies and materials of the future. 

The project includes an expansion of 1,300 square meters in a new energy-efficient building and represents a €10 million investment over the past 3 years. This project comes less than a year after inaugurating the “Dry Room” laboratory for lithium batteries, reaffirming the Bollate Research Center’s pivotal role in developing new applications for high-tech industries’ evolving needs.

It will enhance Syensqo’s offering of specialty polymers solutions that are crucial for green mobility, energy efficiency, sustainable sourcing, and more. The new laboratories also boost the research center’s scientific workforce by 30%.

The ADL research center in Bollate is working in close collaboration with Syensqo’s other application development labs all over the world, such as the ones in Alpharetta in the U.S, Seoul in Korea, Fuji in Japan, Shanghai in China and Brussels in Belgium. 

Research and Innovation lies in Syensqo’s DNA with over 2.000 scientists working together worldwide. We are thrilled to inaugurate this new project, which is a concrete demonstration of our ambition to be the prime innovation partners of our customers. We want them to benefit from our innovation power and work hand in hand with them on the new technologies that will enable a more sustainable world.”, says Ilham Kadri, CEO of Syensqo.

Our ADL is a network of professionals and state of the art R&I facilities leveraging local excellence to deliver sustainable global solutions.”, says Francesco Triulzi, Head of Application Development Labs Global.

146564JEC Group
Arkema obtient le label de produit BioPreferred® de l’USDA pour ses produits oléochimiques C7 et C11 Oleris® Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:04:13 +0000 Read more]]> Les grades qualifiés pour le label de certification 100 % ségrégé biosourcé sont l’acide heptanoïque Oleris®, l’heptanol Oleris®, l’heptaldéhyde® Oleris et l’acide undécylénique Oleris®.

Arkema fabrique ces produits oléochimiques biosourcés à Marseille en France et/ou à Singapour et les commercialise dans le monde entier dans diverses applications dont les lubrifiants, les produits cosmétiques et de soins, les arômes et les parfums.

Ils sont produits à partir de graines de ricin renouvelables, qui ne concurrencent pas les cultures destinées à l’alimentation (l’huile de ricin n’étant pas comestible), ne provoquent pas de déforestation et ont une empreinte carbone négative, c’est à dire qu’ ils consomment plus de CO2 atmosphérique pendant la croissance des cultures que l’équivalent en CO2 émis pendant la fabrication.

Cette certification a été attribuée après vérification du contenu biosourcé par un organisme tiers dans le cadre du Programme BioPreferred® de l’USDA qui cherche à accroître le développement, l’achat et l’utilisation des produits biosourcés. Ces derniers contribuent à la lutte contre le changement climatique en offrant des substituts renouvelables aux produits à base de pétrole : ils piègent le dioxyde de carbone et réduisent ainsi la concentration des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère.

Le label de produit biosourcé certifié par l’USDA affiche le contenu biosourcé d’un produit, à savoir la part d’un produit provenant d’une source renouvelable, telles que des matières premières végétales, animales, marines ou forestières. L’utilisation de matériaux biosourcés renouvelables élimine le recours aux produits chimiques non-renouvelables issus du pétrole.

Arkema - Label BioPreferred USDA
Arkema – Label BioPreferred USDA

« Nous félicitons Arkema d’avoir obtenu le label de produits biosourcés certifiés par l’USDA », a déclaré Vernell Thompson du Programme BioPreferred® de l’USDA. « Ce label vise à stimuler le développement économique, à générer de nouveaux emplois et à créer de nouveaux marchés pour les produits agricoles. En outre, le label permet aux consommateurs ainsi qu’aux acheteurs du gouvernement fédéral de trouver plus facilement des produits biosourcés et d’envisager des options plus respectueuses de la planète lors des décisions d’achat. Suite à la certification de l’USDA sur la teneur biosourcée de ses produits, Arkema se joint à une liste grandissante d’entreprises qui luttent contre les allégations marketing inexactes et la pratique de l’écoblanchiment, tout en contribuant à une bioéconomie prospère qui réduit notre dépendance au pétrole. »

Le Programme BioPreferred® de l’USDA, conçu pour accroître le développement, l’achat et l’utilisation de produits biosourcés, a été introduit pour la première fois dans le cadre du Farm Bill [loi agricole] de 2002 avant d’être de nouveau autorisé en 2018. À ce titre, les agences et sous-traitants fédéraux sont tenus de privilégier les achats de produits biosourcés.

Photo en-tête : Arkema – Graines de ricin moyennes

146560JEC Group
Boom announces successful flight of XB-1 demonstrator aircraft Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:17:26 +0000 Read more]]> Today, Boom announced the successful flight of XB-1, the world’s first independently developed supersonic jet, at the Mojave Air & Space Port in Mojave, California. Like Overture, Boom’s supersonic airliner, XB-1 leverages state-of-the-art technologies to enable efficient supersonic flight including carbon fiber composites, advanced avionics, digitally-optimized aerodynamics, and an advanced supersonic propulsion system.

Today, XB-1 took flight in the same hallowed airspace where the Bell X-1 first broke the sound barrier in 1947,” said Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom Supersonic. “I’ve been looking forward to this flight since founding Boom in 2014, and it marks the most significant milestone yet on our path to bring supersonic travel to passengers worldwide.” 

Flown by Chief Test Pilot Bill “Doc” Shoemaker, XB-1 took off from the Mojave Air & Space Port and flew in the same airspace that hosted many historic first flights, including the flights of the Bell X-1, the North American X-15, and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.

Everyone on the XB-1 team should be incredibly proud of this achievement,” said Bill “Doc” Shoemaker, Chief Test Pilot for Boom Supersonic. “It has been a privilege to share this journey with so many dedicated and talented professionals. The experience we have gained in reaching this milestone will be invaluable to Boom’s revival of supersonic travel.”

Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg flew the T-38 chase aircraft which monitored XB-1 in the air. Chase planes accompany new aircraft on their maiden flights to observe how the test plane is handling and verify things like altitude, airspeed, and airworthiness during flight.

T-38 chaise aircraft monitoring XB-1 during its maiden flight
T-38 chaise aircraft monitoring XB-1 during its maiden flight

Being in the air with XB-1 during its maiden flight is a moment I will never forget,” said Boom Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg. “The team has been working hard to get to this point, and seeing today’s flight through mission completion is a huge accomplishment for all of us.”

XB-1 met all of its test objectives, including safely and successfully achieving an altitude of 7,120 feet and speeds up to 238 knots (273 mph). While XB-1 was in the air, the team performed an initial assessment of the aircraft’s handling qualities, including airspeed checks with the T-38 chase aircraft, and assessing the aircraft’s stability in the landing attitude (at a high angle of attack).

Plans for XB-1 by Boom
Plans for XB-1 by Boom

Two decades after Concorde’s retirement, the first flight of XB-1 marks the return of a civil supersonic aircraft to the skies and paves the way for the revival of mainstream supersonic travel onboard Overture, Boom’s sustainable supersonic airliner. 

The XB-1 program provides the foundation for Overture’s design and development, while establishing a safety-first culture in engineering and manufacturing. XB-1 validates key technologies and Boom’s own innovations, including:

  • An Augmented reality vision system
  • Digitally-optimized aerodynamics
  • Carbon fiber composites: XB-1 is almost entirely made from carbon fiber composite materials, enabling it to realize a sophisticated aerodynamic design in a strong, lightweight structure
  • Supersonic intakes

It is fitting that XB-1 took off for the first time from the Mojave Air & Space Port, in airspace known as the home of many firsts in the world of aviation and aerospace. This region in the Mojave Desert is the proving grounds for the aerospace industry, where an aircraft broke the sound barrier for the first time in 1947 and where speed and altitude records are set.

Now that XB-1 has successfully completed its first flight, the team will systematically expand the flight envelope to confirm its performance and handling qualities through and beyond Mach 1. When XB-1 is ready for its first supersonic flight, Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenberg will be at the controls.

The inaugural flight of XB-1 takes place as Overture continues to advance toward production, with a growing global network of Tier 1 suppliers and an order book including 130 orders and pre-orders from American Airlines, United Airlines, and Japan Airlines. 

146547JEC Group
Swancor and Siemens Gamesa join forces to move towards a circular economy Mon, 25 Mar 2024 10:45:07 +0000 Read more]]> This partnership represents a significant stride in applying recyclable thermosetting epoxy resin “EzCiclo” within wind turbines, and it marks a pivotal milestone for Swancor in advancing a green circular economy.

“EzCiclo” was invented in 2021 and solved the problem of non-recyclability of thermosetting epoxy resin since its invention in 1935, according to Swancor. It has also dispelled the negative stigma surrounding FRP or composite materials, once viewed as a “necessary evil”. Currently, EzCiclo recyclable products in commercial circulation include 100-meter wind turbine blades, carbon fiber bicycles, and shoe materials. Products undergoing testing encompass dry-type transformers, copper clad laminate (CCL), and EMC packaging materials.

Swancor is committed to further promoting the application of “EzCiclo” across various industries, and pledges to collaborate closely with its partners to advance the cause of sustainable development on the planet.

Picture: Swancor

146533JEC Group
New composite decking could reduce global warming effects of building materials Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:32:40 +0000 Read more]]> Buildings and production of the materials used in their construction emit a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2), a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change. But storing CO2 in building materials could help make them more environmentally friendly. Scientists report that they have designed a composite decking material that stores more CO2 than is required to manufacture it, providing a “carbon-negative” option that meets building codes and is less expensive than standard composite decking.

Apart from a few types of cement, carbon-negative composites are scarce, according to David Heldebrant, an organic chemist who is one of the project’s principal investigators. The composite decking his team has developed “is one of the first composite materials to be demonstrably CO2 negative over its life cycle,” he says.

Watch a short Q&A video about this research

The materials and processes that go into constructing buildings account for 11% of all energy-related carbon emissions, according to the World Green Building Council. Significant efforts have gone into developing building supplies that can offset these emissions, such as using recycled or plant-derived products. However, in many cases, these sustainable alternatives are more expensive than traditional materials or can’t match their properties, such as strength or durability.

One type of construction material — decking — is a multibillion-dollar industry. Decking boards made from a wood plastic composite are a popular alternative to lumber boards because they are less prone to damage from ultraviolet radiation and can last longer. Composite decking is typically made from a blend of wood chips or sawdust and plastic, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE). To make these composites more sustainable, one alternative is to use fillers that are waste products or would otherwise be burned.

Composite decking material, such as boards used to make this deck, may one day be carbon negative and less expensive than traditional materials.

That’s an approach Heldebrant’s colleague Keerti Kappagantula was taking: using low-quality brown coal and lignin, a wood-derived product left over from papermaking, as the filler in decking composites. To make the pulverized coal and lignin particles mix with and stick to plastics, the research team needed to add ester functional groups to the particles’ surfaces. Heldebrant, who works at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and develops specialized liquids to capture CO2, found out about this work while chatting over coffee with Kappagantula.

Satish Nune, another project investigator, and Heldebrant were excited when they heard about this. “Esters are essentially carboxylic acids, which are a captured form of CO2,” Heldebrant explains. So, the team wanted to do the same thing and put CO2 onto the surface of the particles in the composite to make the material even more environmentally friendly while improving the composites’ mechanical performance.

To test the feasibility of this approach, the team turned to a classic chemical reaction to form a new chemical bond between CO2 and a functional group called a phenol, which is abundant in wood products like coal and lignin. After undergoing the reaction, the lignin and coal particles contained 2–5% CO2 by weight.

The team then mixed varying ratios of these particles with HDPE to form brownish-black composites, and they tested the resulting properties. A composite containing 80% filler maximized the amount of CO2 content while demonstrating strength and durability that meet international building codes for decking materials. It was manufactured via friction extrusion using PNNL’s shear assisted processing and extrusion (ShAPETM) machine. The researchers used this material to form 10-foot-long composites that look and feel similar to any standard wood composites found in decking or lawn furniture.

In addition to their favorable physical properties, the new composite boards offer a substantial price and sustainability advantage. They are 18% cheaper than standard decking composite boards. They also store more CO2 than is released during their manufacture and lifetime, Heldebrant says. If the 3.55 billion feet of decking sold in the U.S. every year were replaced with the researchers’ CO2-negative composite decking, he says, 250,000 tons of CO2 could be sequestered annually, which is equivalent to the yearly emissions from 54,000 cars.

Next, the researchers plan to make additional composite formulations and test the properties. They envision that carbon-negative composites could be developed for a range of building materials, such as fencing and siding. In the meantime, the team is working to commercialize its decking boards. This new carbon-negative decking could be available at building supply retailers as soon as next summer.

The research was funded by the United States Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FWP 78606) and the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas).

Picture: Sleigh by Design/ – Composite decking material, such as boards used to make this deck, may one day be carbon negative and less expensive than traditional materials.

146514JEC Group
Stratasys va tester les performances de matériaux d’impression 3D sur la lune Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Ces expérimentations font partie de la première mission d’évaluation du Space Science & Technology Evaluation Facility (SSTEF-1) d’Aegis Aerospace, Inc. SSTEF est un service commercial d’essais spatiaux conçu par Aegis Aerospace à Houston (Texas) dans le cadre du programme Tipping Point de la NASA, et dont la mission est de fournir des services de R&D à la surface de la Lune. Le projet SSTEF-1 s’intéresse à la mise au point de technologies destinées aux infrastructures et capacités spatiales sur la Lune et dans l’espace proche de la Terre. Les expérimentations de Stratasys sont commanditées par Northrop Grumman Corporation.

Dans le cadre de cette mission lunaire, Stratasys fournira des échantillons imprimés en 3D qui seront acheminés jusqu’à la surface lunaire par un atterrisseur sans pilote dans une structure porteuse imprimée en 3D par Stratasys. Trois matériaux feront l’objet de deux expérimentations différentes menées par Northrop Grumman.

La première expérimentation cherchera à évaluer les performances d’un échantillon imprimé en filament Antero® 800NA FDM® de Stratasys renforcé de tungstène. L’Antero 800NA est un thermoplastique haute performance à base de PEKK possédant d’excellentes propriétés mécaniques, une grande résistance chimique et de faibles niveaux de dégazage. L’ajout de tungstène vise à fournir une protection contre les rayonnements nocifs, notamment les rayons gamma et les rayons X.

Boîtier d'expérimentation sur les rayonnements en Antero 840CN03 FDM® de Stratasys
Stratasys – Boîtier d’expérimentation sur les rayonnements en Antero 840CN03 FDM® de Stratasys

La deuxième expérimentation passive est conçue pour évaluer le comportement de certains matériaux d’impression 3D dans l’espace. Parmi ceux-ci se trouve le filament Antero 840CN03 FDM, compatible avec les composants électroniques en raison de ses propriétés ESD, et qui a été utilisé sur le vaisseau spatial Orion. L’expérimentation portera également sur un nouveau photopolymère ESD fabriqué par Henkel, partenaire de Stratasys, destiné à être utilisé avec les imprimantes 3D Origin® One de Stratasys et conçu pour les environnements à haute température. Les échantillons de matériaux d’impression 3D seront exposés à la poussière lunaire, ainsi qu’aux basses pressions susceptibles de provoquer un dégazage et aux variations rapides de température résultant de la quasi-absence d’atmosphère sur la Lune.

« La fabrication additive est une technologie importante pour les missions spatiales, où chaque gramme compte et où une haute performance est essentielle, a déclaré Rich Garrity, directeur des affaires industrielles. Cette série d’expérimentations nous aidera à comprendre comment tirer pleinement parti de l’impression 3D pour assurer la sécurité des personnes et des équipements lors de nos voyages sur la Lune et au-delà. » 

Les pièces seront acheminées jusqu’à la surface lunaire par un atterrisseur sans pilote dans une structure porteuse imprimée en 3D par Stratasys dans un thermoplastique ULTEM™ 9085, un matériau couramment utilisé dans les intérieurs d’avions commerciaux.

Photo en-tête : Stratasys – Boîtier d’expérimentation sur les rayonnements imprimé en Antero 840CN03 FDM® de Stratasys pourvu d’un couvercle rouge en ULTEM 9085 de Stratasys portant la mention « Remove Before Flight » (Retirer avant le vol), destiné à protéger les échantillons de test pendant leur transport vers la Lune et à permettre leur installation à la surface du satellite.

146502JEC Group
First Graphene: successful production of graphene oxide opens up new growth curve, including water filtration Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> First Graphene Limited has successfully produced multi-kilogram quantities of graphene oxide at the Company’s Henderson facility in Western Australia.
Building on existing manufacturing expertise, First Graphene identified a new route to manufacturing
graphene oxide materials using the Company’s existing capabilities, opening an expanded range of
commercial opportunities.
The graphene oxide product was manufactured in a cost-effective, scalable, and repeatable process
that produces a consistent product with minimal waste streams.

About Graphene Oxide

Graphene oxide is similar to graphene but has a high oxygen content which makes it readily
dispersible in water. The material is strong, flexible and porous with a high surface area, which is
suitable for filtration and supercapacitor applications.
First Graphene’s product will meet the needs of various industries, with strong demand already
identified in water purification and desalination processes. The company is currently in discussions
with customers in these markets.
Graphene oxide’s characteristics make it suitable for use in polar thermoplastic polymers, such as
PVC, polyesters and nylon, as well as aqueous coatings. The graphene oxide market presents a
significant opportunity for the company, poised to reach USD$2.7 billion by 2033 (Research Nester).

Graphene oxide can also be deployed in concrete applications, diversifying and enhancing First
Graphene’s product offerings to cement and concrete clients around the world.

The company is advancing work to supply this new product to multiple high demand industries, which
will bolster First Graphene’s global commercialisation strategy and market opportunities.

First Graphene Managing Director and CEO Michael Bell said:
The successful production of graphene oxide marks a major milestone for First Graphene, as we
have created a high-demand material without incurring additional costs to the business.
The opportunities to deliver this new product to a raft of markets will bolster the Company’s
commercialisation strategy which is growing from strength to strength.
I look forward to providing further updates on our production of graphene oxide as it advances

146464JEC Group
Driving toward sustainability: Green technologies reshaping the automotive composite landscape Wed, 20 Mar 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> These innovations not only enhance fuel efficiency and performance but also contribute significantly to reducing the environmental impact of the automotive sector. In this article, we will delve into the various advancements in the use of green technologies in composites for the automotive industry.

Nick Smith, Technical Director at SHD Composites talks us through his insights on bringing sustainable solutions into this sector. “Pressure is on the automotive industry from multiple angles to measure and improve all aspects of sustainability over the whole life of vehicles from manufacture to end of life and onwards to the next generation of vehicles by recycling materials for reuse.

Lightweight and high-strength composites

The automotive industry has long recognized the importance of lightweight materials for improving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions. Green technologies have ushered in a new era of lightweight and high-strength composite materials that replace traditional materials like steel and aluminium.

Carbon fibre-reinforced composites, for instance, are being increasingly used in the construction of vehicle components, including body panels, chassis, and interiors. These materials offer a remarkable strength-to-weight ratio, enhancing both fuel efficiency and overall performance.

Sustainable composite materials

Traditional automotive materials, such as fiberglass and certain plastics, can have significant environmental drawbacks. Green technologies have introduced sustainable composite materials derived from renewable resources like natural fibres, biopolymers, and recycled composites.

Manufacturers are now incorporating materials like flax, hemp, and recycled plastics into composites for various automotive applications. This shift not only reduces the reliance on non-renewable resources but also minimizes the carbon footprint associated with vehicle production.

Smith said: “Flax fibres are a valuable tool in CO2 reduction. Flax sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere hence the material is carbon negative before processing. For non-structural parts, flax is also less dense than carbon or glass so for a like-for like thickness, the use of flax will reduce weight. For structural parts, intelligent design and hybrid structures can yield equivalent mechanical properties with a much reduce CO2 burden.”

Recycled and recyclable composites

The automotive industry is increasingly adopting circular economy principles by incorporating recycled and recyclable composites into vehicle design. Post-consumer recycled materials, including recycled carbon fibre and plastics, are being used in the manufacturing of automotive components.

Recyclable composites enable easier end-of-life vehicle disposal and reduce the overall environmental impact of the automotive industry. This approach aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability and resource conservation.

“At SHD, when developing materials for sustainability, every effort is taken to consider sources of environmental impact in the manufacture and use of the product,” says Smith.

“For example, not only the use of natural fibres such as flax and the use of bio-based resins but also modification of the formulation to remove the need for frozen storage and optimisation of the material to use without an autoclave. Also, the reduction of packaging material and use of recycled materials has an impact that needs to be accounted for.”

For decades, the aerospace industry has treated turbine blade materials subject to extreme heat with ceramic coatings to help improve durability. Similar technology is used in top-tier open-wheel racing environments. A proprietary thermal barrier coating system has been developed by Carbon Revolution which tailors its plasma spray deposition technology to provide a thermal protection solution for carbon fiber wheels.

Green resins and binders

The resins and binders used in composite manufacturing have traditionally been petroleum-based, contributing to environmental concerns. Green technologies have introduced bio-based resins derived from plant-based sources, such as soybeans and corn, as well as eco-friendly binders.

These sustainable alternatives not only exhibit similar mechanical properties to traditional resins but also reduce the carbon footprint of composite production. Green resins contribute to a more environmentally friendly manufacturing process without compromising the performance of composite materials.

Energy-efficient manufacturing processes

Green technologies are not limited to material composition; they extend to the manufacturing processes themselves. Advanced techniques such as automated manufacturing, 3D printing, and innovative curing methods are reducing energy consumption and waste in the production of composite automotive components.

These energy-efficient processes not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also lead to cost savings for manufacturers. As the automotive industry adopts these technologies, the overall ecological impact of vehicle production is diminished.

Jaguar F-Pace Seats

Driving to a green future

As consumers and regulatory bodies increasingly prioritize sustainability, automakers are under pressure to adopt green technologies in their manufacturing processes. The progress in the use of green technologies in composites for the automotive industry not only aligns with these evolving expectations but also paves the way for a more eco-friendly, efficient, and innovative automotive sector.

Smith says: “Achieving a sustainable vehicle build requires a holistic approach. Simply swapping synthetic composites for a green equivalent will not yield true sustainability.

“All aspects of the life cycle of the selected materials must be considered before selecting material along with the mechanical performance, durability, weight and recyclability. Only a design considering all of these aspects will deliver a truly sustainable design”

The integration of green technologies into composites for the automotive industry represents a pivotal step toward a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. From lightweight and high-strength materials to sustainable composites, recycled content, green resins, and energy-efficient manufacturing, these advancements are reshaping the automotive landscape.

146457JEC Group
HRC has obtained GRS 4.0 certification for carbon-neutral products Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Global Recycling Standard (GRS) certification is an international product standard that has strict requirements for recycled materials, supply chain, manufacturing, society and environment, chemical restrictions, etc. The goal of GRS is to increase the use of recycled materials in products and reduce or eliminate the harm caused by their production. As an international standard, GRS certification is highly recognized around the world, especially with the release of new EU regulations on the use of recycled materials in cars. Global OEMs such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Volkswagen are also promoting related cooperation projects, says HRC.

The four products certified by HRC this time are recycled short carbon fibre, recycled carbon fibre composite felt, recycled carbon fibre scattered moulding plate and recycled carbon fibre building moulding plate. No additional chemicals are added during the production and manufacturing process. Both recycled carbon fibre materials use advanced recycling technology. The performance retention rate of the 100% recycled carbon fibre produced is greater than 90%, with excellent mechanical properties. They have been used in the construction engineering industry. Automobile manufacturing, rail transportation, aerospace and other fields also have broad application prospects.

In recent years, as public awareness of environmental protection continues to awaken, how to establish a sustainable and recyclable development model has become an important proposition for the strategic organization of enterprises. As the first composite material company in China to open the closed loop of carbon fiber application and one of the first composite materials companies to obtain GRS certification, HRC has actively promoted the research and development and promotion of carbon-neutral products such as natural fibers, recyclable fibers, hydrogen tanks, and thermoplastics since its establishment. The successful certification of this series of carbon neutral products is also one of the important results of a series of green development initiatives launched after HRC officially joined the “Carbon Neutral Action Alliance” as a council member in 2023.

146072JEC Group
Sidus Space receives signals from LizzieSat™ after successful launch and deployment on the SpaceX Transporter-10 Rideshare mission Fri, 15 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Sidus mission and launch team received multiple signals on its FCC approved prime radio frequency and continues to monitor communications with the satellite from its operations center in Merritt Island, Florida. The LizzieSat™ satellite, approximately the size of a mini-refrigerator, is considered a microsatellite with a weight of 275 pounds and is able to support multiple missions and customers from its single platform.

After a successful launch and deployment, we are very excited to report that during the launch and early operations (LEOP) stage, we received signals from LizzieSat™,” said Carol Craig, CEO at Sidus Space. “This milestone marks the beginning of Sidus’ new era as a satellite manufacturer and operator and demonstrates our ability to deliver cutting-edge space hardware while pushing the frontiers of space technology and data collection. We have methodically executed on our strategy of building a leading Space and Defense as a Service company with an experienced team, innovative and advanced technologies, a vertically integrated manufacturing facility, and a robust spacecraft supply chain. It’s exciting to show proof of this capability for government and commercial customers alike.”

Two more LizzieSat™ satellites are expected to launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station later this year and will provide tailored intelligence solutions for industries such as defense, agriculture, maritime, and oil and gas.

The solar panels of LizzieSat™ satellite are built with aluminum honeycomb with composite skin.

146343JEC Group
Virtek demonstrated IRIS™ 3D with Ai-enabled camera system bringing more visibility to the manufacturing workflow Fri, 15 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Virtek Ai Camera captures high-definition, colour images which manufacturers can use to document their build process through to process completion – logging the sequence and duration of individual process steps and creating a digital record for each part that can be used to improve quality and create further efficiencies. Users can upload captured images and process data to their ERP system for visual data reporting and to maintain lasting quality compliance records.

Dietmar Wennemer, President & CEO of Virtek Vision, said, “Our IRIS 3D Process Monitoring Software, working in tandem with our Ai-based Camera System, enables users to supplement their static manufacturing data with high-resolution, colour images captured during ply layup and assembly processes to address the increasingly stringent demands of modern manufacturing. In essence, our system enables manufacturers to collect and manage data visually throughout their entire manufacturing process.

A standout feature at the show has been IRIS Ai for Universal Inspections, slated for launch in mid-2024, which enables users to create and deploy customized AI inspection models based on their chosen parameters. Darian Butt, Virtek’s Senior Director of Products, explained, “The user’s custom-built AI inspection model will run within the Virtek IRIS platform and is fully integrated with IRIS’s laser-guided build process. When the system detects an anomaly, it prompts the operator to either correct and re-inspect it, or defer to a supervisor to accept it before moving on to the next step in the assembly process.”  

Wennemer added, “With the imminent launch of our new Ai-driven software, we demonstrate how we have successfully harnessed the power of Industry 4.0. Ever-increasing amounts of data and machine learning require smart algorithms to detect anomalies and highlight them in real-time. Our focus was to make the implementation and use of smart technologies easy and operator friendly. Humans will make the decisions and information is provided intuitively to make our customers’ factories even more efficient and more productive.”

146338JEC Group
Aciturri joins Dovetail Electric Aviation as investing and technology partner Fri, 15 Mar 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Aciturri’s decision to invest in Dovetail Electric Aviation reflects its dedication to supporting the development of sustainable aviation solutions. By leveraging Aciturri’s aerospace design and manufacturing capabilities and expertise, Dovetail Electric Aviation aims to accelerate the adoption of electric aircraft, reducing the environmental impact of air travel and contributing to a more sustainable future.

We are thrilled to announce our commitment to Dovetail Electric Aviation,” said Alvaro Fernandez Baragaño, CEO of Aciturri Aeroengines and Chief Diversification Officer of the Aciturri group. “This partnership represents a significant opportunity to drive innovation in the aviation industry and broaden our contribution to a more sustainable future. We look forward to working closely with Dovetail Electric Aviation to bring their groundbreaking technology to market.

Aciturri’s investment in Dovetail Electric Aviation underscores the company’s commitment to sustainability and innovation in aerospace manufacturing. By supporting the development of electric aircraft, Aciturri is playing a key role in shaping the future of air travel, making it more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

David Doral, CEO of Dovetail Electric Aviation, commented on the partnership, stating, “Aciturri’s involvement brings not only financial support but also significant capabilities that will greatly enhance our technology roadmap and accelerate our path to market. Their track record and expertise in high technology aerostructures and engine parts will add immense value to our operations, helping us bring our innovative solutions to market faster and more efficiently.

Dovetail is initially targeting certification of its first battery-electric powered aircraft in 2026, as a first step to bring a product in the market. Later on, Dovetail will focus on the certification of electric-hydrogen aircraft conversions, with preliminary work currently underway with the integration of Dovetail’s first hydrogen-electric powertrain. The purpose behind an electric-hydrogen aircraft conversion for Dovetail is to extend the range of the battery-powered aircraft.

With this agreement Aciturri becomes the lead investor in the second tranche of Dovetail’s seed investment round. With a total target of USD 7 million, Dovetail split its seed round in two tranches or parts, with the first one closed last year, with the airlines Rex in Australia, and Volotea and Air Nostrum in Europe, as the most relevant investors. In this second tranche Aciturri is leading the round, to be closed shortly with the addition of at least one institutional venture capital fund.

Dovetail’s hybrid electric aircraft will be using composite components.

146329JEC Group
Embracing a circular economy: The path to ecological composite manufacturing Thu, 14 Mar 2024 14:00:11 +0000 Read more]]> BioPowder, a young company founded in 2017, came to the market with a purpose: to support material scientists in reducing their environmental footprint while enhancing functional properties. The team, coming from a biomass background, has developed techniques to process by-products from the food industry into powders and particles. One raw material has gained prominence thanks to its unique functional properties: olive stones. Crushed in the oil mill as part of the olive and later removed of shell and pulp residues, this lignocellulosic material combines low density with strength and hardness. Micronisation, i.e. milling and sieving into defined micro-meter ranges, creates powders and particles for multiple applications. In composites, BioPowder’s performance powders can add value as reinforcing agents, porosity enhancers, functional fillers, decorative particles and texturisers.

As a company with upcycling as the main product concept, BioPowder promotes circular principles. Reduce-reuse-recycle: operating along these lines requires a holistic approach from the raw material up to the final applications of the natural particles. 

BioPowder is part of an ecosystem of olive and fruit processing value chains. Besides transforming the by-products (fruit pits, seeds and shells) and giving them a second life, the company creates innovative markets for compostable micro-particles, always with the goal of supporting composite makers on their journey towards more sustainability. Sustainability, a word that appears over-used these days, should be filled with meaning and a clear action plan. Otherwise, it will remain a label with little impact.

Current sustainability initiatives in the materials industry focus mainly on recycling: there is consensus about manufacturers’ responsibility to provide valid end-of-life solutions, and recycled content has become a number one strategy to reduce a product’s environmental impact. The team behind BioPowder believes that holistic sustainability should start at the material design stage. Tackling climate change and the ever-growing amounts of waste should involve conscious resource consumption, re-use/re-purposing and extended product lifespans.

BioPowder partners with composite makers to reach a two-fold goal:
1. Reduced carbon and environmental footprints
2. Functional benefits of end products for diverse industrial applications.

In other words, the company offer well-rounded support for manufacturers’ journey to making greenwashing-free products that work.

The BioPowder reduced footprint strategy

Commonly used tools to perform a product’s lifecycle analysis (LCA) often focus on emission-based data, such as the carbon footprint, which is deemed crucial in the context of greenhouse gas emissions and their role in climate change. However, to fully quantify a product’s environmental impact, it is crucial to look at it as part of a wider context. This is what the ecological footprint measures. In other words, it reflects the amount of natural resources an organisation uses in relation to the availability of such resources. Hence, its impact on the depletion of natural ecosystems.

BioPowder’s waste-to-value processes are free from chemicals, resource efficient and local. As a result, carbon emissions values are kept to a minimum. Considering the origin of olive stones, it becomes clear that they are in fact a source of bio-carbon. Research by the International Olive Council suggests that olive trees absorb around 10kg of CO2 per kg of harvested olives. With these facts in mind, the olive-processing ecosystem including oil and by-products is a carbon-negative one.

Consequently, the incorporation of olive stone powders into composites can dramatically improve a material’s environmental footprint. Besides supplying compostable particles, BioPowder is expanding its R&D capabilities to support end-product development, i.e. testing in various binder systems, particle surface functionalisation and colouring.

Unique properties and functional benefits of olive stone particles

a. Reinforcing properties: Olive stone particles, with a hardness of approx. 3.5 (Mohs), enhance the impact and abrasion resistance of a polymeric compound, leading to a longer lifespan of performance materials. Examples include reinforced natural and synthetic rubber, PVC sheets, pipes and cables, engineered wood and ceramic composites.
b. Weight-reduction: Particularly beneficial for lightweight components in industries such as automotive, medical or aerospace. Polymers, both bio-based and conventional, are often filled with mineral powders to achieve hardness and stability. Replacing these heavyweight fillers with olive stone particles can lead to a lower material requirement and an overall weight reduction of the final compound.
c. Decorative and anti-skid effects: Customisable particle sizes that are easy to apply in various compounding systems. Masterbatches, based on PE, PP, PVC, polystyrene, PLA/PHA, can be created with new decorative effects and an elevated bio-content.
d. Hydrophobicity and barrier properties: In addition to fully natural powders, BioPowder offers a range of surface-treated particles that enhance compatibility with different polymer chemistries. This functionalisation improves hydrophobicity, reduces oil absorption, and adds to the overall longevity of bio-based performance composites.

Driving circularity

BioPowder’s approach represents a noteworthy shift in the materials industry towards sustainability. The company’s use of olive stone particles derived from food industry by-products showcases a commitment to upcycling and circular principles. By addressing the environmental impact at the material design stage, BioPowder advocates for a holistic sustainability perspective, going beyond the current focus on recycling. Collaborating with composite makers, its efforts aim to genuinely reduce carbon footprints while offering functional benefits to end products. In a landscape where the term “sustainability” is often overused, BioPowder’s endeavours stand out as a practical contribution towards minimising waste and creating environmentally conscious materials with real-world applications.

About BioPowder:
BioPowder is a specialist supplier of micronized fruit stone powders as bio-based ingredients, additives and abrasives. Derived from food processing side streams, the company’s products support a circular economy and enable manufacturers to reduce their environmental impact. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Malta, the company sources from the Mediterranean region and manages production in Southern Spain. BioPowder is part of a sustainable supply chain that focuses on upcycling agricultural by-products (not crops), taking a local approach that reduces waste and does not disrupt the food chain.

146283JEC Group
Storage compartment demonstrates lightweight potential of sandwich construction Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The use of fibre composite materials and in particular the sandwich construction method offer particularly great potential for lightweight construction applications in commercial vehicles. Such sandwich structures consist of highly rigid and strong cover layers and a lightweight core. In addition to high material efficiency, this combination also enables very high weight-specific bending and buckling stiffness. The sandwich architecture is therefore also suitable for heavy-duty structural components, for example in aircraft and vehicle applications. It enables potential weight savings of up to 70 percent compared to monolithic structures, with a load-bearing capacity of the components that corresponds to or even exceeds that of (significantly heavier) metallic components.

One challenge to date has been that these components can hardly be manufactured in large-scale production processes. The use of thermoplastic fibre composite sandwich semi-finished products can be the solution here. These can be produced efficiently in continuous processes and turned into components in automated manufacturing processes. The participants in the joint “HyWaSand” project, which has now been successfully completed, have shown what is possible with this.

Every gram counts when it comes to commercial vehicles. Thermoplastic sandwich molding technology offers great potential for lightweight construction. © Daimler Truck AG

A flap for a storage compartment in a truck cabin was produced as a demonstrator. “We wanted to prove that the sandwich construction method with continuously produced thermoplastic sandwich semi-finished products is possible for such applications. Together with our partners, we succeeded,” says Dr. Ralf Schlimper, who led the project at the Fraunhofer IMWS.

The thermoplastic sandwich molding technology developed at the institute proved to be particularly valuable in achieving this goal. This is based on a new type of thermoforming process and was developed specifically for the fully automated production of continuous fiber-reinforced sandwich components with a thermoplastic matrix in large series. Thermoplastic sandwich semi-finished products, consisting of a thermoplastic honeycomb core and cover layers of fibre-reinforced thermoplastic UD tape laminates, are heated in an infrared oven and, after automated transfer to the molding tool, 3D thermoformed and functionalized by means of injection molding.

“The TS molding technology proved to be very efficient in our project. We were able to show that it enables the efficient production of 3D-molded and functionalized lightweight components in sandwich construction in the injection molding cycle, i.e. with cycle times of around one minute. This shows the potential for further fields of application, such as the car body sector,” says Schlimper.

In the project, ThermHex Waben GmbH focused primarily on the development of hybrid sandwich semi-finished products with a small cell width and functional polymer and metal foils to improve the surface quality. In addition, the new development of continuously manufactured semi-finished sandwich products with even lower material usage was driven forward. In conjunction with the necessary adaptation of the manufacturing process to make it suitable for series production, it was possible to achieve a further reduction in costs and weight compared to the previous standard configurations and non-recyclable material alternatives from reaction injection molding (RIM) processes. At the semi-finished product level, 30 to 45 percent of the weight can be saved with the same material thickness or up to 22 percent of the weight with comparable mechanical performance and greater material thickness. This improved resource efficiency in the use of materials also has a proportionally positive effect on material costs and CO2 emissions.

@ ThermHex Waben GmbH The demonstrator flap was created by thermoforming and functionalizing thermoplastic sandwich structures.
The demonstrator flap was created by thermoforming and functionalizing thermoplastic sandwich structures. @ ThermHex Waben GmbH

In test structures, the project was able to demonstrate that components with Class A surfaces, which are particularly important for the automotive industry, can also be manufactured from thermoplastic semi-finished products in sandwich construction. Progress was also made for metal-plastic hybrid sandwich materials as part of the “HyWaSand” project, for example the lamination of test structures with metallic cover layers within the TS molding process.

“There are still open research questions here that we want to continue working on. This makes it all the more valuable that we have made great progress in the project in providing virtual engineering methods for process and component development and have also developed feasible test tools for various common component design features. The new possibilities for inline inspection and for suitable non-destructive testing methods to ensure component quality also enable us to rapidly bring the technology even closer to application in various cost- and weight-sensitive areas,” says Schlimper.

“We are currently investigating the transferability of the results to customer development projects in order to facilitate entry into new market segments,” says Matthias Biegerl, who led the project at ElringKlinger. “The potential is huge. By manufacturing the components in large series, cost-efficient lightweight structures for interior and body components can be produced.”

The demonstration at JEC World 2024 has already generated a lot of interest. The project partners will also present the component and the technology at the Composite Sandwich Conference on April 24-25, 2024 in Halle (Saale).

146214JEC Group
National Composites Centre develops novel cryostat device and test method to advance UK capability for hydrogen Thu, 14 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The innovative device and accompanying test method provides a solution for screening a wide selection of materials, highlighting those most suitable for detailed material testing using conventional methods. The concept will help to address the challenge of limited existing UK capability in understanding the properties of materials at cryogenic temperatures. To help industry achieve ambitions for hydrogen powered aircraft requires advances in cryogenic technology, and substantial material data at low temperatures.

To enhance collaboration and UK industry advancement, the NCC will offer access to the hardware in 2024, as part of its Hydrogen programme. A game changing innovation it will drive transformational change, reducing the time, cost and complexity of cryogenic testing.

A key feature is the cryostat’s optical access allowing material specimens to be viewed during the test process. An enabling element of the test, it looks at the cracks that are developing in the composite material, focusing on the known composite challenge of ‘microcracking’. The test has a cycle time of approximately 30 minutes to cool and test allowing a high throughput of test specimens. This is achieved by using cryogenically cooled nitrogen gas, utilising a design with a low thermal mass and volume.

NCC are working with the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) to validate the cryostat design and quantify data repeatability, to ensure it meets industry standards.

Announcing the cryostat innovation, Matt Kay, Principal Engineer at the National Composites Centre said, “The cryostat concept will be transformational by quickly and cost effectively screening materials that are candidates for conventional cryogenic testing. It will reduce barriers to entry and increase the rate of cryogenic materials testing, helping engineers and researchers to develop new products for the emerging liquid hydrogen industry. It forms part of the NCC’s journey in developing specialist expertise to support the UK’s transition to the hydrogen economy.

146118JEC Group
Rezitech combats tank corrosion under insulation with Belzona composite wrap system Wed, 13 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Protective coatings and epoxy repair systems support transition to net zero

The Mine refines granulated nickel matte from their smelter into premium-grade nickel powder and briquettes containing 99.8% nickel. Nickel powder is further processed into nickel sulphate at a Refinery in Australia. Nickel sulphate is an essential ingredient in the lithium-ion batteries that drive electric vehicles (EVs). It could be argued that the increase in sales of EVs is one of the biggest climate wins of 2023. Indeed, according to the 2023 Report from Climate Action Tracker, of the 42 sectors which need to achieve net zero status by 2050, the only sector which is on track is the share of EVs in light-duty vehicle sales. Considering how road transport currently accounts for 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions, EVs play a vital role in reducing these emissions.

Figure 1. Composite wrap system curbs corrosion under insulation at nickel mine Protective Coatings

As such, the polymeric technology required to repair and improve assets within the EV industry equally plays a vital role in supporting the transition to net zero. By repairing damaged assets instead of decommissioning and sending them to landfill, this significantly reduces the climate impact that would otherwise be incurred in this process.

Case study: Feed tank suffering from corrosion

Under Insulation & SCC The Customer’s stainless steel feed tank was suffering from corrosion under insulation and chloride induced stress corrosion cracking. They required a solution that would not only restore the integrity on the substrate, but also protect the asset against future corrosion damage. Not only this, but as the tank operates at elevated temperatures of approximately 70°C (158°F) and processes highly corrosive medium, the repair solution would need to be able to withstand these harsh conditions.

Rezitech specifies Belzona composite wrap solution

Having worked with Rezitech over the course of five years, the Customer had complete confidence in the range of Belzona metal epoxy repair composites and industrial repair coatings the Distributorship offers. As such, they decided to contact them again for their advice and system recommendation.

Following an inspection by Heath Westell, Sales Engineer at Rezitech, the composite wrap system, Belzona SuperWrap II, was specified.

Commenting on this specification, Heath said: “This composite wrap system is comprised of a fluid-grade resin system, a bespoke hybrid reinforcement sheet, based on fibre glass and carbon fibre, as well as a release film to compact and consolidate the application. The system is specially formulated to restore the strength of holed, weakened and corroded pipe and tank walls, making it the ideal solution for protecting the asset against corrosion under insulation for the long term. In addition, thanks to the cold-curing properties of the composite wrap system, this mitigates the need for hot work, making it a reliable alternative to welding.”

Application procedure:

Firstly, all traces of oil and grease contamination were removed using a suitable Rezitech Degreaser. Following this, the surfaces were grit-blasted to provide a surface cleanliness compliant with ISO 8501-1 SA 2½ (ASNZ 1627.4 class 2.5) with a minimum 75 μm (3 mil) rough angular profile.

Once the surface was prepared, the Belzona 9381 reinforcement sheet was measured out and then wetted out with the Belzona resin system. The resin was then systematically applied to the areas to be repaired. Following this, the Belzona reinforcement sheets were then applied to the tank in three layers. The compression film was then added to the top of the application area. Next, using a roller, the Belzona SuperWrap II composite wrap system was then spread, rolled and compressed to the surface of the tank. The system was then left to cure for approximately eight hours.

Figure 3. Stainless steel feed tank repaired and protected with Belzona SuperWrap II

Bypass the need for replacement with polymeric technology

By investing in the Belzona composite wrap solution, this enabled the Customer to successfully bypass the need to replace the corroded asset, and instead prolong the lifespan of the asset for years to come. Thus, this enabled the Customer to make significant savings in both time and money. In addition, given the important role EVs play in reducing global carbon emissions, it could be argued that polymeric technology also plays a fundamental role in supporting this transition by safeguarding the integrity of key assets within this industry.

Figure 4. Mitigate the need for replacement with polymeric technology
146076JEC Group
Cellexcel raises over £250,000 to accelerate commercialisation of unique carbon emission-reducing biomaterial technology Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Based on research from the University of East Anglia (UEA), Cellexcel has created Cellexcellent™, a unique, patented technology to enhance the water resistance of biomaterials. This enables them to be integrated into external applications, such as composite panels used in the automotive or aerospace industry, reducing both weight and embedded CO2 emissions. By replacing emission-heavy materials such as polycarbonates, metal, or fibreglass composites companies benefit from around a 90% reduction in manufacturing CO2, – all while retaining their form, fit and function over time.

The funding will enable Cellexcel to engage with industry partners to further develop and commercialise Cellexcellent™ in real-world applications, while building its capabilities to enhance biomaterial water resistance.

“Achieving a successful first funding round demonstrates both the strength of our approach and the enormous, pressing opportunity that exists to reduce emissions by enabling the wider usage of biomaterials,” said Tim Pryce, Executive Chair, Cellexcel. “Since I joined Cellexcel in July 2022, we’ve focused on strengthening the team and putting in place the structure to effectively commercialise our technology. Our new funding enables us to move to the next step, engaging industry partners in areas such as automotive, packaging and construction to match our technology to pressing market needs for more sustainable materials that deliver the highest levels of performance.”

College green ventures

College Green Ventures is an early stage venture firm which supports innovative companies with a mission to improve the health of our planet. It is investing in Cellexcel through The Innovation Fund in partnership with QUBIS and Sapphire Capital Partners LLP.

“Cellexcel’s technology solves a pressing, real-world need around decarbonisation,” said Oisin Lappin, Managing Director at College Green Ventures. “As well as its technology and scientific strengths, it has assembled a strong management team that has a proven track record in commercialising innovation. We are excited by the potential market applications for the technology and the impact this can make.”

Low carbon innovation fund 2/Turquoise

The Low Carbon Innovation Fund 2 (LCIF2) is managed by Turquoise, the UK merchant bank specialising in energy, environment and efficiency.  LCIF2 is a venture capital fund investing in eligible small to medium sized businesses based in England, particularly the areas covered by its local government backers, developing products and services which will have a beneficial environmental impact. LCIF2 is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), following a successful bid by Norfolk County Council and the University of East Anglia. ERDF is an investment programme part financed by the European Union. LCIF2 is part of the UK government’s portfolio of business support products.  Both LCIF2 and Turquoise participated in the round.

“We are delighted to have invested in Cellexcel. Lowering the carbon footprint of vehicle and building exteriors is a major challenge and Cellexcel has a unique solution to offer,” said Kevin Murphy, director of Turquoise, the fund manager of Low Carbon Innovation Fund 2. “This innovative solution increases the water resistance of biocomposite materials and enables this natural product to replace more carbon intensive products made from plastics, fibreglass or carbon fibre.”

Anglia Capital Group/New Anglia Capital

Anglia Capital Group (ACG) is an Angel Investment network which invests in start-ups and early growth stage businesses who are providing innovative and potentially disruptive solutions to their industry.

New Anglia Capital provides match funding for start-ups who receive angel investment from within Norfolk and Suffolk. This co-investment fund is backed by £4m from New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, in partnership with Anglia Capital Group, and aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic growth across Suffolk and Norfolk.

After securing investment from angel investors within the ACG network, Cellexcel received match funding from the New Anglia Capital Fund.

“Cellexcel came to Anglia Capital Group with a strong pitch and a compelling solution which is truly innovative in its approach,” said Hannah Smith, Managing Director, Anglia Capital Group (ACG). “The scientific credentials of the team speak for themselves and this, combined with the strong management team meant that Anglia Capital Group’s members – and New Anglia Capital – could see a real opportunity for Cellexcel to succeed. They have strong growth plans for the future and ACG is excited to be a part of their journey.”

146063JEC Group
A life on the ocean waves with flax technical innovations Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:56:02 +0000 Read more]]> “Over the last ten or fifteen years, several innovative flax fibre boats have been built and the fibre has started to gain significant traction,” says Julie Pariset, Innovation & CSR Director at the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “In addition to the environmental benefits, manufacturers are realising significant technical and processing gains with flax fibre composites.”
Flax is a very low-density fibre, with a high specific stiffness, she explains.
“It can be used to manufacture composite laminates with mechanical properties not dissimilar to typical E-glass composites and the coefficient of thermal expansion of a flax fibre epoxy part is also quite close to that of a carbon fibre part.”
This allows the materials to work well in combined assemblies with carbon fibre composites and the flax parts are also highly impact resistant.
Flax fibres also provide impressive acoustic and vibration damping in composite applications, as well as providing a warm and aesthetically pleasing appearance below decks.
“Flax yacht interiors can create a more pleasant environment for passengers with less noise and harshness than standard composites,”
says Pariset.


As a member of the Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp, Bcomp, headquartered in Fribourg, Switzerland, has this year been working with Northern Light Composites (nlcomp), based in Monfalcone, northern Italy, on the creation of what is billed as the first fully recyclable nine-metre-long sailing boat – the ecoRacer30.
The boat is based on nlcomp’s proprietary rComposite technology – a combination of thermoplastic resins and BComp’s ampliTex high-performance natural fibre reinforcement fabrics and patented powerRibs technology.

It was built in a collaborative effort with the help of Barcelona-based Magnani Yachts, which took care of the composite manufacturing, and Sangiorgio Marine, which provided technical assistance as the boat was being assembled at its shipyard in Genova, Italy.
Magnani Yachts has subsequently become the first shipyard to hold an rComposite license and others are now being encouraged to adopt the technology.
“As the most commonly used material in boat building, fibreglass is not easily recyclable,”
says Fabio Bignolini, CEO of nlcomp. “Consequently, many fibreglass boats end up being burned, sunk or abandoned. In the European Union, there are an estimated 80,000 abandoned boats with only one in twenty disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.”

The second ecoracer30 is currently under construction and has already been sold and nlcomp is planning to build a fleet of eight of these boats in time to enter a series of regattas in the summer of 2025.

© Bcomp / Flurin Efinger

Flax 27

Greenboats, based in Bremen, Germany, is another specialist in building boats from natural fibre composites and has this year launched the Flax 27 daysailer

The lower hull of this vessel is also made from Bcomp’s ampliTex technical fabrics in combination with a sandwich core of recycled PET bottles. Using a vacuum infusion process, the fibres were integrated with a plant-based epoxy resin in order to further reduce the CO2 footprint of the vessel.The light structure and modern shapes of the lower hull of the boat result in very fast, sharp and agile handling on the water. Greenboats has also recently announced significant new backing from alliance member Groupe Depestele, which manages 13,000 hectares of flax land in Normandy, France.

“We’re at a pivotal juncture in the evolution of natural fibre composites as a new product category,” says Jan Paul Schirmer, managing director of Greenboats. “Our clients believe in our technology but demand a more reliable and scalable supply chain. Our partnership with Groupe Depestele will go a good way to establishing this.”

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Different expectations for the performance of parts must be guaranteed, such as impact resistance, rigidity, surface appearance and resistance to hydrolysis, which is simpler with an established supply chain.
The Beneteau Group, based in Croix de Vie, France, for example, manufactures more than 30,000 composite parts per year to equip its boat decks and is looking to incorporate more natural fibres into them.
This year Beneteau Group has collaborated with Chomarat on the development of hybrid composites of glassfibre and hemp. The resulting TER²A mat was a finalist in 2023 JEC Innovation Awards.

Blue Nomad

Blue Nomad Structure en lin composite
© Institut auf dem Rosenberg / Bcomp

A project in Switzerland has meanwhile proposed the use of flax fibre composites in solar-powered habitats designed for comfortable living on the oceans – as the world grapples with the frightening implications of climate change and rising sea levels.
As envisaged by students from Institut auf dem Rosenberg in St Gallen, Switzerland working with Denmark-based SAGA Space Architects,
Blue Nomad
structures would form modular blocks to establish large communities and oceanic farms.
It’s a striking vision of a future where the lines between land and water blur, and sustainability and community building lie at the heart of new human settlements.
The vision is not just theoretical however – plans are now being made for a maiden voyage of a Blue Nomad home across Europe to promote ocean sustainability and climatology.
The project’s scale models for the London exhibition, as well as the first Blue Nomad structure, are based on natural fibre composites again employing BComp’s ampliTex flax fibres in gradient designs, along with a natural bio-resin.

Monitoring the marine market as pioneers in new composite development, Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp continues to be amazed at the innovation and pace of development.

Whatever the future holds, it appears flax fibres and natural fibre composites will have an important role to play.

146093JEC Group
Voguer sur l’océan avec les innovations techniques du lin Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:41:12 +0000 Read more]]> “Au cours des dix ou quinze dernières années, plusieurs bateaux innovants en fibres de lin ont été construits et la fibre a commencé à gagner du terrain”, explique Julie Pariset, directrice du pôle innovation et RSE au sein de Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp. “Outre les avantages environnementaux, les fabricants réalisent d’importantes avancées techniques avec les composites à base de fibres de lin.”
Le lin est une fibre de très faible densité, avec une rigidité spécifique élevée, explique-t-elle.

“Il peut être utilisé pour fabriquer des stratifiés composites dont les propriétés mécaniques ne sont pas très éloignées de celles des composites en verre de type E. Le coefficient d’expansion thermique d’une pièce en époxy à base de fibres de lin est également assez proche de celui d’une pièce en fibre de carbone.
Cela permet aux matériaux de bien fonctionner dans des assemblages combinés avec des composites en fibre de carbone et les éléments en lin sont également très résistantes aux chocs.

Les fibres de lin permettent une isolation phonique et également une absorption des vibrations impressionnante dans les applications composites, tout en offrant un aspect chaleureux et esthétique sous le pont du bateau.
“Les intérieurs de yachts en lin peuvent créer un environnement plus agréable pour les passagers, avec moins de bruit et de rudesse que les composites standard”, explique Julie Pariset.


En tant que membre de l’Alliance, Bcomp, dont le siège est à Fribourg (Suisse), a travaillé cette année avec Northern Light Composites (nlcomp®), basé à Monfalcone, dans le nord de l’Italie, sur la création de ce qui est présenté comme le premier voilier de neuf mètres de long entièrement recyclable – l’ecoRacer30.
Le bateau est basé sur la technologie propriétaire rComposite de nlcomp® – une combinaison de résines thermoplastiques et de tissus de renforcement en fibres naturelles haute performance ampliTex™ de Bcomp, ainsi que sur la technologie brevetée powerRibs™.

Le bateau a été construit en collaboration avec Magnani Yachts, basé à Barcelone, qui s’est chargé de la fabrication des composites, et Sangiorgio Marine, qui a fourni une assistance technique lors de l’assemblage du bateau dans son chantier naval de Gênes, en Italie.
Magnani Yachts est ainsi devenu le premier chantier naval à détenir une licence rComposite et d’autres sont maintenant incités à adopter cette technologie.
“La fibre de verre, qui est le matériau le plus couramment utilisé dans la construction navale, n’est pas facilement recyclable”, explique Fabio Bignolini, PDG de nlcomp®. “Par conséquent, de nombreux bateaux en fibre de verre finissent par être brûlés, coulés ou abandonnés. Dans l’Union européenne, on estime à 80 000 le nombre de bateaux abandonnés, dont seulement un sur vingt est recyclé de manière responsable.”

Le deuxième ecoracer30 est actuellement en construction et a déjà été vendu. nlcomp® prévoit de construire une flotte de huit de ces bateaux à temps afin de participer à une série de régates durant l’été 2025.

© Bcomp / Flurin Efinger

Flax 27

Greenboats, basé à Brême, en Allemagne, est un autre spécialiste de la construction de bateaux en fibres naturelles composites et a lancé cette année le voilier de jour Flax 27. La coque inférieure de ce bateau est également fabriquée à partir de tissus techniques ampliTex™ de Bcomp, combinés à un noyau sandwich de bouteilles PET recyclées.

The GREENBOATS FLAX 27 Daysailer

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Grâce à un processus d’injection sous vide, les fibres ont été intégrées à une résine époxy à base de plantes afin de réduire davantage l’empreinte CO2 du navire.
La structure légère et les formes modernes de la coque inférieure du bateau se traduisent en un comportement très rapide, vif et agile sur l’eau.
Greenboats a également annoncé récemment un nouveau soutien important de la part du Groupe Depestele, membre de l’Alliance, qui gère 13 000 hectares de lin en Normandie.
“Nous sommes à un moment charnière de l’évolution des composites à base de fibres naturelles en tant que nouvelle catégorie de produits”, déclare Jan Paul Schirmer, directeur général de Greenboats. “Nos clients croient en notre technologie mais exigent une chaîne d’approvisionnement plus fiable et plus évolutive. Notre partenariat avec le Groupe Depestele y contribuera largement”.

“Nous sommes à un moment charnière de l’évolution des composites à base de fibres naturelles en tant que nouvelle catégorie de produits”, déclare Jan Paul Schirmer, directeur général de Greenboats. “Nos clients croient en notre technologie mais exigent une chaîne d’approvisionnement plus fiable et plus évolutive. Notre partenariat avec le Groupe Depestele y contribuera largement”.

Les attentes

Différentes attentes concernant les performances des pièces doivent être garanties, telles que la résistance aux chocs, la rigidité, l’aspect de surface et la résistance à l’hydrolyse, ce qui est plus simple avec une chaîne d’approvisionnement bien établie.
Le groupe Beneteau, basé à Croix de Vie, en France, par exemple, fabrique plus de 30 000 pièces composites par an pour équiper les ponts de ses bateaux et cherche à y incorporer davantage de fibres naturelles.
Cette année, le groupe Beneteau a collaboré avec Chomarat pour développer des composites hybrides de fibre de verre et de chanvre. Le produit qui en résulte, le TER²A mat, a été finaliste des JEC Innovation Awards 2023.

Blue Nomad

Blue Nomad Structure en lin composite
© Institut auf dem Rosenberg / Bcomp

Un projet suisse propose d’utiliser des composites à base de fibres de lin dans des habitats alimentés par l’énergie solaire et conçus pour vivre confortablement sur les océans, à l’heure où le monde est confronté aux conséquences effrayantes des aléas climatiques et de la montée du niveau des mers.
Comme l’envisagent les étudiants de l’Institut auf dem Rosenberg de Saint-Gall, en Suisse, en collaboration avec l’agence danoise SAGA Space Architects, les structures Blue Nomad formeraient des blocs modulaires permettant d’établir de grandes communautés et des fermes océaniques.
Il s’agit d’une vision saisissante d’un avenir où les frontières entre la terre et l’eau s’estompent et où la durabilité et la construction de communautés sont au cœur des nouveaux établissements humains.
Cette vision n’est pas seulement théorique : des plans sont en cours d’élaboration pour le voyage inaugural d’une maison Blue Nomad à travers l’Europe afin de promouvoir la durabilité des océans et la climatologie.
Les modèles réduits du projet pour l’exposition de Londres, ainsi que la première structure Blue Nomad, sont basés sur des composites à base de fibres naturelles, employant à nouveau les fibres de lin ampliTex™ de Bcomp dans des motifs dégradés, ainsi qu’une bio-résine naturelle.

Alliance for European Flax-Linen and Hemp, qui suit le marché nautique en tant que pionnière dans le développement de nouveaux composites, continue d’être étonnée par l’innovation et le rythme de développement.

Quel que soit l’avenir, il semble que les fibres de lin et les composites à base de fibres naturelles auront un rôle important à jouer.

146087JEC Group
Revolutionizing fire proof protection and sustainability for FRP products – PyroWall™ technology Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:05:21 +0000 Read more]]> The introduction of ALEC² PyroWall™ has revolutionized fire protection in the FRP manufacturing industry, ushering in a new era of safety. Since its launch, ALEC² PyroWall™ has driven a significant improvement option in fire protection standards, prioritizing safety and raising the bar for the entire FRP industry.

This revolutionary fireproof material, unlike any FRP composite material on the market, offers remarkable protection for FRP products against heat and fire events. This fireproofing capability paves the way for a significantly safer and more sustainable future across diverse FRP applications and industries.

A game-changer for FRP products and applications

ALEC² PyroWall™ fundamentally transforms fire protection for FRP products by providing a fireproof barrier. This is particularly crucial for sectors like:

Infrastructure construction
ALEC² PyroWall™ enhances the fire safety of new infrastructure components like building panels and cladding.

Infrastructure repair
Professionals can use ALEC² PyroWall™ to provide fireproof protection for FRP used to retrofit existing infrastructures and augment long-term safety.

Unlike traditional fire-resistant FRP, ALEC² PyroWall™ boasts:
• Zero Burn Rate – Eliminates the risk of ignition or fire propagation even in extreme heat.
• Unmatched Safety – Safeguards people and assets from impacts of fire events.
• Enhanced Structural Integrity – Maintains its form and characteristics during extreme heat and fire events, preventing catastrophic failures of the FRP being protected.
• Stops Fire Damage – properly protected FRP structures and/or products will not experience any significant impact.

Composite circularity and sustainability redefined

Beyond its exceptional fireproof capabilities, ALEC² PyroWall™ also achieves a remarkable 100% circular lifecycle:
• Closed-Loop System – Enables infinite recycling and reuse, eliminating reliance on virgin materials and landfill waste.
• Recycled Content – Composed of ~85% recycled industrial waste, it maximizes waste recovery and reuse and minimizes environmental impact.
• 100% Reusable – At end of use PyroWall™ can be easily recycled and processed into new products.

A safer and circular option for manufactured FRP composites used in diverse industries

The unique combination of fire proof safety and sustainability offered by the ALEC² PyroWall™ material empowers various industries to enhance their circular and sustainable composite materials goals:

From fireproofing building components and cladding to safer FRP infrastructure products, ALEC² PyroWall™ elevates fire safety to a new achievable standard in the built environment.

Fireproofing FRP enclosures can significantly enhance people and asset safety in facilities.

Renewable energy infrastructure
Fireproofing critical components in wind turbines and battery storage systems ensures reliable and sustainable energy generation.

The significance of ALEC² PyroWall™’s fireproof, circular and sustainable benefits extends across numerous industries using FRP products, such as construction, maritime, mobile and transportation revolutionizing fireproofing protection and environmental responsibility. As a fireproof barrier, ALEC² PyroWall™ empowers infrastructure construction and repair projects to achieve exceptional fire safety standards, safeguarding lives and assets. Take, for instance, its application in the marine industry. ALEC² PyroWall™ ensures exceptional fire safety within yacht and cruise ship interiors, critical components, and structures. This enhances passenger safety and underscores our commitment to composites circularity and sustainability. Similarly, ALEC² PyroWall™ offers a transformative solution that safeguards cargo ships, offshore platforms and marine infrastructure. By utilizing a material that is both fireproof and 100% recyclable, we’re helping safeguarding lives while contributing to a composite circularity and more eco-conscious future,” said Bill Hayward at WT&C.

146032JEC Group
BASF’s Monomers division celebrates next milestone in its sustainability roadmap Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:44:57 +0000 Read more]]> “Our successes in the last year have shown how serious we are about driving the sustainable transformation of the Monomers division and the various customer industries we are serving ̶ we are working constantly to improve our portfolio which is also reflected by our products constantly meeting the high standards of our international certifiers,” said Monomers President Dr. Ramkumar Dhruva. “With our sites certified all over the world, we are now able to help our customers reach their sustainability goals with more sustainable products wherever they are located. I am very happy that we now also have the right structures in place to supply our American customers with certified more sustainable Isocyanate solutions made in the United States. With this, we can always offer our customers the perfect fit for their product mix,” Dhruva added.

Sustainability roadmap well on its way – 345 certified sustainable products

Last January, BASF’s Monomers division committed itself to developing a circular option in every major product line by 2025. Now, only one year later, the division continues to deliver on that promise. As of February 2024, approximately 70 percent of the large portfolio of isocyanates, polyamides, glues and resins, precursors and inorganics products are available in chemically recycled (Ccycled®) or biomass-balanced variants2 (BMB), as LowPCF products3 or even ZERO variants (Zero Emissions, Renewable Origin). In total, the division now offers 345 certified sustainable product alternatives to its various customer industries, which range from food packaging, textiles, automotive or construction to wood binders and many others.

New technologies to boost the sustainable transformation

Besides offering more sustainable product variants, BASF’s Monomers division continues to invent completely new solutions like its polyol recycling. Further, the division develops new proprietary technologies that drive the sustainable transformation of the various industries it serves. With the newest addition to its portfolio, loopamid®, the Monomers division has developed an innovative solution to improve circularity in the fashion industry and recycle polyamide 6-based textile waste. With this cutting-edge technology, used fibers and materials can be recycled into new yarn over multiple cycles while retaining the material characteristics of conventional virgin polyamide. More information about this breakthrough technology is available here.

Various operational excellence measures cut tons of CO2 emissions

Besides the significant additions to its product portfolio, BASF’s Monomers division has also successfully implemented many measures for its production sites in all regions that further reduce carbon emissions. With these CO2 mitigation measures Monomers contributes significantly to BASF’s ambitious sustainability target of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. Utilizing the benefits of BASF’s global Verbund network, several high-impact measures resulted in substantial CO2 reductions. A prime example are improved heat recovery measures at the site of Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co. Ltd. (SBPC), which are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 34,000 tons every year.

146011JEC Group
Hexcel and Arkema achieve a first thermoplastic aeronautical composite structure demonstrator at JEC World 2024 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:33:49 +0000 Read more]]> The demonstrator project was carried out as part of the collaborative project known as HAICoPAS. The primary goal of HAICoPAS is to optimize the design and production process for unidirectional composite tapes made from high-performance thermoplastic resins and continuous carbon fibres. Additionally, the project aims to develop a more efficient tape placement technology and a novel continuous and dynamic in-situ welding (ISW) assembly system with real-time quality control. Ultimately, the objective is to produce composite parts that can replace metallic materials (such as steel, aluminum, and titanium) in aircraft structures, achieving both cost competitiveness and high production rates.

The work of the project partners has successfully overcome the technological barriers identified at the beginning of the project, including:

  1. The development, implementation, and characterization of carbon/thermoplastic (C/PEKK) tapes.
  2. The creation of an automated deposition process for consolidation outside of autoclaves.
  3. The establishment of the ISW welding technology for assembly.

The definition of elementary parts intended to form the assembled components of the HAICoPAS demonstrator was carried out in close collaboration with an industrial advisory committee comprising Airbus, Safran, Daher, Hutchinson, and ATC. The final version of the aeronautical demonstrator, made from composite tapes and assembled using ISW technology, is currently on display at the JEC World Innovation Planets exhibition in the Mobility section.

This innovative demonstrator was successfully developed within the framework of the collaborative project “HAICoPAS” (Highly Automatized Integrated Composites for Performing Adaptable Structures). The HAICoPAS project is a collaborative initiative led by Hexcel and Arkema, along with their industrial partners (Ingecal, Coriolis Composites, Pinette Emidecau Industries (PEI), and Institut de Soudure). Additionally, a consortium of university laboratories, spearheaded by CNRS and comprising the PIMM (CNRS – Arts et Métiers ParisTech – Cnam) and LTEN (CNRS – Université de Nantes), played a crucial role in this endeavor. The Structuring R&D Project for Competitiveness (PSPC) received support from Bpifrance as part of the Investment for the Future Program and was endorsed by the Polymeris competitiveness cluster.

145999JEC Group
MAE S.p.A., Italy, and Jindal Advanced Materials, India, have agreed to give official start to the big carbon fibre composites project in India Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The document is defining the intention of the parties to settle carbon fiber plant in India with the family of intermediates and carbon fiber composites. MAE together with its partners will provide outstanding engineering and top level equipment to ensure that Jindal Advanced Materials will successfully comply “make in India” philosofy in the industry of carbon fiber based advanced materials for various applications.

The project is covering the full value chain from PAN-precursor to carbon fiber intermediates and is estimated to run for about 30 months. JAM Director CP Agrawal underlined that involving best solutions from the market will give the project desired energy and will open new page in the India composite industry development.

145967JEC Group
Swancor and Massload have jointly developed the world’s first bicycle bottle cage made entirely from 100% recycled materials Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:44:23 +0000 Read more]]> Through CleaVER degradation liquid, Swancor separates and processes recycled carbon fibre for reuse. Notably, Swancor’s recycled carbon fibre achieved the world’s first GRS certification for 100% recycled carbon fibre last year. Moreover, in February, it obtained the ISO 14067 certificate, showcasing a remarkably low carbon emission of only 1.689kgCO₂e/KG. This stands in stark contrast to virgin carbon fibre which emits 55.181.689kgCO₂e/KG, marking a significant reduction in carbon emissions by 97%.

Swancor and the Taiwanese brand Massload have collaboratively developed bicycle parts crafted entirely from recycled materials. Following a year of rigorous testing and validation, we proudly introduced the world’s premier bicycle bottle cage composed entirely of recycled materials. This innovative product blends 50% of Swancor’s recycled carbon fibre with 50% recycled PA6 pallets, manufactured through an injection process to produce a low-carbon bottle cage, and the weight is only 17g. We anticipate commencing mass production of this environmentally friendly solution in the first quarter of this year.

The bottle cage jointly developed by both parties will be showcased at the 2024 Taipei International Bicycle Exhibition (TAIEPI CYCLE) at Massload Booth (I Zone 1211). With Massload’s extensive experience in supplying components to global bicycle brands over the years, numerous international brands have already shown keen interest in this product. It is poised to be a standout highlight at the 2024 TAIEPI CYCLE.

Taiwan, renowned as the “Kingdom of Bicycles,” stands at the forefront of high-end bicycle production and research and development, particularly in its central region. Whether it’s a complete bicycle or a component bearing the trademark of a Taiwanese company, it symbolizes a commitment to quality. With the global ambition of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, industries across the board are investing in the development of low-carbon materials. Swancor and Massload share a common goal in this endeavor, emphasizing the vital role of technological advancement in tandem with environmental stewardship for achieving a harmonious and sustainable coexistence between humanity and the environment. Looking ahead, Swancor and Massload are dedicated to ongoing collaboration in the development and production of innovative materials.

145928JEC Group
Toray Advanced Composites announces new strengthened polyamide thermoplastic material for high-performance applications Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The latest addition to the Toray Cetex® product line introduces enhanced technical specifications, offering increased strength, higher stiffness, higher temperature stability, and lower moisture absorption. This new high-performance thermoplastic material complements Toray Cetex® TC910.

See the below chart for a high-level comparison.

“TC915 is a remarkable thermoplastic material with exceptional mechanical properties higher than typical polyamide-based composites and Nylon material. Toray TC915 PA+™ is a natural addition to our Cetex® portfolio. These enhanced characteristics allow structural components to withstand and perform well in high-stress conditions at elevated temperatures, which is crucial for demanding markets prioritizing safety and performance for their end-users. We take pride in our commitment to engineering cutting-edge technology and advancing applications across multiple industries,” said Mark Mielke, Director of Product and Market Strategy, USA.

Toray Cetex® TC915 PA+™ is a thermoplastic composite unidirectional (UD) tape that uses a high-performance polyamide resin that can be processed by ATL and AFP, wrapping, and thermoforming. Click here to visit the Toray Cetex® TC915 PA+™ product page.

Visit the teams at JEC World 2024 this March at booth 6E25 in Europe, and at SAMPE 2024 at booth C10 in the USA.

145899JEC Group
Enhancing composite finish, fabrication and performance with lightweight nonwovens at JEC World 2024 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Advancing the surface finish and function of composite structures

TFP’s range of multifunctional veils deliver superior finish with added functionality, including static dissipation, abrasion and corrosion resistance.

Incorporated at the surface of the composite, on top of the structural component, TFP veils are highly porous and feature consistent fibre distribution and weight, ensuring a uniform resin wet out and zero dry spots. Easy to handle and incorporate, the nonwovens minimise print through from the underlying reinforcement reducing the need for further processing of the finished part.

Sectors: Aerospace, AAM, Automotive, Construction, Consumer Electronics, Defence, Industrial, Marine, Medical, Sporting Goods, Wind Energy

Lightweight adhesive carriers with aerospace quality as standard

TFP’s high quality veils have enabled aerospace suppliers to manufacture uniform, resilient and high-quality adhesive films for over 30 years.

TFP’s lightweight nonwovens are accredited to AS 9100 and are used extensively in the aerospace industry as an adhesive carrier or support for a fragile material. In carrier applications they enable rapid, even wet out of adhesive, creating a thin, uniform bond-line; this increases the quality and consistency of the film, whilst the nonwoven architecture also improves the resilience and handling of the final product. The nonwovens are also used in fabrication to stabilise fragile materials and aid processing, an example of which is displayed on the booth at the show.

Sectors: Aerospace, AAM, Automotive, Defence, Industrial, Medical, Sporting Goods

Providing integral lightweight & tunable EMI shielding for composites

Conductive nonwovens protect electronics from electromagnetic interference and ensure control and safety aren’t compromised.

TFP’s veils provide a lightweight, flexible solution for imparting tunable EMI shielding and electrical conductivity to composites. Easy to handle and integrate, they provide consistent conductivity and shielding with minimal additional weight. Proven to provide a high level of shielding to electromagnetic interference from 100MHz up to and beyond 40GHz, TFP veils are used in a range of applications, from medical devices and mobile phones to composite electronics and battery enclosures. Incorporated at the surface of the composite these materials are conformable and resistant to flex fatigue, forming part of the composite structure, rather than being applied after manufacture with additional process steps.

Sectors: Aerospace, AAM, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Defence, Medical

“JEC World is a key date in our events calendar, and we are delighted to be showcasing our portfolio of lightweight nonwovens, along with examples of how they are used in surface finish and carrier applications, on the stand this year,” said Rosemary James, Marketing Manager at TFP. “The show always provides a valuable opportunity for us to connect with industry leaders and partners and help solve some of technical challenges faced in advanced composite design and fabrication.”

Meet TFP at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth N40.

145319JEC Group
BÜFA Composite Systems introduces sustainable product portfolio and new environmental label BÜFA®-future Wed, 06 Mar 2024 07:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> With more than a century of experience in the chemical industry, BÜFA has become synonymous with innovation, quality and sustainability. The introduction of the sustainable product range is a further step in the company’s journey to make a positive impact on the environment while meeting the needs of the market.

To make it easier for polyester resin users to identify and select sustainable products, BÜFA Composite Systems has developed the BÜFA®-future label. This label identifies a carefully selected range of products that meet the highest standards for environmental protection. The range includes styrene-reduced and styrene-free products, bio-based raw materials, products with recycled raw materials, as well as solutions for fire retardant and conductive applications.

With the new BÜFA®-future label, the company is introducing an internal ecological seal of approval that characterises sustainable products in the composites sector. These products contribute to the reduction of VOC emissions and are based on raw materials from biological sources or recycled waste streams. With BÜFA®-future, we make it clear to their customers that we are committed to creating a more liveable future. Their products should not only fulfil current needs, but also be in line with responsible, sustainable and future-oriented product development.

BÜFA Composite Systems supplies many sustainable industries, including composite component manufacturers for local and long-distance public transport and wind energy. The products enable fibre composite manufacturers to design and produce sustainable composite components that significantly reduce their environmental footprint.

“Our clear direction for the future: a sustainable BÜFA UP-resin specialties portfolio, sold via BÜFA’s own distributors and sales partners. We believe that sustainability and success go hand in hand. Our vision and our commitment to the environment drive us towards a greener, more sustainable future for all,” emphasises Lothar Kempf, Managing Director of BÜFA Composite Systems.

Meet Büfa at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth U90.

145905JEC Group
Cutting edge Vabatec process materials at JEC World 2024 Wed, 06 Mar 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Both VABATop surface veils (PAN, PET) are designed to simply render the best surface effect. Already launched in 2023, VABATop PAN is a needle punched nonwoven PAN surface veil with high elongation properties and a specific weight between 35gr. and 80gr. It allows a defect free surface and simplified the finishing, offers osmosis protection of thermoset laminates, improves the chemical resistance and avoids galvanic corrosion by carbon composites. Provided with the same excellent properties, the new developed VABATop PET surface veil is tailored to the needs of the composite production and fulfil all the industry’s requirements

Vabatec‘s next gen composite spray adhesive VABATac 2 can also be regarded as a very successful enhancement of a Vabatec product launch. Designed for temporary fixation, VABATac 2 enables the partly repositioning of materials in the RTM and infusion process. The extreme fine mist of the VABATac 2 paired with the very high tack leads to a lower consumption and an excellent part finishing. The spray is compatible with all common resins (polyester, epoxy, etc.), it is polychloroprene free and does not interfere with resins’ curing. Correspondingly, the cured products have excellent mechanical properties. The spray adhesive is available in 500ml cans as standard. Other sizes on request.

Since all good things come in threes, they also present VABALON 150 50μm, a new multiple process film designed for vacuum bagging and debunking applications (incl. the use in autoclaves) especially in the automotive industry. The film has elongation properties higher than polyamide films. Due to the specific urface properties of the VABALON 150 films, this version can be also used as a release film with all common resins (incl. phenolic systems) up to 150°C.

About Vabatec:
The Vabatec® GmbH with headquarter in Munich, develops, produces and sells process materials for the production of composite components. They are a supplier in the wind energy market, the automotive and the marine production as well as in the aerospace industry. Their materials are in use in the resin infusion, in the autoclave technology and even the curing of composite components in oven.

Meet Vabatec at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth Q27, at the joint stand of Composites United.

144850JEC Group
Revolutionizing automated mold design: A leap into the future of manufacturing Tue, 05 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The evolution of mold design

Traditional manufacturing mold design has long been a manual, time-consuming process. Engineers would need to meticulously design all the intricate details necessary for machine creation. The Plyable team recognised early on the limitations of this traditional approach and identified a critical need for automating the mold design process. As manufacturing processes have evolved, so has the demand for more precise, efficient, and automated solutions.

Plyable’s journey into automation

Their breakthrough came with the realisation that the manual process of importing designs into CAD software, extruding edges, and refining details was no longer sustainable at scale and in a rapidly advancing technological landscape.

Plyable’s engineers sought to replicate the accuracy achieved through manual processes, but with the efficiency of automation. The challenge was significant – there are currently no existing tools that could fulfil this requirement. They developed a proprietary method to automatically extrude the shape’s boundary tangentially, extending it seamlessly to a rectangular box.

Plyable’s system now boasts the ability to create a STEP file of the mold. The entire process is 100% computer-driven, eliminating human intervention in creating the file.

Lily Penrose, Research Software Engineer at Plyable said “Noticing that engineers designing tooling encountered the same limitations in CAD software for each job, we designed tools that could reliably perform these missing features such as tangential boundary extrusion and filling spaces between surfaces and their bounding boxes. Together with existing Plyable capabilities of automatic mold solution and pull direction finding, we can automate the entire process of tool design.”

Features redefining mold design

Beyond the core innovation, Plyable has also introduced user-friendly features that significantly enhance the mold design process. For example, the ability to seamlessly place the mold into a box and the automation of laser targeting holes are not just niceties but crucial time-saving functionalities.

Reducing lead times

The impact of Plyable’s automated mold design is most profound in the reduction of lead times. What was once a labour-intensive, time-consuming process is now accelerated to the point where a mold can be uploaded, evaluated, and sent to a supplier in a matter of minutes. This reduction in lead times has far-reaching implications for the entire manufacturing process, empowering manufacturers to respond swiftly to changing demands, reduce costs, shorten production cycles, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Expanding compatibility and future prospects

While Plyable’s focus with the Automated Mold Design system has initially been on carbon fibre parts, the team is actively working on expanding its compatibility to include a broader range of materials. They will also be expanding the system to be able to model multi-mold parts, meaning a wider range of components can be accommodated.

The future of automated mold design

As manufacturing landscapes continue to evolve, innovations like Plyable’s automated mold design are instrumental in maintaining competitiveness. The reduction in lead times, seamless integration of user-friendly features, and ongoing efforts to expand compatibility showcase Plyable’s dedication to shaping the future of manufacturing. In a world where speed and precision are paramount, Plyable stands at the forefront, propelling the industry towards unprecedented efficiency.

Meet Plyable at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth S62.

145752JEC Group
SCALE advanced biocomposites revolutionises carbon fibre replacement in cycling industry Tue, 05 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> SCALE Advanced Biocomposites, a leading innovator in bio-based composite reinforcements, today unveils its BIO|Power™ and COR|Power™ product lines, which are designed to replace or enhance carbon fibre in lightweight composites. By doubling down on the inherent benefits of natural fibres and bio-based materials, including low density and excellent damping characteristics, SCALE enables composites manufacturers to use the move to sustainable materials to provide new levels of performance, while reducing materials costs.

BIO|Power yarns blend multiple natural fibres to create a range of performance and cost characteristics for sustainable composites. The first BIO|Power EX blend is expected to reduce fibre costs up to 40% and greenhouse emissions up to 95% versus carbon fibre.

COR|Power is a damping filament which helps reduce the effects of vibration and harshness in carbon fibre composites by up to 30% when incorporated at 10% by weight.

SCALE is working initially with bicycle manufacturers to address industry challenges, including the trade-off between stiffness and comfort which has been exacerbated by the focus on aerodynamics in modern bicycle design, as well as improving product margins which particularly benefits manufacturers producing in Europe and North America.

SCALE’s materials can provide significant benefits to manufacturers and cyclists alike, improving stiffness-to-weight performance, impact resistance, and vibration damping for a smoother ride.

“The cycling market is a perfect test bed for us. Cyclists are sophisticated customers with an unwavering demand for performance,” says Lance Johnson, CEO, SCALE. “The damping properties of our materials, coupled with the ability to enhance stiffness without adding weight by using BIO|Power in narrower tube profiles, improve product performance while reducing environmental impact.”

“We’re working with SCALE as part of a long-term project to improve sustainability in bikes,” says Martin Meir, Managing Director, REAP Design in the UK. “In early testing, we’ve combined BIO|Power and COR|Power to reduce carbon fibre content by 20%, increasing frame stiffness by more than 5% without weight penalties. Additionally, we expect better compliance in the frame and lower transmission of road vibration which will reduce rider fatigue.”

“Collaborating with SCALE gives us the opportunity to use more sustainable materials in 3T’s proprietary production processes,” says Enrique Romero Pineda, Managing Engineer, 3T Cycling. “We’ve tested BIO|Power in our 3T RaceMax Italia layup, enhancing stiffness-to-weight of the bottom bracket by 5%. We’re looking at how BIO|Power can reduce the quantity of material we use while preserving our current stiffness-to-weight, to have an even greater impact on our greenhouse emissions.”

Meet SCALE at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth G01 in the Start-up Village.

145695JEC Group
French company SECAM revolutionize sandwich panel fastening with its SECAMnida insert Tue, 05 Mar 2024 08:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> In addition to its obvious qualities in terms of reliability and time saved during manual installation, it is easy to automate thanks to the effector developed by GEBE2.

How the project started

Innovation is the trademark of SECAM Fixing Solutions, the screws and inserts specialist for plastics, light alloys and composites in the HBP Group.

«Innovation is part of our corporate culture. We work hand-in-hand with our customers to develop bespoke solutions adapted to their needs,» says David Rigal, Director of SECAM.

In 2012, this agility and openness led the SECAM teams to focus on finding a more practical, less costly solution than the existing NAS inserts. The request came from a major operator in the high-performance composite materials market. After prototyping and testing, the insert was finally patented in 2016.

SECAMnida® is not just a potted insert for honeycomb sandwich panels. Its highly reliable technology revolutionizes installation.

This fastening has a reinforced locking thread and is crimped onto the upper skin of the sandwich panel by deformation of the part. This effective anchoring permanently holds the insert in position and means the panel can be handled without risk, unlike the current inserts which are held in place simply by a self-adhesive “positioning” tab and which can tip in their hole before or during the potting operation.

After crimping, the two-component potting compound can then be injected, and filling is accurately controlled by the filling indicator.

Whereas the current NAS inserts require seven operations to install them (drilling, trimming, etc.) and immobilisation of almost 24 hours for full curing, the SECAMnida® insert offers unrivalled efficiency. It is fitted in only three steps, reducing the installation time from two minutes to thirty seconds, and the panel can be handled immediately to continue its manufacturing process.

From the point of view of reducing non-quality costs, the savings generated by our technology are extremely significant: if a geometric defect due to non-compliant installation is detected after potting traditional NAS inserts, a complex, costly repair is required. Using the crimping tool specially developed for the SECAMnida®  insert guarantees a high level of repeatability and positioning (flushness, coaxiality).

Another advantage of the SECAMnida®  : its weight. The insert is made of an aluminium alloy combining strength and cold forming properties for crimping, with reinforcement of the interior threads and the addition of a stainless-steel threaded insert to achieve the best mechanical strength/weight ratio.

This quality makes it a real answer to the challenge facing the transport industry of designing lighter parts. This challenge has become even more pressing in the current context of reducing energy consumption.

With time saved on the assembly lines, weight saved on the final object and reduced non-quality costs, SECAMnida®  meets manufacturers’ search for innovation.

Automation a sure bet with GEBE2

The two industrialists began working together at the Paris-Le Bourget Air Show in 2019. Aware of the difficulties and costs linked to automating the installation of NAS-type potted inserts, GEBE2 was seeking a reliable, economical solution.

An exclusive partnership agreement was signed to progress beyond the idea stage and produce a demonstrator. The study was launched and GEBE2 developed an all-in-one robotised effector able to drill, crimp, inject the potting compound and perform a fully automated final inspection.

The alliance between the two industrialists has led to a fully robotised solution for the installation of fastenings in all types of sandwich panel, both honeycomb and other.
It offers numerous advantages:
• Improved repeatability of the insert installation operation
• Automation of quality control
• Possibility to provide traceability of all the operations
• Versatility and adaptability of the system to the geometries of complex parts

Today aeronautics and tomorrow…

The disruptive innovation of this new automatable insert immediately attracted the interest of one of the world’s largest aeronautical equipment manufacturers.

After four years of an enriching collaboration and numerous laboratory tests, all the milestones were successfully passed. Today the SECAMnida® is qualified and is an integral part of the current production of first-class and business-class seats. The volumes used already represent several hundreds of thousands of inserts.

This collaboration opens up new prospects for the two partners, particularly with the needs of the aerospace market where the standards for installation of inserts are much more stringent and automation could make all the difference.

The adventure has only just begun. SECAM is now focusing on extending the range with new innovations.

Meet SECAM at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth N32.

145667JEC Group
AOC highlights a broad range of products based on post-consumer rPET at JEC World 2024 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Fossil-based raw materials used for making these formulations may become scarce in the future. Like customers, AOC wants to become more sustainable and reduce our joint impact on the environment. Therefore, AOC is increasingly using waste from post-consumer recycled PET bottles as raw material. AOC is making available to the market a broad range of rPET-based products, covering the majority of composites transformation processes.

At JEC World 2024, AOC will present multiple parts made with these products.

Atlac®: Combating corrosion for over 60 years

The Atlac® name is synonymous with corrosion resistant composites. Even before the Atlac® brand was officially registered in the early 1960s , these powerful products were proving their ability to withstand the most challenging chemical environments across a broad range of industries. Customers worldwide have discovered that composites based on Atlac® formulations provide longer lasting, more cost-effective solutions than specialized corrosion-resistant metals and alloys in processes where safety and continuity of operations are crucial.

You can find the most common AOC products through the Product Selector on their website. Here you can also request Products Datasheets. Additional product information is available through the Atlac® Product Guide, which can be found on the Download page. Also, please visit their website to find the latest case studies on Atlac® formulations.

Carbon fibre SMC: High performance delivered at industrial scale

Combining the unique Daron® 8151 with carbon fibres into SMC enables the reliable manufacture of components with superior mechanical strength, low density, E-coat capability and low emissions, while maintaining the design flexibility typical for composites. 

In recent years, novel SMC materials based on carbon fibre have become commercially available and are now applied at full industrial scale to produce ultra-light structural parts that outperform their equivalents in aluminum and steel.

The unique Daron® technology for use in SMC enables chopped CF molded parts with the mechanical performance of Epoxy Resin CF-SMC to be manufactured with the ease of UPR and Vinyl Ester SMC. The combination with excellent flow behavior during molding, means that the resulting mechanical properties of the parts are truly outstanding (Tensile Modulus at 43 GPa, Tensile Strength over 300 MPa). Please check out this Blog on the Tucana project for further detail.

Turning up the heat with Neomould® 6800 Series

AOC is introducing the new Neomould 6800 product series for manufacturing composite tooling. For cost-effective manufacturing of composite components in small to medium sized production series (up to 500-1000 parts per year), composite molds are broadly used across the industry. While they bring the designer the ability to create unique shapes, composite tools also enable the manufacturing of large components like wind turbine blades, boats, and façade panels for buildings.

The Neomould 6800 product series are based on VE resins, providing great benefits to toolmakers and composite part fabricators:

  • Excellent surface quality through zero-shrinkage
  • Fast application and through-cure during tool manufacturing in comparison with Epoxy resin tooling systems
  • Longer tool life and excellent reproducibility of surface quality during tool use
  • Tool capability to take higher peak exotherm, higher post-cure temperatures
  • Enables to make great tools at high length with infusion version
  • Easy repair of tool surface in case of eventualities

Leading in sustainability

AOC has introduced the Next™ Eco-label for better identifying products that help to reduce emission of VOCs, use feedstock from bio-sources or from recycled waste streams. These products are sold by AOC under different brand names, including Atlac®, Beyone™, Neoxil®, Palatal®, Palapreg® and Synolite™. More information about the Next™ Eco-label you can find on the AOC web site (Next™ Eco-label background, Next™ products).

AOC is setting high standards in Environmental, Social, and Ethical performance, while actively promoting sustainable products and solutions. As a recognition for its performance and the company’s demonstrated commitment to Sustainability, AOC has received a Gold Rating from EcoVadis for its European business in June 2023.

AOC’s rating was in the top 4 % percentile of chemical companies, which clearly indicates the company is a front runner in the industry.

AOC operations around the world: New additions in EMEA region

AOC is strongly committed to growing the composites industry and to supporting its customers around the world. The company has a large number of manufacturing operations in the Americas, Europe, China and India. This large footprint enables to align manufacturing processes, quality systems and best practices, which should be highly beneficial for customers in all regions.

In December 2020 AOC completed the acquisition of the Unsaturated Polyester Resin (UPR) manufacturing operations in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic). This will allow AOC to further improve service and logistics to its customers in Central/ Eastern Europe as well as in Germany, and will make new products available for customers around Europe.

In September 2022, AOC acquired the ownership of Deltech Europe Ltd., and is now operating a UPR manufacturing plant in Haverhill (UK). Deltech has been a long-standing partner for AOC in Europe and has been supplying AOC customers with resins for many years as a toll manufacturer. Therefore, the acquisition was a very logical transition, reinforcing the existing set-up. We are convinced that this investment will allow AOC to further strengthen its ability to serve customers in the growing composites market in the UK.

Meet AOC at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth M46.

145642JEC Group
EXPO-NET promoting infusion processing flow mesh range and technical expertise at JEC World 2024 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 12:33:00 +0000 Read more]]> The flow mesh products developed and produced by EXPO-NET are extensively used in composite manufacturing as essential vacuum infusion processing aids; during the new product development stage for large parts, such as for a wind generator blade or a yacht deck, up to four different custom made resin flow mesh grades can be used in specific areas of an infused part to increase productivity and to avoid premature resin hardening and air voids. EXPO-NET has been supplying leading wind blade producers for more than 25 years, known for being a highly innovative, technically advanced, problem solving partner. 

EXPO-NET® mould layup schematic of composite resin infusion 

During 2023, EXPO-NET continued to develop its technical knowledge, working closely with TECHCOLLEGE, located in Aalborg; the college is a leading vocational education and training (VET) institute in Denmark, with over 3000 full-time students; one of college’s specialist offerings is the range of training courses on composite materials and processing. Testing of the 13 different resin flow mesh product grades supplied by EXPO-NET was completed last year using TECHCOLLEGE‘s facilities and support. The test programme, instigated by EXPO-NET to help customers to better understand the rheological impact of different flow mesh grades and types, was developed and conducted by Mark Holmgaard Christensen, EXPO-NET’s plant manager; he is also a composite specialist development engineer and one of the examiners for the TECHCOLLEGE composite training course.

The latest ‘Vacuum Infusion Resin Flow Mesh Technical Processing Guide 2024’,which has now been published, provides comparative data on all the EXPO-NET flow mesh grades currently available. The guide enables an OEM or Tier 1 composite part producer to select the best flow mesh grades to use in different areas of a mould to consistently obtain the desired resin infusion speed and final part quality. Visitors to the EXPO-NET stand during JEC World 2024 will be able to hear about future developments, find out how EXPO-NET can assist customers in more detail, and obtain a copy of the updated 2024 technical processing guide.  

The latest ‘Vacuum Infusion Resin Flow Mesh Technical Processing Guide 2024’ provides comparative data on all 13 EXPO-NET® flow mesh grades currently available.

EXPO-NET is a key preferred supplier to a wide variety of customers and markets worldwide, supplying both directly and via approved supply chain distributors and kitting partners. The EXPO-NET team prides itself on providing a flexible, responsive customer service, customized products, innovative technical support and a reliable supply chain delivery service. EXPO-NET is committed to its ongoing programme focused on sustainability and net zero.   

Meet EXPO-NET at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth P78.

145309JEC Group
Discover the possibilities of high-performance fibre cables at JEC World 2024 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:40:00 +0000 Read more]]> Today, Future Fibres remains the world’s leading supplier of composite rigging to the marine industry, also delivering increasingly specialised solutions for a wide range of industrial applications.

Future Fibres’ understanding of formulating its technologies for specific performance characteristics has made it adept at innovating for some of the most challenging environments in the world, and at producing solutions which empower its customers to reach ambitious goals across wind energy, tidal energy, renewable energy, lifting equipment, civil engineering, aerospace and beyond.

Visit Booth 5 L 04 at JEC World to meet the experts from Future Fibres, and to see a range of high-performance fibre samples.

The booth will also feature a diverse set of case studies, showcasing the incredible breadth of possibilities with Future Fibres’ technology, including:

Cherenkov telescope array LST-1

The Cherenkov Telescope Array LST-1 is using intermediate modulus multistrand structural carbon cables from Future Fibres to address some of the most perplexing questions about astrophysics – seeking to understand the origin and role of relativistic cosmic particles, probe extreme environments, and explore physics frontiers.
High winds, high UV, salt in the air, and icing up, are all regular events at the telescope’s location, contributing to tough environmental conditions. The composite cables have performed exceptionally. LST-2 and following telescopes began construction in 2023. The Array will be using more than 100 telescopes spread between two sites in the northern and southern hemispheres.

flexC carbon ribbon belt

This versatile, flexible belt combines high-performance carbon fibres with a uniquely flexible thermoset resin matrix.
In civil engineering, the flexC belt is used to strengthen concrete and steel elements in buildings, bridges, and other structures. It can be quickly deployed in emergencies, using adhesives to shore up compromised structures, or as a post-tensioning solution. Its precision and durability make it a champion in complex machinery too, ensuring flawless performance within high-fatigue environments, like wave energy PTO systems.

Crawler crane fibre pendant

Aramid fibre cables for cranes are a break though in improving crane reach and staff safety. These lightweight, flexible fibre cables are used to build large wind turbines, reaching consistently high winds, resulting in a greater output of renewable energy. Replacing steel wire as the primary material for tension elements of crane rigging has greatly reduced boom weight and increased load lifting capacity and reach, as well as saving staff time and improving safety.

Barn truss tension cables

Low and high tech combined perfectly for this customer who was provided with carbon truss ties to support an oak frame housing their collection of wine and Porsches. The cables serve to tie the arched shape of the oak frames together to stabilise the structure.
Detailed work on how the female threaded end of a Nanolite cone could interact with the oak frame. The use of double-acting rigging screws is providing significant tension adjustment as the building settles in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Meet Future Fibres at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth L04.

145678JEC Group
Avient features ThermoBallistic™ ballistic-resistant composite panels at JEC World 2024 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Broadening Avient’s portfolio of protective materials, Polystrand™ ThermoBallistic™ ballistic-resistant composite panels are compression molded panels made with e-glass and thermoplastic resin systems that offer a cost-competitive alternative to ballistic-resistant materials made with other fibers or thermoset resins. ThermoBallistic panels provide structural bullet-resistant reinforcement to meet UL 752 Level 3 ballistic rating for interior and exterior architectural surfaces and components at a lighter weight than traditional panel materials.

Avient will also highlight its complete portfolio of advanced composite materials and engineered fiber solutions that offer high strength, weight reduction, and corrosion resistance for products across a broad range of industries and markets, including:

Thermoplastic composites:
• Polystrand™ continuous fiber reinforced unidirectional tapes and multi-axial laminates, including recycled content formulations
• Hammerhead™ Marine Composite Panels – structural solutions to replace wood and other materials in boat-building applications
• Polystrand™ structural sandwich panels

Thermoset composites:
• Gordon Composites™ continuous glass and carbon fiber bar stock, laminates, and composite springs, including springs for high-temperature industrial applications
• Gordon Glass™ archery bow limbs
• Glasforms™ pultruded rods, tubes, and custom profiles
• GlasArmor™ ballistic-resistant panels

Engineered fibre solutions:
• fibre-Line™ engineered high-performance fibres, including coated, twisted, and custom-wound aramid, glass, carbon, HMPE, and LCP fibres
• fibre-Line™ fibre-reinforced thermoplastic unidirectional tapes, pultruded rods, and custom extrusion-coated rods and fibres

Dyneema®, the strongest fiber™
• Dyneema® unidirectional (UD) material is a composite laminate that offers excellent energy absorption and enhanced protection in a lightweight solution
• The strength and versatility of Dyneema® make it ideal for a wide range of ballistic armor solutions for personal and vehicle protection

Avient is committed to helping customers meet sustainability goals in various ways through its composites portfolio. Composites are inherently lightweight alternatives to metal and other materials, enabling sustainability initiatives such as material reduction and fuel economy improvements in many end products. Thermoplastic recycled-content composites can further support a circular economy and help customers lessen their environmental impact.

Meet Avient at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth F49.

145659JEC Group
Les Composites à Matrice Céramique (CMC) : un levier stratégique pour la souveraineté et l’excellence française Mon, 04 Mar 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Les CMC sont des matériaux d’importance stratégique.

Seuls les pays les plus avancés sont engagés dans la course aux composites à matrice céramique. En effet, aux Etats-Unis, General Electric tire désormais massivement profit des CMC pour réduire la consommation de ses moteurs d’avion ou d’hélicoptère (LEAP, GE9X, etc.). D’autres acteurs industriels progressent dans cette direction aux USA, au Japon, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne…

L’industrie française, qui a été pionnière en la matière, a des atouts considérables. Cependant, il a été observé une fragilité de la filière reliant la recherche « amont » à la production et l’utilisation de ces matériaux.

Pour faire connaître les bénéfices de cette famille de matériaux, et sur la base des réflexions des experts français du domaine, ce livre blanc propose des recommandations destinées aux « Grands donneurs d’ordre », pour que la France reste un leader du domaine.

“Dans le contexte économique et géopolitique actuel, il importe d’attirer l’attention des pouvoirs publics et des décideurs dans les domaines de la recherche, de l’innovation et du soutien à l’activité industrielle et économique afin qu’ils aident à structurer efficacement la filière “CMC” pour faire face à des pays nettement plus dynamiques dans le domaine. Le simple fait d’avoir rédigé en commun ce livre blanc avec une dizaine d’acteurs différents (industriels, PME, agences, établissements publics, académiques, …) a permis de raffermir les liens de la communauté et la préparer un peu mieux à l’avenir” affirme Gérard Vignoles, professeur à l’université de Bordeaux, directeur du laboratoire des composites Thermo Structuraux et du groupement de recherche CNRS « (CMC)2 ».

Les Composites à Matrice Céramique appliqués au spatial

Ce sont des matériaux renforcés par des fibres céramiques, ce qui leur confère des propriétés exceptionnelles en termes de résistance à la chaleur, de légèreté et de résistance aux environnements extrêmes, ce qui en fait des choix idéaux pour les applications spatiales. En effet, ils sont particulièrement adaptés pour être utilisés dans les cols et divergents des tuyères d’étage de propulsion des lanceurs spatiaux.

L’emploi des CMC permet également de concevoir directement une structure chaude capable à la fois de résister aux importants flux thermiques d’une rentrée atmosphérique et de garantir la manoeuvrabilité de l’engin en conservant le profil aérodynamique. Ils peuvent ainsi protéger efficacement les composants internes de l’engin spatial contre les dommages thermiques.

En 2015, c’est avec succès que ces pièces ont été utilisés en conditions réelles de rentrée atmosphérique grâce au vol de la navette IXV (Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle) financée par l’Agence Spatiale Européenne. Cette mission a permis de collecter un ensemble de données précieuses sur les performances de la navette, les contraintes thermiques et aérodynamiques, ouvrant la voie à l’adoption de ces matériaux avancés dans d’autres projets spatiaux futurs.

Des acteurs de la décarbonation et de la diminution des impacts environnementaux dans l’aéronautique.
La plus grande production de masse de composites céramiques concerne le freinage aéronautique. Safran permet notamment à la France d’être leader sur le marché avec la production de frein carbone, équipant la plupart des puits de chaleur des avions civils et militaires.

Dans un contexte d’accroissement du trafic aérien, il est désormais nécessaire de concevoir des matériaux composites améliorés censés répondre aux futures exigences économiques et environnementales des constructeurs aéronautiques émises après les recommandations des groupes de travail ACARE (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research and Innovation in Europe) et CORAC (Conseil pour la Recherche Aéronautique Civile) en France. Les objectifs sont de réduire de 50% le bruit perçu, de diminuer de 80% les émissions d’oxyde d’azote tout en dépassant l’objectif de réduction de la consommation de carburant de 15%, en respectant des coûts acceptables par le marché.

Pour atteindre ces objectifs, il est nécessaire de réduire la masse globale des aéronefs, d’améliorer les performances moteur et réduire les besoins en refroidissement. La NASA a proposé une estimation des gains dans les prochains moteurs grâce à la céramisation des composants.

En effet, concevoir et réaliser des aubages mobiles et fixes HP et BP, d’anneaux turbines HP et une chambre de combustion en CMC pourraient conduire à une réduction globale nette de 6% de la consommation de carburant et une réduction supérieure à 33% des émissions NOx. Des recommandations qui devraient motiver la France à réaliser un investissement dans le domaine des composites céramiques afin de rester leader dans la conception et la réalisation des futurs ensembles propulsifs aéronautiques.

Les enjeux actuels et futurs favorisent donc la poursuite et l’amplification de la position de leader construite en France sur ces technologies appliquées à de nombreux secteurs tels que l’aéronautique, la défense et l’énergie.

La défense : des domaines stratégiques où les efforts doivent se maintenir pour préparer les applications et les capacités futures.

En France, les CMC ont été développés à partir des années 1980, à l’initiative de la Société Européenne de Propulsion (aujourd’hui ArianeGroup et Safran), pour alléger les moteurs des missiles balistiques de la force de dissuasion nucléaire, puis ceux des lanceurs civils comme Ariane. En effet, les applications actuelles sont soumises à des échauffements cinétiques sur la structure du vecteur et au niveau du système propulsif.

Dans le domaine de la propulsion aéronautique, les CMC seront présents dans la partie chaude des turboréacteurs qui équiperont le Next Generation Fighter (NGF) du programme européen System de combat Aérien Futur co-dirigé par la France, l’Espagne et l’Allemagne. Des nouveaux moteurs militaires emploieront ces matériaux en raison des gains de performances rendus possible par leur résistance aux températures de plus en plus élevées.

« Les plus gros volumes de production de CMC (plusieurs centaines de tonnes par an chez Safran) sont aujourd’hui les disques de frein d’avion en composites carbone-carbone, plus légers et plus sûrs. Des CMC équipent aussi la tuyère du moteur M88 du Rafale, dès son entrée en service » précise Éric Bouillon, directeur Scientifique et Expert Emérite Safran Group / Safran Ceramics.

La particularité des composites « chauds » entraine des spécificités de solution d’industrialisation, de coût, d’utilisation en raison de leurs propriétés thermiques exceptionnelles et de leur complexité de fabrication.

Penser l’avenir, prolonger et assurer la pérennité et le développement du marché des CMC pour que la France garde sa souveraineté dans le domaine

Les domaines applicatifs, où les CMC ont déjà démontré leur fort intérêt seront maintenus, voire fortement renforcés, dans des domaines stratégiques comme le domaine de la défense, la souveraineté énergétique, l’indépendance de l’accès à l’espace.

Ce secteur de l’activité représente environ 10% du CA total des matériaux composites. Depuis plus de 10 ans, le taux de croissance consolidé varie entre 8 et 10% par an.

« Il y a un très gros potentiel de croissance du marché, non seulement dans le domaine de la propulsion aéronautique – pour l’instant, seules quelques pièces des turbines sont produites ainsi mais d’ici peu il y en aura bien plus – mais aussi dans celui de l’énergie et de l’industrie lourde, où ces matériaux pourraient apporter des solutions encore non imaginées dans le cadre de la conversion des sites industriels à l’hydrogène ou à l’électricité » précise le Pr Vignoles

« Les CMC sont un fort contributeur de la décarbonation du transport aérien, par diminution de la consommation spécifique des moteurs et une diminution de masse embarquée. Ils contribuent également à la mise en oeuvre des futures exigences environnementales et apportent une désensibilisation aux minerais du conflit. En ce sens, tous les grands motoristes ont inscrit l’introduction des technologies CMC dans leur feuille de route relative aux prochaines motorisations, à l’échelle de la dizaine d’année, et cela représentera un marché de très grand volume, en complément du marché déjà occupé par le freinage aéronautique » assure Éric Bouillon.

Ce livre blanc met en exergue la réflexion approfondie et concertée d’un groupe d’experts français de la recherche académique, industriels et organismes de recherche intermédiaires sur le domaine technologique des CMC. Il met également l’accent sur l’expertise collective et les perspectives innovantes.

« L’objectif était de fédérer les forces nationales dans ce secteur d’activité confidentiel, mais très stratégique, principalement dans le domaine aérospatial et défense (pièces chaudes moteurs, missile hypervéloce, par exemple). Les perspectives sont d’enclencher des programmes structurants afin d’optimiser les efforts de recherche et technologie, de créer plus de synergies et ainsi d’accélérer les développements entre les différents acteurs » conclut Laurent Ferres, responsable du site aquitain de l’IRT Saint Exupéry et des compétences composite céramique.

Pour télécharger le livre blanc, suivez ce lien et renseignez votre adresse mail :

Rencontrez l’IRT Saint Exupéry à JEC World 2024, sous la bannière « FIT Alliance Matériaux » aux côtés des IRT Jules Verne et M2P, hall 6, stand Q82.

145706JEC Group
Syensqo élargit sa gamme de produits biosourcés avec un nouveau pré-imprégné époxy MTM® Fri, 01 Mar 2024 15:55:00 +0000 Read more]]> Syensqo, qui faisait auparavant partie du groupe Solvay, a mis au point une nouvelle version de sa résine phare MTM® 49-3 qui contient 30% de monomères biosourcés. Cette nouvelle variante de produit complète le portefeuille de pré-imprégnés avancés MTM® de l’entreprise et vise les applications structurelles automobiles, notamment les panneaux de carrosserie, les composants de châssis et les spoilers.

“Notre nouveau MTM® 49-3 biosourcé aidera les équipementiers à réduire l’épuisement des ressources fossiles et à atteindre leurs objectifs de neutralité carbone, tout en garantissant les mêmes niveaux élevés de qualité, de processabilité et de performance mécanique que son homologue d’origine,” déclare Greg Kelly, Head of Composite Product Management chez Syensqo.

Tout comme le matériau existant, le nouveau MTM® 49-3 biosourcé de Syensqo a une température de transition vitreuse (Tg) de 190°C, et il présente une ténacité accrue pour une résistance aux chocs supérieure à celle des préimprégnés thermodurcissables concurrents. Grâce à son rapport résistance/poids élevé, il permet d’économiser jusqu’à 40% de la masse des composants par rapport aux métaux. Le produit est compatible avec les procédés de conversion en autoclave et en presse, et il durcit à 135°C en 60 minutes. En outre, il a été conçu pour assurer la sécurité des opérateurs et ne contient pas de substances cancérigènes, mutagènes ou toxiques pour la reproduction.

Syensqo présentera officiellement le MTM® 49-3 biosourcé sur le marché lors du JEC World 2024 du 05 au 07 mars au stand K58 dans le hall 5.

145576JEC Group
BlueWind exhibits for the first time at JEC World 2024 Fri, 01 Mar 2024 14:29:00 +0000 Read more]]> BlueWind, a company specializing in manufacturing high–performance composites – one of the largest manufacturers of nacelles for wind turbines in the US – will participate for the first time as an exhibitor at JEC World. The leading show for the global composites industry, JEC World, will take place in Paris between March 5th and 7th.

BlueWind will be part of the ALMACO Brazil Pavilion at JEC World 2024. A member of the Latin American Composite Materials Association (ALMACO), the company has strategic partners in Brazil and a technology transfer agreement with a large local manufacturer.

“By exhibiting at JEC World with ALMACO, we will show end users who visit the show that we can meet the demands for high-performance composites not only in the North American market but also in Latin America and Europe,” comments Jean Zolet, CEO of BlueWind.

Zolet also highlights that BlueWind is already analyzing projects to install European production units. “As projects emerge, we are fully capable of quickly starting a manufacturing operation in different countries,” he notes. In Pensacola, FL, where BlueWind is located, it took just 90 days for the company to set up shop and manufacture the first nacelle in the US.

At JEC World, BlueWind will present a section of a nacelle cover that features a new technology with metallic inserts in the laminate. “The difference with this part is that we included a carbon steel plate in its lamination plan, responsible for fixing the nacelle to the machine head. By adopting this practice, we guarantee greater dimensional reliability to the nacelle and improve productivity,” explains Wagner Paglia, sales and marketing manager at BlueWind.

The ALMACO Brazil Pavilion, where BlueWind will present the nacelle section and its team will interact with the public, will be located in hall 5, booth D133.

145300JEC Group
SECAM entreprise Haut-Savoyarde révolutionne la fixation de panneaux sandwich avec l’insert SECAMnida Fri, 01 Mar 2024 13:18:00 +0000 Read more]]> Outre ses qualités évidentes en termes de fiabilité et de gain de temps de pose en manuel, il est facilement automatisable grâce à l’effecteur développé par la société GEBE2. À découvrir sur le stand d’Europe Technologies stand B61, hall 6.

La genèse du projet

c’est la marque de fabrique de SECAM Fixing Solutions, spécialiste des vis et inserts pour matières
plastiques, alliages légers et composites au sein du Groupe HBP.

« L’innovation fait partie de notre culture d’entreprise ; nous travaillons main dans la main avec nos clients pour développer des solutions sur-mesure adaptées à leurs besoins » précise David RIGAL, directeur de SECAM.

Cette agilité et cette ouverture ont conduit les équipes de SECAM à réfléchir, dès 2012, à une solution plus pratique et moins coûteuse que les inserts NAS existants. La demande émanait alors d’un acteur important du marché des matériaux composites haute-performance. Prototypé et testé, l’insert SECAMnida® est définitivement breveté en 2016.

Zoom sur l’insert noyé pour matériaux sandwitch le plus optimisé du marché

SECAMnida® n’est pas un simple insert noyé pour panneau sandwich nid d’abeille. Sa technologie d’une
grande fiabilité révolutionne la pose. Cette fixation avec un filetage freiné et renforcé est sertie sur la peau supérieure du panneau sandwich par une déformation à froid de la pièce. Cet ancrage efficace permet de maintenir définitivement l’insert en position et permet de manipuler le panneau sans risques, contrairement aux inserts actuels qui sont tenus par une simple languette autocollante dite de positionnement et peuvent basculer dans leur logement avant ou pendant l’opération de collage.

Après sertissage, la colle bi-composants peut alors être injectée et le remplissage est contrôlé avec précision grâce au témoin de remplissage.

Alors que les inserts NAS actuels nécessitent 7 opérations (perçage, détourage, …) ainsi qu’une immobilisation de près de 24h pour la polymérisation complète, l’insert SECAMnida® est d’une efficacité inégalée : seules 3 étapes sont nécessaires, l’opération de pose passe ainsi de 2 minutes à 30 secondes et le panneau est immédiatement manipulable pour poursuivre son process de fabrication.

Du point de vue de la réduction des coûts de non-qualité, les gains engendrés par notre technologie sont très significatifs : lorsqu’un défaut géométrique dû à une pose non conforme est détecté après collage des inserts NAS traditionnels, cela oblige à une réparation complexe et coûteuse. L’emploi de l’outil de sertissage spécialement développé pour l’insert SECAMnida® garantit un haut niveau de répétabilité et de positionnement (affleurement, coaxialité).

Autre atout du SECAMnida® : son poids. L’insert est développé dans un alliage d’aluminium qui allie résistance et aptitude à la déformation pour le sertissage, avec un renfort des filets intérieurs et l’ajout d’un filet rapporté en inox de sorte à obtenir le meilleur ratio résistance mécanique / poids.

Cette qualité en fait une vraie réponse au défi de l’allègement auquel est confrontée l’industrie du transport et qui s’est intensifié dans le contexte actuel de réduction de la consommation d’énergie.

Gain de temps sur les lignes d’assemblage, gain de poids sur l’objet final et baisse des coûts de non-qualité, SECAMnida® rencontre la recherche d’innovation des constructeurs.

Le pari gagnant de l’automatisation avec GEBE2

C’est en 2019 sur le Salon du Bourget que les deux industriels initient leur collaboration. GEBE2, conscient des difficultés et des coûts liés à l’automatisation de la pose des inserts noyés type NAS, recherchait une solution fiable et économique.

Un accord de partenariat exclusif est alors signé pour aller au-delà de l’idée et produire un démonstrateur. L’étude est lancée et GEBE2 développe un effecteur robotisé tout-en-un qui peut percer, sertir, distribuer de la colle et réaliser un contrôle final 100% automatisé.

L’alliance des 2 industriels permet aujourd’hui d’offrir une solution entièrement robotisée pour l’installation de fixations dans tous les types de panneaux sandwich, nid d’abeille ou autres.
Elle offre de nombreux avantages :
• Amélioration de la répétabilité de l’opération de pose d’insert
• Automatisation du contrôle qualité
• Possibilité de réaliser la traçabilité de l’ensemble des opérations
• Versatilité et adaptabilité du système à des géométries de pièces complexes

Aujourd’hui l’aéronautique et demain…

L’innovation disruptive de ce nouvel insert automatisable a immédiatement suscité l’intérêt d’un des plus gros équipementiers aéronautiques mondiaux.

Après quatre années d’une enrichissante collaboration et de nombreux tests en laboratoire tous les jalons ont été franchis avec succès ; aujourd’hui le SECAMnida® est qualifié et fait partie intégrante des productions actuelles de sièges classe affaire et first. L’ordre de grandeurs des volumes représente déjà quelques centaines de milliers d’inserts.

Cette collaboration ouvre des perspectives d’avenir pour les deux partenaires, notamment avec les besoins du marché de l’aérospatial où le soin de la pose de l’insert est beaucoup plus exigeant et l’automatisation pourrait faire la différence.

L’aventure ne fait que commencer. SECAM se concentre désormais sur l’élargissement de la gamme avec de nouvelles innovations.

Rencontrez SECAM à JEC World 2024, hall 6, stand N32.

145676JEC Group
Toray Carbon Fibers Europe to showcase Avel Robotics’ IMOCA hydrofoil at JEC World 2024 Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Toray Carbon Fibers Europe has recently developed an Advanced Towpreg solution that is perfectly adapted to the Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process.

Avel Robotics is a high-performance composite parts manufacturer and an AFP specialist. Avel Robotics has been manufacturing hydrofoils for world-class offshore racing boats using Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg since 2020.

The Advanced Towpreg is delivered to Avel Robotics as spools, without release films, ready to be laid up. ‘The absence of release film is a game-changer’, says Adrien Marchandise, Avel Robotics’ Chief Technology Officer.

‘Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg also features very high width stability and fiber areal weight ideally suited for Avel Robotics’ process, allowing the production of consistent and highly reliable parts’, added Natalie Jordan, Director of Customer Service and Technical Support at Toray Carbon Fiber Europe.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe’s Advanced Towpreg has already been used by Avel Robotics on famous racing boats with proven performance results. Adrien Marchandise explains:

‘Toray Carbon Fibers Europe understood that we needed to have a product that was designed for AFP manufacturing. Their Advanced Towpreg product is cost-effective and has a lower impact in terms of its environmental footprint. The fact that we avoid the use of release film and the additional costs of cutting tapes before layup, added to the “net-shape” principle of additive manufacturing, makes our process much more advanced and efficient than manual layup’.

Furthermore, Toray Carbon Fiber Europe’s Advanced Towpreg is 100% manufactured in France from the carbon fiber to the Advanced Towpreg material.  ‘This contributes to lowering the environmental impact of the whole composite material solution, while providing an integrated and secure supply chain with local manufacturing and technical support’, added Natalie Jordan.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe is currently working on expanding its Advanced Towpreg portfolio, to respond to growing demand in high performance markets.

Crédits image : Thomas Deregnieaux / Qaptur / Initiatives Cœur

Meet Toray at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth H01.

145651JEC Group
FIT Alliance Matériaux : une mutualisation des compétences pour un rayonnement national dans le domaine des matériaux et procédés Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:48:00 +0000 Read more]]> A travers cette alliance, les trois Instituts proposent de mutualiser leurs compétences, plateformes, moyens et expertises au service de l’industrie d’aujourd’hui et de demain. L’ambition est de répondre aux enjeux majeurs de souveraineté, d’indépendance dans l’approvisionnement de matières premières, de réduction de l’impact environnemental et de réduction du cycle de qualification et certification des Matériaux et Procédés.

Les trois IRT travaillent sur des thématiques communes et complémentaires afin d’asseoir leur compétitivité avec leurs membres au niveau national et international.  Ce rapprochement stratégique rendu possible par l’expérience réussie de plusieurs projets de R&T menés en cotraitance par les trois instituts, offre aux industriels partenaires la possibilité d’accéder à un vivier de talents, à une expertise sur la chaîne de valeur des matériaux et les moyens de leur mise en oeuvre ainsi qu’à l’arsenal combiné des moyens expérimentaux des trois IRT. Un partage des feuilles de route, des montages de projets communs, la participation au salon JEC World 2023 et cette année 2024, ont permis d’aboutir au lancement de nombreux projets.

Une cartographie des compétences et des moyens techniques de chaque institut a été réalisée afin de communaliser la gestion des projets de recherche, de l’investissement et du désinvestissement des moyens techniques via des commissions internes.

L’IRT Jules Verne travaille dans un écosystème innovant en partenariat avec des acteurs industriels et académiques de référence. L’IRT Jules Verne, qui a fêté ses 10 ans en 2022, a développé un savoir-faire technologique aujourd’hui reconnu, au service des grands enjeux industriels tels que la mobilité, l’énergie et la fabrication de moyens de production. Ses expertises s’expriment au travers de procédés de fabrication et de fonctionnalisation de pièces et de structures complexes innovants. Ils incorporent un haut niveau d’automatisation et de digitalisation gage d’une compétitivité accrue.

« Les synergies de compétences et de moyens qui sont générées par le rapprochement des IRTs M2P, Saint Exupéry et Jules Verne permettent d’améliorer significativement la valeur qui est amenée aux partenaires et répondent dans le même temps à leur besoin d’un accès simple et rapide à cette force de proposition et de réalisation technologique de haut niveau. L’IRT Jules Verne trouve aujourd’hui dans l’Alliance Matériaux de FIT les briques qui complètent idéalement son offre d’innovation dédiée aux Procédés de Fabrication et aux Systèmes de Production en cohérence avec la volonté nationale de réindustrialisation » complète André Luciani, Directeur de l’Expertise et de la Recherche de l’IRT Jules Verne.

Le positionnement technologique de l’IRT M2P s’inscrit dans le développement, l’hybridation et l’automatisation de procédés à hautes cadences permettant la réalisation de matériaux, procédés et produits composites hautes performances contribuant à l’allégement et à la décarbonation de secteurs industriels clés : aéronautique, automobile, ferroviaire ou encore BTP. Depuis 2013, l’IRT M2P a développé un savoir-faire et des lignes pilotes sur des technologies complémentaires de mise en forme et de mise en œuvre : préformage, procédés d’injection, moulage par compression (SMC, BMC), pultrusion et renforcement par tressage, Automated Fiber Placement (AFP), thermoformage et consolidation hors autoclave (OoA), caractérisation ou encore simulation numérique.

En 2017, l’IRT M2P a reçu un JEC Innovation Award pour le procédé C-RTM, technologie issue du projet Fast RTM.

L’institut de recherche de l’IRT Saint Exupéry, localisé à Toulouse, Bordeaux développe des nouveaux matériaux composites multifonctionnels. Grâce à leurs plateformes technologiques (lignes d’imprégnation, une ligne thermodurcissable à l’échelle du laboratoire, une ligne thermoplastique semi-industrielle, une ligne pour les composites céramiques et d’ici fin 2024 une plateforme robotique thermoplastique hybride, combinant l’AFP in-situ et la fabrication additive), l’IRT Saint Exupéry apporte son expertise dans le domaine des composites à matrice organique et céramique, en les développant et les caractérisant ainsi qu’en créant des preuves de concept et une montée en maturité des technologies.

En assurant la coordination des IRT de manière transparente, l’Alliance Matériaux permet donc un accès simplifié, à travers un point d’entrée unique, aux compétences et plateformes de ces instituts.

Rencontrez FIT Alliance Matériaux à JEC World 2024, hall 6, stand Q82.

145485JEC Group
Sustainable collaboration: CompPair and SHD form a partnership reinforcing healable composite solutions on the market Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:37:00 +0000 Read more]]> The agreement signifies a shared commitment to advancing more sustainable, lightweight solutions. CompPair’s HealTech™ technology brings the potential of repairability to composite applications, extending their lifespan and reducing waste. This aligns perfectly with SHD’s focus on sustainability through innovative material alternatives and a proactive approach to minimising the environmental impact of advanced composite solutions.

Building upon a successful four-year collaboration that began with lab-scale trials and optimisation of impregnation techniques, the partnership has now laid the foundations for industrial scale production. SHD’s manufacturing capabilities and responsiveness to customer needs further enhance the collaboration, enabling both companies to adapt swiftly to market demands.

Extending beyond a core impregnation services agreement, the two companies will also collaborate on a limited number of innovative development projects within key market sectors. Apart from these strategic collaborations, CompPair will handle all direct inquiries for HealTech™ prepreg product purchases, solution applications and impact assessments.

This strategic alliance leverages the combined expertise and resources of both companies to drive innovation and explore new avenues for growth. Together, CompPair and SHD are committed to delivering impactful, sustainable solutions that meet the evolving needs of customers and contribute to a more responsible future for the composites industry.

About CompPair Technologies Ltd.:
CompPair is a world-class composite expert, providing the first healable and sustainable composite material, a ground-breaking innovation in the field of self-healing composites. Made with CompPair’s material, their product family being HealTechTM, composite structures can heal damage on site in 1 minute and be better recycled. CompPair provides manufacturers with cutting-edge materials compatible with standard production processes. HealTechTM’s value proposition is a 99% repair time reduction and significantly lower CO2 emissions. CompPair tackles composite limitations and leads a paradigm change for the industry.

About SHD group:
SHD group of companies have been strategically formed to service the global composites market with a range of high performance prepreg materials from multiple manufacturing bases. Service, quality and innovation will always remain at the heart of SHD’s ethos, with a relentless focus on maintaining short lead times and market leading customer support.

At JEC World 2024 meet CompPair , hall 5, booth G19 & SHD Composite materials, hall 5, booth H52

145564JEC Group
Huntsman to showcase sustainability through advanced chemistry at JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:46:00 +0000 Read more]]> Huntsman will showcase the following innovations at the event:

ARALDITE® Mass Balance Concept (MBC), low carbon footprint, high performance resins: ARALDITE® MBC resins represent a breakthrough portfolio of sustainable resins. These resins, while technically identical to standard fossil-based ARALDITE® resins, hold a REDcert2 certificate, validating the replacement of fossil-based raw materials with sustainably certified biomass. Notably, they can showcase a remarkable reduction of up to 100% in CO2-equivalent emissions, without compromising performance nor requiring any re-qualifications.

  • ARALDITE® solutions developed for towpregs in pressure vessels: The ARALDITE® LY 3512 / ARADUR® 1571 / ACCELERATOR 1573, is an epoxy-based formulation engineered to optimize hydrogen pressure vessel production with towpregs. This formulation can enhance towpreg materials’ storage capabilities at room temperature. Typical benefits can include precise rheology, tackiness, and cohesion of carbon fiber filaments, enabling swift impregnation and accurate placement during production while maintaining thermo-mechanical performance. ARALDITE® pressure vessel resins are also available as a sustainable MBC version.
  • ARALDITE® epoxy systems developed for composite battery enclosures, trays and underbody shields: Huntsman’s proven range of intrinsic fire-retardant ARALDITE® FST and unfilled mass production systems can help manufacturers of composite parts to meet part specific structural, fire, thermal, environmental, and mass production requirements. Used via WCM, RTM and HP-RTM processes these systems can enable short cycle times with low scrap rates. ARALDITE® battery resins are also available as a sustainable MBC version.
  • Polyurethane resins revolutionizing EV battery enclosures with low carbon footprint option: Huntsman’s polyurethane (PU) resin portfolio can help to facilitate the swift creation of underbody and upper cover battery protection components, offering manufacturers the chance to accelerate production by up to 30% compared to existing technologies. Innovative resin options available can offer increased strength, structural performance, and design flexibility, and can support energy-efficient manufacturing methods. Products are also aligned towards the sustainability goals and net zero ambitions of customers, with ISCC PLUS mass balance certified options available which can help to reduce attributed carbon footprint (GWP100 including biogenic CO2) by up to 50% compared to incumbent fossil-based technologies*.
  • Novel composite technology developed for lightweight seat back frames: At JEC World, Huntsman will be introducing an innovative glass fiber-reinforced PU composite technology developed for car rear seat pan applications. Leveraging Reaction Spray Molding, Huntsman’s VITROX® RSM solution can facilitate lightweight, efficient production cycles, helping to meet the demands of electric and hybrid vehicles through high integration capabilities and optimal surface quality.

In addition to these groundbreaking innovations, the Huntsman booth will feature an array of compelling applications, serving as tangible examples of the company’s cutting-edge solutions in action.

Visitors can explore product demonstrators, including:

  • Battery covers developed for electric vehicles utilizing ARALDITE® or VITROX® solutions, and showcasing the versatility of Huntsman’s products in e-vehicle applications;
  • A Type IV hydrogen pressure vessel illustrating Huntsman’s comprehensive system portfolio for wet-filament-winding and towpreg manufacturing processes;
  • An automotive composite front hood with improved carbon footprint, using an MBC ARALDITE® resin, exemplifying the high-performance capabilities of Huntsman’s materials in structural automotive applications.
  • An impressive 1/3-scaled prototype for special defense missions and technical demonstrator of void fillers and adhesives usages in sandwich structures will both illustrate the long-lasting presence of ARALDITE®, EPOCAST® and EPIBOND® in aerospace applications.
  • Additionally, an aerospace pultruded fuel pipe will illustrate how MIRALON® carbon nanotubes can enhance safety by reducing static electricity accumulation.

In addition, numerous structural adhesives as well as innovative recyclable packaging, including
ARALDITE® HP 9102 adhesive, developed to achieve sandwich bonding, will demonstrate
Huntsman’s commitment to delivering high-performance solutions across many industries.

Finally, Huntsman will highlight its recently launched Technology Portal for Collaborative
Innovation, inviting engagement with innovators and manufacturers across the value chain. This
initiative aims to foster external collaborations, providing avenues for sharing innovation challenges,
problem-solving opportunities, and tailored manufacturing solutions.

Visitors are invited to explore these innovations at Huntsman’s JEC World 2024 booth. The
company’s composite experts will be in attendance and available to discuss how Huntsman’s
‘sustainability through advanced chemistry’ initiative is helping to reshape the composite landscape.

Meet Huntsman at JEC World 2024 in hall 6, booth K32.

144877JEC Group
Biobased composite bodywork vehicle wins Africa Eco Race 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 14:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> Due to strong weight limitations and its environmental-friendly approach, APACHE Automotive was aiming for bio-based composite-based bodyworks, and thus chose to collaborate with VESO Concept (Occitanie, France). Once the design of the bodywork parts validated, APACHE Automotive put a total trust in VESO Concept for the part prototyping and production : reinforcements, polymers and processes have been defined by the VESO Concept team using an eco-conception approach, to finally deliver a first prototype and two bodyworks in one year.

Finally, this collaboration has been fruitful, as the SSV driven by G. Paulin (copilot R. Boulanger) ended on the 1st position, while the one driven by P.-L. Loubet (copilot F. Borsotto) won 5 of the 12 race steps. Both results confirm the high-performance levels of vehicles and teams in harsh conditions (desert, rocks, sand, dust…).

Dashboard in recycled carbon fibres @Veso Concept

Reinforcements were carefully chosen depending on each part requirements and are of several natures. Recycled carbon mat was for instance used for the dashboard, especially for its aesthetic aspect when integrated as a reinforcement.

Flax was chosen for its very low environmental footprint, but also for its lightness and damping properties, and was used for the bodywork exterior parts. This natural fibre was chosen over the other for its availability under different shapes, as fabrics and mats. Basalt was rather used for interior parts and for the rocker panels, due to its high mechanical properties.

Weights and weaving have been chosen depending on the required properties. When needed, core materials where integrated in the monolithic parts for structural reinforcement. Following the initial eco-friendly strategy, recycled PET foams and cork panels were integrated as core materials. These choices allow to have a 100 % recycled/bio-based reinforcement range.

Structural part made with flax fibres, @ Veso Concept

One of the main challenge was about surface aspect, as VESO Concept took the bet of obtaining porosity-free parts straight out of their moulds, without using gel-coats, in-mould paints or glass veils as surface finishers. This allowed to produce car bodyworks with apparent weaving patterns and minimal weight. Car bodywork were then dust-protected by a covering by Apache Automotive.

Several bodywork technical performances can be pointed out, such as:

  • The multifunctionality of the hoods: front and rear hoods include engine protection, holes for lightening, fenders and spoilers, while being single-part
  • A final weight 10 % under Apache Automotive specifications
  • French and European suppliers for all raw materials of composite parts
  • 3900 kms driven for both APH-01 vehicles in desert conditions, without bodywork part breakage

A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) has been carried out at the beginning of the project to compare its environmental validity to more traditional composite solutions. This LCA concludes that the VESO Concept solution releases 50 % less kg CO2 eq than a traditional carbon/epoxy solution, highlighting the interest of partially biobased/recycled composite materials.

To conclude, this challenging project has been a great opportunity for VESO Concept to produce one of the first composite bodyworks made of bio-based/recycled reinforcements and environmental-friendly polymers. This successful achievement can be seen as an auspicious attempt to open the automotive sector to more sustainable composite solutions.

Meet VESO Concept at JEC World 2024 on their booth hall 6, stand N4-17 and on the Mobility Innovation Planets.

Composite-bodywork T3U in the desert, © Africa Eco Race
145430JEC Group
Michelman highlights fibre-polymer interface adhesion and formulated surface treatments at JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 11:51:00 +0000 Read more]]> Hydrosize® plays a crucial role for fibre producers and composite manufacturers by improving the bond between fibres and polymers. Using Hydrosize®, a manufacturer can tailor the surface chemistry of reinforcement fibres to the chemistry of the matrix resin, thus creating composites that are not only stronger and lighter but also more durable.

Hydrosize® solutions are used in the manufacturing of glass, carbon, and natural fibers, including chopped and continuous formats. They are used as lubricants, film formers, sizing agents, and binders during fiber manufacturing and composite processing.

Michelman’s Global Marketing Director, Steve Bassetti, stated, “Hydrosize® plays a pivotal role in enhancing fibre processability. Despite its minor weight contribution to fibre-reinforced composites—typically between 0.5 and 5%—its influence on both the production of fibres and their processing is profound, significantly affecting how the fibre surface interacts with the composite matrix. Essentially acting as the ‘glue’ in this interaction, sizing is critical when introducing sized fibre into the resin matrix. Our strategy involves a chemistry-agnostic stance, allowing us to tackle interface adhesion challenges by devising tailored solutions that cater to the vast array of polymer types, fibres, fillers, and the various composite manufacturing methods.”

Michelman is also excited to present its line of Hydrosize® Carbon solutions aimed at maximizing the advantages of carbon fibre. These solutions enable the production of superior quality composite parts by leveraging carbon fibre’s distinctive properties to meet lightweighting objectives while maintaining design flexibility and part consolidation.

Select Hydrosize® Carbon grades provide excellent thermal stability and are designed to withstand elevated processing and subsequent applications. Furthermore, the various grades offer customers a wide variety of solutions depending on resin compatibility, fibre type, and desired composite performance.

Unyte® water-based emulsions, another highlight from Michelman, offer a range of water-based technologies tailored for technical textiles and prepreg fabrics. These solutions enhance various attributes, including adhesion, chemical and heat resistance, and water repellency. Particularly focused on reducing environmental impact, Unyte® formulations are developed to meet specific client needs while avoiding Substances of Concern (SoCs) like formaldehyde and PFAS, aligning with Michelman’s commitment to sustainability.

Steve Bassetti further remarked, “Our Unyte® line includes a variety of formulations, each adaptable to specific needs. We frequently collaborate with manufacturers of technical textiles seeking to remove Substances of Concern (SoCs), aiming to do so without compromising performance or processability. We ensure these formulations meet our customers’ precise objectives by performing rigorous testing and customization with different raw materials. Committed to our mission of Innovating a Sustainable Future, we are proud to support customers in phasing out these substances, contributing positively to reducing environmental impact.”

Michelman invites attendees to explore these innovative solutions and learn how they are driving the future of composites and technical textiles toward enhanced performance and reduced environmental impact. Join them at JEC World 2024 to discover how Michelman’s products can benefit your manufacturing processes and products.

JEC World 2024 takes place March 5-7 at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. Michelman will exhibit in hall 5, booth C40.

145505JEC Group
Sustainable composites breakthrough: Bcomp showcases mobility, motorsport, and more at JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:53:05 +0000 Read more]]> With sustainability an increasing area of focus across numerous industries, the company’s flax fibre-based composite technologies, ampliTex™ and powerRibs™, are seeing broader and production-scale appeal. This year, Bcomp’s successful push into production automotive applications will be on show with new Polestar seatbacks made using Bcomp technologies. The prototype seatbacks for the Polestar 5 will be at the booth, while the version for Polestar 3 will be part of the JEC Mobility Innovation Planet. The stand will also feature an innovative bus A/C cover developed by Eberspächer, highlighting the diverse applications possible within the wider mobility sector.

In addition to its road-going parts, Bcomp will also be showcasing a selection of motorsport components from some of the world’s fastest racecars. This includes an award-winning engine cover for Japanese Super Formula – a highlight of JEC World 2023 – as well as BMW M4 GT4 pre-production diffusers, a motorsport seatback developed in conjunction with Sabelt, and the JEC Innovation Award-winning KTM brake cover.
Bcomp has made great strides in the high-performance sports equipment industry, including volume production applications. Its technology has proven popular due to its stiffness, vibration damping, and ‘feel’ while in use. This year’s stand will feature kitesurfing gear developed with Duotone (kiteboard) and AK Durable Supply Co. (harness), K2’s latest Mindbender C skis, Movements skis, a CAPiTA snowboard, a Decathlon Sandever beach tennis racket, and the Adidas RX GREENPADEL – all benefitting from the unique properties of Bcomp’s flax fibre technologies.

The exciting customer projects presented at JEC 2024 are here:

As part of JEC World 2024, Bcomp’s CEO and co-founder, Christian Fischer, will be contributing to a speaker panel on “Unleashing the Power of Nature: Exploring Natural Fibers and Bio-Sourced Materials in the Composites Industry”. The 60-minute panel will take place on Tuesday 5th March from 12:00-13:00 in Hall 5 (Agora 5).

Harnessing the properties of flax fibres, Bcomp’s sustainable composites can be used to produce parts with similar stiffness and weight to carbon fibre while cutting CO2 emissions by up to 85%, depending on the application. The technologies also offer significantly better vibration damping and ductile failure modes, all while offering more sustainable end-of-life solutions.

Christian Fischer, CEO and Co-Founder at Bcomp, commented: “The past year has been momentous for Bcomp and we are thrilled to share our achievements at JEC World 2024. Successfully entering the large-scale automotive market is not just a significant accomplishment for Bcomp, but also for the wider composites industry. We are thrilled to showcase the all-new Polestar seatbacks at JEC – a symbol of our extensive collaboration with a leading electric performance car brand and the viability of sustainable composites in today’s cars.

“This year, we continue the tradition of exhibiting components from diverse markets, including motorsport, wider mobility, and performance sports equipment. These are all sectors that find meaningful benefit in harnessing our flax fibre-based composite technologies to deliver performance benefits, aesthetic, sustainability, and lifecycle.”

Meet Bcomp at JEC World 2024, in the Natural Fibre village in hall 5, stand A63.
Discover some of the exciting customer projects they are presenting at JEC 2024:

145663JEC Group
Toray Carbon Fibers Europe expose un hydrofoil d’IMOCA fabriqué par Avel Robotics à JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:23:00 +0000 Read more]]> Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a récemment développé un « Advanced Towpreg » parfaitement adapté au procédé de placement de fibre automatisé (AFP).

Avel Robotics est un fabricant de pièces composites de haute performance et un spécialiste du placement de fibre automatisé.  Avel Robotics fabrique depuis 2020 des hydrofoils pour les bateaux de course qui participent aux courses au large de renom avec l’Advanced Towpreg produit par Toray Carbon Fibers Europe.

L’Advanced Towpreg se présente sous forme de bobines, sans film de conditionnement, directement prêt à être déposé.  « L’absence de film de conditionnement est une petite révolution », précise Adrien Marchandise, Directeur technique d’Avel Robotics.

L’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe offre également une excellente stabilité en termes de largeur de mèche et de poids au mètre répondant totalement au procédé de production d’Avel Robotics.  Cela permet d’assurer une fiabilité et une qualité constante des pièces fabriquées », indique Natalie Jordan, Directeur du service client et du support technique de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe.

L’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a déjà été éprouvé avec succès par Avel Robotics lors de célèbres courses au large.  Adrien Marchandise ajoute :

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe a bien compris que nous avions besoin d’un produit spécifiquement conçu pour le procédé AFP.  Leur Advanced Towpreg est un produit qui permet de réduire nos coûts de production et notre empreinte carbone :  il n’y a plus de film de conditionnement et les coûts additionnels des découpes des nappes avant la dépose sont éliminés. Enfin, la dépose du juste besoin de matière grâce à notre imprimante 3D géante, fait de notre procédé quelque chose de beaucoup plus efficient et performant d’un point du vue environnemental .

De plus, l’Advanced Towpreg de Toray Carbon Fibers Europe est intégralement fabriqué en France.

« Cela contribue à réduire notre impact environnemental sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de fabrication, tout en garantissant un approvisionnement fiable et sûr, ainsi qu’un support technique local », insiste Natalie Jordan.

Toray Carbon Fibers Europe travaille actuellement à l’extension de sa gamme d’Advanced Towpreg afin de répondre à la demande croissante des applications à haute performance.

Crédits image : Thomas Deregnieaux / Qaptur / Initiatives Cœur

Rencontrez Toray à JEC World 2024, hall 5, stand H01.

145656JEC Group
CIMComp to share the culmination of its dedicated research at JEC World 2024 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This year, CIMComp takes centre stage at JEC World 2024 to share the culmination of its dedicated research. Over the last 7 years, CIMComp has funded 50 research projects aligned with five key priority areas identified in collaboration with industry partners and the Composites Leadership Forum:

  • High-rate deposition and rapid processing technologies
  • Design for manufacture via validated simulation
  • Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures
  • Inspection and in-process evaluation
  • Recycling and re-use

These priorities ensure that CIMComp’s research directly addresses the evolving needs of the composite industry, driving impactful solutions and fostering continued advancement.

In addition to providing training to the next generation of composite engineers, these collaborations bring together the expertise of leading academics and researchers from 16 UK universities, working together with industry partners to tackle critical challenges in composite manufacturing.

Meet CIMComp team at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth T62 as part of the Composites UK pavilion.

144620JEC Group
JEC World 2024: Schütz presents innovations in lightweight construction materials Wed, 28 Feb 2024 13:40:00 +0000 Read more]]> Thanks to its honeycomb shape, the aramid paper-based Cornmaster® lightweight construction material combines maximum mechanical strength and resistance with an extremely low weight. Cornmaster® is also resistant to extreme heat and moisture as well as to corrosion from oils, water and paraffin. This modern honeycomb material is suitable for many different applications and is available as sandwich panels, engineered panels, milled or formed parts, or curved sandwich panels. Application fields for the lightweight honeycombs include modern aircraft construction, vehicle construction and motor racing, where they are used for load-bearing structural parts and high-quality interior design. From development to delivery, all process steps at Schütz Composites are certified in accordance with EN ISO 9001 and EN 9100 to ensure a consistently high production standard.

The new systems can produce honeycomb blocks up to a size of 2700 x 3600 mm in a highly automated process. Photo: Schütz

New highly automated Cornmaster® production line

At the main site in Selters, the company has expanded the Cornmaster® production area by more than 6,000 square metres by adding an additional building. The new production line includes two fully redundant systems. On this new production line in Selters Schütz can now produce honeycomb blocks up to 2700 x 3600 mm in size in a highly automated process. All systems were planned by our engineers and largely manufactured in the company’s in-house mechanical and plant engineering department. This approach enables uniform quality standards, a high degree of flexibility and short downtimes in the event of potential repairs. Customers also benefit from increased supply security, as the two redundant production lines each have an independent power, gas and thermal oil supply. This means that if one line fails, the redundant line can continue to operate. Another stand-out feature is the modern exhaust air treatment system which reduces both CO2 and pollutant emissions.

Schütz has expanded the production area for its Cornmaster® lightweight construction material by adding an additional production line. Photo: Schütz

One of many people to benefit from the advantages of the Cornmaster® lightweight construction material is professional sailor Boris Herrmann and his Team Malizia. Many components of the Malizia – Seaexplorer yacht were made using the honeycomb material. Schütz supports Herrmann as Official Technical Partner and Official Supplier.

Au salon JEC World l’entreprise présente entre autres un produit semi-fini conçu en collaboration avec Airbus et Satair qui pose de nouveaux jalons dans le domaine des dalles de plancher PAX et Cargo. Photo : Schütz
At JEC World, Schütz will be showcasing Cornmaster®honeycomb material, a high-tech product that can be moulded into a wide variety of shapes thanks to its outstanding processability and is therefore suitable for a wide range of applications. Photo: Schütz.

Meet Schütz at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth E55.

145428JEC Group
The first industrial butterfly valve with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Wed, 28 Feb 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Due to their high resistance to corrosion and low weight, plastic butterfly valves have already proven to be superior to metal valves in many ways. Their lifetime is up to three times longer, and they are more cost-effective. Now, a study shows that they also have a much lower impact on the environment.

GF Piping Systems proactively takes responsibility for environmental protection during day-to-day business. The company regularly commissions environmental performance evaluations for its piping systems as well as its additional products and therefore gains valuable insights into the climate impact throughout all phases of their lifecycle.

Swiss Climate AG – a sustainability consultancy based in Switzerland – was commissioned to analyze the environmental performance of the Butterfly Valve 565 and compare it to an alternative metal valve installed within an overarching piping system for the same duration of service time (23 years). The plastic-composite valve is almost maintenance-free and has a very high resistance against corrosion. When comparing two systems, one with the installation of the metal alternative and the other with the installation of the plastic solution, significant environmental benefits result from the longer service life of the Butterfly Valve 565:

  • The 565 emits 75% fewer greenhouse gases throughout the production phase (raw material procurement and transport, production), the construction phase (transport and installation), and the end-of-life phase (transport, waste processing, and disposal).
  • The plastic valve has an estimated 33% lower impact on climate change during the production phase compared to the metal valve.
  • Throughout the entire lifecycle, the Butterfly Valve 565 requires an estimated 21% less water.
  • Due to its low weight, transporting the Butterfly Valve 565 to the customer emits an estimated 50% fewer greenhouse gases.

“The clarity of the results validates our commitment to use plastic flow solutions in order to make the transport of water more sustainable – from industry applications all the way to the maritime sector”, Jochen Hamburger comments proudly. He is a product manager at GF Piping Systems and is responsible for the environmental performance of his butterfly valve. “Every company can improve their sustainability by using our 565”, Hamburger adds. After all, the Butterfly Valve 565 by GF Piping Systems is the first industrial valve to obtain the important EPD certification in accordance with the requirements of the International EPD® System.

With the new product, which was launched in early 2021, the company has already set the bar high with regard to cost-effectiveness, as the initial investment has been greatly reduced and is now similar to products made of metal. Due to lower maintenance costs, the Butterfly Valve 565 is now one step ahead. In addition to sustainability and cost-effectiveness, GF Piping Systems has also put a strong focus on modularity. Among other things, customers can choose between electric and pneumatic actuators or add a smart actuator that can be controlled and monitored remotely. Furthermore, a variety of sensors can be connected, which add another layer of functionality. The Butterfly Valve 565 paves the way for a more sustainable future for flow solutions.


The materials of the different components of the valve are listed below:

145063JEC Group
Freudenberg to showcase innovative surface veils, flow media and spacers at JEC World 2024 Wed, 28 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This includes surfacing veils for fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) components and Enka® Solutions flow media and spacers for composites manufacturing.

Freudenberg addresses the evolving requirements of manufacturers of FRP parts with high-performance nonwovens. To achieve this, the leading supplier of innovative technical textiles uses a variety of technologies such as wetlaid, drylaid and spunbond processes, which enables a wide range of options for the choice of fibers, filaments and compositions. Freudenberg offers a comprehensive portfolio of nonwovens, including glass, PAN, and PET. These materials are specifically engineered for applications such as anti-corrosive coatings in piping and tank construction, UV-resistant facade panels, and various other end products. Surface veils are a crucial component of FRP components, ensuring abrasion resistance, corrosion protection, smooth surfaces, and enhanced mechanical strength. Freudenberg’s nonwoven solutions deliver exceptional performance across all these aspects, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of FRP applications.

High-efficiency flow media and spacers for composites manufacturing

Enka® Solutions products are designed for efficient resin infusion and foam injection molding processes. Thanks to their distinctive 3D entangled polymeric filament structures they are exceptionally well-suited as flow media and spacers in composites manufacturing processes.

Enka® Solutions flow media for vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) and resin transfer molding (RTM) processes promote extremely fast and reliable resin distribution ensuring full wet-out of the internal structure, whilst keeping the glass fiber reinforcement nettings and components surface in place. A superior bond, enhanced mechanical properties and even a reduced risk of wrinkling is then achieved. The Enka® Solutions spacer applied in reaction injection molding processes using foam pushes the reinforcement matting and composite skin against the mold. This allows polymer foam to flow freely through the mold, filling the cavity completely and resulting in faster production processes that ensure reproducible high-quality finished products.

Freudenberg´s EnkaChannel – Source: ©Freudenberg Performance Materials

About Freudenberg Performance Materials:
Freudenberg Performance Materials is a leading global supplier of innovative technical textiles for a broad range of markets and applications such as apparel, automotive, building interiors, building materials, healthcare, energy, filter media, shoe and leather goods as well as specialties. In 2022, the company generated sales of some than €1.6 billion, had 32 production sites in 14 countries around the world and had some 5.000 employees.

Meet Freudenberg at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth P82.

144514JEC Group
Syensqo expands its bio-based portfolio with a new MTM® epoxy prepreg Tue, 27 Feb 2024 17:25:00 +0000 Read more]]> Syensqo, previously part of Solvay Group, has developed a new version of its flagship MTM® 49-3 resin that contains 30% bio-sourced monomers. The new product variant complements the portfolio of the company’s MTM® advanced prepregs and targets structural automotive applications, including body panels, chassis components and spoilers.

“Our new bio-based MTM® 49-3 will help OEMs and Tiers to reduce fossil depletion and meet their carbon neutrality goals, while ensuring the same high levels of quality, processability and mechanical performance as its original counterpart,” states Greg Kelly, Head of Composite Product Management at Syensqo.

Just like the incumbent material, Syensqo’s new bio-based MTM® 49-3 has a dry glass transition temperature (Tg) of 190°C, and it exhibits enhanced toughness for superior impact resistance versus competitive thermoset prepregs. Thanks to its high strength-to-weight ratio, it can yield component mass savings of up to 40% over metals. The product is compatible with autoclave and press-conversion processes and achieves curing at 135°C within 60 minutes. In addition, it has been designed for operator safety, and is free from carcinogens, mutagens or reproductive toxins.

Syensqo will officially introduce the bio-based MTM® 49-3 to the market at JEC World 2024 from March 05 to 07 at booth K58 in hall 5.

145571JEC Group
Fiberroll® by Borflex : une gamme de rouleaux AFP toujours plus performante Tue, 27 Feb 2024 16:48:00 +0000 Read more]]> Fiberroll® 304 : Une révolution en matière de performance

Le groupe Borflex® sera présent au salon du JEC World 2024, et ils ont le plaisir de vous inviter à découvrir les dernières innovations du groupe, notamment notre gamme de rouleaux dédiée au drapage haute température, la gamme Fiberroll®. Présenté en avant-première lors du JEC 2023, leur dernier-né, le Fiberroll® 304, a récemment franchi un jalon significatif : il a dépassé les 5 kilomètres de tenue de drapage haute température, lors de tests en collaboration avec leur partenaire Airbus Atlantic, soit plus de 200% par rapport à notre précédente gamme.

Le Fiberroll® 304 résulte de plusieurs années de recherche approfondie sur le comportement des élastomères exposés à des températures élevées, avec des essais in situ à l’appui. Sa conception unique composée de caoutchouc spécialement développée pour cette application, garantie à la fois la déformation nécessaire au drapage et la préservation de la forme cylindrique du rouleau. Fiberroll® by Borflex – Gamme 304

Personnalisation de votre Fiberroll® by Borflex

Ils continuent à faire évoluer l’ensemble de leurs formulations et mélanges, en mettant un accent particulier sur la tenue à la température et la résistance mécanique des matériaux. Cela leur permets de proposer chaque année de nouveaux développements, toujours à la pointe de l’innovation. La gamme Fiberroll® by Borflex offre une personnalisation complète pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des clients. Leurs équipes travaillent en étroite collaboration avec leurs clients pour développer des solutions sur mesure adaptées à leurs processus spécifiques, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles possibilités pour une multitude d’applications industrielles dans des secteurs tels que l’aéronautique, la construction navale, l’énergie et le ferroviaire. De plus, le groupe Borflex propose une gamme complète et personnalisable répondant aux besoins spécifiques de chaque projet en termes de dimensions, de matériaux et de marquage, offrant une flexibilité garantissant une adaptation parfaite aux exigences clients. Avec leur expertise et leur engagement envers l’innovation, ils sont en mesure de fournir des solutions sur mesure de la plus haute qualité, répondant aux normes les plus strictes de l’industrie.

AFP : une technologie au service de l’efficacité

L’Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) est une technologie révolutionnaire dans le domaine de la fabrication composite. Elle permet le placement automatisé de fibres de renfort sur une matrice pour créer des pièces composites. Ce processus est souvent robotisé, ce qui garantit une précision extrême et une répétabilité inégalée. En utilisant l’AFP, les fabricants peuvent réaliser des pièces composites complexes avec une efficacité accrue et des temps d’arrêt réduits. Leurs rouleaux Fiberroll® dédiés à l’AFP sont conçus pour offrir des performances optimales, même dans les environnements les plus exigeants. Grâce à des caractéristiques techniques avancées, ces rouleaux permettent un placement précis et régulier des fibres de renfort, contribuant ainsi à la qualité et à la fiabilité des pièces composites produites. De plus, Fiberroll est un consommable performant qui offre un gain de temps dans les process, grâce à une durée de vie très intéressante. Cette longévité exceptionnelle en fait un choix économique et fiable pour le placement automatique de fibres de renfort dans le processus de fabrication de pièces composites.

Découvrez l’exclusivité à JEC World 2024

Les visiteurs de JEC World 2024 sont conviés à explorer en exclusivité le Fiberroll® 304 au stand Borflex®, hall 6, stand F89. Leur équipe d’experts se fera un plaisir de présenter cette innovation révolutionnaire et d’échanger sur les opportunités de collaboration. Au cœur de leur présentation, découvrez les dernières avancées en termes de performance, mettant en lumière toute la gamme Fiberroll® by Borflex qui demeure inégalée jusqu’à ce jour. Ces rouleaux, conçus avec un élastomère adapté au placement de fibres, sont capables de résister à des pics de température dépassant les 400°C. La gamme offre une résistance continue allant de 80°C à 350°C, garantissant une utilisation optimale dans divers environnements industriels.

Rencontrez Borflex à JEC World 2024, hall 6, stand F89.

145398JEC Group
PlastiLynx PXN establishes new benchmark for polymer adhesion Tue, 27 Feb 2024 16:23:00 +0000 Read more]]> Low surface energy polymers like polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) are highly valued because of their lightweight strength, affordability, and resilience. However, their incompatibility with adhesives has been an obstacle for many applications. Conventional primers and surface treatments offer imperfect solutions to this problem, but a specialty chemtech company in Victoria, Canada, is now offering a different approach with its unique chemical crosslinking technology. 

PlastiLynx PXN is the latest and most advanced version of XLYNX’s polymeric diazirine primer, providing improved adhesion while also eliminating fluorine from its chemical composition. Head-to-head against the established brand name polyolefin primers, PlastiLynx PXN provided between 150% to 350% stronger adhesion in PP/PE substrate tests. Simply put, PlastiLynx PXN outperforms every polyolefin primer on the market, and does so by a wide margin. 

“These latest results really highlight how PlastiLynx PXN is in a class of its own compared to conventional polyolefin primers,” remarked Dr. Stefania Musolino, who led the XLYNX R&D team responsible for the new crosslinker. “Not only did we observe enhanced adhesion across the board, but we also saw strong compatibility with every type of bulk adhesive we tested.”

Unlike commercial polyolefin primers, which are designed to function primarily with cyanoacrylate-type adhesives, PlastiLynx PXN is a universal primer that makes surfaces receptive to all manner of adhesives, including epoxies and polyurethanes. XLYNX Materials tested PlastiLynx PXN with over 15 different leading adhesives – many specifically designed for polymers – and in every case, polymer adhesion was significantly improved. By being able to select the right adhesive for the job, manufacturers can choose from a variety of cost-effective adhesives that work with a much broader range of substrates and applications than ever before.

The product’s versatility is a result of the permanent covalent bonds it forms with the substrate surface, leaving a reactive amine layer that is receptive to adhesives, dyes, and coatings. Compared to traditional surface modification techniques for polyolefins like plasma and corona, PlastiLynx PXN is a long-lasting treatment that remains active for months and does not damage the substrate surface.  

Topically applied and cured rapidly with UV light or moderate heat, PlastiLynx PXN unlocks new design opportunities, manufacturing efficiencies, and dissimilar bonding applications. With the release of PlastiLynx PXN, XLYNX Materials is now able to offer a full suite of advanced PFAS-free diazirine adhesives and primers designed specifically for polyolefin applications. 

145407JEC Group
FIT Alliance Matériaux: pooling skills to build national influence in materials and processes Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:35:00 +0000 Read more]]> Through this alliance, the three Institutes propose to pool their skills, platforms, resources and expertise to serve the industry of today and tomorrow, in order to meet the major challenges of sovereignty, independence in the supply of raw materials, reduced environmental impact and shorter qualification and certification cycles for Materials and Processes.

The three IRTs are working on common and complementary themes in order to consolidate their competitiveness with their members at national and international level. This strategic alliance, made possible by the successful experience of several R&T projects carried out jointly by the three institutes, offers industrial partners access to a pool of talent, expertise in the materials value chain and the combined arsenal of experimental resources of the three IRTs. Sharing roadmaps, setting up joint projects and taking part in the Materials 2022 conference, as well as the JEC World 2023 and 2024 trade fairs, have led to the launch of numerous projects.

A map of the skills and technical resources of each institute has been drawn up in order to share the management of research projects and the investment and divestment of technical resources via internal committees.

The IRT Jules Verne works in an innovative ecosystem in partnership with leading industrial and academic actors. The IRT Jules Verne, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022, has developed recognised technological expertise to meet major industrial challenges such as mobility, energy and the manufacture of production resources. Its expertise is expressed through innovative processes for the manufacture and functionalisation of complex parts and structures. These incorporate a high level of automation and digitalisation, guaranteeing enhanced competitiveness.

“The synergies between the skills and resources generated by bringing together the M2P, Saint Exupéry and Jules Verne IRTs will significantly enhance the value delivered to our partners, while at the same time meeting their need for simple, rapid access to this high-level source of technological proposals and achievements. In the FIT’s “Alliance Matériaux”, the IRT Jules Verne has now found the building blocks that ideally complement its innovation offering dedicated to Manufacturing Processes and Production Systems, in line with the national drive to reindustrialisation,” adds André Luciani, Director of Expertise and Research at the IRT Jules Verne.

The technological position of the IRT M2P focuses on the development, hybridisation and automation of high-speed processes for the production of high-performance composite materials, processes and products that contribute to lightweighting and decarbonization in key industrial sectors: aeronautics, automotive, rail and construction. Since 2013, the IRT M2P has developed know-how and pilot lines for complementary forming and processing technologies: preforming, molding processes, compression molding (SMC, BMC), pultrusion and braiding reinforcement, Automated Fibre Placement (AFP), Out of autoclave (OoA) thermoforming and consolidation, characterisation, numerical simulation.

In 2017, IRT M2P received a JEC Innovation Award for the C-RTM process, a technology resulting from the Fast RTM project.

The IRT Saint Exupéry research institute, based in Toulouse, Bordeaux is developing new multifunctional composite materials. Thanks to their technological platforms (impregnation lines, a laboratory-scale thermosetting line, a semi-industrial thermoplastic line, a line for ceramic oxide composites and, by the end of 2024, a hybrid thermoplastic robotics platform, combining in-situ AFP and additive manufacturing), the IRT Saint Exupéry is providing its expertise in the maturation of organic and ceramic matrix composites, by developing, characterising and creating proofs of concept and scaling up technologies.

By coordinating the IRTs in a transparent way, the Alliance Matériaux provides simplified access, through a single entry point, to the skills and platforms of these institutes.

Meet FIT Alliance Matériaux at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth Q82.

145481JEC Group
JEC World 2024 : Schütz présente ses nouveaux produits de construction légère Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:15:00 +0000 Read more]]> Avec sa structure en nid d’abeille, le matériau de construction léger Cornmaster® à base de papier aramide allie une solidité et une résistance mécaniques exceptionnelles à un poids extrêmement faible. Le Cornmaster® est par ailleurs insensible à la chaleur et à l’humidité, même extrêmes, et résiste à la corrosion par l’huile, l’eau et le kérosène. De plus, ce matériau moderne en nid d’abeilles peut être utilisé de manière polyvalente, que ce soit sous forme de « sandwich panels » ou de « engineered panels », de pièces fraisées ou formées ou encore de « curved sandwich panels ». Les composants en nid d’abeille sont mis en oeuvre entre autres dans l’industrie aéronautique moderne, la construction automobile et les bateaux de course au large et conviennent à la fois pour les structures porteuses et l’aménagement intérieur de qualité. Afin de garantir un niveau de qualité élevé et constant de la fabrication, toutes les étapes du processus de Schütz Composites depuis le développement jusqu’à la livraison, sont certifiées selon EN ISO 9001 et EN 9100.

Cette nouvelle ligne de production permet la fabrication hautement automatisée de blocs en nid d’abeille d’une taille pouvant atteindre 2700 x 3600 mm. Photo : Schütz

Nouvelle ligne de production Cornmaster® hautement automatisée

Sur le site de Selters, la surface de production de notre matériau de construction a été agrandie de plus de 6 000 mètres carrés par un ensemble de batiments supplémentaires. La nouvelle ligne de production comprend deux installations entièrement redondantes. Elle permet la fabrication hautement automatisée de blocs en nid d’abeille d’une taille pouvant atteindre 2700 x 3600 mm. Toutes les installations ont été planifiées par les ingénieurs de Schütz et construites en grande partie dans notre unité de construction de machines et d’installations. Nous disposons ainsi de normes de qualité standardisées, d’une grande flexibilité et de délais d’immobilisation courts en cas de réparation. Les clients bénéficient également d’une plus grande sécurité d’approvisionnement car les deux lignes de production redondantes disposent chacune d’une alimentation indépendante en électricité, gaz et huile thermique. Ainsi, en cas de panne sur l’une des lignes, la ligne redondante prend le relais. Il convient également de souligner le système de traitement de l’air moderne de cette installation qui permet de diminuer les émissions de CO2 et de rejets polluants.

Schütz a agrandi la surface de fabrication de son matériau de construction léger en y intégrant une ligne de production supplémentaire. Photo : Schütz

Les avantages du matériau de construction léger Cornmaster® profitent notamment au navigateur professionnel Boris Herrmann et à son team Malizia. De nombreuses pièces du « Malizia – Seaexplorer » furent confectionnées dans ce matériau en nid d’abeille. Schütz soutient Herrmann au titre de Official Technical Partner et Offical Supplier.

Au salon JEC World l’entreprise présente entre autres un produit semi-fini conçu en collaboration avec Airbus et Satair qui pose de nouveaux jalons dans le domaine des dalles de plancher PAX et Cargo. Photo : Schütz
Schütz présente au salon JEC World son matériau en nid d’abeille CORMASTER® qui, de par son excellente aptitude à l’usinage, peut être façonné dans les formes les plus diverses pour convenir aux applications les plus variées. Photo : Schütz

Rencontrez Schütz à JEC World 2024, hall 6, stand E55.

145421JEC Group
Graphene company NanoXplore expands capacity in Quebec plant to accommodate higher customer volumes Tue, 27 Feb 2024 11:38:00 +0000 Read more]]> This capacity expansion, which is part of its 5-year strategic plan and related to the SMC lightweighting initiative, begins immediately.  This expansion, in two phases, will contribute $2M in incremental revenues during calendar 2024 and once fully scaled-up, is expected to contribute $8M to $10M annually beginning in calendar 2025. Moreover, a significant part of the capacity expansion costs will be assumed by the customer. Our customer has committed to purchase the additional equipment required for this program and consequently, the previously announced SMC lightweighting initiative capex of $30M to $35M will now be in a range of $25M to $30M.

Soroush Nazarpour, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “Demand is very strong for our graphene-enhanced composite products, up to the level that customers are covering capital costs to access larger production volumes. This expansion is the first step in increasing our graphene-enhanced SMC parts manufacturing capabilities and a big step towards achieving our 5-year plan in SMC lightweighting.”

The Corporation is also pleased to announce the recent appointment of Pierre-Yves Terrisse as Vice-President of Corporate Development.

In his role Pierre-Yves will be responsible for NanoXplore’s function and strategy of investor relations, including articulating the Corporation’s growth plan, business and financial objectives to the investment community.  His network of institutional investors, sell-side financial community, combined with his expertise, will reinforce the Corporation’s profile and strength. Finally, Pierre-Yves will engage and evaluate M&A opportunities, as well as participate in financing structure.

Pierre-Yves has more than 25 years of experience in the investment industry in various role spanning from financial analyst to MD Investment banking.  Pierre-Yves holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Université du Québec à Montréal.

Soroush Nazarpour, President & Chief Executive Officer, said: “Pierre-Yves’ career reflects his ability to play a key role to drive NanoXplore’s recognition in the capital market landscape. His knowledge and understanding of the North American capital market ecosystem will add to the strong executive team we already have in place and contribute to the firm’s success. 2024 will be a busy year for NanoXplore with a solid plan for profitable growth as well as continuously look for new business opportunities.”

Pierre-Yves said: “I am delighted to take on this new function and join NanoXplore’s highly dynamic team. I see this new role as an opportunity to contribute to the company’s success. NanoXplore is a leader in graphene production, and I see solid organic and inorganic growth opportunities ahead for the company.”

About NanoEplore:
NanoXplore is a graphene company, a manufacturer and supplier of high-volume graphene powder for use in transportation and industrial markets. Also, the Corporation provides standard and custom graphene-enhanced plastic and composite products to various customers in transportation, packaging, electronics, and other industrial sectors. The Corporation is also a silicon‑graphene-enhanced Li-ion battery manufacturer for the Electric Vehicle and grid storage markets. NanoXplore is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec with manufacturing facilities in Canada, the United States and Europe.

145086JEC Group
Vartega teams up with MITO® to create a performance solution Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> MITO develops solutions for material problems by creating new additives or adjusting their existing portfolio of hybrid additive products to fit your system. Their team works best with partners who are open and collaborative; partners who want to build something stronger together. They are able to do so by understanding customers’ processes and listening to their needs, diving into their markets, and then creating a combined material that delivers on all of the lab promises in the real-world.

By partnering with carbon fiber sustainability leader, Vartega, the MITO team was able to harness all the behind-the-scenes development engineering of a sustainability process to create a custom solution that is the first of its kind and bring a new product to market.

Sustainable teamwork  

Vartega developed a relationship with MITO over a period of several years, starting in 2018 during a competition at SAMPE. The North America Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) is the leading conference and exhibition on advanced materials and processes, specializing in composite materials for high-performance applications. MITO and Vartega began looking for collaboration opportunities.

“I’ve known Haley and Kevin since 2018. When I first met them at a SAMPE competition. We’ve just been in touch ever since, looking for opportunities to work together. Our business sets appeared to be potentially complementary,” notes Andrew Maxey, CEO of Vartega. “I was really impressed with their level of polish and maturity of their company. MITO really had their stuff together for what was initially a basic concept.”

“Since then, we’ve been talking about incorporating MITO’s materials into carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics. The stars aligned this year and we finally had the capacity, infrastructure, and right formulation from MITO to combine with our recycled carbon fibre. So, this collaboration is really the culmination of several years of discussion and iteration around what it could be.”

“At SAMPE people kept saying, ‘MITO makes everything stronger and lighter and more durable – It would be really cool if you guys could do something with Vartega’s recycled carbon fibre, and then together you guys could change the world’,” stated Haley Keith, MITO’s CEO. “Then, in 2022, at the CAMX show, Andrew came over to me and said ‘We should do a booth together next year’. And I told him ‘I’m not doing a booth with you unless we have a product released’. That’s what put the timeline on developing a product that would support improved sustainability.”

Recycling in carbon fibre

Because carbon fibre manufacturing is an energy intensive process, waste diversion is a big factor in improving carbon fibre sustainability. Carbon fibre is typically made from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor fibre that has been stretched and heated at high temperatures to first oxidize and then carbonize the material. These high temperatures coupled with PAN fibres traditionally coming from fossil fuels, means that carbon fibre has a considerable carbon footprint.

By diverting waste carbon fibre from landfill, Vartega resets the material’s embodied energy to zero. Vartega’s recycled carbon fibre is 95% less energy intensive than virgin carbon fibre.

Vartega incorporated MITO’s LIGRATM into their Fenix Fibre EasyFeed bundle products – now offered as Fenix Fibre+. Fenix Fibre+ supplies documented game-changing performance with recycled materials.

Creating mito ligra

Short for “liquefied graphene”, LIGRATM is an aqueous graphene-based solution with functionalized surface chemistry on top of the graphene that allows it to be suspended into water which provides superior dispersion and the ability to integrate into different chemistries that are more water- based such as coatings, emulsions, and sizing chemistries such as Vartega’s Fenix Fibre+.

Developing fenix fibre +

Vartega’s primary customers are thermoplastic compounders. These are the companies developing the materials and the formulations for their customers, which are injection molders, through to thermoplastic compounding, and the injection welders who are making the parts for injection molders and OEMs.

When Vartega started, they focused on recycling aerospace carbon fibre prepregs. Their original recycled carbon fibres were low density, fluffy, and difficult for customers to work with.

The team at Vartega did concepts and pilot projects with partners early on. The general feedback was, “This is really cool. The mechanical properties are good. The economics are good. We’re glad that it’s recycled but we can’t use this carbon fibre in our applications. The format’s not right.”

To address this, Vartega explored and developed alternative formats to improve handling. Ultimately, they landed on the EasyFeed BundlesTM now known as Fenix Fibre. The Fenix Fibre format is favorable because of the increased bulk density and unique geometry that allows the carbon fibre bundles to flow. This is critical for use in thermoplastic compounding and injection molded parts.

The thermoplastic compounding process requires mixing molten plastic pellets with carbon fibre in a twin-screw extruder. Vartega’s EasyFeed Fenix Fibre bundles are a drop in replacement to virgin carbon fibre. They are used with traditional loss-in-weight feeders and side stuffers.

As a result of the early customer feedback, Vartega’s core customer philosophy became “making materials that are easy to integrate into existing manufacturing processes.” Any new product Vartega developed with MITO had to fit that parameter. The development cycle with MITO and Vartega was key to understanding how Vartega’s process worked and where the best opportunities were for MITO to plug in. The determination was made that the best fit for a graphene additive was in the sizing chemistry. The chemistry is quite specific, and the MITO team tried multiple iterations of different types of graphene to determine the optimum size and morphology. The key requirement was that it would disperse well in the type of aqueous solution used in sizing.

As a result of the early customer feedback, Vartega’s core customer philosophy became “making materials that are easy to integrate into existing manufacturing processes.” Any new product Vartega developed with MITO had to fit that parameter. The development cycle with MITO and Vartega was key to understanding how Vartega’s process worked and where the best opportunities were for MITO to plug in. The determination was made that the best fit for a graphene additive was in the sizing chemistry. The chemistry is quite specific, and the MITO team tried multiple iterations of different types of graphene to determine the optimum size and morphology. The key requirement was that it would disperse well in the type of aqueous solution used in sizing.

Working with partners

The MITO team explored multiple surface chemistries to ensure that the carbon fibre and graphene additive would bond and work together. In the end, integrating the graphene additive directly into the sizing solution that was already being used was the best approach. MITO’s team sent samples of LIGRATM to Vartega to test in their system. The first trial yielded fantastic results. Third party testing showed a 50% improvement in elongation and a 37% improvement in impact toughness. The MITO/Vartega team knew they had a winner in Fenix Fibre+ at that point.

Fenix Fibre+ addresses the needs of the composites industry for thermoplastic applications. The easy-feed bundle format of Fenix Fibre+ makes it very easy to use as a drop-in replacement for virgin fibre. That makes it that much more accessible for those applications. Manufacturer’s that have been running virgin carbon fibre can now process Fenix Fibre+ without any changes.

Sustainability impacts of lightweighting

With a higher performing material, you may decide to use less material to achieve the same strength. The less material you use, the less weight being added to that component thereby reducing the weight of whatever the part goes into. For automotive applications, the weight reduction is significant.

Material emissions reductions

Did you know for every kilogram of carbon reinforced composite made, an average of 46 kilograms of CO2 are made? With the use of Fenix Fibre+, that number would drop to 27.6 Kilograms of CO2 – a 50% reduction in material emissions.

“MITO additives mean we’re making materials stronger and more durable, we have the possibility of making things lighter,” notes Keith. “The MITO team is also optimizing processing and efficiency timing, which is creating a more sustainable manufacturing environment by utilizing less energy. And Fenix Fibre+ is sustainable – it’s made from recycled fibres and LIGRATM graphene which is derived from carbon neutral processing. It ties the whole value chain of sustainability all together through two points of sustainability. We’re very excited to explore additional plastics chemistry on the top half of the plastics pyramid with Vartega.”

The results

  • 9% improvement in tensile strength
  • 50% improvement in elongation
  • 18% improvement in flexural strength
  • 16% improvement in izod notched izod impact
  • 37% improvement in unnotched izod impact

Meet Vartega at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth P52.

144317JEC Group
Scott Bader showcases structural materials expertise at JEC World 2024 Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The company will be featuring parts of a roofing structure and commuter train on its stand to highlight the benefits of its existing portfolio. Exciting new developments are also in the pipeline for these and other key sectors including renewables and mobility.

“Construction and land transport are two important areas for us as we leverage our composites expertise to support industry goals of reducing environmental impact,” says Scott Bader’s Group Business Director, Kim Gingras. “We’re working with our customers and partners to devise formulations that can help achieve the lightweighting of components, in addition to exploring bio-derived compositions to reduce the reliance on fossil fuel stocks.”

The roofing structure puts a spotlight on Scott Bader’s scope in both renewables and construction with a range of solar panels installed using the company’s flagship Crestabond® structural adhesive. Crestabond harnesses a superior bond and much simplified installation process for fitting traditional and flexible solar panels. The resulting technology significantly reduces the installation time, can survive a category five hurricane and is suitable for a much wider range of surfaces and roofing materials.

For rail, Scott Bader is showcasing its Crestafire® HL3 system. Encompassing resins, gelcoats and structural adhesives to enable the world’s rolling stock to meet the highest standards of fire safety, Scott Bader’s range offers a complete solution for manufacturers and operators. Proven to help limit the spread of fire, smoke and toxic fumes, these intelligent technologies are certified to EN45545-2 HL2/HL3 and NFPA130 standards and are used widely to deliver durable interior and exterior components.

Meet Scott Bader at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth M27.

145220JEC Group
JN Technologies revolutionizes closed molding processes with the innovative Speed Flow Core Mat at JEC World 2024 Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The Speed Flow Core Mat is designed to meet the requirements of closed mold processes, like RTM, LRTM, Vacuum, SRIM. It possesses high conformability and provides exceptional strength to manufactured composite parts. This versatile product enables the production of various types of composite parts, making it a reliable choice for a wide range of applications.

• Integrated with excellent deformability
• Customizable thickness
• Time and labor-efficient
• Enhanced surface quality
• Smooth resin flow
• Optimal resilience and compressibility
• Binder-free mats for swift wetting

Meet JN Technologies at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth D43.

144313JEC Group
KraussMaffei presents innovative solutions in the field of lightweight construction and surfaces at JEC World 2024 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:15:00 +0000 Read more]]> KraussMaffei offers its customers comprehensive expertise in designing and implementing complete production lines for plastic components – from planning to series production. At the JEC booth, visitors can discover the latest trends and innovative solutions in the following sectors:
– Automotive industry, including electric vehicles
– Commercial and agricultural vehicles
– Aerospace, including Advanced Air Mobility
– Building and construction
– Renewable energies
– Recycling

The presentation at JEC, the showcase of the composites industry, illustrates the wide variety of applicable processes and shows where exciting further developments are taking place.

Suitable production processes for growth markets:

In recent years, KraussMaffei has developed numerous technologies for the automotive industry and successfully brought them to series production readiness on the market. The focus here is on lightweight and structural components such as a carbon rim, a leaf spring and a battery enclosure for EV vehicles, which are manufactured using the high-pressure RTM process, as well as on design components such as a unique interior trim with backlighting and a self-healing surface, which are manufactured using the ColorForm process. With its new BatteryEncapsulation technology, KraussMaffei is also positioning itself as a leading solution provider for protecting battery cells with highly reactive and flame-retardant polyurethane.

In the area of commercial and agricultural vehicles, the focus is on large-scale interior and exterior trim parts. At the JEC, the cladding of a tractor hood will be on display, which is produced using the LFI process (long fibre injection). This technology offers the advantages that it is particularly economical for small quantities compared to SMC and can be combined directly with numerous surface technologies such as thermoformed films, in-mold painting or artificial leather films.

In the aerospace sector, including urban air mobility, KraussMaffei is working with its partner, the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) at Wichita State University in the USA, and its Advanced Technologies Lab for Aerospace Systems (ATLAST) to further develop its automated and highly productive thermoplastic and thermoset fibre composite technologies in order to meet the extreme requirements in terms of weight, material selection and process stability.

The construction industry thinks in decades: this is how long corrosion-resistant profiles and concrete reinforcements must reliably fulfill their function. With the pultrusion process, i.e. fibre-reinforced extrusion, corresponding components can be produced efficiently and reliably. At the JEC stand, visitors can view profiles for windows and other applications as well as reinforcing rods. 

Pultruded profiles on which solar panels can be mounted are ideal for the megatopic of renewable energies. They come from KraussMaffei’s UK subsidiary Pultrex, as do the rotor blade belts used to reinforce the rotor blades of large wind turbines. They have to withstand enormous loads and at the same time be as light as possible.  

KraussMaffei is breaking new ground in recycling with its three partners RAMPF, REMONDIS and BASF and is driving forward the recycling of polyurethane (PUR). Insulating materials from refrigerators are returned to the material cycle on an industrial scale and converted into high-quality recycled polyol by means of chemical processing. Visitors to the trade fair can also find out more about this. 

KraussMaffei offers comprehensive system solutions for reaction process machinery, ranging from individual metering machines to complete system concepts, including post-processing, automation and testing.

KraussMaffei not only develops pioneering technologies, but also manufactures molds for various processing techniques – from fibre composite molds to the backfoaming of molded parts. These customized molds are specially adapted to the respective application and ensure optimum processes.

The composites industry also has considerable potential in the field of additive manufacturing. Cost-effective, fast and uncomplicated 3D printing can also be used to produce large-format tools and customer-specific components.

powerPrint – granulate-based large-format 3D printer for efficient printing processes for a variety of materials and build strategies

The experts from KraussMaffei will be available at the JEC to provide detailed information about the many possibilities of additive manufacturing. Regardless of the technology used, it is important to find the solution that best suits the customer’s requirements, from the concept phase to the completion of the component.

Meet KraussMaffei at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth N130.

145173JEC Group
Ekbacken Studios introduces the first design furniture made of groundbreaking Sulapac material Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:32:00 +0000 Read more]]> Award-winning furniture brand, Ekbacken Studios, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression through the use of innovative materials and production methods, proudly announces a groundbreaking partnership with Sulapac, an award-winning material innovation company. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in the pursuit of reducing future waste, as the material is not only recyclable but due to its biodegradability leaves no harmful toxins or permanent microplastics behind at the product’s end-of-life.

Ekbacken Studios is renowned for its commitment to creativity, quality, and environmental responsibility. By joining forces with Sulapac, a company at the forefront of sustainable material solutions, Ekbacken Studios aims to continue its focus on using a variation of circular materials to create luxurious design pieces.

We are excited to collaborate with Sulapac, whose material innovation is a game-changer in the fight against plastic pollution,” says CEO Kristina Tjäder of Ekbacken.

Made of biodegradable biopolymers and natural wood Sulapac leaves no permanent microplastics or toxic residues behind. The wood originates from industrial side streams, and in the future also recycled biopolymers will be used. The materials have a low carbon footprint compared to conventional plastic.

Ekbacken is the first in the world to launch a large-scale product 3D printed with Sulapac material. “It’s a pleasure to work with another Nordic forerunner willing to challenge the status quo while fostering a culture of excellence,” says Juho Luukkanen, Sales Director at Sulapac.

It’s inspiring to see how seamlessly Sulapac material and Ekbacken’s contemporary designs play together,” says Juho Luukkanen, Sales Director at Sulapac.

Besides 3D printing, the Sulapac portfolio includes materials for injection molding, extrusion and thermoforming. With customers spanning from Four Seasons to Chanel, Sulapac has proven to meet even the highest quality standards. “The material is both beautiful and functional. Like nature,” Kristina confirms.

145040JEC Group
Syensqo launches new Swyft-Ply™ brand of composites for electronic and smart devices Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:32:49 +0000 Read more]]> Syensqo, previously part of Solvay Group, has announced the launch of Swyft-Ply, a new composite material brand that enhances design options for the electronic and smart devices market. ‘Swyft’ emphasizes the fast-curing nature of the company’s strong and lightweight composites, and ‘Ply’ reflects the use of multiple material layers in the design of composite parts.

“We have developed Swyft-Ply with the electronics and smart devices industry’s quick development cycle and high volume manufacturing requirements in mind,” explains Andrew Lau, Senior Executive Vice President of Electronics & Industrial at Syensqo Speciality Polymers GBU. “Such requirements include materials that can be processed quickly while enabling reduced secondary manufacturing costs thanks to controlled flow resins and compatibility with other processes such as overmolding. We look forward to witnessing the wider adoption of composites in this market.”

“By leveraging our deep knowledge of composites we have been able to support the Electronics market in adopting this technology,” said Marc Doyle, Executive Vice President of Syensqo Composite Materials GBU. “From product formulation to data generation and application engineering, our team has worked hand in hand with our customers to bring their concepts to reality.”

Swyft-Ply products have been developed to leverage the well-known benefits of composites such as weight reduction and exceptional strength to enable new form factors that are not only thinner but provide more design flexibility and freedom needed by device manufacturers. The Swyft-Ply product portfolio offers the ability to select important material features such as dielectric performance, thermal characteristics as well as UL94 flammability requirements that are of specific interest to our customers.

The Swyft-Ply portfolio is based on multiple polymer resin types and reinforcements, available in various material formats, and has been specifically formulated to maximize processing efficiencies through fast-curing, controlled flow and extended storage conditions.

Syensqo will officially introduce Swyft-Ply™ to the market at JEC World 2024 from March 05 to 07 at Booth K58 in Hall 5.

145383JEC Group
Solico Engineering highlights sustainable composite engineering for construction at JEC World 2024 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Developers, architects, and civil engineers have searched for a material solution that delivers the free-form design possibilities, low weight and minimal maintenance of composites whilst also meeting cost, fire resistance and sustainability targets. Holland Composites’ bio-based, fire-resistant, and low CO2 composite solution Duplicor, in combination with Solico’s engineering optimization and Armacell’s recycled PET foam technology, reduced installation time and enabled the building to achieve an outstanding BREEAM rating for sustainable construction.

At JEC World 2024, Solico will also present a number of engineering projects covering all aspects of the composite industry including defence, maritime and industrial sectors.

Solico Engineering is thrilled to announce that its latest collaboration with partners Armacell and Holland Composites has been selected as a finalist in the JEC Innovation Awards. Solico has been nominated in the Building & Civil Engineering category for work on the 14,000 m2 Duplicor façade for The Pulse building in Amsterdam.


Solico has recently announced the successful conclusion of Lightweight Constructions for the Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicles (L-AMPV II) Project. This three-year work package for EDA CapTech Ground Systems (Land) allowed Solico to support the design and development of the doors and underbelly of armored multi-purpose vehicles. Working alongside Dutch partners NLR and TNO, as well as additional collaborators KNDS, IABG, IDV, and Dallara, Solico solutions were extensively tested during successful full-scale blast tests in the Netherlands and Germany.

Maritime: Award winning, efficient cruising with the Omikron 60

Solico customer Omikron Yachts recently won the European Powerboat Award for Long Range at Boot 2024. The award confirms not only the innovative concept and design, but also the weight savings delivered by Solico’s composite engineering.

Industrial Applications: Safeguarding the Netherlands from extreme weather

Facing recent unprecedented storm surges caused by storm Pia, the Dutch Maeslantkering flood gates closed automatically for the first time against high water levels. Over a decade ago, Solico played a crucial role in developing new, epoxy and carbon fibre wrapped UHMWPE bearings that combined a low friction coefficient with a very high load capacity, ensuring that the gates could close smoothly and safely when required. Solico takes pride in having been part of this project, contributing to the safety and security of its home country.

Meet Solico at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth F109.

145215JEC Group
SGL Carbon supplies battery case made of glass fibre reinforced plastic Thu, 22 Feb 2024 14:34:00 +0000 Read more]]> The E-Works team found what they were looking for in the fibre-reinforced plastics expert SGL Carbon. The company is now supplying the first battery boxes made of glass fibre-reinforced plastic to E-car manufacturer following extensive prototype tests. And these highly stable protective battery casings offer several advantages – above all in terms of energy and raw material efficiency and in the safety-relevant area.

“SGL Carbon is one of the world’s most innovative and efficient companies when it comes to high-strength plastic solutions: Whether in the automotive, aerospace, semiconductor technology, LED, solar and wind energy or lithium-ion battery industries – SGL Carbon solutions are used in particular where future technologies are involved.  We are all the more pleased that we have found a new partner in SGL Carbon for our battery boxes, which are no longer made of aluminum, but of particularly light and at the same time very stable glass fibre-reinforced plastic,” says Dominik Ashkar, Managing Director of E-Works Mobility GmbH. “It is certainly not a matter of course that a world-renowned company would take on the challenge of embarking on complex development work for small series production at great expense. This makes the result, which offers us and the vehicle user several advantages, all the more remarkable.”

Technology is regularly evaluated and adapted

The newly developed battery housings not only offer considerable weight savings, but also better battery insulation and fire protection thanks to the significantly lower heat conduction compared to aluminum or even steel. The material is fire-retardant and only transfers heat to neighboring components to a very limited extent after an accident, for example. What’s more, GRP is highly resistant to corrosion and has high electromagnetic compatibility.

“The use of plastic-based composite materials is extremely sensible, especially for electric vehicles, and leads to increased product and system efficiency. In series production, they offer significantly reduced costs compared to metal processing. Due to the lighter weight with comparable or even better stability, the material even contributes to better dynamic driving performance and ultimately a longer range. For us, the collaboration with E-Works is an excellent opportunity to prove many of these advantages in tough everyday use,” says Jürgen Joos, Head of Program Management Materials in SGL Carbon’s Business Unit Composite Solutions.

To ensure that this succeeds, the current project between the two innovation leaders will be regularly evaluated and further developed.

145115JEC Group
Quantum Materials, LLC is set to unveil the latest innovations of Innegra™ at JEC World 2024 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 11:30:00 +0000 Read more]]> “Traditionally, Innegra has been offered in black and natural yarns with a range from 625 to 2800 deniers. However, Innegra is now offered in an expanded denier range from 430 to 3800, opening up several new markets,” said Jen Hanna, Director of Innegra Sales for Quantum. “We have always recognized the untapped potential of Innegra and with Quantum’s extensive R&D expertise and unique vertical manufacturing assets, we are able to quickly respond to industry needs for Innegra yarns and woven fabrics.”

In addition to the expanded yarn size range, Innegra is now available in new custom solution-dyed colors, coated yarns and fabrics, and woven fabrics with various performance and design features, all with flexible manufacturing minimums. Additionally, the company is developing products designed for the thermoplastic application of Innegra into composite structures with commercialization expected later in the year.

“Since acquiring the Innegra brand, our goal has been to expedite the development and commercialization of new product options while upholding the brand’s performance standards,” said Trey Bruffey, Director of Extrusion at Quantum. “The introduction of five new Innegra-based products within a six-month period reinforces our commitment to support the needs of the composite and textile industries. We are excited to be a part of JEC and showcase Innegra to the global composite industry.”
Innegra, the lightest synthetic fibre commercially available, is chemically resistant, hydrophobic and tough. It has excellent impact resistance properties while also being flexible, ductile, and fusible. Known as “the social fibre” because it works so well with other fibres, Innegra amplifies the performance of
materials when combined in composite applications. It also provides exceptional performance when used as a stand-alone fibre in textile products.

Innegra™, a patented brand of high-performance yarns, unveils new product options.

Today, Innegra can be found in a wide range of products, including military and ballistic applications, puncture resistant boot insoles, radomes and satellites used to improve signal transmission, bicycle parts, ropes and netting. Innegra is also used in sporting good products, such as helmets, lacrosse nets and sticks, tennis racquets, canoes and more.

Quantum will be exhibiting in The America’s Pavilion at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth P42A.

145224JEC Group
Sinoma Suzhou’s hydrogen cylinders equip a new hydrogen ship Wed, 21 Feb 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> This project represents an important advancement in the commercial field of hydrogen boats as well as in the exploration of the application of hydrogen technology in inland navigation boats, according to Sinoma Suzhou.

‘Xihai Xinyuan n°1’ claims the characteristics of safety, reliability, zero pollution and zero emissions, high comfort, low energy consumption, and low noise. The ship’s power is composed of a hybrid dual-power system of new energy hydrogen fuel cells and lithium batteries. As the main energy source, the hydrogen fuel cell uses the lithium battery pack to compensate when load conditions fluctuate, to achieve optimal energy distribution.

Sinoma Suzhou, a subsidiary of China’s giant CNBM group, has been engaged in the field of composite pressure vessel for nearly 20 years. The company is committed to promoting the application expansion of hydrogen energy and exploring diversified application scenarios. The company’s hydrogen cylinders are currently widely used in backup power supplies, trains, locomotives, drones, ships and other fields.

144799JEC Group
Pioneering a novel approach for H2 tank production: Cevotec, Roth and CIKONI achieve 15% mass reduction of composite vessel Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:11:35 +0000 Read more]]> Cevotec has developed an industrial solution to reduce the amount of carbon fiber needed for a composite tank by locally reinforcing the tank’s dome areas. Fiber Patch Placement (FPP) is the first technology to lay-up dome reinforcements directly onto the liner using a fully automated, industrial process which can be combined with any existing wet or towpreg winding equipment.

This approach reduces net fiber usage by approx. 15 %, depending on the vessel characteristics, which translates into considerable weight and cost savings while maintaining equivalent mechanical properties. Due to the material reduction, the reinforced tanks can also feature more storage volume in the same build space and have an improved CO2 footprint.

To underpin Cevotec’s approach, an optimized full-scale demonstrator has been successfully developed in collaboration with the project partners. The primary goal was to optimize the fiber lay-up to reduce weight, cost and production time. The project comprised all aspects from laminate design, simulation and optimization, driven by CIKONI, to the actual production and testing of the reinforced tanks. Additionally, the effectiveness of FPP dome reinforcements within an industrial production environment has been evaluated. With the successful completion of the third design iteration, the project partners have achieved the intended results.

“The 300 bar type IV tank has a thinner composite overwrap with a lower number of layers to be replaced by dome reinforcements. which is a challenging set-up compared to 700-bar-class vessels”, explains Dr. Florian Lenz, Technical Director of Cevotec. “To achieve the optimal material saving design, different laminate iterations were pursued. In a third iteration, we, together with the project partners, successfully achieved a burst safety factor of 108 % and material savings of 15 %.” Due to the material savings, the CO2 footprint is significantly reduced and the storage efficiency of the test vessel can be increased to 6.1 %, which represents an improvement of 17 % compared to the reference vessel.

Cevotec is currently assembling a dedicated FPP production system for dome reinforcements in their lab in Unterhaching near Munich. The SAMBA Pro PV Lab system will be available for commercial prototyping and development with customers in spring 2024. Thorsten Groene, CEO and Co-Founder at Cevotec, underlines the strategic relevance of industrial dome reinforcements: “The expected fiber demand for H2 tanks will outgrow available fiber supply in the next 5-10 years. Technologies like FPP that enable resource savings are strategically important for global competitiveness.”

Meet the teams of Cevotec, CIKONI and Roth at JEC World 2024.
Cevotec, hall 5, booth M99.
CIKONI, hall 6, booth M82.
Roth, hall 5, booth J02.

145252JEC Group
Xenia® Materials unveils XEGREEN® 23-C20-3DP: 100% recycled PET-G carbon fibre reinforced grade for high-performance additive manufacturing Tue, 20 Feb 2024 10:48:06 +0000 Read more]]> XEGREEN® 23-C20-3DP, a PET-G (polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified) with 20% carbon fibre reinforcement, represents a meticulous engineering effort to meet the demands of applications requiring superior strength, minimal warpage, and environmental responsibility.

Moreover, excelling in low-temperature environments, XEGREEN® 23-C20-3DP finds suitability across various applications, from prototyping to master moulds and finished parts. Beyond immediate advantages, this material guarantees long-term performance, ensuring durability and stability over time.

XEGREEN® 23-C20-3DP offers a distinctive set of features, ensuring optimal performance and sustainability throughout its lifecycle. Its advanced formulation minimizes warpage during the printing process, providing manufacturers with reliable and consistent results. Designed to withstand harsh chemicals, this material is an ideal choice for the carbon fibre lamination process, thanks to its resistance to resins and release agents.

This new grade reflects Xenia® Materials commitment to environmental sustainability. Manufactured from 100% fully recycled materials, it contributes significantly to a circular economy.

Meet Xenia® Materials at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth C79.

145198JEC Group
FRIMO Innovative Technologies – Back to JEC World 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> During the JEC World 2024 which will take place in Paris from March 5-7, 2024, FRIMO Innovative Technologies will present its latest developments for a complete range of tooling and machinery equipment, including PU Processing, Flexible trimming, Punching, Pressing/Forming, Thermoforming, Laminating, Edge Folding as well as Welding and Joining. The offering also includes all necessary upstream, intermediate and downstream process steps.

Customers will be accompanied from start to finish from the early development phase until series production and After Sales Service. FRIMO Innovative Technologies is also the right contact for companies that want to think outside the box and implement innovative, sustainable product ideas for newly developed materials.

Wet compression molding

To produce fibre-reinforced structural components in automobiles, FRIMO Innovative Technologies offers fully automated systems for wet compression molding of monolithic and sandwich components. In this process, dry continuous fibre layups or fabrics are impregnated with a reactive resin outside the press, then brought into the press and consolidated there, where the matrix materials cure.

The lower process pressures compared to RTM make it possible to combine the fibre composite structures in the pressing process with sandwich cores, for example made of foamed polyurethane or polyethylene cores, or paper honeycombs in a single step. In addition, more cost-effective tools can be used and cycle times can be significantly reduced. Another advantage WCM has over RTM is the elimination of three-dimensional preforming of the fibre structures in advance.

Joint project “LightMat Battery Housing”

The trend towards electric cars leads to a strong focus on the whole battery package. The aim of the joint project LightMat Battery Housing (EFRE-0801511) is to develop functionalized, unidirectional fibre-reinforced semi-finished products for high volume production of highly stressed lightweight plastic battery housings. For the battery housing, this translates to a significant weight reduction compared to today’s e-vehicles with maximum functional integration in terms of stiffness, strength, EMC shielding, fire protection and process flow. FRIMO is contributing with its expertise in developing special tooling and process technology for UD and D-LFT Tapes.

UD-tapes are continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastics that offer the most mechanical properties in fibre direction. Direct long fibre thermoplastics (D-LFT), however, provide more design freedom because of their good flow behavior. When both are combined and metal inserts are added, a new degree of freedom is reached and the lightweight potential for hybrid structures can be better utilized. Combining different materials creates special requirements for tooling. FRIMO has developed a special tool concept for this. In this concept, the pre-heated, compressed UD tapes (tailored blanks) along with the D-LFT strands are placed in the tool cavity and compressed with precision-controlled advancing pins. The advancing pins in the FRIMO Tape-D-LFT tool drape the “tailored blanks” and form the rib structure cavity to be locally overflowed with D-LFT. The additional tool closing movement presses the D-LFT into the ribs. The FRP/metal mixture makes weight savings of up to 25% possible compared to a steel construction, with a cycle time of less than a minute. This doesn’t just turn into weight savings, but also time and money savings.

New hybrid tool technology in the joint project “Hydrun”

The demand for highly stressed, complex-shaped hybrid lightweight structural components is constantly growing. Light metals with their high specific strengths offer decisive advantages, but these cannot be fully exploited in monolithic construction. For this reason, the use of light metal/thermoplastic composites or corresponding hybrid components is increasingly becoming the focus of product and process development. More resource-efficient processes therefore need to be developed for the hybridization of lightweight structural components. The technological goal pursued as part of the project was to combine the individual processes of die casting and injection molding and adapt them to each other to such an extent that, for the first time, metal die casting and plastic injection molding can be combined inline. The functionalization of the light metal component takes place directly in a new type of hybrid tool system technology, with which hybrid material composites and structures of high load-bearing capacity and durability can be realized on one system. (HyDrun 03XPO383E)

Lightweight solutions by FRIMO Innovative Technologies offer project specific advantages, e.g. cost saving, reducing of CO2 footprint/emissions, improved energy efficiency, material saving, simplified application or production process, integration of functions, bundling of technologies and reduction of production cycles and assembly times. FRIMO Innovative Technologies will support customers to bring their ideas into production.

Meet FRIMO Innovative Technologies at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth F01.

144283JEC Group
Thermolysis launches fully recyclable products using recycled carbon fibre at JEC World 2024 Mon, 19 Feb 2024 15:20:00 +0000 Read more]]> To dispel the misconception that composite materials cannot be recycled, Thermolysis is dedicated to developing a range of products that can be entirely recycled, utilizing recycled materials as a foundation. They are pleased to announce the establishment of a socially responsible green brand, “RCF”. This brand designs and produces a range of bicycle accessories and daily necessities, using carbon fiber recycled by Thermolysis.

The product lineup of the RCF brand comprises bicycle accessories, including bottle cages, pads, seats, cycling shoe boards, light stands, and fenders. All these products are crafted from Thermolysis’ recycled carbon fiber, ensuring not only their lightweight characteristics but also retaining excellent mechanical strength.

Thermolysis is committed not only to crafting innovative products but also to assuming responsibility for products. They pledge to implement comprehensive recycling measures for all future productions, thereby ensuring environmental integrity and furthering the promotion of carbon fiber recycling.

The carbon fiber regeneration process is ISO 14067 certified, emitting only a fifth of the carbon emissions compared to raw fiber production.

Carbon fiber composite materials are the predominant materials sought for lightweight applications in major industries. However, when examining the carbon footprint traced back to the production stage of carbon fiber raw filaments, two significant issues arise.

Initially, high energy use in production leads to substantial carbon emissions, resulting in increased carbon taxes on the final products. Secondly, the recycling technology for carbon fiber composite materials is still in its developmental stages, resulting in high-value carbon fibers being treated as waste after a single use and leading to an avoidable depletion of resources.

Through Thermolysis’ distinctive equipment and technology, they have successfully achieved the recycling and reuse of carbon fibers. This accomplishment not only significantly diminishes the production of carbon fiber waste but also lowers carbon emissions.

According to statistics, the production of one ton of newly manufactured carbon fiber typically leads to approximately 20-40 tons of CO2 emissions. In 2023, Thermolysis enlisted Germany’s TÜV Rheinland for ISO 14067 carbon footprint standard certification. The results indicate that the carbon emissions for each kilogram of its “recycled carbon fiber” total only 5.047 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent. In comparison to the production of new materials, Thermolysis’ recycled carbon fiber demonstrates a carbon emission level merely one-fifth that of new materials.

Achieved certification under UL 2809 for the verification of recycled material content.

The source of recycled carbon fiber materials in the market is unclear and difficult to trace. This, along with inconsistent material quality, has diminished industry confidence in using recycled materials.
To build customer trust, Thermolysis has enlisted the third-party organization UL to certify the origin of waste materials. Since 2022, they have secured UL 2809 recycled material content verification, ensuring complete transparency and traceability of material history. This certification serves as proof that Thermolysis processes genuine recycled materials.

Company profile

Thermolysis originates from Taiwan and specializes in the large-scale production of recycled carbon fiber.
Founded in 2016, Thermolysis is a Taiwan-based enterprise committed to continuous innovation. They specialize in the development and integration of high temperature thermal treatment systems, applied particularly to “carbon fiber recycling.” Since 2020, they have been constructing carbon fiber recycling and regeneration factory lines, engaging in large-scale processing and production of recycled carbon fiber.
Utilizing recycled carbon fiber as the primary raw material, they introduce a series of intermediate products designed for seamless integration into the industrial chain.

Recycled carbon fiber differs significantly from the virgin fiber in shape, possessing a light and fluffy texture, variable lengths, and an irregular arrangement, posing challenges for future recycling efforts. To address this issue, Thermolysis is dedicated to the development of processed products using recycled carbon fiber. This commitment aims to enhance the processability of recycled products and expand their applications.

To foster the growth of the recycled carbon fiber market, they intend to broaden their applications to high-value-added products. Besides large-scale recycled carbon fiber production, they meet downstream needs in the carbon fiber industry through the design and manufacture of recycled carbon fiber paper, non-woven materials, and plastic pellets. This ensures a smooth integration of recycled materials into the initial production process.

The “recycled carbon fiber products” developed by Thermolysis encompass staple, non-woven, paper, and plastic pellets. The application methods for these products include both thermosetting and thermoplastic processes. The thermosetting process involves utilizing recycled carbon fiber staple for Bulk Molding Compound (BMC) processing. Alternatively, one can opt for Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) methods to impregnate “recycled carbon fiber non-woven” and “recycled carbon fiber paper.”

Thermoset products, distinguished by their high strength and well-established processing technology, find widespread applications in product reinforcement and large component production.

Owing to the diverse materials employed in the thermoplastic process, one can select the appropriate composite plastic based on product requirements. This process boasts excellent characteristics, including plastic formability, suitability for mass production, high reprocessability, and recyclability.

The “recycled carbon fiber plastic pellets” created by Thermolysis using Compounding technology are well-suited for the injection process. This results in notable enhancements in the mechanical and electrical properties of the finished injection products.

Moreover, “recycled carbon fiber non-woven” and “recycled carbon fiber paper” can undergo lamination through hot pressing and thermoplastic film materials. Their product line expands to include intermediate products like “recycled carbon fiber prepregs,” “recycled carbon fiber thermoplastic laminates,” and “recycled carbon fiber pipes.”

Thermolysis eagerly anticipates presenting its products at JEC World 2024, the world’s premier composites exhibition.

JEC World is the world’s largest composite materials exhibition, featuring the latest technologies and applications in raw materials, processes, and finished products. Looking at 2023, it’s clear that numerous manufacturers are prioritizing and investing in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, carbon neutrality, and the circular economy.

Last year marked Thermolysis’ debut at the event, where they highlighted their expertise in recycling and large-scale production of recycled carbon fiber, accompanied by a range of easily processed recycled products. Additionally, they enthusiastically took part in the Startup Booster competition and were proud to stand out among 500 participants, securing a spot in the top 20.

This year, Thermolysis is back in Paris, unveiling their new brand RCF and showcasing an array of eco-friendly products crafted from recycled materials, emphasizing their commitment to complete recycling.
They hope that Thermolysis’ commitment to environmental sustainability will garner greater recognition from customers, while also showcasing to the international community the dynamism of Taiwanese companies in the realms of environmental protection and innovation.

Meet Thermolysis at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth N136.

144886JEC Group
Future Fibres’ Lightning Mitigation (LiMit Collar) technology on display at JEC World 2024 innovation planets Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Instances of lighting damage onboard yachts are steadily increasing, and, as global warming
intensifies, the frequency of lightning strikes is projected to increase by 12% with every degree of
temperature change—that is 50% before the end of the century.

Lightning strikes pose an escalating threat to safety and equipment integrity. LiMit Collars directly
address this concern by providing high-conductivity, seamless fuse structures at critical areas where
electrical current arcs between carbon fibre and metallic rigging parts, thereby absorbing current
and mitigating damage at each conical end fitting.

LiMit Collars offer a lightweight, retrofittable, and inspectable system that integrates seamlessly with
existing rigging without compromising on aesthetics. Backed by extensive testing, the R&D project
included exposure to 200kA and 2 MJ/ohm in simulated lightning strike conditions, adhering to
rigorous EUROCAE ED-84A aerospace standards in Europe’s leading certified labs.

Beyond the marine industry, the technology brings obvious benefits to carbon tensile cables in a
range of applications vulnerable to lighting strikes, such as Cranes, Civil Engineering and
Architecture. Having been praised for its ability to be easily retrofitted, and removed for post-strike
inspection and replacement, LiMit Collars empower users with a practical, reliable, adaptable

LiMit Collars are an option on MultiC carbon composite rigging.

Meet Future Fibres Rigging Systems S.L. at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth L04.

144278JEC Group
Introducing ARRIS | MTO carbon fibre thermoplastic spokes Fri, 16 Feb 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> “Humanity relies on innovation to improve our lives and the planet,” said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer, Business Intelligence Group. “We are so proud to reward the products, people, and companies helping to improve the lives of so many people.” 

The award recognizes ARRIS MTO Spokes (Made To Outperform®), a next-gen carbon spoke designed, engineered, and manufactured using ARRIS’ software, materials, and manufacturing technology platform called Additive Molding: “…our obsession with advanced composites is only part of what led us to create the next generation of carbon fibre spokes — we love to ride, and our affinity for all things bicycles sparked us to make the kind of spokes we’d actually rely on ourselves.”

Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Bicycle Spoke (ARRIS MTO)

Organizations from around the world submitted recent innovations for consideration, and nominations were then judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteered time and expertise to score submissions.

The results: Thermoplastic carbon fibre spokes

The product line-up includes multiple options to meet industry-leading bicycle brands’ highly competitive weight and performance requirements. For example, one of the ARRIS spokes they offer is 2.7x stronger gram for gram than the best-in-class metal aero spoke available in the market today.


About ARRIS:
Founded in 2017, ARRIS is an advanced manufacturer with a breakthrough software, materials, and manufacturing technology platform enabling the highest-performing fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites at scale. From portable electronics and performance footwear to automotive and aerospace applications, the team has successfully proven its unmatched capabilities across industries including the bicycle market. Yet, this obsession with cutting-edge composites is only part of what led the team to create the next generation of carbon fibre spokes… This team loves to ride, and its affinity for all things bicycles put the team on a path to make the kind of spokes they’d actually want to use themselves.

144928JEC Group
Innovative thermoplastic composites solutions unveiled by svimsold® at JEC World 2024 Fri, 16 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]>
svismold® specializes in crafting high-end thermoplastic composites solutions designed for diverse applications, with a primary focus on the sports industry. The company is renowned for its commitment to innovation, precision engineering, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible incomposite materials. The company will be exhibiting at JEC World 2024 under its brand, showing groundbreaking solutions that demonstrate the intersection of technology, performance, and sustainability.

Key highlights

Tailored Solutions: svismold’s showcase will feature individualized thermoplastic composites solutions, tailored to meet the unique demands of the sports industry. These solutions are also adaptable for various technical applications.

Innovated Perfection: svismold® develops unique solutions and ensures highest quality. With FEM analysis the company test the possibilities and materials for perfectly fitting solutions.

Sustainability Focus: svismold® remains committed to sustainable practices. Learn about the company’s initiatives to minimize environmental impact while delivering top-notch performance in composite materials. They offer solutions with natural and sustainable materials for a better future.

Serial Production: svismold® offers not only unique parts tailored to their customer’s needs, but they also produce in serial. Therefore, material and time can be efficiently used. At the heart of svismold’s showcase are its individually tailored thermoplastic composites solutions. These solutions, meticulously crafted to meet the unique demands of the customer, exemplify the company’s commitment to pushing the envelope in thermoplastic composite parts. From lightweight components to advanced structural elements, svismold’s offerings showcase a perfect blend of innovation and functionality.

Technical Versatility: While svismold® has carved a significant niche in the sports industry, the company’s technical expertise extends far beyond the athletic arena. The versatility of svismold’s solutions makes them applicable to a myriad of technical sectors. Whether it’s aerospace, automotive, or any other industry seeking advanced composite materials, svismold® has the expertise to addressdiverse challenges and opportunities.

Meet svismold® at JEC World 2024, at the Composite united booth. hall 6, booth P24.

144273JEC Group
Flax fibre revolution: sustainable composites enter automotive production with the Volvo EX30 Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Legislation, competition and electrification are driving significant inno­vation in the transport sector. The automotive industry’s emphasis on zero-emission vehicles aligns with broader efforts to reduce carbon emissions, with a growing focus on sustainable materials beyond batteries and electric motors.

This is a transformative time for many industries, with com­panies assessing and evolving in line with government demands and consumer expectations, said Per Mårtensson. Responses can range from mitigating the envi­ronmental toll of raw materials and production to improved waste management, as well as developing new technologies that deliver efficiency gains. In the au­tomotive industry, this translates into an increased emphasis on circular, recycled and sustainable materials to support the goal of zero emission vehicles.

Weight reduction on the scope

One of the current methods used to enhance vehicle effi­ciency is lightweighting, regard­less of the propulsion system. Consequently, manufacturers are actively seeking solutions to diminish the overall mass of ve­hicles while upholding environ­mental considerations. This en­deavour is particularly notable in the sector of electric vehicles (EVs), where battery weight impacts both efficiency and driving range. “The rapid rise of EVs has been a huge shift for the automotive industry, bringing forth new challenges, continued Per Mårtensson.

The weight reduction trend was already present, but now it has intensified as more OEMs recog­nise the significance of sustainable lightweighting, dematerialisation, as well as the need for viable and circular end-of-life options for the materials used.”

The viable, circular options Per Mårtensson refers to just happens to include ampliTex™, Bcomp’s flax fibre-based com­posite technology. It has been featured in a wide variety of ap­plications from tennis rackets and skis to motorsport wings, satellite panels, where its use and that of Bcomp power­Ribs™ have been a resounding success. Now, the company has achieved the long-term goal of integrating its technology into a production vehicle, the new Volvo EX30 small fully electric SUV. With the lowest carbon footprint of any model in Volvo Cars’ history (the lowest carbon footprint of any Volvo car to date statement relates to available products over 200,000 km of driving), the EX30 is launching with the op­tion for innovative natural fibre composites in its dashboard and door trim (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Volvo EX30 interior © Volvo Car Group
Fig. 1. Volvo EX30 interior © Volvo Car Group
Fig. 1. Volvo EX30 interior © Volvo Car Group

Bcomp’s work with Volvo Cars to integrate the Bcomp ampli­Tex™ into a global production ve­hicle has been ambitious, reward­ing, and significant”, according to Per Mårtensson. Bcomp tech­nologies have already been used in some of the most extreme scenarios imaginable, but one of the company’s main goals was to efficiently scale and achieve meaningful impact within the transport sector. The inclusion of ampliTex™ panels in a large-scale automotive application is a very exciting advance that highlights the opportunities for forward-thinking vehicle manu­facturers.

A fruitful collaboration

The collaboration between Volvo Cars and Bcomp began in 2018, during the Volvo Ocean Race recycled plastics demonstrator vehicle project, which focused on using recycled and circular materials. This prototype vehicle incorporated powerRibs™ into several semi-structural interior elements, garnering attention from Volvo’s engineering team. In turn, this lead to inclusion of Bcomp technologies in the Volvo Concept Recharge a few years later.

The EX30 is available with four interior specifications, known as ‘rooms’ which provide a distinct ambiance. Two of these rooms include high-quality parts made from ampliTex™, a technical fab­ric made of a flax textile weave. Derived from renewable Eu­ropean-grown flax, ampliTex™ harnesses the natural aesthetic and mechanical characteristics of flax fibres. This fabric enables the production of lightweight high-performance composites with a distinct aesthetic and excellent vibration damping – perfect for interiors (Figure 2).

Fig. 2: ampliTex™ textile fabric © Bcomp

Including ampliTex™ in the EX30 –a high-volume produc­tion vehicle– demonstrates that it is possible to achieve outstand­ing quality, comfort, and perfor­mance without compromising on sustainability”, concluded our interlocutor.

A very high level of visual finish and quality can be achieved for interiors. It offers something visually distinct with a natural aesthetic and improved sus­tainability. In the automotive space, Bcomp composites can be used for most interior com­ponents that are currently in­jection moulded. That refers to two important approaches: the interesting ‘visual’ trim and the wider application of non-visual interior parts. It is an area that shows great promise, and the chance to improve the sustain­ability of modern automotive platforms. ampliTex™ also enables unique visual opportunities withcust omisation of weave and colour, bringing a new and organic de­sign element into the car.

The use of Bcomp’s flax fibre composites in a serial pro­duction vehicle highlights the automotive industry’s move towards a more sustainable ap­proach, and further illustrates the extent of the opportunities in this field.

Fig. 3: Flax © Bcomp

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144388JEC Group
PPG adds two adhesives to aerospace product portfolio Thu, 15 Feb 2024 08:51:39 +0000 Read more]]> PPG announced that it has added two adhesives to its aerospace portfolio: PPG PR-2940™ epoxy syntactic paste adhesive (ESPA) for bonding the internal structures of an aircraft; and PPG PR-2936™, an adhesive that incorporates the properties of a shim and sealant for attaching the outer skin of an aircraft to the internal structures.

PPG has added two adhesives to its aerospace product portfolio that provide performance and sustainability benefits for OEM and MRO customers.

“We are excited to add these adhesive technologies to our product offering,” said Sean Purdy, PPG global director, coatings and sealants, Aerospace. “They will provide our aerospace customers with significant performance benefits as well as sustainability advantages through lightweighting.”

PPG PR-2940 ESPA adhesive is a lightweight potting compound used by both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MROs) customers on secondary aircraft structures. It fills and reinforces the honeycomb structures used to manufacture an aircraft’s internal components, including the inner wing structure, galley, lavatories, overhead bins and flooring.

PPG PR-2936 adhesive is used by OEMs to attach the metallic or composite skin of an aircraft to the internal structures of the fuselage, tail assembly, wings and stabilizers. This epoxy-based adhesive cures at ambient temperatures and is designed to fill gaps or irregularities between the surfaces of the primary and secondary structures. It combines outstanding mechanical strength with flexibility and microcracking resistance across a wide operating temperature window.

“Sustainability is a key priority across PPG, including new product innovations,” said Daniel Sydes, PPG global product manager, adhesives, Aerospace. “These new adhesives offer improved chemistries and low-density properties while maintaining a high strength-to-weight ratio that aids in increasing the fuel efficiency of aircraft.”

144916JEC Group
Wrexham academics supporting revolutionary flat fibre project Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Prifysgol Wrecsam/Wrexham University is working alongside University of Southampton, who are the lead institution for the three-year project, as well as University of Bristol, University of Nottingham, University of Warwick and University of Herefordshire, with the aim of making composite manufacturing more efficient and sustainable.

Composites are produced by bringing together two or more materials such as plastic, carbon fibre, ceramics and glass, to produce properties which cannot be achieved by the individual components alone. They are widely used in aircraft, cars, boats, wind turbine blades and in structures such as bridges because they can be lighter, stronger and more durable than conventional materials. 

Composites play a pivotal role in aircraft manufacturing, for example, by increasing performance and carbon efficiency, whilst providing opportunity to reduce costs.

However, manufacturers need to understand more about composites during their manufacturing stage, as well as how they perform throughout their lifetime. Sensors can provide these insights.

Flat fibre sensors fitting snugly inside composites have the potential to uniquely monitor whether the material is fit for purpose and will keep its strength while it is being used. They may even be able to feed into the manufacturing process to optimise the performance of the component and predict when it is likely to fail.

Dr Christopher Holmes, who is based at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton, is heading up the project.

Richard Day, Professor of Composites Engineering and Pro Vice Chancellor for Research at Wrexham University

Richard Day, Professor of Composites Engineering and Pro Vice Chancellor for Research at Wrexham University, who is leading on the Wrexham element of the project, said: “I am delighted to be part of this programme of research which has grown out of an initial short collaboration with the universities of Southampton, Bristol and ourselves. 

“The ability to make and employ fibre optic sensors, which are capable of having directional sensing opens up huge areas of understanding in composites and beyond. 

“For us, it is the ability to measure and control stresses in a microwave environment with a view to manufacturing large lightweight mirrors, which is key and will enable a new direction in our research with high potential impact.”

During the span of the project, the team at ORC will develop the flat fibre sensors in their Zepler cleanrooms – its state-of-the-art multidisciplinary centre for materials and device research in electronics, photonics and nanotechnology – in collaboration with manufacturing at the Bristol Composite Institute, University of Bristol. 

Then researchers at Wrexham University, as well as Nottingham, Warwick and Herefordshire will go on to use the new sensors to develop case studies. aligned with industry partners. 

Wrexham University academics will be utilising the facilities at the Advanced Composite Training and Development Centre, a state-of-the-art laboratory that enables such research.

Dr Holmes added: “The leverage of interdisciplinary expertise is fundamental if we are to successfully revolutionise composite material manufacture. 

“The University of Southampton has fantastic cleanroom capabilities and a strong reputation in pioneering optical fibre fabrication and our colleagues have comprehensive knowledge of composites and their applications. Our joint research on flat fibre sensors could transform the ultimate performance of composite structures.”

The project is being funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). 

144758JEC Group
CRP Technology launches Windform SL Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:16:00 +0000 Read more]]> In the rapidly evolving field of Additive Manufacturing, the globally leading 3D printing service bureau CRP Technology unveils Windform SL, a groundbreaking material for Powder Bed Fusion/Selective Laser Sintering professional 3D printing. As the twelfth addition to the prestigious Windform TOP-LINE range (created by CRP Technology), Windform SL marks a significant leap forward in the AM industry.

Windform SL, a black polyamide-based composite reinforced with carbon fibres, is exceptionally light, as indicated by the “SL” designation, standing for “Super Light,” and boasts a density of 0.87 g/cc. This unique combination of characteristics, blending lightness and rigidity, positions Windform SL as a premium material.

The market debut of Windform SL, occurring just a few months after the introduction of CRP Technology’s second elastomeric material (Windform TPU) and the eleventh addition to the TOP-LINE range, reaffirms the company’s unwavering commitment to innovation in the realm of 3D printing.

Franco Cevolini, CEO and Technical Director of CRP Technology, comments: “Our commitment to advancement is resolute. We are a historic, pioneering company continuously innovating, creating top-of-the-line materials for professional 3D printing, and Windform SL is the latest proof, a further step forward in our growth journey that keeps us at the forefront of the industry.

As a leading 3D printing service provider, I am confident that this material will swiftly become the winning choice for many UAV and automotive customers relying on our 3D printing department for the of their advanced parts.”

Windform SL is particularly well-suited for producing functional prototypes and components in the UAV/UAS sector, and applications demanding a balance of lightness, stiffness, and thermal resistance.

The HDT at 1.82 MPa of 182.5 °C, combined with high values of Specific Tensils Modulus, Specific Tensile Strength, and Impact Strength (Charpy and Izod), are among the key features of Windform SL. These characteristics indeed provide it with the ability to maintain structural stability under intense stress, even at elevated temperatures, ensuring reliable performance in demanding environments.

The post-process surface finish is equally noteworthy, with Ra values of 5.44 µm after the SLS process, 1.56 µm after manual finishing, and 0.83 µm after CNC processing, ensuring smooth and precise surfaces.

Windform SL is more than just a material; it is an advanced solution for the future of professional 3D printing. With broad applications in the UAV sector and beyond, Windform SL promises to revolutionize the production of sophisticated and efficient components across various fields, from aerospace to automotive, ensuring lightweight without the need to reduce thickness.

144616JEC Group
Cobra International presents 2024 Olympics Windsurfing iQFOiL board at JEC World 2024 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:36:49 +0000 Read more]]> The iQFOiL 95 is the official 2024 Olympic Windsurfing Class and is the supplied equipment to be used by both male and female sailors. The 220 x 95 cm board has a PVC, carbon and glass fibre sandwich construction that is vacuum moulded over an EPS foam core. Cobra is the only manufacturer allowed to produce these boards and must adhere to the tightest tolerances for dimensions, weight and production accuracy. In addition to supplying the equipment for the 48 men and women who have qualified for the Olympic event in Marseille, France, which begins on 28 July 2024, Cobra has had to match this level of exceptional product quality for the hundreds of boards required by sailors aiming for qualification at the 2024 games and those in the future.

Cobra will also showcase its depth of expertise in watersports composites by presenting the ultimate prepreg eFoil board – a Marc Newson collaboration with Flite – as well as a lightweight carbon fibre slalom canoe, a full carbon production surfboard and a natural hemp fibre reinforced board.

Cobra Advanced Composites (CAC), the automotive business of composite products manufacturer Cobra International, will present a variety of different visual carbon fibre parts in autoclave, SMC and compression moulded technology. Furthermore, CAC will showcase components made with sustainable natural fibres featuring various optical finishes. CAC has supplied automotive customers with lightweight composite components since 2006, and now offers a range of different materials, construction methods and surface finish options that allow premium car and motorcycle OEMs to select the optimum choice for their project.

JEC World 2024 offers a unique global perspective on the latest innovations in the composite world. We are particularly proud to showcase a piece of composite Olympic history this year, highlighting the exceptional quality and absolute consistency that the Cobra team have demonstrated with the new foiling iQFOiL 95 board we will present in Paris. Across the watersports, automotive, UAV and industrial design sectors – Cobra provides this same level of focus on every part it manufactures.” said Danu Chotikapanich, CEO, Cobra International.

Meet Cobra at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth F69.

144790JEC Group
Project FENIKS: towards a circular manufacturing route for thermoplastic composites Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Supporting the use of recycled thermoplastic composites in the manufacturing route for aerospace applications will be a focus topic to meet the project goals.

Developing lightweight aircraft in a sustainable way is a significant goal that we should work towards promptly. The Dutch Ministry of economic affairs and climate and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) acknowledge this and have made the start of project FENIKS possible.

Their gratitude goes to them and their continued commitment for a steady and sustainable manufacturing industry. FENIKS stands for FabricagE New cIrcular fiber-reinforced KunstStof components for aerospace.

144510JEC Group
Mussel Polymers, Inc. showcases groundbreaking corrosion resistant coating solutions at JEC World 2024 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> MPI, renowned for its non-toxic and high-performance adhesive and coating solutions, will be featuring its groundbreaking Poly(Catechol-Styrene) (PCS) technology at their booth. This exclusive event offers a unique opportunity for industry professionals to explore MPI’s latest innovations, specifically designed for challenging wet or low-energy surfaces and corrosion-resistant metal coatings.

Visitors to the JEC World 2024 can look forward to interacting with MPI’s team of experts, who will be available to discuss the cutting-edge applications of their products. The company’s presence at this global conference underscores its commitment to advancing adhesive technology and providing sustainable, high-performance solutions to various industries, including biomedical, industrial, and military sectors.

“We are thrilled to be a part of JEC World 2024 and demonstrate how our PCS technology can help solve the challenges in the adhesion and coating processes in the composite materials industry,” said George Boyajian, CEO for Mussel Polymers, Inc. “Our participation in this prestigious event marks a significant milestone in our journey to deliver innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.”

Attendees are encouraged to book a meeting with the Mussel Polymers team at the conference to learn more about their unique PCS-based products and explore potential collaborations.

Meet Mussel Polymers, Inc. at JEC World 2024, hall 6, booth Q42.

143952JEC Group
TANIQ to showcase TaniqWind Pro, a new filament winding software for composite pressure vessels at JEC World 2024 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:41:00 +0000 Read more]]> The software is developed and supported by a team of winding experts with over 16 years of experience in composite design and robotic winding. TaniqWind Pro is compatible with all CNC and Robotic winding systems on the market or can be supplied as an integral solution with TANIQ’s robotic winding systems.

In 2007, TANIQ was the second company worldwide to develop robotic filament winding systems. Since then, a team of winding experts has developed advanced robotic winding systems for clients worldwide. Due to limitations within the available filament winding software on the market at the time, TANIQ decided to develop its own winding software TaniqWind. Initially developed and used internally for 14 years, the software is now made available for everyone under the name TaniqWind Pro. TANIQ has a full team of software and winding experts developing and supporting the software, guaranteeing the best performance, usability, and support to its clients.

TANIQ Wind Pro

An overview of TANIQ’s products & services in the composites industry:

  • Composite product development: TANIQ supports its clients with the design, analysis, and development of composite parts. TANIQ has assisted clients in developing composite overwrapped pressure vessels of type III and Type IV using dry winding, wet winding, tow-preg winding and thermoplastic tape winding. TANIQ has in-house robotic winding systems for developing prototypes up to 3m in length and 1.5m in diameter.
  • TaniqWind Pro – Advanced composite design software: Our in-housed developed CAD/CAM software specifically tailored for filament winding for composite parts was released last year after 14 years of development. TaniqWind Pro is also the most actively developed and upgraded software on the market, which is the only software in the industry with a dedicated Robotic post-processor. The software can be used for (wet) filament winding, towpreg winding and winding/placement of thermoplastic tapes.
  • Scorpo Robotics – TANIQ’s robotic winding systems: TANIQ is one of the first companies worldwide to develop a robotic winding system in 2007. TANIQ has supplied a wide range of robotic winding system under the brand name Scorpo, which are dedicated to manufacturing various products, including composite pressure vessels.
Composite pressure vessel

About TANIQ:
TANIQ started in 2006 as a spin-off company from the Aerospace Faculty of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. TANIQ is a renowned player worldwide in robotic automation for rubber composite products. Since 2007 TANIQ has developed custom-developed robotic winding systems and software packages for advanced rubber composite products, such as tires and marine hoses. From 2018 TANIQ started developing software and robotic winding solutions for composite products, with a focus on composite pressure vessels for hydrogen storage.

Meet TANIQ at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth F109.
Book an offline or online appointment with TANIQ here.

144728JEC Group
Envalior and KOKI deliver a highly efficient lightweight automotive shift fork made with ForTii ® ACE Mon, 12 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Envalior announces that it has partnered with KOKI TECHNIK Transmission Systems GmbH, a leading Transmission Shifting Systems manufacturer, to deliver a shift fork used within an E-Powertrains Decoupling Unit. KOKI chose ForTii® ACE PPA for its shift fork application because the material offers extreme high stiffness up to 160°C, design freedom and maximum wear resistance without the need for additional bushings.

KOKI’s main objective for its shift fork application was to make it lightweight with high stiffness and maximum wear resistance. KOKI also wanted to reduce cost of the application when compared to a heavily machined aluminium part.

ForTii® ACE is a competitive material—with its overall technical characteristics—when it comes to the substitution of aluminium components within decoupling units used in E-Powertrains as well as regular transmissions, according to Ron Krotwaar, Advanced Development Expert, Lightweight Solutions for Envalior.

“Nearly all functionalities—assembly interfaces, gearing and detection systems—can be integrated in a well designed component made from a thermoplastic GF-reinforced compound without additional processes. As a result, potential cost savings can be achieved,” said Martin Wollenberg, Head of Business Development at KOKI. “With its superior performance at competitive material costs, ForTii® ACE allows a successful substitution of aluminium components with well designed composite solutions.”

With KOKI’s advanced CAE simulations, plus Envalior’s CAE services and predictive technologies, the two companies worked as a team to further improve the accuracy of KOKI’s advanced simulations. Envalior provided technical support and services to optimize the geometry for mechanical performance and processing when designing the shift fork. The KOKI / Envalior team worked together on anisotropic material behavior and material models. Plus, they shared knowledge and experiences about simulating and interpreting results. In addition Envalior supported KOKI with viscosity measurements.

“The team captured the material’s behaviour and understood how to process the results specifically for Envalior’s ForTii® ACE MX53 material,” said Krotwaar. “The KOKI and Envalior team enabled a more robust part performance and design to the safe limits. With Envalior’s deep material knowlegde and experience with material behaviour, Envalior enabled KOKI to readjust product design, simulation and tooling where needed, to get the best out of the material’s performance.”

144500JEC Group
NCAMP advances collaboration with South Korean aviation/testing institutes Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The cooperation content of the MOU includes:

  1. Technology and information exchange related to aircraft composite material certification
  2. Training and mutual exchange of expertise in composite materials certification
  3. Work on mutual recognition of aircraft composite materials certified in both organizations

NCAMP works with the FAA and industry partners to qualify material systems and populate a shared materials database that can be viewed publicly. NCAMP-qualified materials systems include additive manufactured, thermoset and thermoplastics, adhesives and core materials. Manufacturers using NCAMP-qualified materials can shorten the certification process, resulting in cost savings.

A full list of NCAMP-approved materials and systems is available at

NCAMP was established in 2005 as a FAA-funded program within WSU-NIAR and stemmed from NASA’s 1995 Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiment (AGATE).

144496JEC Group
Artemis Technologies to revolutionise offshore wind operations Mon, 12 Feb 2024 10:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> The funding will support the real-world demonstration of the Belfast based maritime innovator’s first 24 passenger Crew Transfer Vessel (EF-24 CTV), which was initially developed thanks to previous funding from CMDC2. 

In response to significant global interest from both wind farm developers and CTV operators, the demonstrations will prove the EF-24 CTV’s capability to operate safely under extreme wind and tide conditions – a key priority within the offshore wind industry. 

The project will take place across multiple offshore UK windfarms, with Artemis Technologies working alongside an experienced consortium of partners, including Tidal Transit and Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult

CEO at Artemis Technologies, Dr Iain Percy OBE, said:  “Offshore wind is a cornerstone of UK decarbonisation plans with potential to more than triple its capacity by 2035.  In turn, CTV numbers are projected to rise significantly.  

“If zero emission vessels are not introduced, we are looking at an estimated 600,000 tonnes of CO2/year being released into our environment. At Artemis Technologies we are confident that we have the transformative technology that will lead to greener CTV operations and ultimately the decarbonisation of high-speed maritime transport. 

“As a founding signatory of the Department for Transport’s ‘Operation Zero’, we want to see zero emission CTVs deployed in the North Sea by 2025, and this project will help make that vison a reality.” 

Artemis Technologies will also develop and deliver an EF-24 CTV operator training course, and undertake data collection and analysis to understand how the vessel operates in a range of conditions and locations. 

Onshore charging infrastructure will provide overnight vessel charging, enabling the EF-24 CTV to perform a full commercial operation cycle.   

Leo Hambro, Commercial Director of Tidal Transit, commented: “This initiative marks a pivotal step towards decarbonising offshore wind operations and maintenance. By demonstrating the real-life application of electric CTVs, together with Artemis Technologies and ORE Catapult, we’re paving the way towards a truly transformative low-carbon solution.  

This project will not only help increase vessel operational capacities and deliver real value to both CTV operators and windfarm developers, but it will also help the offshore wind industry meet its increasingly crucial net zero targets.” 

Maritime Minister Lord Davies said:  “Unlocking a sustainable maritime sector and the economic growth it provides relies on cutting edge technology to propel it to the next level. The voyage to sustainability demands bold investments to not just deliver greener shipping but highly skilled jobs across the UK.  

“Transformative solutions can help shape the future landscape of the maritime industry and support jobs in coastal communities.” 

144481JEC Group
TDL Technique launches its new range of untwisted flax fiber roving at JEC World 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Those rovings can be used to produce main fabric types and can be implemented according to common composites implementation processes with current thermoset or thermoplastic resins. Parallelized, untwisted fibers allow an easy and better impregnation.

Besides, the mechanical properties of flax fibers are preserved during the implementation process. The range is composed of 200 to 1000 Tex rovings, either made of 100 % flax fibers or flax fibers comingled with thermoplastic resin filaments specifically developed for mass production thermocompression processes.

The main applications are sectors looking for carbon footprint reduction, lightening and vibration management solutions.

Meet Terre de Lin (TDL Technique) at JEC World 2024, hall 5, booth C67.

143962JEC Group
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024: here are the 11 winners Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:17:00 +0000 Read more]]> The competition is open to any company, university or R&D Center with a compelling collaborative innovation or concept to showcase. The success of participants is closely tied to partnerships and collective intelligence. Beyond being a ceremony, these awards serve as a platform to spotlight potentially undisclosed projects, offering inspiration and motivation to an expert audience eager to explore new frontiers.

After pre-selection of the 33 finalists, one winner has been named in each of the 11 categories by an international jury representing the entire composites value chain:
• Hüseyin ATES, CTO & Compounding BU Leader, Kordsa
• Pr. Alan BANKS, Innovation & Industrial Engagement Supervisor, Ford Motor Company
• Pr. Christophe BINETRUY, Professor, Centrale Nantes / Nantes Université
• Tamara BLANCO, Composite Materials & Processes Engineer & Expert, Airbus
• Dale BROSIUS, Executive VP/Chief Commercialization Officer, IACMI – The Composite Institute
• Michel COGNET, Chairman of the Board, JEC
• Dr. Karl-Heinz FÜLLER, Manager Future Exterior and Materials, Mercedes-Benz
• Dr. Sung HA, Professor, Hanyang University
• Guy LARNAC, Technical Domain Coordinator for Materials, Structures and Industrialization JTFR, Ariane Group
• Pr. Véronique MICHAUD, Head of Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites (LPAC), EPFL
• Pr. Kiyoshi UZAWA, Professor/Director, Innovative Composite Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

The awards ceremony took place in Paris on February 8th, 2024.

Discover the winners!

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JEC Composites Innovation Awards partner

Category Aerospace – Parts

CFRP lattice satellite central tube

Company: ATG Europe (Netherlands)
ÉireComposites Teo (Ireland)
Description: ATG Europe has developed a one-shot manufacturing process for uninterrupted prepreg fibre-placed lattice structures that aim to replace current satellite central tube designs. These cylindrical lattice structures offer optimal structural functionality at a reduced mass. This innovation included the design, development and manufacture of a fully representative CFRP lattice central tube based on requirements for ESA’s PLATO satellite, including all necessary interface zones. Thermoset pre-preg carbon fibre tows and patches were manually laid-up onto a mandrel, consolidated and cured in an autoclave in a single step to form one integral part. The primary interface to the launcher structure was provided by a one-piece aluminium interface ring, which was assembled to the lattice cylinder through a hybrid joint.
Key benefits:
• One-shot manufacturing process
• Structural efficiency and significant mass savings
• Uninterrupted pre-preg fibres leading to optimised structural performance
• High specific stiffness
• Reduced manufacturing time and cost
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Category Aerospace – Process

EmpowerAX – Additive functionalisation

German Aerospace Center 1

Company: German Aerospace Center (Germany)
Partners: 9T Labs AG (Switzerland), Airtech Europe (Luxembourg), Ansys Switzerland GmbH (Switzerland), CEAD B.V. (Netherlands), Ensinger GmbH (Germany), Fiberthree GmbH (Germany), FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria), Hans Weber Maschinenfabrik GmbH / WEBER additive (Germany), PRIME aerostructures GmbH (Austria), Siemens AG (Germany), Suprem SA (Switzerland), SWMS Systemtechnik Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Description: The EmpowerAX Demo Part is a multi-curved thermoset shell additively functionalised with short and continuous fibre- reinforced elements realised by DLR and 12 EmpowerAX members. It demonstrates the industrially available process chain for Additive Functionalisation. The EmpowerAX Demo Part showcases the concept of Additive Functionalisation and its industrially available process chain. It is a collaborative project within DLR Innovation Lab EmpowerAX where DLR and twelve industrial players – from design and simulation experts over CAD-CAM specialists to printing and material suppliers – joined forces to demonstrate the capability of overprinting a multi-curved thermoset shell with high-performance, short- and continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic material. Cost-efficient composite manufacturing is combined with the high agility and design freedom of additive manufacturing.
Key benefits:
• Cost-efficient composite manufacturing
• Overprinting of a multi-curved shell
• Combining thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers
• Short & continuous fibre-reinforced materials
• Industrially available process chain
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation –Parts

Monolithic CFRP-aluminum monocoque: A novel approach for carbon neutrality

Company: Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc (Japan), Toyota Customizing & Development Co., Ltd. (Japan), TISM Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Description: A full-scale variable axial CFRP-aluminum semi-monocoque was designed, fabricated, and evaluated. It showed a 15% weight reduction with minimal fibre waste (4%) and assembly cost. This technology aims to improve carbon neutrality through the effective use of carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRPs). The technology creates 3D monolithic CFRP-aluminum structures by integrating anisotropic topology optimization, Turing pattern fibre path generation, tailored fibre placement and nano uneven anodization bonding, to optimize fibre function and material utilization. A semi-monocoque prototype demonstrates the potential for weight reduction in large 3D structures with complex topology using large fibre tow (50K) placed on 5 km of design paths with only 4% fibre waste.
Key benefits:
• Full-lifecycle carbon neutrality
• Weight reduction
• Minimized fibre waste and assembly cost
• Optimized material usage
• Advanced manufacturing process
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Category Automotive & Road Transportation – Process

Reactive PA6 pultrusion: Boost for TP composites

Company: Röchling Automotive SE (Germany)
Partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Germany), Röchling Industrial SE & Co. KG – Haren (Germany)
Description: Reactive thermoplastic pultrusion enables the production of cost-effective and highly resilient automotive components. The profiles are integrated in the final part by injection or compression molding. The PA6-based composites allows simple recycling in without dismantling. The innovation is the use of in-situ pultruded PA6GF profiles for cost-efficient composite parts in the automotive industry. The combination of a highly efficient production for the reinforcement elements by using continuous pultrusion with state-of-the-art injection molding allows a production at low cycle time and costs. The achievable fibre content of the pultruded profiles is higher than for alternative reinforcements and due to the same plastic material for injection molding and the pultruded profiles, the whole part can be recycled without any dismantling operations.
Key benefits:
• Cheap processes and raw materials
• Sustainable – Just a single polymer
• Strong by design and reinforcements
• Light due to material savings
• Flexible use in diverse applications
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Category Building & Civil Engineering

RENCO MCFR (Mineral Composite Fibre Reinforced)

Company: RENCO USA (USA)
Arquitectonica (USA), Catalyst Communications (USA), Coastal Construction (USA), DeSimone Consulting Engineers (USA), DeVit Consulting. Inc. (USA)
Description: RENCO MCFR is a state-of-the-art structural building system comprised of interlocking composite building units of various types and sizes of blocks, columns, beams, joists, headers, decking, connectors, etc. These products are all adhesively joined (chemically bonded) to form monolithic structures. RENCO products are manufactured with naturally occurring raw materials and newly composed materials from recycled products in an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. Yet it is economical, easy to work with, fast to construct, has superior strength and requires no maintenance after construction, EVER! The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has verified and listed our Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
Key benefits
• Less costly than a comparable wood, concrete, or steel structure.
• Stronger-passed ASTM and TAS Standards; able to withstand Cat 5 hurricane winds.
• Faster – No shoring, formwork, bracing or waiting for related inspectors
• Lighter – Similar in weight to a wood structure and 1/4 the weight of concrete.
• Fire, water, and pest resistant. Easy to build with.
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Category Circularity & Recycling

Emphasizing to enhance material property by sizing


Company: B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK)
Autotech Engineering (Gestamp) (UK), B&M Longworth (Edgworth) Ltd (UK), Brunel University London (UK), EMS-Grivory (UK), Ford Motor Company (UK), Gen2Plank Ltd (UK), TWI Ltd (UK)
Description: The creation of ‘glassene’ a brand new, advanced material with price-point close to glass and performance to rival some carbon fibre, with impressively low LCA. Promotes structural reuse of composites on a mass scale. EMPHASIZING aims to create a new advanced material with price close to glass fibre, performance to rival some carbon fibre and impressive LCA. GRP from a range of sources (wind, marine, fibre production) reclaimed as 100% clean glass by DEECOM® pressolysis. The fibres are chopped into 6mm lengths before a range of sizing chemistries are considered, assessed, and tested; then compounded with polyamide thermoset and injection moulded; creating a mass production, structural component, tested against the steel counterpart and with a characterisation data card.
Key benefits:
• Global GRP waste solution
• Enables wind/marine/glass fibre industries to have ‘zero waste from composites’
• Creates a new, green, low cost advanced material to directly displace virgin
• Recyclate can go back into industries looking to decarbonise = circularity
• Addresses the current advanced materials imbalance of demand vs supply
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Category Digital, AI & Data

Wind turbine blade executable digital twin


Company: ReliaBlade (Denmark)
CEKO Sensors (Denmark), FORCE Technology (Denmark), Siemens Industry Software (SISW) (Belgium), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), Zebicon (Denmark)
Description: The wind turbine blade executable Digital Twin combines a reduced-order model with live sensor signal to assess structural performance in real-time. Physical and virtual sensors combined is key to perform Structural Health Monitoring. The 12.6m wind turbine blade is manufactured using a conventional vacuum infusion process at DTU BladeLab. Non-crimp UD and BIAX fibreglass fabrics, sandwich core material and root inserts are placed as dry layup in the molds. Subsequently, vacuum infusion processes are conducted for each of the parts using an epoxy resin system. After the shells and webs have been infused and fully cured, the two airfoil shells and shear webs are bonded together using epoxy adhesive before the blade is trimmed.
Key benefits:
• Live monitoring of blade deformations
• Live monitoring of loads and remaining life
• Predictive maintenance assessment
• Remote monitoring and health assessment
• Model error reduction
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Category Equipment, Machinery & Heavy Industries

Maximum mass reduction of cutting tools


Company: Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf (Germany)
Leitz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Description: A new modular cutting tool for woodworking machine is developed exploiting the mechanical advantages of CFRP. More than 50 % weight reduction and an increase in working speed of over 50 % is achieved. Instead of replacing the metallic tool body with CFRP, new design principles were analyzed using numerical simulation. Following the principle of optimal load sharing, the virtual development resulted in a modular tool design, with triangular components that absorb the centrifugal forces and an outer shell that accommodates the bending and torsional loads. Load optimized orientation of carbon fibres leads to maximum stiffness and strength of the tool body. The final result features maximum weight reduction and increased productivity without compromising product quality.
Key benefits:
• Modular lightweight design with CFPR parts can replace standard cutting tools.
• New design exploits fibre strength and stiffness leading to rigid tools.
• Over 50% mass reduction and 50% higher speed and productivity possible.
• Scalability of design leads to a high application range.
• Usage with standard adapter and cutting knives, high processing accuracy.
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Category Maritime Transportation & Shipbuilding


DJI_0235TomVanOossanen- Oceanwings

Company: AYRO (France)
Partners: Alizés (France), Jifmar Offshore Services (France), Zéphyr et Borée (France), Neptune Marine (Pays-Bas), VPLP Design (France), ArianeGroup (France)
Description: OceanWings® is a patented, automated, self-raising and lowering vertical wingsail system that enables newbuild or existing ships to reduce their fuel consumption and resulting carbon footprint by up to 50%. The challenges of our technology include the wing’s ability to withstand winds of up to 100 knots, while ensuring the proper functioning of its operations: automatic orientation in relation to the wind, adjustable camber, reefable and furlable. Structure is therefore essential to meet these challenges. At AYRO, we have chosen to use composite materials to a large extent in the construction of our wingsails, for their high mechanical strength and lightweight.
Key benefits
• Up to 50% of fuel savings
• Automated and passive system
• Dimensioned for harsh sea environmental conditions
• Reefable and furlable system
• Adapted to new-build and retrofitted ships
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Category Renewable Energies

Blade circularity solution

Company: Vestas Wind Systems A/S (Denmark)
Vestas (Denmark), Olin (Germany), Aarhus University (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), Stena Recycling (Denmark and Sweden)
Description: CETEC’s Blade Circularity Solution renders epoxy-based turbine blades circular without altering the material’s design or composition. It employs a chemical process breaking down epoxy resin into virgin-grade materials, establishing a circular economy for blade manufacturing.
Our innovation redefines circularity for epoxy-based turbine blades. It precisely separates glass, carbon fibres, core material, metal components, and resin for dedicated recycling, optimizing reuse and enhancing circular value chains. Featuring cutting-edge chemcycling, it breaks down epoxy resin into chemical monomers, ensuring recycled materials achieve virgin-grade properties. Emphasizing sustainability, it operates efficiently using non-toxic, standardized chemicals with minimal energy input. Tailored for conventional epoxy-based turbine blades, it addresses an industry gap, supported by waste handlers’ interest and ongoing industrial scaling, promising swift lab-to-large-scale implementation.
Key benefits:
• Circularity for epoxy-based composite material
• Recyclability without modifying design
• New sustainable raw material source
• Strengthening the wind industry’s sustainability proposition
• Immediate scalability and mature recycling value streams
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Category Sports, Leisure & Recreation

Green snowboard with A.L.D.-tech.®

Company: silbaerg GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) (Germany), bto-epoxy GmbH (Austria), Circular MTC e.V. (Germany), SachsenLeinen GmbH (Germany)
Description: Snowboard with patented anisotropic coupling effect (A.L.D.-tech.®) made out of hemp and recycled carbon fibres with bio-based epoxy resin. The innovation is the application of the Dry-Fibre-Placement (DFP) for the production of hybrid hemp and recycled carbon fibre (rCF) snowboard preforms. The process was currently only used to process continuous virgin carbon fibres. Thanks to the excellent material properties of the hemp tape and the directional rCF nonwovens, both materials can be processed automatically using DFP. This saves 75% of cutting waste of the hemp fibres and uses the cutting waste of our carbon fibre snowboards to save costs and reduces the CO2 footprint.
Key benefits:
• Green snowboard based on hemp fibres and recycled carbon nonwoven
• Using of dry-fibre-placement for waste-reduced production
• Unidirectional or high-orientated semi-finished textiles for perfect properties circular economy for high-performance snowboards made of virgin carbon fibre
• Green economy for the green snowboard by using bio-based epoxy
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JEC World 2024
March 5-7 – Paris Nord Villepinte

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